Pioneer Little Europe and The Perils of Cyberracialism

pioneer-little-europe-facebook-pageA few days ago, the SPLC released the latest issue of its “Intelligence Report,” which contained a headline article by Mark Potok called “Hate and Antigovernment ‘Patriot’ Groups Down As Activism Shifts To Cyberspace.” The gist of the article is that White Nationalists have been abandoning real world groups and activities in favor of the safety and anonymity of the internet.

Potok writes:

“There is also evidence that large numbers of extremists have left organized groups because of the high social cost of being known to affiliate with them. Many of those people apparently now belong to no group, but operate instead mainly on the Internet, where they can offer their opinions anonymously and easily find others who agree with them – and where they can be heard by huge numbers of people without the hassles, dues and poor leadership associated with membership in most groups. At the same time, those with violent criminal inclinations are increasingly opting to act as lone wolves or in very small cells, not connected to organized larger groups, which is another, smaller factor in the decline of these groups. …

Some analysts have suggested that posting extremist material actually lessens violence, serving as a kind of safety valve for people who might otherwise engage in terrorism or, at least, real-world movement-building activity. And there is probably some truth in that – most “keyboard commandos” don’t accomplish much.”

Who could argue with that?

For the last 15 years, the White Nationalist movement has been dominated by the internet. I’ve seen the march toward cyberspace progress from a single vBulletin forum, to multiple vBulletin forums and Yahoo groups, to WordPress blogs and podcasts, and most recently, to popular social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. White Nationalists have gone whole hog into the internet. To cite two noteworthy milestones, American Renaissance ceased its print publication in 2012, and David Duke now spends his time begging his followers to save his YouTube channel.

While the internet sector has surged over the last twenty years, there has been a corresponding decline in real world activity. From an organizational and leadership standpoint, most pro-White groups in the United States are weaker today than they were in the 1990s. There are fewer events in the real world. There are fewer people showing up at protests and conferences. The taboos against White racial consciousness are stronger than ever before. Political correctness has grown much worse in my lifetime. We live in a much more hostile political climate.

Needless to say, I incline toward the view that the internet has had a largely negative impact on the White Nationalist movement. I wasn’t planning to write anything about the SPLC report until an incident which happened yesterday that put all the negative aspects of cyberracialism right back into the spotlight.

This concerns a Facebook page called “Pioneer Little Europe”:


I can’t remember why I “liked” this page on Facebook … it probably popped up as a suggestion in my newsfeed, and I subscribed to it because other people I know had “liked” it too, and I generally support the PLE concept of likeminded people settling down in the same area to raise their children in a community that supports their racial and religious values. At a glance, it seemed harmless enough.


That was my impression until these hysterical posts from “Pioneer Little Europe” started popping up in my newsfeed. The person who runs this page was angry because Thomas Buhls had deleted a Facebook share on the Trad Youth page – and because of something as trivial and ridiculous as a minor internet disagreement, he immediately jumped to the conclusion that Trad Youth was in cahoots with the SPLC, is being run by “Zionists” as a “controlled opposition,” and that the group’s symbol has something to do with the House of Rothschild because of a superficial resemblance.

I chimed in to point out that I have known Matt in real life for years, that he is a dedicated activist, that he isn’t a “Zionist,” and that he is married to a different woman who is the daughter of another well known pro-White activist. It’s true that he used to be much more moderate than he is now. Like many people, his views changed over time as he learned more about these issues. None of this seemed to matter, however, because someone was still butthurt over a deleted Facebook share:


In an exchange of over 300 Facebook comments, it got to the point where the admin of “Pioneer Little Europe” was repeatedly using vulgarity and bashing the appearance of Matt’s wife, and was creepily posting pics of various young women who had sent in photos to support the PLE concept. What’s more, the anonymous person who runs this Facebook page doesn’t appear to be involved in any real world PLE community at all, and has no association with the Pioneer Little Europe website.


