About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. @Warspite

    He writes: “Despite your lunacies regarding Jews, you refuse to acknowledge the control and primacy of International Jewry. When in response to all your prying I reveal to you and your comrades that you’re right on International Jewry you seem befuddled and adrift. You know why that eye is at the top of the pyramid, and yet you don’t. It’s as if you can’t handle the truth about the control of nearly 300,000,000 by a mere 30,000,000 or so.”

    So all of a sudden you’re all agreeing that Jewish Supremacy exists, when just a day or two ago you were ranting like a madman over Donald Trump’s moratorium on Muslim immigration, ranting on and on about irrelevant court cases which did nothing to support YOUR case?

    You sir are a troll.

  2. @HW: “Is it any wonder that they have been kicked out of dozens of nations?” In Christian countries Jews have pushed the “Judeo-Christian” meme, but according to Talmudic tradition Jesus was executed for practicing sorcery and enticing Israel into idolatry.
    https://books.google.com/books?id=IxIv_zqQx9kC “Jesus in the Talmud”

  3. @Warspite:

    ***The fact you post a pic from TNG is rather rich. Is this a situation where you are genuinely unaware of Trek being not just the progeny of a political philosophy you abhor, it is also the product of the “Jewish mind”. ***

    So, Gene Roddenberry was Jewish? I find this hard to believe. For one thing, his biography said he was raised as Southern Baptist. For another thing, he had a little concept called “The Prime Directive.”

    The Prime Directive prohibited Star Fleet personnel from interfering with the internal development of alien civilizations. Would you mind explaining how The Prime Directive jives with a mind utterly raised on and immersed in the concept of Tikkum Olam?


    I feel your pain. I’m not Jewish, but I have some Jewish relatives by marriage who I love very much.

    BUT … the consequences of pledging blind allegiance to someone who has no compunction about screwing up your life if it helps his own agenda have proven historically deadly for Jews for centuries.

    The best analogy I can make is if you have a relative who burgles houses to pay for his drug habit and then stashes his stolen goods on your property without your knowledge. The law will prosecute you, assuming he had your tacit, unspoken permission, because you, of all people, should know he’s a thieving drug addict.

    So, before you make your case in some collective knee jerk fashion, you need to ask yourself if Warspite’s antics at this board good for a Southerner of Jewish extraction?

    As for the vote, I’m of mixed emotions, Hunter. First, I suspect that Warspite is clever enough to just get around the ban by getting a new IP and name. So, any attempt to ban him would only offer a couple of weeks’ peace and quiet.

    I wish this board had an ignore function, because the best way to deal with him would be if posters who find him too obnoxious a read to put him on ignore. Failing that, I’d do what sounds completely oounterintuitive; let him post his own topic so that anyone who wants to can rumble with him to their heart’s content.

    I still think the key to dealing with Warspite and others like him is to impose only ONE RULE and RIGIDLY ENFORCE IT. Demand that posters stay strictly on-topic and delete any comments that veer off topic.

  4. I wanted to cut Spite some slack but when you blatantly insult and belittle your host it’s time to go.

  5. “Brad has detailed info about why I was assigned here”

    Um… excuse me?? “Assigned” here? I must’ve missed something…

    “you people demand answers, you get them..”

    What in the hell is this guy talking about???

    Sorry to wound your pride Mr. Warspite, but my life does not revolve around checking up on your latest shenanigans on this site. I have no earthly idea what you could mean by “Brad” (which I find quite petty and disrespectful, especially since you yourself hide behind a cloak of anonymity) having info on why you were “assigned” here.

    So.. this guy really IS a professional troll?? If so, and if this is already known to Mr. Wallace, then why are we even having this conversation? The five minutes I’ve just wasted are the last 5 minutes that I’m ever gonna waste on “Warspite”. I’d vote “ban” twice if I could.

  6. “Brad has detailed info about why I was assigned here”

    Um… excuse me?? “Assigned” here? I must’ve missed something…

    “you people demand answers, you get them..”

    What in the hell is this guy talking about???

    Yes, I’d like to see it spelled out plainly.

    • As usual, Warspite is making stuff up again.

      I tolerated his presence here for two months in part because he is such an excellent visual aid. Few Southerners have any real experience interacting with Jews – who are thin on the ground in lots of states – and his presence here was a vivid illustration of literally every Jewish stereotype.

