Charleston Shooting


Second Update: Just arrested him in Shelby, NC.


Update: Got him … suspect ID’d as Dylann Roof of Columbia, SC.

Last year it was Glenn Miller’s inept rampage shooting in Kansas City. Who will it be this time around?

Is it just another psycho in the mold of Jared Loughner, which looked like it was politically motivated at the time, or is it your standard vantard nut in the mold of Wade Michael Page? Place your bets.

About Hunter Wallace 12409 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. No one finds it odd that none of the black people at this black church didn’t become alarmed at a young white male of disturbed mood who could be hiding a weapon randomly chose their gathering to crash? Roof was supposedly there for an hour and inquired about some well known black activist there.

    All during an all out race war.

  2. Sure, I can think of many other people more deserving of a little lead therapy, but it still doesn’t change the fact that I just don’t care about people that sure in the hell don’t care about me. I’d be willing to bet none of those people killed would have shed a tear or had any kind of sympathy had “the racist” been killed in an unprovoked attack.

    Ok, I got it.

    You don’t have any sympathy for a group of black people who were murdered by a psychopath in a church while studying the Bible. Well, I don’t know how to respond to that other than to shake my head.

    Hunter, while you might have “interacted” with black people while being insulated in suburbia or smalltown USA, I’ve actually lived around them. Lived in mostly black areas, went to majority black schools, been “the White boy” in the crowd.

    I’m from one of the blackest places in the United States: the Alabama Black Belt. I have spent pretty much my entire life in this region. Montgomery is one of the blackest cities in the country.

    You ever been jumped in, Hunter? I’ve actually been in projects(not just driving by them), have you? You have absolutely nothing to tell me about “the vast majority of black people” that I don’t already know first hand.

    Once again, it is true.

    The vast majority of black people are not murderers, rapists, thieves, or violent criminals. It is violent criminals who are disproportionately black, but most black people like most White people are not criminals.

  3. Hunter, while you might have “interacted” with black people while being insulated in suburbia or smalltown USA, I’ve actually lived around them. Lived in mostly black areas, went to majority black schools, been “the White boy” in the crowd. You ever been jumped in, Hunter? I’ve actually been in projects(not just driving by them), have you? You have absolutely nothing to tell me about “the vast majority of black people” that I don’t already know first hand.

    Jared Taylor doesn’t want to be associated with the tinfoil hat crowd and their paranoid theories about “crisis actors.”

  4. This incident didn’t have as high a body count as the Naval Yard Shooting (shooter was black), or the Fort Hood Shooting (shooter was a Muslim), but you can bet your sweet ass this one is going to be in the news for a much, much longer time.

  5. Should 30,000+ white women be raped by black men annually?

    Absolutely not.

    That fact is troubling and has been cited here in the past, but it does not license anyone to be a rapist or a murderer.

    What does it say about the black community as a whole that it produces such depravity? Etc. etc. The stats are endless. Trying to assert that there is no such thing as Black Responsibility or at least Agency is absurd.

    It’s a reflection of the unwillingness of White people to condemn the situation as intolerable and put a stop to it. Blacks behaving badly is just a symptom of the unwillingness of White people to say “no.”

    Whites fought and DIED in this country freeing black people from slavery. We’ve died again and again for them, feeding and housing them, giving up our jobs…everything including the shirt off our backs has gone to support black people.

    That’s true, but it doesn’t license anyone to become a cold blooded murderer, or to act in some other immoral or unconscionable way.

    Yet they repay this magnanimity with genocide. All blacks participate in Black Agency.

    They need to OWN it.

    Do you realize how ridiculous you sound equating a group of people studying the Bible in a church to genocidal maniacs?

  6. Good Comment: “The shooter’s usage of psych drugs are always a commonality with these publicized mass shootings. Every single time.”

    Where did this Roof boy get his psycho active drugs—who prescribed them?

  7. First of all let me say that my family has been the victim of a violent crime whereby an escaped convict killed a family member. Said convict was already serving a life sentence for rape and murder in a maximum security and still manged to escape.

    If I had my way Storm Roof would be executed by firing squad. I do not believe in the concept of prisons. If they are that violent that they need to be kept from society then they need to be executed in the first place. Nor do I believe in getting a pass for mental illness. If they are that insane that they cannot tell right from wrong in the commission of a violent crime then we need to execute them.