He is fond of calling himself a “Ghost Activist.”

If you are wondering what the hell is a “Ghost Activist,” the term refers to an anonymous person who trolls other people on Facebook and attempts to game the Facebook reporting system to get their page shutdown. Apparently, he has already done this to the “This Is Europa” page, which is another pro-White Facebook page with thousands of “likes” which he has labeled “Zionist” for some reason or another.


The “Fuck WNs” and “PLE is a joke” communities approve this message.

Why shouldn’t they? The anonymity of the internet has exacerbated the fear, paranoia, and extreme individualism that has paralyzed the White Nationalist movement. It has given a platform and an audience to anonymous trolls to sow discord and division. It has severed the bonds of trust that naturally form through real world relationships, eliminated leadership and structures of authority, and has replaced it all with an atomized scene in cyberspace where anonymous strangers try and fail to pool their resources on the basis of shared commitment to an abstract ideology. Across the board, it has made us weaker and less likely to assert ourselves in any collective effort.

Don’t get me wrong: the internet has huge potential as a medium for spreading our message around the censors in the mainstream media. We couldn’t ask for a better fundraising, networking, and organizing tool. If the internet had been used properly, it would have been a huge boon to the pro-White cause, but that’s not what has happened. It has never been easier to connect with other likeminded people. Yet the paradox is that we have never been more isolated and disorganized.

In the real world, PLEs should be able to cut out much of the bile in the White Nationalist movement by restoring face-to-face relationships in a community setting. That’s not going to happen though by setting up Facebook pages of purely anonymous, internet-based “Ghost Activists” for the purpose of trolling and spreading rumors about other pro-White activists. Instead, that will contribute to and exacerbate a preexisting problem, and it will likely tarnish the reputation of the PLE concept in the process.

Caveat emptor. Steer clear of this Facebook page.

About Hunter Wallace 12408 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. What is ghosting someone?

    He are some basic guidelines for the internet

    1) Never, ever argue with an anonymous person. If someone attacks you anonymously. Either don’t respond, or say “who are you?”

    The internet is full of anonymous people attacking other people. You just make yourself look like an idiot when you fight with an anonymous internet troll.

  2. I have no idea who this is but they certainly don’t represent real PLE. For all we know this is some person who is deliberately causing trouble. Much of the point of PLE is to get us off the internet and networking in real life. Posting every thing we do as well as updates and “what works and what doesn’t work” only helps our enemies because it’s obvious that every person who thinks he knows what to do won’t take my advice anyway (like Leith for instance). Keep in mind, just because it’s not posted on the internet doesn’t mean it isn’t happening.

  3. I don’t know. I follow that PLE group and enjoy most of that page’s posts. I only dislike the in-fighting among different alt-right groups — but then, that’s something that I dislike universally in the alt right. I do wish that we could all just live and let live and focus all of our contempt on the Cultural Marxists. As long as a group isn’t pro-Jew, I don’t care whether it’s Christian or pagan or secular or whatever, and those religious squabbles tend to be the biggest fault lines in the alt right.

  4. We couldn’t ask for a better fundraising, networking, and organizing tool. If the internet had been used properly, it would have been a huge boon to the pro-White cause, but that’s not what has happened. It has never been easier to connect with other likeminded people. Yet the paradox is that we have never been more isolated and disorganized.

    This might sound a little odd and somewhat contradicting, but in order to build a viable network that can sustain itself in a hostile environment where diversity(racial) is used as a battering ram against you, you have to find ways to incorporate your own type of diversity. Things always seem a little stale and stagnant because everyone tends to try to surround themselves with other people who think and act exactly like they do. If someone doesn’t understand that White people truly are the most diverse race on the planet, then they probably don’t need to label themselves simply as White Nationalists. Pick something a little more specific.