      When I first stumbled across this scene in 2001, I discounted the conspiracy theorists and the anti-Semites who exaggerated the negative qualities of Jews. It was only after doing my own research and interacting with characters such as this Warspite that I began to see how Jews operate.

      I’ve played the part of the Southern gentleman. I tolerated his rude, obnoxious behavior. I brushed off his terrible manners. I politely asked him dozens of times to stop flaming, engage in civil discourse, and debate substantial questions. At the end of the day though, he was unable to do so. He was unable to overcome his own nature, but that was valuable because it provided an learning experience for others who are quietly reading this blog.

  7. Re Banning Der ewige Spiteful Jude – It follows my wee malnourished neglected blog. It wrote to me a few times. I completely ignored It.

    It stopped writing.

  8. When WarSpite first appeared here, his first post declared he was not a troll. Then he started lobbying for Ashkenazi Jews to be accepted into the LOS. When that was firmly rejected, he started calling the people here Nazis and WeeNies.

    As old man Whitaker says, their real power comes not from any real loyalty to each other, but from their compulsion to attack any loyalty that is not to them. And that he says is the reason why we cannot ally with them.

    Kevin McDonald also has interesting things to say about them. He is an evolutionary psychologist who studied what drives them, without hate or conspiracy. His book Culture of Critique was written for academics, but reading the comments at Amazon is enough for the layman to pick up most of his ideas.

    • Warspite,

      You have been found guilty by a jury of your peers. The tribe has spoken. Adios!

      Note: I received an email from his wife. She claimed he was spending too much time on here, getting obsessed with arguing with anti-Semites, and needed to be banned for his own good. Just kidding.

      • If I had any confidence that Warspite was capable of changing his ways, I would just give him a one week ban. As things stand now, the disruption he is causing is greater than the benefits – however small – of maintaining his presence here.

        In the future, we will welcome opposition insofar as those who are here to argue against us are capable of engaging in civil discourse, arguing substantial points, and refraining from flaming. I think that sort of debate can be valuable, but not endless flame wars that derail threads and choke the comment section down to the point where we have to return to manual moderation.

  9. Clytemnestra // December 11, 2015 at 11:49 am //

    “So, Gene Roddenberry was Jewish? I find this hard to believe. For one thing, his biography said he was raised as Southern Baptist. For another thing, he had a little concept called “The Prime Directive.””

    He married a Jewess named Majel Barrett, who controlled his estate after his death. So I assume he is referring to her influence.

    Star Trek’s Federation are multiracial Communists in pajamas, trekking through the universe absorbing other peoples into their collective. I also understand the Vulcan hand signal, is one of their ancient signs.

    I liked Star Trek when I was a child but no longer enjoy it as much, because like most of what is written by their people, it is not innocent entertainment, it Message Media promoting what is good for them.

  10. Clytemnestra // December 11, 2015 at 11:49 am //

    “Demand that posters stay strictly on-topic and delete any comments that veer off topic.”

    I’m sorry, but that sounds awful. It would take the fun out of commenting here. I think your idea of a ‘tard corral is a better one, so those that desire it, can interact with him. As Hunter pointed out, his cliched behavior was instructive, for those that are ignorant of them.

  11. @Clytemnestra…


    I feel your pain. I’m not Jewish, but I have some Jewish relatives by marriage who I love very much.’

    Thank you. I understand.

    ‘BUT … the consequences of pledging blind allegiance to someone who has no compunction about screwing up your life if it helps his own agenda have proven historically deadly for Jews for centuries.’

    M’am, Loyaltly to those around me, whether to blood, neighbours, church-members, or countrymen, is always number one. Sometimes, that can grow inordinately complex, because of intertwining loyalties.

    ‘The best analogy I can make is if you have a relative who burgles houses to pay for his drug habit and then stashes his stolen goods on your property without your knowledge. The law will prosecute you, assuming he had your tacit, unspoken permission, because you, of all people, should know he’s a thieving drug addict.’

    It’s a good analogy, M’am, and, just so you know my ethos : if Miss Denise or Mr. Griffin stole some things and stored them on my property, without telling me, hell, yes – I would be greatly mifft.

    I would not, however, call the police; nor would I tell the police who had done it, if I knew, just to make things easy for myself – nor would I vote to cast off Warspite, just to make things easier for me, or those with our blood.

    I live by the saying : Meine Ehre heiBt Treue’

    ‘So, before you make your case in some collective knee jerk fashion, you need to ask yourself if Warspite’s antics at this board good for a Southerner of Jewish extraction?’