    As regards dysfunctionalism in the so called racialist movement I can only say we are obviously a non-conformist group and will hence attract fellow non-conformist people. Some of them will be unbalanced, it comes with the territory, and it we were a radial left wing group it we would have the same problem. If we had a Ethno-State a lot of these non-conformists would suddenly be racial egalitarians. That having been said I do believe most organizations do a poor job of eliminating unsavory members. As Dr. Duke once said anybody can stand on a street corner and shout the N word all day long and say: Hey!, follow me, I hate ni**ers! But I can promise you any member obtained this way will be bound to cause you problems later on down the road.
    Look at a man’s accomplishments in life, not just in terms of wealth, but also in relationships. If he has not been successful in these he probably will also cause you problems on down the line. You get the type of members your propaganda appeals to. Appeal to racial idealism not reactionary racism! For love of race, not hatred of others.
    Yes, there will still be enemies. There are always enemies when you take a political stand as Carl Schmidt argued. Be professional. If an army has rouge officers that attack non-combatants they are subject to trial and summary execution. We should strive to be a political army.

  8. “…..or is it your standard vantard nut in the mold of Wade Michael Page? Place your bets.”

    According to the Daily Beast:

    “I never heard him say anything, but just he had that kind of Southern pride, I guess some would say. Strong conservative beliefs,” he said. “He made a lot of racist jokes, but you don’t really take them seriously like that. You don’t really think of it like that.”

    So it sounds like the shooter wasn’t a neo-nazi “vantard” or Glenn Miller Jr. after all, but a conservatard and confederate flagtard according to peers. That’s fine if Hunter or anyone else wants to bash a white killer of black people to prove how nice, sane and normal they are for the SPLC & ADL or to curry favor with Jared Taylor and his groupies , but they are quick to forget that blacks are indifferent to or applaud murders of white people by their fellow blacks, so Celestial Time is spot on with most of his comments.

    • So it sounds like the shooter wasn’t a neo-nazi “vantard” or Glenn Miller Jr. after all, but a conservatard and confederate flagtard according to peers. That’s fine if Hunter or anyone else wants to bash a white killer of black people to prove how nice, sane and normal they are for the SPLC & ADL or to curry favor with Jared Taylor and his groupies , but they are quick to forget that blacks are indifferent to or applaud murders of white people by their fellow blacks, so Celestial Time is spot on with most of his comments.

      I’m not trying to “prove” anything to the SPLC or ADL.

      I don’t care what those organizations think of me and my life reflects that. Like most people, I was repulsed and sickened by the shooting, but I wasn’t in the least bit surprised by it. This usually happens about once or twice a year. I wondered if it would turn out to be a Jared Loughner or a Wade Michael Page.

  9. A man in his twenties ought to be working, carousing, marrying and becoming a dad. And or getting credentials and degrees.

    It’s a little unnatural to develop such strong homicidal ideas with such a short life experience.

    If he’s not insane he’s jut pissed his best years away.

  10. You don’t have any sympathy for a group of black people who were murdered by a psychopath in a church while studying the Bible. Well, I don’t know how to respond to that other than to shake my head.

    None. Nada. Zilch. Shake your head all you want. Sympathy is a commodity that I have no intention of just giving away. None of your faux sympathy does you a bit of good when Hoggy Heidi and the SPLC list your associates as one of the “hate groups” representing a danger to society. At least I’m honest about my racism and pro-White views, and I’m not trying to bullshit anyone into believing I care about the plight of black people. Black people were killed by a mentally ill(more than likely) White guy who became unhinged after being indoctrinated with their hate whitey rhetoric. These black people wanted to live in an anti-White society; they got a small taste of what happens when you push people too far. Tough shit. Grow a pair and quit pretending that this affects you on a personal level.

    When black people rape, murder and assault innocent Whites on an hourly basis, you, like me, blame the media and anti-White establishment for creating the anti-White atmosphere and fomenting hate. When some crazed White person flies off the handle because of all of those rapes, murders and assaults, you blame the White person. I’m still blaming the media and anti-White establishment for creating this mess, while you’re off on some kind of glorified self-abasement speech about vantards and trying to prove to yourself how much of a “racist” you are not. You still have never given any feasible explanation as to how, without violence and “murder,” you create a Southern ethnostate in an area that you have said is “one of the blackest places in the United States: the Alabama Black Belt.” Please explain to me the Gentleman’s Guide to Revolutions that you seem to think will lead you to your promised land.