    The whole siege mentality that most pro-White people have is what is holding everything back. The Internet, with all of its drama and bullshit, just brings everything to the surface much quicker than if you were to have true interpersonal relationships. The asshole on the Internet is probably going to be an asshole in person. You’re just experiencing the BS at warp speed.

    Where are all of the meetings and get-togethers? Why aren’t there properly organized regional and local events that emphasis real community rather than just relying on protests or annual conferences to network and build bonds? Who can I call if I have personal problems or need some kind of general help? What group can I contact if I want to donate food or clothing to needy White families? Why am I never sincerely asked for my views or input? Why does it seem like I’m just a personal ATM for “leaders” who never seem to lead anything that actually benefits me or my family?

    Sincere Question:

    How many people do you think you could get together in one spot? I’m not talking about a protest or conference or anything like that. I’m just strictly talking about a monthly type of gathering where people of the pro-White persuasion hang out and relax for a day.

    • It would depend on a number of variables: the location, openness to meeting other people in real life, willingness of someone to take charge and organize such an event, work schedules, and driving distance.

  5. Hi April.

    Is this THE April in Kalispell Montana?

    I am a great fan of April G. I was the lone positive call in when you were on Alan Colmes about the White dating site.

    I also made the music video of L & L featuring the music of The Go Gos “stop telling lies”.

  6. I had noticed an escalating series of posts about “ghost activism” popping up in my newsfeed, but I hadn’t paid much attention to it until yesterday. It all came to a head when he accused Trad Youth of being a puppet of the Rothschilds. That was so ridiculous and over the top that it caught my eye.

  7. Sadly all of White Nationalism is dominated by a loud minority of obnoxious types. It is the reason that while I support the concept of saving our folk, and ending discrimination of it… I am done with WN. It is too negative. In most cases it is all about complaining, not coming up with real solutions. In many cases complaining about things that happened because a person was obnoxious, and had nothing to do with race, gender, or anything else.

    Here in Kalispell… some jackass, David Lenio, a “WN”.. used Twitter to threaten school children. He is very lucky I didn’t know him, and had never met him. I would have not only been the one to call the cops, but would have held him at gunpoint until they got to him if need be.

    The guy was never associated with the PLE here, thank the gods… but does enough harm just having claimed to be a WN…. and having lived here.

    The past 10 years have been a good experience overall. I regret nothing. But there is more to life than hysterics and complaining all the time. Normal people don’t want to be around trolls and Debbie Downer/Negative Nancy types… normal people don’t get that upset when a person deletes a FB share.

    Pretty much for me now I am going to focus on getting through college, getting my homestead, my busibess…. and enjoying the real world. As a folkish Odinist I will always love my folk, and do what I can for our folk to not be treated as 2nd class citizens. But, sadly WN is starting to show why it doesn’t work… too many flawed people that don’t realize they are flawed…. they drown out the good people.


  8. Just assume that the variables include a safe and private location that is centered at a point between you and most of the people that you would feel would likely attend. Assume it would be on a weekend, and you would have to take at least a minor role in organizing everything. Could you fill up a 100-150 lodge or rental property?

  9. Mjodr wrote

    Sadly all of White Nationalism is dominated by a loud minority of obnoxious types. It is the reason that while I support the concept of saving our folk, and ending discrimination of it… I am done with WN. It is too negative. In most cases it is all about complaining, not coming up with real solutions. In many cases complaining about things that happened because a person was obnoxious, and had nothing to do with race, gender, or anything else.

    That’s because WN is now nothing more than irrational internet bitching about Jews. While Dark Enlightenment (DE/NRx) has its own problems, I’ll defend it eight days out of seven every week before I defend WN.

