Cuckservatives: Explaining #NRORevolt

By Hunter Wallace

Here’s your morning roundup:

Matthew Yglesias:

“The #NRORevolt is a backlash to the National Review’s historic role as the self-appointed monitor of what is and is not an acceptably mainstream view in the American conservative movement, including its sporadic “purges” of excessively anti-Semitic or racist elements. But it relies in part on a broader critique that the mainstream right is filled with “cuckservatives” who refuse to stand up for white interests and are laying the groundwork for LGBTQ equality, and encompasses an ugly critique of Jewish “kikeservatives” and other anti-Semitic themes.”

Yglesias isn’t a cuckservative, but writes about the war between the Beltway Right and the Alt Right.

Ryan Cooper:

“Trump’s appeal to racists, meanwhile, is by now stone obvious. He makes frequent reference to Mexican immigrants being criminals and rapists. He says he will magically deport 11 million undocumented workers and build a gigantic wall to keep them from coming back. And now he’s bringing back Nixon’s dog-whistle crime politics, talking about a “silent majority” that supports his views. Put these things together — such as when Trump contemptuously ejected a prominent liberal Latino journalist from a press conference — and it’s the political equivalent of a crack rock …”

Can the GOP be saved from xenophobic rightwingers?

Conor Friedersdorf:

“As if to highlight the worst parts of the billionaire’s coalition, a faction of his supporters took to Twitter, where attacks on Goldberg and National Review merged with what Matt Yglesias aptly described as “a broader critique that the mainstream right is filled with ‘cuckservatives’ who refuse to stand up for white interests” as well as “an ugly critique of Jewish ‘kikeservatives’ and other anti-Semitic themes.”

The Tweets are organized under the hashtag #NRORevolt.”

Ben Domenech:

“ince the dawn of the Tea Party, Republican leadership in Washington has been playing a game of sorts—a game that Donald Trump threatens directly, in ways Capitol Hill Republicans do not yet understand. …

What these staffers do not realize is that they should be wishing this Trump phenomenon stemmed from the conservative base. If it was, it could be synthesized, negotiated with—the advocates for their agenda could be coddled or compromised, their priorities placed in the list of bullet points.

The problem is that this Trump phenomenon, while encompassing some of the Republican base, is not a creature of it, or in any way a structured objection to specific policies like, say, renewal of the Export Import bank.

Instead, it is an organic and anti-establishment response uninterested in negotiation. It is a revolt that seeks nothing less that the annihilation of the party’s ruling elite—and, perhaps, the Republican coalition along with it.”

About Hunter Wallace 12390 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. The GOP is on the way to being swept into the dustbins of history. Good riddance. These whining cucks have no one to blame but themselves.

  2. The leftists and the cuckservatives both yell the same things– “racist! Nazi!” We’re going to need scorecards or have them wear uniforms to tell them apart.

  3. Mr Wallace- while I enjoyed this site when it primarily focused on Southern Nationalism, I must say that what you’ve done with it over the past couple of months has been nothing short of astounding. This is now one of the preeminent AltRight/FarRight sites on the entire internet in my view; it is both relevant and interesting, and you’ve done as good a job as anybody chronicling the “cuckservative” phenomenon.

    And no more bashing your readership for their cowardice!! The pro-White identity uprising that is being funneled into Donald Trump’s campaign (whether he likes it or not) has to have surprised you a bit, huh? I know it has me…

    Anyway, keep up the good work.

  4. Trump has annoyed me by sharing a stage with Glenn Beck and Palin.

    Something is rotten here.

  5. Ben Domenech
    “it is an organic and anti-establishment response uninterested in negotiation. It is a revolt that seeks nothing less that the annihilation of the party’s ruling elite”

    Yep. How is that bad?

  6. I was reading some of that twitter stuff and it made me think of a few responses to neocohens whenever they mention white racist / supremacist etc

    – do you think Jewish supremacism has been good for America?
    – do you think Jews are the master race?
    – should disparate impact apply to Jews in the media?
    – what do you think about Jewish privilege?

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