    I’m from one of the blackest places in the United States: the Alabama Black Belt. I have spent pretty much my entire life in this region. Montgomery is one of the blackest cities in the country.

    I don’t believe for a second that you’ve actually lived around black people to any great degree. Memphis is also one of the blackest and most violent cities in the country. The difference is I didn’t grow up in Germantown, Collierville or some of the other cities and suburbs that would have been considered the safe Whiter parts surrounding Memphrica. When I say I actually lived around them, I literally mean I was surround by them on a daily basis. When I walked out my front door, I was constantly on guard and had to stay alert, not because I was passing through the bad neighborhoods, but because I lived in the bad neighborhoods. Hell, when I went to work, I usually had to work in even worse neighborhoods than where I lived.

    • None. Nada. Zilch. Shake your head all you want. Sympathy is a commodity that I have no intention of just giving away.

      All right.

      We’ve established here that you have no sympathy for a group of people who were just gunned down by a cold blooded murderer.

      None of your faux sympathy does you a bit of good when Hoggy Heidi and the SPLC list your associates as one of the “hate groups” representing a danger to society. At least I’m honest about my racism and pro-White views, and I’m not trying to bullshit anyone into believing I care about the plight of black people.

      Heidi has told me she reads this blog. She already has me listed as not one, but two, hate groups! I don’t give a damn what Heidi thinks about my political views. I’m not bullshitting you here man … it’s not cool when a psychopath guns down a glorified Bible study group in a church, or come to think of it, a 14-year-old teenager and his grandpa in Kansas.

      Black people were killed by a mentally ill(more than likely) White guy who became unhinged after being indoctrinated with their hate whitey rhetoric. These black people wanted to live in an anti-White society; they got a small taste of what happens when you push people too far. Tough shit. Grow a pair and quit pretending that this affects you on a personal level.

      In this case, a 5-year-old had to pretend to be dead in order to survive what that lunatic did in that church. Dude seriously, do you not see something wrong with that?

      When black people rape, murder and assault innocent Whites on an hourly basis, you, like me, blame the media and anti-White establishment for creating the anti-White atmosphere and fomenting hate. When some crazed White person flies off the handle because of all of those rapes, murders and assaults, you blame the White person.

      I agree that innocent White people are being murdered, raped, and assaulted in this country. I agree that fact should be publicized, but I do not agree that licenses or justifies murdering an innocent person.

      . I’m still blaming the media and anti-White establishment for creating this mess, while you’re off on some kind of glorified self-abasement speech about vantards and trying to prove to yourself how much of a “racist” you are not.

      Nope, I have said nothing here that I haven’t repeatedly said for years now, which is that murder is immoral, but “racism” is a made up sin. These “vantards” self destruct at least once a year on average. It’s not in the least bit surprising that yet another one has self detonated and is giving “racists” another public black eye.

      You still have never given any feasible explanation as to how, without violence and “murder,” you create a Southern ethnostate in an area that you have said is “one of the blackest places in the United States: the Alabama Black Belt.” Please explain to me the Gentleman’s Guide to Revolutions that you seem to think will lead you to your promised land.

      I’ve addressed that several times in the archives here. In fact, our friend Spelunker links to some of those posts all the time.

      I don’t believe for a second that you’ve actually lived around black people to any great degree. Memphis is also one of the blackest and most violent cities in the country. The difference is I didn’t grow up in Germantown, Collierville or some of the other cities and suburbs that would have been considered the safe Whiter parts surrounding Memphrica. When I say I actually lived around them, I literally mean I was surround by them on a daily basis. When I walked out my front door, I was constantly on guard and had to stay alert, not because I was passing through the bad neighborhoods, but because I lived in the bad neighborhoods. Hell, when I went to work, I usually had to work in even worse neighborhoods than where I lived.

      Here are the demographics of my hometown and county:

      Here are the demographics of where I live now:

      Here’s the demographics of the area where I have spent my whole life:

  11. @ Hunter Wallace:

    Liberty: “Yet they repay this magnanimity with genocide. All blacks participate in Black Agency.

    They need to OWN it.”

    Hunter Wallace: “Do you realize how ridiculous you sound equating a group of people studying the Bible in a church to genocidal maniacs?”

    Not half as ridiculous as the 98% of black people going around promoting notions of ‘White Privilege’ or even of Universal Blackness.

    And, correction: Jared Jewlover Taylor’s mods are allowing *some* comments expressing skepticism about this event, but not mine (and who knows who else’s). Yet mine was short and very conservative. I guess I’m not a good groupie.

