Is there anything left to say about White Man March 2015?
1.) First, insofar as anyone went out in public and participated this time in the US, it was typically activists who are already known to us. Trad Youth was out in Florence, KY. Billy Roper and his crew were out in Harrison, AR. Kyle Hunt was in Knoxville, TN. Ron Doggett was out in Richmond, VA. Familiar faces, all.
2.) Second, there were more people wearing masks, dropping signs at 3 AM, posting stickers in the pouring rain, and acting out in a number of ways that don’t inspire confidence. Pretty much the same as last year.
3.) Third, the vanguard was out in force in Newcastle in the UK. The Pioneer Little Europe Facebook page had been heavily promoting that event. It was reminiscent of the robed Klansmen who showed up in Florence, KY last year.
Verdict: A year later, it was another good illustration of everything I have been saying about the pitfalls of e-activism and cyberracialism.
Face tattooed skinhead trash is not very appealing to other British folks that don’t have a methamphetamine addiction. Very bad form. I’d say more harm was done than good at the New Castle demonstration. Yelling “Hitler was right” is just bizarre. Very disappointing.
Face tattooed skinhead trash is not very appealing to other British folks
Well, the clean cut shirt and tie got about the same results. Seems as if all these “ordinary” people don’t want anything to do with you unless you have a stamp of approval from the system – as in GOP or some other official source. How do you propose to fix that problem – maybe go to the rally in tuxedos next time?
I’m being sarcastic here but it is a real problem we face as nationalists – the people want an official source of power to stand behind. They will not come out for anything that is not stamp approved by the system. They certainly are not going to come out in Europe to be arrested for “incitement.”
That is why street activism is dead outside of the vanguard. The vanguard are the only ones who will come out and face being arrested and ridiculed by the public. The public will continue to come out for Charles Krauthammer and Glenn Beck – I guess they wear the right clothes.
I was listening to SF radio a few weeks ago and they said in the past, tons of people (millions at one point) used to go to pro white demos and now almost none do. The reason they gave, it was fashionable to have our views back then and now it isn’t fashionable. So the people that showed up at protests in the old days, were just followers of fashion.
That made a lot of sense to me. If a lot of people are are showing their faces in “torchlight parades”, they have nothing to fear, because the revolution is long over.
I guess you will have to figure out how to inspire people to come to your protests, Hunter. I don’t think going negative will achieve anything though. You should read some books on propaganda, or leadership if you are serious about it. Otherwise keep telling them over and over that they suck and see how that works out. 😉
Tattoed white trash is the LAST thing we need, or want.
When will these folks ever learn their tactics are a turn off to the normal people we’re trying to reach? I’m afraid that many of them are addicted to acting this way because it gives them a rush. They need to break the addiction, and start thinking like normal people to win them over.
Agreed, Stephen.
You people are a bunch of bigots, wouldn’t want to join a club that would have you as a member. You’re so concerned about your “image”. Ridiculous.
Re: JoeB
My view is that most WNs just really aren’t all that committed to their cause. They have been educated over the internet. They have been converted to the WN worldview. At the end of the day though, what they really care about is preserving their middle class lifestyle, and they aren’t going to take any risk or make any sacrifice, however small, that places any of that in jeopardy.
It’s much better to take existing holidays that are implicitly White racialist and make them more so.
St. Patrick’s Day
Columbus Day
Columbus Day in Denver CO is always contested with the worst anti White marxists. The Italians will stand up for their people when they are defamed.
I agree with Ulfric that wearing the right clothes or carefully choosing your words, as Jared Taylor has done for the past 20 years, isn’t a magic bullet that is going to change that fundamental calculation.
At the same time, Jared Taylor and the tattooed skinhead in the RT video have something less obvious in common: in terms of their values, they both care more about their beliefs than their middle class lifestyle.
I am a normal white American. I have a job, kids, a loving wife and a mortgage. I am also a very staunch White Nationalist and believe it’s paramount for our future to have a country of our own.
With that said, it is impossible for me to take part in events like this. I am clean cut, fit and healthy and people like me getting together at events like this would be great, but it’s impossible in this atmosphere.
We will be punished and our lives economically ruined. I am sure there are countless others like me that feel the same way. Millions would rally before because there wasn’t this economic retribution. A disgusting unemployed blob fish transhorse from a thousand miles away can publicize who I am and use the tumblr army to pressure that I be fired, or the local Marxist love group can pressure me locally to get me fired which they have done to other WNs in my area.