    M’am – I detailed my thinking in painful detail, not only on this page, but, on ‘Trump calls for Moratorium on Muslim Immigrants, I do believe.

    I cannot improve on that.

    Still, I thank you for your remark and kind words.

    Merry Christmas!

  12. @Miss Denise…

    M’am, I am surprised to see that Warspite receive 15 votes in his defence.

    Perhaps there are more, on the impolite left, coming here, than I knew.

    Merry Christmas!

  13. I still lurk here and Warspite has made it thoroughly less enjoyable due to his demeanor. Rather than censorship his removal would be a justified welcome solution to his disruptive behavior.

    Hi Brad, Hi Denise. Hi everyone else. Brad, hope you momma and baby are great.

  14. Aahhhh………the air is sweeter and purer now………

    I’m a Celt. A love a good fight – but there was no serious debate or exchange of ideas. There was just…..what was.

    Thanks to all who voted for sanity!

  15. Yours is a movement of cowards, Brad.

    Anti-Whites always play the victim, even when they come inside your home and insult you and your other guests. Warspite and Don piss all over the rug, throw their feces at the residents, practically dare you to do something about it, and then when you finally do something about it in a very democratic way, they call you Nazis and cowards.

    Yep, just like I said: Don is a very close 2nd to Warspite. Hunter is A LOT nicer than I would have ever been. Too nice, really. But that’s for another time and another place.

    How about that 2-for-1 special?

  16. Don
    ‘Surprise, surprise. Yours is a movement of cowards, Brad.’


    Spite had been here for nearly 3 months, sniping viciously at the host, lobbing grenades, insulting just about everyone, and derailing threads.

    Moreover, he was allowed to infect every thread with his lengthy, obnoxious screeds, comprised mainly of half-truths, distortions and outright lies.

    I would have thrown him down the well before October.

  17. @Mr. Griffin…

    If I had any confidence that Warspite was capable of changing his ways, I would just give him a one week ban. As things stand now, the disruption he is causing is greater than the benefits – however small – of maintaining his presence here.

    In the future, we will welcome opposition insofar as those who are here to argue against us are capable of engaging in civil discourse, arguing substantial points, and refraining from flaming. I think that sort of debate can be valuable, but not endless flame wars that derail threads and choke the comment section down to the point where we have to return to manual moderation.’

    I respect your judgement and the process.

    It was fair, Sir, and I was honoured to be a part of that.

    The rules are as they ought be; and, as it is, you have been quite liberal and permissive in applying them, so, let no man accuse you of being ‘a one-man lynch mob’…

  18. @ Mr. Griffin…

    ‘Surprise, surprise. Yours is a movement of cowards, Brad.’

    Sir, this is another violation by Don, and, this from a self admitted government informant.

    Why do we allow someone promoting totalitarian tyranny to remain in our midst?

    His offence is similar, in a pithier vein, yet, far beyond Warspite’s.

    Nothing worse than treachery.

  19. @Celestial Time // December 12, 2015 at 12:12 am //

    Try posting a Pro White opinion on the New York Times website and they will perma-ban you in a New York minute. I know, I have tried it. They also ban us on Facebook and Youtube. You name it and they are lobbying to ban us.

    Anti-Whites consist of Screamers, Thugs and Thought Police. Why anyone takes these sick fools seriously, I do not understand!

  20. “I feel your pain. I’m not Jewish, but I have some Jewish relatives by marriage who I love very much.’
    Thank you. I understand.”

    I Don’t Ez, 9:2ff. and Gal. 4:30 are pretty clear. YOu don’t allow spawn of mixed marriages into your home, and the slave will not inherit with the freeborn. And Jews are slaves of their stubborn pride and revolutionary hatred. I’m slogging through E Michael Jones’ 1000-page ‘The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit.’

    Even though the book is RC, he nails the historical evil that is Jewry.

    I vote Warspittle be banned.

  21. @Richard Bird…

    ‘Try posting a Pro White opinion on the New York Times website and they will perma-ban you in a New York minute. I know, I have tried it. They also ban us on Facebook and Youtube. You name it and they are lobbying to ban us.’

    Same at NPR, Mr. Bird.

    I posted some polite & pithy rebuttals on comments calling for complete gun control – and not a one was posted.