    It’s also why I don’t participate in WN internet banter (though I’m being redundant there). My comments insofar as our sphere of the internet goes are almost entirely here on OD and on AR, and it’s no coincidence that both are highly moderated and not everything-goes media. And of course I write posts for my own blog. I’ll also sometimes write comments on conservative not quite nationalist blogs that dog whistle our way of thinking if not say it directly; surprisingly, I sometimes wind up having a top rated comment on an Instapundit thread. Then there’s the matter of fact that I just don’t have that much time to do these sorts of things, so I’m not going to waste it on vitriolic flame wars and internet roasts that will accomplish nothing and mean nothing.

    HW wrote:

    The anonymity of the internet has exacerbated the fear, paranoia, and extreme individualism that has paralyzed the White Nationalist movement. It has given a platform and an audience to anonymous trolls to sow discord and division. It has severed the bonds of trust that naturally form through real world relationships, eliminated leadership and structures of authority, and has replaced it all with an atomized scene in cyberspace where anonymous strangers try and fail to pool their resources on the basis of shared commitment to an abstract ideology. Across the board, it has made us weaker and less likely to assert ourselves in any collective effort.

    If I didn’t know any better, I would think that you were describing a democratic republic. Then again, maybe the internet has the same effect on activism that democratic republics have on cultures and societies as a whole and publicly traded corporations have on the business world.


    The admin of the Pioneer Little Europe page has identified himself as “Pale Horse.” Ring any bells?

    Bill Cooper?

  10. Very well said Scott.

    Please come back here, I think that you will find that Hunter and others run a great place and have taken solid steps to prevent the counter productive negativity you described.

    Also, League of the South events are well led, well attended, people look good and act good. One of the key signs of success is that our demos, activism attracts healthy women, are family oriented – not just angry males.

    Take care brother.

    PS. Have you read any of my/our OD articles?

  11. Caveat emptor. Steer clear of this Facebook page.

    I would go further. Steer clear of Facebook.

    Before Facebook, bloggers had to have at least a modicum of smarts to use the tools, and establish a presence. Now, anybody can have a FB page. As your sample above shows, it attracts some very mediocre intelligences.

    As I have commented elsewhere, the Facebook crowd is a population self-selected for vapidity. Twitter, likewise.

  12. A Winter Retreat sounds like a great idea. If you ever get to the point where you start putting a team together to make things like that happen, then be sure to let me know.

  13. I think that all of us who are activists should join together for a retreat sometime. Real world activism is where you make real connections, real friendships and in my case of Brad, myself and many others you can also find your spouse through meeting together and working in person, not just bickering on the internet.

    Another good example why real world activism is the only way we will make a real movement. The internet is a tool just like literature or a banner, it cannot become the movement or else it isn’t even a movement anymore.

  14. “The gist of the article is that White Nationalists have been abandoning real world groups and activities in favor of the safety and anonymity of the internet.”

    The phony jewsmedia is much less real than the internet. Even so, it’s had a decisive impact on the real world. Jewish control over the mass media is what made non-white mass immigration possible. The internet is having an impact in the real world too.

    If not for the internet, lots of nationalists wouldn’t even know about the jews. I wouldn’t know anything about it. It is much harder to do effective political work if you don’t know where the problem comes from.

    “because of something as trivial and ridiculous as a minor internet disagreement, he immediately jumped to the conclusion that Trad Youth was in cahoots with the SPLC, is being run by “Zionists” as a “controlled opposition”

    That is actually an argument for restricting yourself to internet anonymous activism. It is much safer. It protects you from jewish things like the SPLC and their antifa thuggish friends. Anyway, you don’t need WN circles to strike friendships with other white people.