This is an extremely hard position we are in and we must make our presence felt without all of us ruining our lives.
I agree with Jack. You need to use established euro-centric holidays or atleast make it slightly veiled. “Whit man March,” you might as well call it A KLan march. Call it European heritage day or something much more nebulous but still Eurocentric.
Yep, that’s pretty much the gist of it right there.
Before I posted anything about this topic, I knew that the tattoos and the “Hitler was right” stuff was going to be the distraction that attracted the most commentary. The same thing happened last year when the robed Klansmen showed up in Kentucky. That overshadowed everything else.
Normal Guy writes:
“With that said, it is impossible for me to take part in events like this. I am clean cut, fit and healthy and people like me getting together at events like this would be great, but it’s impossible in this atmosphere.”
Jack responds:
I think you will find League of the South protests as being what you want – well organized, well led, disciplined – lots and lots of good looking, well dressed men and women and also – well behaved children.
These “White Power” protests/events are almost always exclusively male, YOBs, etc.
For any event even remotely associated with White Nationalism:
Have a dress code
Have a code of conduct
Have an alcohol policy
Have security
If your protest, WN event is just an excuse for males/boys to get drunk and act stupid, then NO – that’s not what we are about.
This comment section is beginning to touch on a debate that is at the core of the White Preservation (I prefer “preservation” to “nationalist”) movement, and it usually pits the leaders of the movement– editors of sights like this, heads of groups like TYN and AmRen, etc.– against their constituents. This subject really hits home with me, and I believe its resolution is paramount if the White Preservation movement is going to progress and garner widespread support.
The issue, essentially, is this: many white men who have a stable career and are raising a family do not want to jeopardize their livelihood by publicly associating themselves with a movement that is condemned by the vast majority of society, white and non-white alike, a movement which allies itself with folks like the tattooed gentleman in the picture. While he might be a good person, I’d want my daughter marrying someone like that about as much as I want her to marry Leroy Jackson. But I digress…
The viewpoint of those who choose not to publicly “out” themselves at events like the White Man March is certainly understandable. Next to a relationship with God, there should be nothing more important than supporting one’s family. Adolescents and young men are free to chase their own dreams and ambitions without a care for anyone else, but responsible, adult men know that providing for others often involves a great deal of sacrifice. This is why being a father is inherently difficult, and why so many who lack the moral fiber for such an undertaking abandon their families, leaving in their wake welfare mothers raising bastard children.
Men who take this position– that they can not publicly support the “movement” for fear of losing their livelihoods– are often branded cowards by the likes of Matt Parrott/Heimbach, Dr. Hill, Hunter Wallace, etc. How dare they hide behind the security of their keyboards, the thinking goes, when others are publicly showing their face despite the risks involved!! I was at a LOS function last year where Dr. Hill called out all those who weren’t willing to publicly participate, essentially saying that if you’re not ready to march with the League, the League does need or want you as a member.
Here, then, is where the rubber meets the road: the Michael Hills of the world have sacrificed much, no question. They are right to feel as if they’ve given more to the cause than others. They are making a sacrifice. However, what they (and I feel I can say this, since I heard Dr. Hill address the subject directly) seem to not understand is that many others are sacrificing by NOT coming to the events. Believe it or not, “activism” sounds downright fun to a lot of us. Just the other day I was looking at the program for this year AmRen conference in Tennessee… I would really, really love to be there. I was even thinking of ways in my head that I could do it– drive all Friday night, then back on Saturday night, see if my relatives could watch the kids (because my wife works on Saturdays), etc… but then I came to my senses. For me, taking off to attend the AmRen conference is in the same family as taking off to play the World Series of Poker. Selfishly I’d love to do it, but it’s just not something I can do as the main provider for my family. So… does that make me a “coward”?
If the White Preservation movement has any chance of success, its leaders must begin to view the “silent majority” of race realists as critical allies who should be encouraged, as opposed to “cowards” who lack the “courage” to stand on a steer corner in Nowheresville, Arkansas with five other people and a sign. And believe me, I’m not making light of real world activism, I just think the activists in the movement should start taking a more nuanced view of things.
Love the site, btw
The tattooed Nazi skinhead in the Newcastle video above is a red herring.
