About Hunter Wallace 12408 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. It is a felony to incite to riot. It is a felony for issuing public threats. It’s a felony to call for murder of anyone. What this negro is doing is calling for murder of a certain ethic group, Whites, that is a hate crime. Where are the Feds in this? Some should quiet this baboon.

  2. Why is there a monument- that is a symbol of HATE; to Denmark Vesey who was calling for and organizing for a massacre- a genocide, of slave owners, before the plan was discovered and they were tried and hanged- in Charleston, South Carolina? Why is no one demanding the removal of this monument to a prospective mass murderer & a RACIST who hated White people? There is no ambiguity in this monument. None.

    Malik Shabazz, the NBP, & the NOI are calling for the massacre- a genocide, of ALL White people, today. And that’s a lot more malicious than “yelling fire in a crowded theater. They’ve been doing it for years.
    Why is this allowed? If they aren’t going to be held to account, legally, why aren’t we sending them to Haiti as their forefather(s) wanted?

    Alone, they can’t massacre us, though many innocent Whites have been & will be killed.
    But when we consider the addition of their communist agitators on the left & add in the Muslim element, highly active in places like Ferguson, there is a real threat here. We should take this very seriously.

  3. George says:

    ‘It is a felony to incite to riot. It is a felony for issuing public threats. It’s a felony to call for murder of anyone. What this negro is doing is calling for murder of a certain ethic group, Whites, that is a hate crime. Where are the Feds in this?’

    The reaction from our politicians, media pundits and law enforcement is – silence.

    On the other hand Hulk Hogan utters the word, nigger, and gets nuked!

  4. It will probably be asked, Why not retain and incorporate the blacks into the state, and thus save the expense of supplying, by importation of white settlers, the vacancies they will leave? Deep rooted prejudices entertained by the whites; ten thousand recollections, by the blacks, of the injuries they have sustained; new provocations; the real distinctions which nature has made; and many other circumstances, will divide us into parties, and produce convulsions, which will probably never end but in the extermination of the one or the other race. – To these objections, which are political, may be added others, which are physical and moral Thomas Jefferson, advocate of Emigration

  5. The followup interview did clarify some of his points. And OK, give him a point or two for opposing gun control and the welfare state.

    But let’s assume that there is a black revolution and the “slave masters” are cleared out of SC (or the USA as a whole)? What exactly happens next? Well, what happened in Haiti, or Liberia or Zimbabwe when blacks got control? What is happening today in South Africa? We know the usual story: get rid of the whites, and the economy nosedives, infrastructure disintegrates, mindless violence escalates and the Big Men take over the reins of state.

    Which is the central dilemma. Black majorities have demonstrated that they can not sustain White civilization. This is an objective statement and one which has been tested from Port au Prince to Kinshasha, with a side trip through Birmingham. And if this statement is wrong, can someone show us where blacks have sustained White civilization? Even with massive government intervention, they have been unable to do so. The best they can come up with a new race racket every decade or so.

    Point is, what is it that black revolutionaries can promise that would work in the real world?

    It is a felony to incite to riot. It is a felony for issuing public threats. It’s a felony to call for murder of anyone. What this negro is doing is calling for murder of a certain ethic group, Whites, that is a hate crime. Where are the Feds in this?

    The Feds are probably too busy investigating Hulk Hogan for hatespeech!

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