  15. Pale Horse claims to have invented ghost activism and takes credit for things that Im not sure he did. He says he got Wisconsin’s work laws changed, all by himself by making a few phone calls. The amount of money that goes to lobbyists is astronomical but this joker thinks he did it with his FB page. How can a WN mock a White woman who is having babies, the whole point of WN?
    Why can he make fun of everyone’s appearance? No one has seen his.
    The word around town, from another source:
    Atlee Yarrow was the public admin of that page, he was out, public, did real world activism, etc. However, he let this pale hose moron run the page after the first few months. It started out as a Leith, ND page, you can see the partner page is called Leith, ND. His son Joe might be behind a few posts. Pale horse is either Daniel McMahon, or David Jarosz. David’s profession might be nursing.
    Anyway, I think the leaders of OD, LOS, TYN should speak to Atlee, he will know best.
    Daniel has some scary stuff online, he called a family restaurant and threatened to bring a gun, he was bullied as a kid, now he lifts and although PLE doesn’t condone violence, he will meet any of you face to face for an MMA style cage match – except he wants to remain anonymous so he won’t meet you for that fight. The horse once posted some graphic imagery of sick babies (non White) When people, WNs, asked him why he was so happy about the sick babies, he banned them, said they were too soft for WN. I guess Pale Horse would get along great with child murderers.

    Anyone following the page, you could see it was going to this loser’s head. Girls sent pics, he got more likes, if you didn’t bow down, you were banned, reported, etc.

    (Please edit any part of this post you see fit. Best of Luck for your upcoming event)

  16. And I was just wondering the other week, what had ‘happened’ to the PLE concept.

    Well, now I know.

    I, for one, would like to meet Matt H. and HW someday.

  17. I went against my better judgement and looked at the Facebook page. I would give that implosion a wide berth. I’ve seen those exact same type of self-absorbed sociopaths plenty of times before. That “PLE” couldn’t be more caustic and damaging to anything pro-White if Sharpton, Potok & Beirich were to be heading up the welcoming committee.

    This isn’t a popularity contest. I take what I do very seriously.

    This juvenile either doesn’t seem to understand that Facebook is a popularity contest, or he’s batshit crazy and/or possibly antifa. And when you talk about how many people “like” your page and use those likes as a testament to your “activism,” and then going out of your way to get other people to “unlike” someone else, then how can you claim it’s not a popularity contest? That’s what he takes seriously?

    I can say Zio and attach it to everything negative in the world, and attach it to everything that doesn’t agree with me or gets in my way. Maybe I should contact Duke and see how he makes money off these rubes. I think I’m missing my calling.

  18. The PLE Facebook has nothing to do with the PLE concept, or any PLE out there… except maybe the Leith fiasco.

    I unsubscribed to it ages ago due to unrelated kookiness.

    One way you can tell, is that PLE is a location, not an org or a group. The Kalispell PLE itself is NW Montana. It is not a group in NW Montana.

    He seems to think PLE is an organization, which none are.

  19. As for me. I will occasionally still read up on the WN movement… usually with a chuckle about some oddball thing or another. Plus I do still have friends in it. But myself… I found myself drawn in a different direction…. more inward at this point. Our enemies are still our enemies… I have just realized in do many cases just because I share an enemy with some, that doesn’t make them my friend.. .. and in many cases, they really are even worse than our enemies.

    I try to to paint the WN movement with too broad of a brush, the defective are a ninority. The problem is they are loud and obnoxious. I believe in quality, and right now there are too many low-quality people around.

    Much better to just do my own thing. Move on from the WN movement and feel happy. Or, as my roommates, who are all still WN say…. annoyingly happy.

  20. I don’t trust Facebook, and I think it is the source of a lot of cyber crime such as identity theft, and cyber related crime like burglary. Facebook is continually asking you to post more information about yourself, and, I notice tons of personal information that people post to their Facebook because they have been prompted to post it, or they have volunteered the information to Facebook.

  21. The Internet IS being used for good in our movement. There is no point to focus in like a laser on the sociopath’s and psychos which ALSO exist on the left.

    Potok attacks us while ignoring his own movements nuts and wackjobs. Our writers and leaders should be doing the same. You should NEVER be agreeing with Potok on anything – ever. You should be attacking the left and their movements wackos – the left is FULL of them and they are calling for violence constantly.