As Ulfric pointed out, the response from the WN community wouldn’t have been any different if the skinhead had looked like Don Draper in Mad Men or had been as genteel as Jared Taylor in his talking points with the media. There would have certainly been fewer negative reactions online, but lets be honest, how many of those people would have showed up for this event if it had been otherwise?
I’m sure lots of WNs really do believe in all that abstract stuff about race and the need for a “White ethnostate,” but they believe in avoiding risk and preserving their middle class lifestyle a whole lot more. That’s why they march to the tune of SJWs. Ultimately, it doesn’t matter if they really believe that stuff or not because fear and extreme individualism allows the values and attitudes of faggots with Tumblr blogs to police and dictate their actions in the real world.
Look at it this way: we live in an age where you can be one of five people in the whole state of Arkansas who isn’t intimidated by this guy:
Most people would look at this guy and decide that the risk of taking a stand in defense of the future of their children and grandchildren is just too great. There’s too much to lose. What if this guy went on the internet and called them a racist or a homophobe on his Tumblr blog?
“Faith, Family, Folk”, am I right? One should never let their family come before their faith, or their folk before their family.
Seems like sound thinking to me.
Furthering the white race by producing children, teaching them about their heritage and ensuring that they’ll produce God-fearing white children of their own is the best kind of “activism” there is.
Not that their isn’t room for “folk” as well (and I’ve financially supported pro-white organizations for years), but when it starts getting in the way of the other two it becomes problematic for men who have their priorities in order.
I have a child.
Matt Heimbach will be a father soon. So will Shane Long. James Edwards just had his second child. Dr. Hill has children and grandchildren. Several people have brought their children to League protests and CofCC events. In fact, most of the people who I know from our activism have children. There’s so many children running around and pregnancies going on that we often joke around about setting up a League kindergarten.
That’s actually the reason why I do all of this. What am I going to tell my son when he is my age and the world has gone to hell? Am I going to tell him that I was too afraid to stand up for his future because SJW faggots called me names on their Tumblr blogs? Am I going to spend my whole life marching to their tune? No thanks, I intend to tell my son that I did everything I could do so that his children, my grandchildren, would have a future here.
Well my friend I think you and I probably have similar viewpoints on most issues, and I respectfully submit that the best way to grow the White Preservation movement is not by brow-beating potential adherents with accusations of cowardice.
Of course, that’s just one man’s opinion. And you, Hunter Wallace, will undoubtedly be able to look your son in the eye and tell him that you sacrificed for your race. There is honor in that, to be sure.
I’m long past that.
That’s just the way it is: most WNs believe in the “White ethnostate” on an abstract level, but because they are so afraid of SJWs like our old pal Spelunker and are averse to taking any risk that might jeopardize their preferred middle class lifestyle, they will outwardly conform to anti-racist norms. They will go along with the status quo. They will never challenge it except through “e-activism” in the anonymity of cyberspace which creates a whole host of problems. The few WNs who do challenge it in real life will disproportionately be “vanguard” non-conformists/sub-culturalists like the tattooed skinhead in Newcastle.
The bottom line is, if WNs don’t stand up for their own cause, if they are afraid of being “exposed,” it is not going to go anywhere. It’s going to stagnate, their enemies will triumph, and they will lose. The years will continue to roll on by and blur into each other. Life will continue to get worse. That’s really all there is to it.
Would it be safe to say that there should be a blend between Jared Taylor and the tattooed gentlemen? Very troubling when we can’t drop our ego and establish order. It was somewhat painful to see and hear the names of our greatest being called out to 80-100 people who looked very shabby and conflicted. Some in the crowd like Peter Rushton, do actually hold an IQ above average and appears to know how to act. He is however, standing next to a few others who clearly clash with him and it’s extremely apparant no matter how well Peter hides it.
There must be a concrete stance of just genuine goals and rules in which should be upheld. Too much delusion of ‘winning’ when just a simple set up of Nationalists behaving and gelling together is a win we haven’t even achieved!
I myself have been out with National Action a few times now and understand it is still in it’s baby steps, but there desperately needs to be more organising and an elders hand to it. There is also not attracting middle-class lads to put a different form of energy and intellect into the mix — which is also sorely needed. Lastly there being no image worthy of attracting females towards the cause, where are the groups in which aids women to gently enter our circles? Most impertive aspect to our survival scared off because of arrogance and lack of handling of the paradigm change. “Muh 14 words” — yet inhibits any potential.