  12. Southerners refusing to educate their people about the jews and their machinations hurt the southern movement.

  13. I don’t care about this at all. Innocent blacks are killed everyday by other blacks. The only reason anyone cares about these particular black victims is because a non-black killed them.

  14. This attack was awful, immoral and severely hurt the Southern movement.

    What parallel universe do you reside in where the Southern movement was gaining any considerable ground? As trivial as it might be, Texas just took a symbol of Southern heritage and wiped its ass with it, and of course SCOTUS agrees. They didn’t even need some lunatic to come along to inspire them to come to that decision either. Do you think that was awful and immoral?

  15. O, Church niggers, Muh Pisspul, Muh Pisspul, Wood U Were Still Rapin’ Dem Snow Hos, cum-cum, cum-cum!!!

    II Samuel 19:1-7

    Wherein Joab, Kink David’s general and nephew tells David to stop pissing & moaning about Joab’s necessary killing of Absalom the Traitor lest David lose his kingdom.

    Listen up Brad. We all know about jewk Ryan / Wile E. Hibernigger and how jewk is a ZOGbot twat. Celestial Time has likewise told you about how you got a sheenie or two in your forum woodpile.

    I stayed up this morning to inform you and others on this blog of yours that this Roof kid looked like a schidzo whigger who was not “White Nationalist” or likely even a bit player. The nutty kid had half his Facebook Friends were niggers his age. Again, just a nutty whigger kid. Not a JT Ready, TraitorGlenn Milller, and certainly not a Jimmy von Brunn. I told you straight up that this kid wasn’t even on the bowel Movement radar, not even a blip.

    This is on-topic because you were blithering about WN vantards. Definitely not the case. All the people you mentioned as “vantards” had a lengthy past, mainly negative, in the bowel Movement. Not this kid. If there is anyone who keeps track of such things, it is me. By the way, a Movement Turd podcast tonight @ 10;00 pm CDT and you are invited to call in.

    Now I don’t make any false claims that ZOGling lives matter to me, be they nigger or beaner or whigger. As I look at it there are no innocents, only sides. The only way to win a civil war is to exterminate everyone on the other side with determined ruthlessness and spare only those not on your own side initially if they are useful as slaves.

    Which is why I have my own Plan: Ten Thousand Warlords in which AmurriKwa is split up into over 10,000 military dictatorships ruled by warlords with a common religioon of Dual-Seedline Christian Identity. In short, what is gonna happen regardless.

    You keep on going down your current path then you will only have the jewk “Lying Ryan” Wile E. Hibersheenie SPLC/ADL/ZOGbot twats and your pet jews and niggers following. You won’t have any more “street cred.” You won’t be able to marry up from or tack back from this nonsense. You have non-whites around then they will eventually rule over and destroy whites. There is no possibility of having both a white and non-white AmurriKwa, either Whites must rise up and kill all the non-whites or the non-whites will overwhelm the Whites and kill the best and miscegenate away the worst of them.

    If you listen to jewk Lyin’-Ryan might as well embrace Lindsey Graham and stop waving around your silly signs and going to rallies begging for a small place to live away from niggers. News Flash!!! Them damned niggers are not going to go back to picking cotton in them ol’ cotton fields back home and settle down and be “good niggers” just because of you going to your silly League of the South or Council of KahnnedServantive Shitizens and bitching about Whigger genocide.

    I’ve known you since early 2005 and you always flake out when you are about to break through. Same thang happened last October.

    Maybe you should practice “$PLC/ADL Federalism” on this blog of yours. Set aside under Wile E. Hibersheenie a place where they and the other jews like Spelunker can go ass-to-mouth and yawp about how “#niggerlifesmatter” and see how many tards want to participate. You don’t see me posting in the tard corral portion owned by Lyin’-Ryan do you?

    This is October 2014 all over again, Hunter. Whether or not this is your last strike is up to you.


    Hail Victory!!!

    Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
    Church of Jesus Christ Christian / Aryan Nations of Missouri

  16. Hunter Wallace pays more attention to the psy ops (or ‘atrocities’ for the gullible and self-loathing) than he does to the real heinous rapes and murders of white people.

    Reports have that six black women and three black men were allegedly killed, mostly older. Why would a hormone-raging young man target old ladies in a church to wreak revenge on black gangbangers who probably have never even been?

