The False Narrative: FSU’s New Quarterback Punches White Girl In The Face

Quarterback De'Andre Johnson has been dismissed from FSU

By Hunter Wallace

I’m sure many of you have already seen the video of Florida State University quarterback De’Andre Johnson punching a White girl in the face in a bar in Tallahassee:

“(CNN)The moment captured on camera escalates quickly.

In one frame, Florida State University quarterback De’Andre Johnson, 19, is seen arguing with a woman at a crowded bar.

In the next frame, she raises a fist.

He grabs her arm. She attempts to hit him. He punches her in the face.

Although the surveillance video was released Monday, the incident took place June 24, inside Yianni’s nightclub in Tallahassee, Florida.” …

FSU head football coach Jimbo Fisher has already released Johnson from the team. We’re confident that he will eventually land elsewhere in the same way that other black athletes such as Dorial-Green Beckham transferred from Mizzou to Oklahoma or Jonathan Taylor who transferred from Georgia to Alabama.

Jameis Winston, FSU’s previous star black quarterback, not only got away with raping a White woman in a “football town,” he was awarded the Heisman Trophy (the Heisman Trust later dropped the word “integrity” from its mission statement), and he went on to become the 2015 NFL number one draft pick.

Like so many other “good boys” who play college football these days, De’Andre Johnson will likely follow in the footsteps of James Winston and do quite well for himself in our world of “white privilege” and “institutional racism.” His actions fit a pattern though which the SPLC has labeled the “false narrative of a victimized white majority under siege by allegedly violent people of color in the United States.”

About Hunter Wallace 12408 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. If you let nigs flout a drinking rule (21 or under) he’ll flout niceties like bar etiquette.

    Do white women actually act that casually around Groids? He lolls like he repeatedly pushed her from behind before she noticed him and objected to the jostling.

    Teen Footballer Punches Girl in Bar.

  2. SHAME on ANY White that has ANYTHING to do with GroidBall. EVERY White should REFUSE to have anything to do with any so-called sport that features Dindu Affleets, and their Jew owners.

  3. Her bar behavior wasn’t very lady like

    What do White American college students actually do now in their college years?

    Watch Black thugs in Football and basketball
    Liberal Arts is mostly all cultural Marxism, whites who don’t want to go that way can choose Libertarianism, or just business and economics with no politics.

    The only romance or sex is from “hooking up”.

    That’s a pretty bleak set of choices.

  4. I agree with Denise.

    The good news is that now most all college sports with the exceptions of basketball and football are not dominated by Groids.

    College baseball is excellent and well attended. My alma mater Vanderbily made it to the final game of the Collge World Series. The players are very White, almost no blacks, the stands are well attended , beautiful White women, beautiful families.

    Omaha Nebraska for the Collge World Series of baseball is now a White folk event, better than NASCAR.

    College hockey in the northeast, Midwest, and Northwest is also very good.

    NHL hockey does well in the South, SEC should take it up and ditch Groid football.

  5. That was a rapid escalation from the groid jostling to the groid punching.

    Half the men in the bar probably thought she was a coal burner too.

  6. There’s another video floating around the internet that shows the incident from another camera angle, and makes it even more obvious that the “afflete” was the aggressor in what looks like a very White college place.

    Most sports “announcers”/ journalists promote this type of Black behavior.

  7. “the SPLC has labeled the “false narrative of a victimized white majority under siege by allegedly violent people of color in the United States.”

    Wait… You mean it’s NOT a false narrative?

    And the Jews AREN’T the Chosen People?

    I’m dumbfounded…

  8. I agree with Jack. There are loads of ways to enjoy and participate in pro-White sports. You forgot lovely golf, Jack; that 1 aberration not with-standing – it’s a White People Game.

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