Hopefully there are groups none of us know of, as setting up communities through whatever means available should be heavily pushed for. It is what I am aiming to myself in regards to setting up business and funding away from Mordecai’s all seeing eye…
I don’t know about you, Mr. Wallace, or anyone else on this board, but I do not have a life that “continues to get worse”. The Lord has blessed me in abundance, so when you say “life will continue to get worse”, I just have no idea what you’re talking about.
White Christians are being demonized throughout the United States and Europe, there’s no question about that. And it’s time white Christians asserted themselves and spoke up for their own interests, something that I believe will happen with increasing frequency here in the US in the coming years (as it has in Europe over the past decade).
But the defeatist attitude that permeates much of what you call the “WN” movement– the attitude that is evident in your “life will continue to get worse” rhetoric– is not constructive.
What I am hearing are two major lines of thought:
1) “I” am not that tattooed middle aged fool- therefore, I am ontologically better than he is.
(Yet, the liberals see ALL of us- even I, a PhD Cleric/Academic – as no better than that lower class bumpkin, who should submit ‘to his betters’ and keep his trap shut. So, where does that leave us- afraid, isolated, and able to be ‘kept in our place’ better than any nigger on the plantation ever was!)
2) We are still ‘safe’ and can pretend the ‘elephant in the room’ isn’t really there, even as we are closed in more and more by the ungodly. In short, it’s not PAINFUL enough yet, to stand up and be counted. I’m talking Martyrdom, folks. It’s got to come to that, before the ‘Saxon Awakes.’ Therefore, we can all be traitors and think ourselves ‘righteous,’… while we aren’t.
(What with iris recognition and facial recognition software, and mandatory fingerprinting now being deployed in European airports this summer- so much for ‘freedom of travel/association,’ eh?!)
So, against my better insights over the last three decades, it apears that we WILL have to become hunted criminals, before we will stand up to the Golden Horde. And then, it WILL be ‘Ragnarok/the End of the World/Doomsday.’
I am reminded of Solzhenitsyn’s words about the Gulag, right about now…
Misericordie, Domine.
” Millions would rally before because there wasn’t this economic retribution. ” – If those millions were organized they could exact a level of economic retribution far exceeding what has been done to us. That is definitely the problem.
“This is an extremely hard position we are in and we must make our presence felt without all of us ruining our lives.” – don’t blow up your life, certainly.
Rallies and protests and events like this are not going to be the impetus for a larger, game-changing movement. There’s a reason for this; actually, there are several reasons, but I’m not going to wax poetic about the sociology involved or try to explain things in my little Socratic way of explaining things — I have a headache and I’m sick of typing the same shit all of the time. All I will say is that people don’t join movements and “fringe” entities to lose ground or feel even more isolated and at odds with those within their newly found movement than they did with those who originally caused them to find you. No, they join to win(at least some kind of perceived winning) and to fill a void that wasn’t previously being filled. Until you learn the subtle art of direct inclusion and learn to identify and proactively weed out dead weight, you will always see a revolving door of loose cannons and frustrated activists who are loosely held together by a very tiny number of dedicated, serious and sane activists.
Alternatives… Lateral thinking… Goals… Ladders to success… Empathy… Initiative…
We see plenty of hypothesizers and planners and doomsday prophets, but we see practically no builders. Why is that?
“What is to be done” is a big issue and outside of the scope of a comments thread.
However, what you can get away with in the South and what you can get away with elsewhere is different. What any one individual can get away with varies a great deal by situation. I don’t think there is any clear line on what is or is not socially acceptable- that is, what will cause job loss and prevent further employment-and activists exploit that gray area a great deal for their benefit.
But in any case I think public activism is based on a mass politics political model that only works for progressives, because it was invented by progressives. It never really worked for anybody else, and the possibility of it working for anybody else has been closed off. But I haven’t figured out yet what will work although I have my ideas.
Celestial Time you’re way off. I don’t have time either right now except to say that without in person vanguards the middle NEVER moves, in any way.
Way wrong. The issue is how principled that vanguard is, as opposed to absurd or offputting. Even extremism can sometimes loosen the center and liberate various angles of revolution.