  17. Re: Pastor Lindstedt

    We don’t yet know this kid’s involvement in the Bowel Movement, but I am sure it will soon come to light. There are thousands upon thousands of whigger ass clowns who use anonymous pseudonyms and even more who lurk on websites without participating and he could be any one of them.

  18. Re: Take Me Liberty

    What you think is the real world is actually one huge psy op. The Jews have enslaved your body in order to devour your life force and you are currently plugged into a machine somewhere in a very dark place while your mind has been projected into this Matrix.

  19. A jewish monopoly is orchestrating these psy ops for the good of a mostly jewish oligarchy. I don’t believe that ‘black DNA’ is somehow ‘enslaving my body in order to devour my life force,’ and neither do your southern people or else they’d be lining up with you.

    There are real homicidal whackjobs, but not many. Most of these incidents are jewish governmedia productions in at least some dimension.

  20. Yeah, right. Why I’m listening to Rachel Mad-Sow, lesbian kikess on MSNBC / Da Obongo Channel, eagerly trying to find out first that Dylann Roof, addlepated doped-up whigger schidzo tard was a charter member of the Joe Paul Franklin Pen Pal & Fan Club.

    I’m sure that that will happen five minutes before them surviving “good niggers” in the AME Sinogogue of 6th Day Beasts of the Field awaken to theyz’ duty and troop on down to the Griffith Plantation to pick theyz quota of cotton for the day before taking in a fried chicken and watermelon supper prepared in the Griffith Manor kitchen.

    Hail Victory!!!

    Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
    Church of Jesus Christ Christian / Aryan Nations of Missouri

  21. Interesting comments posted at VNN.

    Robert Ransdell: Surprised no one has mentioned this but my mind goes to the point that Mr. Linder has made a number of times, the refusal by the media Jew to give equal coverage and call to attention the tens of thousands of attacks on White people, women and children, the elderly, by Black thugs all over this country is what should keep all of us moving forward, pressing forward, instead of going back on our heels during a time like this.

    So the Jew media might actually have, finally, a case of a White guy who blew up and shot up a Black church. That fact does not change anything, our people are being taken out and victimized every day in this country without any emphasis being put on these crimes.

    What the hell, what the HELL, happened to the investigation, media coverage, surrounding that Greek family in Washington that was killed by the pavement groid? Big story, wealthy family tortured and killed, killer on the run. Coverage was thick until they found out the killer was a Black thug, it is then scaled back over a day or two and erased from the memory of people. If you think this SC shooting is going away in a few days you are completely nuts.

    We will be blamed for this shooting, we are not the ones to blame, not one bit.

    We did not create the cosmopolitan cesspit this country has transformed into – the Jews did.

    We did not set out on a program and plan for the demonization and demoralization of White people, something that leads many Whites to hold hatred in their hearts for a world gone mad and nuts – the Jews did. Our kids are taught nothing but self hatred for their people and history, they are taught that their ancestors are evil, that they themselves are “afflicted” with “White privilege” for which they must repent, and for all time. I mean really is there any end to the “get Whitey” propaganda, anyone who has studied what is going on and listens to these anti-White people should know by now that they will never be satisfied, no matter how many concessions and accommodations are made for Blacks.

    White people in this country are being driven insane, they are being driven into anger, and both examples have been seen recently. One messed up White woman has been convinced to hate her race so much she denies even being White, actively works on the side of our enemies.

    And now in this kid we see an example of someone who could not cope with the sickness and the rot, with the hate and the hypocrisy, and set out with an action which was one where he lashed out at the system with a violent and illegal act. (snip)

  22. Re: Palmetto Paytriot

    Shouldn’t you be doing something jewsfool, like taking down jewr latest blog or attending a Lindsey Graham presidential rally? Maybe holding a candle light vigil with the surviving niggers and blaming white racism? Maybe even burning a Confederut flag or two?

    Nobody going to jewr latest blog? Why not? They don’t want to see their postings disappear without a trace again? Don’t want to listen to you whine about some pore dead niggers killed in a Historic nigger Church which was the starting ground for the nigger slave revolt of Denmark Vessey? (Or how the Citadel was founded as a result of trying to coontain said inevitable nigger slave revolts?) Can’t hear or see too much Tears & Flapdoodle about godly niggers who covet Da Whyte Man’s goods or lands or Wymmins when they ain’t preying to D-g.

    If you don’t believe in doing what needs to be done, don’t even start. Christ said something about those who take up the plow or the Cross and then don’t bother to finish. And about those who are lukewarm.