    WN leaders and writers tend to love to run down their own movement. You never see Potok writing about all the weirdos and bad people on the left and what they should do to clean up their movement – I only see people on the right do this.

  22. Notice the SPLC lumps in small-government activists, tea-party libertarians, and other patriots in with WNs as haters and “terrorists”. This is not a coincidence.

  23. @Ulfric
    “WN leaders and writers tend to love to run down their own movement. You never see Potok writing about all the weirdos and bad people on the left and what they should do to clean up their movement – I only see people on the right do this.”

    That’s because Potok is a professional and our side are amateurs and yahoos for the most part. There I did it as well. 😉

    Mjodr says:
    March 17, 2015 at 12:52 am

    “Much better to just do my own thing. Move on from the WN movement and feel happy. Or, as my roommates, who are all still WN say…. annoyingly happy.”

    I call myself pro white and do something pro white every day. No need to call yourself WN, or anything else. It makes it very simple.

  24. TJ

    You’re right, that’s not a coincidence. That’s a function of leftist paranoia mashed up with SPLC fundraising agitprop.

  25. “Ulfric says:
    March 17, 2015 at 3:28 am
    The Internet IS being used for good in our movement. There is no point to focus in like a laser on the sociopath’s and psychos which ALSO exist on the left.

    Potok attacks us while ignoring his own movements nuts and wackjobs. Our writers and leaders should be doing the same. You should NEVER be agreeing with Potok on anything – ever. ”

    Jack responds:

    I disagree. We should be honest and fair about what is working and what isn’t working – who is good at something, who is not good at something.

    Hunter and I and the League of the South in general, are getting solid feedback that we are being successful (although in smaller ways), we are avoiding the very blatant failures of the Internet only WN lunacies.

    One simple, easier to understand THING TO DO is to have discipline on things like comment sections. Unmoderated comment sections are a recipe for typical, same old, same old MOVEMENT chaos, failure.

    Our goal should always be to do things right, even if they are small things.

  26. The TV and radio devastated whites: One way communication.

    Previously we had talked amongst ourselves. And we had much more of a community. Today, we’re all transient individuals, all but global citizens.

    The Internet is not the cause of problems today. White groups were already nearly dead before the Internet arrived. Activists were old or consisted of a few children of old activists. The Internet brought in life.

    Blame the television, the radio, the increasing transience of our societies, and how increasingly more work for a large business or for government (cog in the machine), rather than for a small business or owning their own business. Do not blame the Internet.

  27. I remember an article written by Chilton Williamson Jr. (I think) on how few readers even understand what community is. In the past we’d hear the views of locals. There might be papers and books, but it was locals who influenced each other.

    The Internet brought back our voice somewhat. It is a step forward towards the past where we had community and a voice.

  28. However bad things are today, if it weren’t for the Internet they would be worse.

    Hunter Wallace would likely have become a card carrying libertarian and loyal member of the GOP. Never having been exposed to the Internet, he would have most likely become a sheeple, just as the education system and mass media directed him to become.

    It is only the Internet that likely saved any of us from this dreadful fate.

    • Not me.

      I was like this before I began to follow online forums. There was never a point in my life when I “woke up.” I’ve never believed in equality. Growing up around so many blacks, I guess. I could just never believe it in light of my experiences. I’ve never seen any evidence that I am wrong.

  29. I was the same, but I did get pretty confused at times, misdirected. The only normal thinker I had access to was my grandfather, which isn’t to say I was isolated. I’d at times pretend to be mainstream, and my thinking would, to some extent, actually become mainstream.

    Anyway I have huge respect for your willingness to question things, think outside the box.

    I’d have been lost without “blood and soil” Buchanan and then Chronicles, the books they recommended. I like to talk down to libertarians, but I lucked out finding the paleos who, for whatever reason, thought it in their interests to actually teach something like a real political education. It was Sam Francis and Dr. Fleming who gave me the courage to question capitalism. And yes, the paleos have their faults, but I benefited tremendously.