Delegitimize political Correctness you will be able to wear a loincloth but if you don’t your heglian dialectic death match with the establishment will not end in your favor
You whiners are as much of a problem as our ideological opponents and the ignorant masses. Wahh, what a bunch of cowardly and insecure self-hating babies you all seem to be.
Excuses, excuses.
One thing that is certain. In the decades to come many of us will be forced to act and knocked off the fence as society crumbles. Even the choice unmade is a choice in itself.
I look at the WN movement and all of the various components as divisions in the same WN Army. Unfortunately central leadership and direction are missing.
My direction is to fight anything anti-White.
If you are stuck at home with children, you can always pick up a keyboard once or twice a week.
Television has become a great distribution center for anti-White propaganda.
Most companies that put on racially offensive advertisements are publicly traded and even if not they generally have a web site with good contact information and a form of an IR department.
A well constructed letter can find its way into the hands of the right people.
Jack Ryan said:
“For any event even remotely associated with White Nationalism:
Have a dress code
Have a code of conduct
Have an alcohol policy
Have security”
I believe the Klan already does,
That is sound sound advice for all WN events.
The question remains, how do bring all divisions of the WN community together.
Imagine if a food company received 1000 letters about their new anti-white advertisement in a week along with the network that televised the add?
Good Luck all, Good Night.
Can somebody point to a single instance in my entire hypergraphic Internet career where I claimed or even strongly implied that there aren’t valid and respectable reasons to refrain from public activism? I’ve always been very mindful of the fact that different people with different situations and different personalities are suited to different forms of engagement. I’ve gone out of my way to clarify and underline that position several times when arguing against both extremes of the perennial “street activism” argument.
The reason the WN movement has failed is because so many are too concerned about their image (Dress code,Tattoo’s, etc) Like dressing in a suit is going to make the difference compaired to someone in jeans.
The goal of the WN movement is to get as many whites on our side as possible, not scare them away because of how they dress or look. Its the same old story, divide and conquer the white race, this time its our own people doing the dividing and conquering.
The same thing happened to the tea party,when people with confederate flags showed up and they were turned away because they were considered “too radical”. Radicalism is what is needed, not a bunch of well dressed uptight dogooders preaching no violence. The American revolution was won by violence,not a bunch of peacenicks demanding dress codes and 160 IQ’s
Just a few rambling thoughts, some relevant and some not: there are more of us than what many think. Most don’t want to be connected to Nazism but want to be a part of a WN society. I don’t care if someone calls me a Nazi. I know what I am: I’m female, young, married, a mommy, have two degrees and I’m a WN who actively participates behind the scenes under my real name and face, (minus a post here or there under an alias). Some call me a coward, but they don’t know what I’m doing. This WN Revolution will be slow in this day and age unless the shit hits the fan. And it doesnt look like Earl Turner’s day coming soon and I’m not saying it should. Either way, I can tell you, the activists, the anti-whites, the people in the middle and so on that there is an undercurrent, it’s just a matter of time. The best, least violent, most productive way to speed things along is to vote with your feet and join a settlement.
Thanks Bugs8 and we are very honored to have such a positive, spirited:
a Mommy
Remember, the hand that rock’s the cradle is the hand that will save our people.
God bless you and all those like you. Your children have a great mom.
“Northern born Southern Sworn says:
March 26, 2015 at 9:42 pm
The reason the WN movement has failed is because so many are too concerned about their image (Dress code,Tattoo’s, etc) Like dressing in a suit is going to make the difference compaired to someone in jeans.
The goal of the WN movement is to get as many whites on our side as possible, not scare them away because of how they dress or look. Its the same old story, divide and conquer the white race, this time its our own people doing the dividing and conquering.”
Jack responds:
How about just working to get people to dress better, more appropriately?
How about getting people to use:
Learn some useful social skills like nice, White forms of partner dancing? women like to dance.
I just happened to see this:
‘Black Genocide’ – gotta love it. This concept is so hilarious that I have to congratulate all the White Man Marchers and other activists who have pushed the truth of White Genocide into the open. While the methods aren’t always perfect, the truth is clearly having it’s effect, which is to force the anti-whites into taking more and more absurdist positions. That probably accomplishes as much for whites as the real genocide banners do.
I also notice that Liberty Lamp attacked Jim Webb for negating the insane ‘white privilege’ meme, and for decrying jewish supremacism. It’s fun to watch these people do our work for us.