    Hail Victory!!!

    Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
    Church of Jesus Christ Christian / Aryan Nations of Missouri

  23. Hunter Wallace, you have, over the course of many months, refused to answer even ONE question I’ve posed of the established narratives surrounding these incidents. Not even one.

    So, you first. Let’s start with one of my top favorites: do you believe that the ‘muslim extremists’ who broke into the Charlie Hebdo office spared a blonde french woman because she was female?

  24. @BGriffin…


    Specifically, a group of random people sitting around in a church studying the Bible who haven’t murdered or raped anyone are innocent. Do you agree that such people should not be executed by a cold blooded murderer?’

    ‘I’ve spent my entire life interacting with black people, and while it is true there are racial differences in violent crime, and it is true that the media censors the news, the vast majority of black people are not rapists or murderers.’

    Sir, I so very much thank you for speaking out against this act of satanick barbarity – especially as you are a Southern patriot and a Southern Nationalist leader.

    Like you I deplore where negro society, as whole is, today – but, to have god-fearing people, of any stripe, gunned down while bowing their heads to Our Lord is so sickening I cannot dwell upon it.

  25. I am saddened there is anyone, anywhere, who would feel anything but horror at gunning down people in church.

    It was exactly this kind of behavior, in my childhood, which has tarred our great flag, and allowed opponents of our culture to convince many in our culture that our traditional culture is, on the whole, morally bankrupt.

  26. How does the League plan on taking back the South without violence? I can’t see how that is possible.

  27. @BGriffin…

    ‘Re: Take Me Liberty

    How did you unravel the Jewish involvement in this case? Is this a stage managed crime scene complete with crisis actors?’

    An outstanding point, Sir – among many, from 360 degrees, you make.

  28. ‘How does the League plan on taking back the South without violence?’

    If ‘taking back The South’ means murdering worshippers in church, it’s better ‘untaken’.

    Can you just imagine what Stonewall Jackson or Robert E. Lee would say about such a thing?

    It does not take much imagination.

  29. “This attack was awful, immoral and severely hurt the Southern movement.”

    I didn’t know that Southern nationalism was on the cusp of a major political breakthrough either until this event happened.

    There’s no evidence of a master Jewish plot other than their predictably biased and skewed anti-white coverage of the incident that they hope will result in more white guilt, a transfer of wealth and loss of freedoms for whites. But some whites will start lashing out violently towards blacks and other minorities as a result of the virulently anti-white climate they’re exposed to 24/7/365 and which seems to be picking up more steam each year.

    Roof’s actions can be understood and rationalized in light of the recent and innumerable cases of congoid violence directed at whites and the endless race baiting and threats (black panthers, Calypso Louie) emanating from congoid America since Hussein Obama became president. Whatever faults he might have had, such as his drug use and bad haircut, he seems like a white man who just had enough.

  30. The League is focused on organizing our own people and getting them active. We hold peaceful demonstrations. Simply put, if our own people are unwilling to stand up for themselves, we will continue to be walked on and ignored. It’s that simple.

    Standing up for ourselves doesn’t mean rampage shootings. That’s actually just a symptom of the sick individualism that pervades mainstream American culture. This nutcase never consulted anyone before lashing out in a fit of self destructive rage. As far as we know, he never even tried to work with anyone to make South Carolina a better place.

  31. I don’t think this was planned false flag, but if Roof was on tons of psychotropic meds, his the creature of the legal PharmaJew industry.

    Re: Jew False Flags – World War II/the Holohoax, the King David Hotel Massacre, the attack on the USS Liberty, and the 9/11/2001 obliteration of the World Trade Center:

  32. I know people who live all over South Carolina who are involved in the Southern movement, including Charleston and Columbia, but none of them had ever heard of this guy before this afternoon.

  33. ‘List of confirmed Jewish psy ops, please’:

    Confirmations won’t help to reason with one who is fully convinced that Talmudists are not bad if they come from south of the Line (‘good, solid, southern Jews’) — and it is equally futile to reason with such a one about the moral nature of Yankees (north-of-the-Line Anglo-Protestant Whites) especially those descended from Puritans, Anabaptists and Friends.

  34. @BGriffin…

    ‘Standing up for ourselves doesn’t mean rampage shootings. That’s actually just a symptom of the sick individualism that pervades mainstream American culture.’

    Sir, tonight, as is often the case,, you like a top machine gunner shooting at tomatoes from just a few yards away…

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