About Hunter Wallace 12414 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Anyone know the name of that little McNugget that was trying to instigate by getting in people’s faces and telling everyone to get the F out?

  2. Idiot Lib Leftist Marxist “teachers” at State colleges, that’s always an issue that works great for US.

    Ronald Reagan became a Conservative hero for regular Whites for opposing the worst nonsense at U Cal Berkley. Regular Whites who work for a living despise these types.

  3. Our guys looked good here and showed courage, didn’t over react. We also did a good job of using video to make the Lib Left Marxist look bad.

    Good job.

  4. I agree with Jack Ryan on the apolitical attitude of most white guys at places like ASU.

    I attended ASU for three years back in the 1970’s. It was a party school and most of the white fraternity students were Business or Marketing majors and didn’t give a care about politics. It was all about football, drinking and women. And the frat guys threw some great parties.

    But even back then there was a political presence, especially among the Muslim students. I still remember their little booths and the literature they were offering. It was discreet and non-confrontational but it was there.

    It seems things are much worse now, but I’m not surprised. Good to see some whites pushing back.

  5. This shall be reposted on the White Information Network. That leftist fatso should be charged and arrested for making terroristic threats against peaceful protesters.

  6. Fantastic. They didn’t gave up the moral high ground and showed this Poe up as an anti-white and a cowardly opportunist. Did you see the point where Poe lost the crowd? Did you see it? Excellent!

  7. This is an example of what we ought to be seeing more of outside the South: small groups of pro-Whites taking the initiative, getting more confrontational, building regional networks and small cells of activists.

  8. Richard Poe isn’t your enemy. Your enemy is whites of the kind mentioned in comments above–the kind who are “spending most/all their time getting drunk at Frat parties.” Avoid encouraging them in any way.

  9. JB Phily writes:

    “Richard Poe isn’t your enemy. Your enemy is whites of the kind mentioned in comments above–the kind who are “spending most/all their time getting drunk at Frat parties.” Avoid encouraging them in any way.”

    Jack responds:

    No. Richard Poe and his kind ARE our enemies. The drunken Frat guys are simply “slackers”, AWOL in the fight.

  10. “The drunken Frat guys are simply ‘slackers’, AWOL in the fight.”

    No, Jack, you’re not seeing the problem. There is no “fight.” If you fight, you lose. You win by avoidance–by avoiding what weakens you. If you are strong, you have no enemies; they drop away.

    These non-men are not “simply ‘slackers'”; they’re race-death. I’ve been watching their kind since my first elementary-school years, half a century ago. Their view, as a friend of mine once remarked, is that their stupidity is an indication that they know something that other persons don’t. I’ve never encountered a Jew with such an attitude.

    Since we’re on the subject of their college years, at their party schools, let’s note that, in quasi-socialist America, these non-men squander white taxes that back up the low-cost student loans that enrich bankers whose children go to Harvard. Any guess who those bankers might be?

    Poe and his kind merely fill the vacuum where white strength should be. These non-men are not merely AWOL; they’re death-pumps, which create the vacuum.

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