  30. The conservative movement, pre-Internet, was a disaster. We were led by people who were often little different from our Marxist opponents. You could see it was very difficult when Chronicles questioned capitalism in early 00s. No, I’m not all knowing in the capitalism debate. Maybe things were different, but that’s how they seemed to me, from what I read at the time.

    And the mass culture, pre-Internet, I was raised in was a wasteland, though porn wasn’t everywhere like it is now.

  31. I didn’t like the multicult, but grudgingly went along with it like most and the internet is what snapped me out of it. It was not anything pro whites did, it was masses of blacks on youtube jeering at whites, when Obama was made King. At that point the realization hit that anti-racism is a con.

  32. I use to think people like that could be useful, unfortunately it’s like talking to concrete. If it’s not vital to disagree and defend yourself, you’re much better off just agreeing with them till they shut up, particularly IRL makes the going easier with narcissistic sociopaths.

    If WN or say more the likes of a pro white party was to grow in popularity, it would make it much easier to out group the fringe elements, be it they come from the crazy left or right of field. Unfortunately the fringe will come out thick and strong right at the beginning of the rising of such a political party.


    What made you become a WN?

    Me? Well before the Leith incident I was not a WN. I was a person who didn’t not like the “Children of Diversity”, and before that I was a liberal Democrat. How did I transform? Well the only reason I was a liberal democrat is because I wanted cannabis to be legalized(And I still do). I thought they were the ones to make it happen and the Republicans(The Bush Neo-cons) were not. I was actually a huge activist for Cannabis legalization when I was younger. Now it’s happening and I don’t really care, I just support it and that’s that. Turns out Obama, despite smoking cannabis didn’t want to legalize it, even tho he smoked it. I mean… What a hypocrite right?(Bush did the same thing, I don’t like him either) Then I met some Republican friends who treated me better than the old liberal friends I had and the liberal friends were legit drug addicts and scumbags. Like they did hard drugs, and I didn’t really care for that. One day I asked my friends why they were republican, and why they didn’t like Obama and why Obamacare was bad, and my very nerdy and intelligent friend explained in detail everything wrong with Obama, and everything wrong with FDR as well. I then became Republican after I saw how bad Obama really was. I lost my like for the “children of diversity” when one of them pretended to be my friend and stole my car. I was pissed because it was the world’s shittiest car, I mean, it was an 89 Honda Civic and was ugly as fuck. Like what the hell would you steal that POS car? I also didn’t have it handed to me by my parents at 16 like some high school punks did. I worked long hours for that shitty thing, and it was a piece of shit and the ones who sold it to me were the “Children of Diversity” as well. A friend of mine who died in a car accident’s dad told me the truth about the “Children of Diversity” and why I should never trust them when I was getting my car back. The cops (one who was a Child of Diversity himself) also discriminated against me and tried to give my car away to the thugs who stole it, and weren’t even legal immigrants.(They were Haitian) I also had very bad date with a girl who is was one of the “Children of Diversity”. She was of Cuban and Mexican descent, but she had freckles and no accent, she was not bad looking but had a terrible attitude. She discriminated against me because I was European American. After this I could not trust the “Children of Diversity” anymore. I was still not a WN yet. I then dated a Jewish Atheist girl from Missouri who was a high school teacher and “aspiring author”. She discriminated against be because I was a conservative Christian and was a total bitch about it. That make me not like the “Chosen Ones” so much. What made me into a full blown WN was the Leith incident and how Craig Cobb was treated by trying to start a town for his folk. The fact that they arrested him even though he didn’t commit a crime and everything he did is a protected constitutional right, and they tried to murder his dog(I am an animal lover.) really pissed me off. I mean? What was the problem? If you think he’s “racist”, he’s in a town with 16 people. If you don’t like him why not avoid him and let him live in a Ghost Town like Leith? The bringing 300 aggressive people response was something I considered over the top and extreme. I also wanted to get away from where I live and live in a smell peaceful town, and those corrupt Leith officials ruined that for me. All those things added up to make transformation into a WN. The response by the Antifa did not discourage me, but only proved I made the right decision after I saw how they acted and the Tinley Park attack. I knew I needed to take a stand, so I become known as Pale Horse and started fighting for my people, and I never have been happier in my life. ~Pale Horse