  22. @Warspite…

    As you are probably still poring over these pages, I’ll take the opportunity to say this :

    Find a good Orthodox Synagogue and go there for Shabbat services and for Wednesday night Tanakh study.

    Get English translations and study the Gemorrah & Talmud, in addition to the Torah.

    Say your prayers, keep Kosher, and, above all, keep the Shabbat.

    You won’t be attracted to this, but, it will make a difference in you, over the course of a few years.

    Your soul needs what being an observant & God-fearing Jew will provide you.

    Too much American secular life is not good for you, or anyone else, for that matter.

    I would recommend a Christian church, but, I think that would be out of the question for you, so, an Orthodox synagogue would be the next best thing.

    There you will be immersed in God’s word and law, and meet some restrained, ethical conservative Jews – unlike those undisciplined and vain white collar leftist secularists who populate the Reformed movement, and, as well, the Conservative.

    ??? ???? ?? ?? ???

  23. @ Richard Bird…

    ‘Star Trek’s Federation are multiracial Communists in pajamas, trekking through the universe absorbing other peoples into their collective. I also understand the Vulcan hand signal, is one of their ancient signs.

    I liked Star Trek when I was a child but no longer enjoy it as much, because like most of what is written by their people, it is not innocent entertainment, it Message Media promoting what is good for them.’

    If I may, Mr. Bird : you’re not enjoying it anymore because you are not watching the show, Star Trek, from ‘the right’ perspective.

    Do like I do : root for the Romulans and Klingons, as they have maintained their nationalistic integrity, and approach things without the veil of hypocrisy over their motives.

    I hope this restores some of the pleasure for you…

  24. @Father John…

    Father, I hope you appreciate the biting irony in decrying Judaism & Jewry, and yet, relying on Jewish scripture, as well, as the writings of early Christian Jews, such as Saul of Tarsus, to do so.

  25. I do not believe that this primal difference between gentile and Jew is reconciliable. You and we may come to an understanding, never to a reconciliation. There will be irritation between us as long as we are in intimate contact. For nature and constitution and vision divide us from all of you forever–not a mere conviction, not a mere language, not a mere difference of national or religious allegiance. With the best will on both sides, successful adaptation to each other will always be insecure and transient. Waves of liberality may affect our mutual relationship from time to time: we shall delude ourselves–you and we–with the belief that we have bridged the gulf. Many will pass their lives in that delusion. But, as has come to pass so often, the difference which is deeper than will, deeper than consciousness, will assert itself. There is a limit to our moral or mental possibilities. We cannot climb out of ourselves. The complete and permanent reconciliation of your way of life with ours is beyond that limit.

    — Maurice Samuel, YOU GENTILES, New York, 1924, pages 23-24

    (http://www.jrbooksonline.com/pdf_books/yougentiles.pdf )

  26. Sam J – Whites are just beginning to see the TRUE Face of the Jew vis a vis the demonization of Donald Trump. The Spiteful One simply clogged up the Comments.

    Focus on clueing in the Clueless; keep pointing out that Jews HATE Trump…why? Our job is to help the Schmoos SEE.

  27. To ANY-ONE who voted to Keep the Jew – for ANY reason, especially ideological “reasons” – YOU are the ones actively colluding with White Genocide.

  28. @ Miss Denise…

    To watch MSNBC, M’am, you have to have a strong stomach!

    Still, sometimes for dark amusement, I will put Rachel Maddow’s little programs that she gives about the history of The South, from YouTube, on our potpourri DVDS – because, if you watch her, in a certain light, her total inability to grasp our country, particularly North Carolina, she can be very amusing:)))

    What is NOT funny, however, is how many of my countrymen find her ‘a great spokeswoman for our society’

    Here, M’am, is one that is unintentionally funny, to me…


    Happy Holidays!

  29. “Sir, this is another violation by Don, and, this from a self admitted government informant.”

    Ah, possessing an opinion that isn’t laced with spittle, racism and consistently boneheaded and intractable is now a violation, according to Junior. And what’s the bit about “admitted government informant?” Makin’ it up as you go along, Junior?

  30. @RichardBird:

    Clytemnestra // December 11, 2015 at 11:49 am //

    *Demand that posters stay strictly on-topic and delete any comments that veer off topic.*

    I’m sorry, but that sounds awful. It would take the fun out of commenting here. I think your idea of a ‘tard corral is a better one, so those that desire it, can interact with him. As Hunter pointed out, his cliched behavior was instructive, for those that are ignorant of them.”

    Yeah. I myself was not crazy about rigid topic enforcement, because sometimes, a topic can lead to sub-topics that can be expounded on in future blogs.

    I was afraid I was overstepping my own bounds on this blog when I suggested some sort of opposing views which was why I was so hesitant and semi-apologetic about it. Though I didn’t envision it as a “tard corral.” I’m a wrestling fan, so I was thinking “Cage Match” subtitled “Get Ready to Rumble” and with some sort of disclaimer that this section was unmoderated and the site owner is in no way responsible for or in agreement with any OTT heated words.

    Let’s face it, to be perfectly honest, there were posters here who loved the fight every bit as much as Warspite and Don did.

    But if that seems too risky for a blog owner (and it well might be), here’s another idea.

    Many blogs have links only to other blogs that share their POV, but I can’t see where it hurts to have links to blogs with a completely opposing POV. Especially if there is such a major difference of opinion, that both sides are open to debate.

    Well, each side having their own blog, offers each side a safe space, with borders, if you will. That way, if things get out of hand, then it’s up to the blog owner to deal with any hot potato that lands in his lap and clean up any messes. So, instead of a “home invasion” from a “transient” poster, you have more of a situation like two hostile countries with nukes. They are forced to resort to a little tact and diplomacy whether they like it or not.

    I guess I have a “goyish kopf,” because I never got the point of Warspite trying to take over Hunter’s blog when he could have simply created his OWN blog to present counter arguments to Hunter’s, with a little help from Don. He was THAT prolific a writer. Assuming he or his friends are still lurking, I would suggest something titled THE ANTI-OCCIDENT if he wanted to imply some sort of association with Hunter’s blog.

    In any case, though I was strongly tempted to vote FOR banning, I abstained from voting altogether. Partly, because I am not a regular here; I’m of Yankee stock. However, I have always liked the Southerners I have met, I love their accents, and I find their culture and traditions interesting. But also because I figured it would only be a matter of weeks before Warspite’s new incarnation under a different name and IP would be stirring the sauce again.

    • I’m all for opposition in the comments, but we have seen time and again that there have to be some ground rules (no flaming, no trolling), or it will degenerate into endless flame wars which will consume the blog until I put a stop to it.

      Last weekend, I turned on comment moderation because the comment section had spiraled out of control with sick interracial rape fantasies. It’s true that there was flaming on both sides. That’s why I chose not to ban Don and Warspite and put everyone on moderation. There was plenty of blame to go around myself included for tolerating the situation.

      After manually approving comments for about a week, Warspite refused to stop flaming while everyone else had gotten the message and had more or less stopped doing it. It got to the point where I wasn’t having to block comments from anyone but Warspite. It just didn’t make any sense to continue to tolerate one disruptive individual.

  31. “…As old man Whitaker says, their real power comes not from any real loyalty to each other, but from their compulsion to attack any loyalty that is not to them. And that he says is the reason why we cannot ally with them…”

    I hadn’t heard that idea. It’s very deep. A small simple principle with vast consequences.

    It reminds me of how BitTorrent DHT networks and other networks of that ilk use simple principles and create complicated structures. One of the best examples is the computer simulation called life. With a small rule set it evolves very fast to a great complexity. Even spawning virus and parasite creatures.

    A very simple rule in dealing with the Jews, whether factually correct or not, is to assume that they are a tribe of psychopaths. Their behavior as a group is indistinguishable from psychopaths. If you assume they are a tribe of psychopaths you’ll never be surprised and they make sense perfectly.

  32. ‘I do not believe that this primal difference between gentile and Jew is reconciliable. You and we may come to an understanding, never to a reconciliation. There will be irritation between us as long as we are in intimate contact. For nature and constitution and vision divide us from all of you forever–not a mere conviction, not a mere language, not a mere difference of national or religious allegiance. With the best will on both sides, successful adaptation to each other will always be insecure and transient. Waves of liberality may affect our mutual relationship from time to time: we shall delude ourselves–you and we–with the belief that we have bridged the gulf. Many will pass their lives in that delusion. But, as has come to pass so often, the difference which is deeper than will, deeper than consciousness, will assert itself. There is a limit to our moral or mental possibilities. We cannot climb out of ourselves. The complete and permanent reconciliation of your way of life with ours is beyond that limit.’