  34. He doesn’t even know what a PLE is. When I first saw the page, update posts would say wierd things like we have 40 PLE’s in Brazil. I would think, wow, that is awesome. There are 40 places like Kalispell or Orania in Brazil? Fantastic. Then I read closer, he would takes the number of page visits per country and rank them, then make those silly updates, posts. I knew he didn’t do anything IRL but being brand new and joining because of Leith, then being handed the admin duties to a webpage that got attention because of real world activity – that is just crazy. I seriously think all of you with influence should get someone more responsible- less crazy – to take over the page. That way the interest in PLE remains, minus the psycho.
    I’m serious, this guy could be an unknowing troll. He damages from within, except he thinks he’s helping. In fact, he thinks he has accomplished a lot for Whites, but all he really seems to excel at is using the page to get pictures from girls. He keeps calling Matt tubby and then insults his wife? How can he still have admin privileges after insulting a pregnant White woman?

  35. Actually, I think that girl “discriminated” against him because he has the personality of feces. No be wants to be around shitty people.

    Just another in a long line of “WNs” that became that way because they are so shitty in personality, that women reject them.

    So yes. The whole reason he became a “WN” is because a Cuban-Mexican girl he went on a date with didn’t like him.


    Also, yeah… it is obvious he has never read the PLE prospectus. At the moment I am still involved in doing things with PLEr in Montana. My roomies and I are having a bonfire in our fire pit on the Vernal Equinox. Probably cooking elk or bison steaks, and we invited a person that just moved to town.

    That is PLE.

  36. If he is “older than Matt”… then boy there is some major arrested development going on. He acts like an elementary school girl.

  37. Hunter, who are you kidding? You got your start as an internet warhorse and you remain one today, as demonstrated by the links you’re posting using the pretext of providing comic relief.

    Regarding the internet and white interests:

    Information sharing: A+
    Political organizing: F

  38. This is the perfect example of why online activism is so important.

    This kind of schism would have happened in real life anyway. At least nobody was invested in it.

    This is part of an evolution that would be far more painstaking and brutal if weren’t online. Things that would have taken a hundred years to evolve now evolve in seconds. Battles that would have cost countless lives now disappear into cyberspace, with the language that started them now obvious red flags to those that follow.

    A leader will come. And the ground will be ready. Because of internet activism.

  39. Myself, The Good Christian, The Black Scorpion, and many many more have been shutting down PLE pages for well over a year. They are nothing more than a bunch of wannabe white nationalists who are mocked by people from Stormfront. These idiots are cowards and petulant children. They try to organize “anti Marxist” rallies where OTHER people (not them) will face consequences. Their spokes-coward makes big claims, but we have embarrassed them at every turn. They are nothing but basement dwelling losers who couldn’t rate in the real world.

  40. For those who may not be aware, a number of web sites and a few women in various countries have referred to themselves as “Pioneer Little Europe,” and they are free to do that because it’s a decentralized strategy of racial survival detailed out in the PLE Prospectus.

    It’s a situation like finding a bible in the drawer of a motel, or being handed a Marxist tract at a union meeting; for there is no one person available for a liability lawsuit, in contrast to what happened to Aryan Nations and the United Klans of America.

    Also, the PLEs in the real world – whether barely existing, firmly rooted, or collapsed – for Montana, North Dakota, California, Arkansas, various parts of the UK, and Sydney, are all entirely independent from each other and were raised up by different kinds of people; much as the story of the sower is told in the Christian New Testament.

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