    I would have sworn it was from a thoughtful Southerner, to the North entire…

  33. ‘I do not believe that this primal difference between gentile and Jew is reconciliable. You and we may come to an understanding, never to a reconciliation. There will be irritation between us as long as we are in intimate contact. For nature and constitution and vision divide us from all of you forever–not a mere conviction, not a mere language, not a mere difference of national or religious allegiance. With the best will on both sides, successful adaptation to each other will always be insecure and transient. Waves of liberality may affect our mutual relationship from time to time: we shall delude ourselves–you and we–with the belief that we have bridged the gulf. Many will pass their lives in that delusion. But, as has come to pass so often, the difference which is deeper than will, deeper than consciousness, will assert itself. There is a limit to our moral or mental possibilities. We cannot climb out of ourselves. The complete and permanent reconciliation of your way of life with ours is beyond that limit.’


    I would have sworn it was from a thoughtful Southerner, to the North entire…


    ‘As old man Whitaker says, their real power (The Jews) comes not from any real loyalty to each other, but from their compulsion to attack any loyalty that is not to them.’

    There is a lot of truth in this statement, though, I what I think is missing here is how readily my white Southern brothers betray their own.

    I have seen Dr. Hill and Michael Cushman comment about this, many many times, so I know this is not just my opinion.

    Sometimes, when I have askt The Lord why it was his wisdom to give me Jewish blood, I have suspected that this answer was put into my ear :

    Junius, do not be any more ashamed to belong to a group that shamelessly, hypocritically, immorally, rudely, and treacherously advocates it’s power, to the expence of others, than you would be ashamed to belong to a group of easy-to-distract sheep who let it happen to them, over and over again; to a group of people that have no compunction selling their neighbours right down the river.

  35. @Junius,
    “Junius, do not be any more ashamed to belong to a group that shamelessly, hypocritically, immorally, rudely, and treacherously advocates it’s power, to the expence of others, than you would be ashamed to belong to a group of easy-to-distract sheep who let it happen to them, over and over again; to a group of people that have no compunction selling their neighbours right down the river.”

    I’d be ashamed to count myself a member of either group.

    I don’t see myself as being in the same group as those with White anti-White genetics. They may look like me, but they ain’t loyal to me. In a hundred years or less they will not be White, they will be part of another race.

    When technology allows us to see the anti-White in broad daylight, using something like Google Glass, I guarantee they will not be able to move freely in White neighborhoods, any more than we allow pedophiles to interfere with our children.

    The truth will out.

  36. Throughout history OUR elites have been absolute douche nozzles who are greedy, corrupt and all too wiling to throw their own people under the bus if it makes them a little richer, but at least what we see is what we get. We know they don’t give two hoots in hell about us and it gets progressively easier for us to disengage from the altogether once they’ve crossed one too many a line.

    I feel so sorry for the average, fundamentally decent Jew out there just trying to do right by his own immediate family. These are the people who always end up being slaughtered in Anti-Semitic pogroms, because they are stuck between a rock and a hard place what with a criminal elite and an increasingly fed up Gentile population.

    The way I see it, OJ is more like a crime syndicate than a religion and Little Jews are drafted in as soldiers whether they want to be or not. Big Jew is composed of the most criminal psychopaths imaginable who don’t seem to GAD if their antics ultimately hurt Little Jew.

    In fact, I think it is planned that way. In the Old Testament, there is some reference to a scapegoat ritual where all the sins of the community are put on some goat who is driven off into the desert to die. Well, I often think that Big Jew plans to set up Little Jew as the scapegoat or sacrificial lamb for any outraged Gentile population to vent their wrath on while they make their own escape.

    Little Jew is not only collateral damage, but serves great propaganda value for Big Jew to broadcast about how, without Big Jew’s wealth and protection that irrational Gentiles are going to kill millions of innocent Jews. So, Little Jews are forced to circle the wagons around Big Jew whether they like it or not.

    I also think that Big Jew deliberately allows his behavior to get so bad, because in a non-hostile environment, a lot of Jews escape the net by marrying out. They either have to stage a false flag or misbehave so badly that another pogrom is inevitable.

    We find out, long after the fact, that Zionists Jews leaned on Roosevelt and Congress not to let European Jews in, because they needed them to settle Israel after the war. They created a false flag in Iraq that terrorized Iraqi Jews to emigrate to Israel to replace Arab labor. I also think a big part behind Jews, Israelis like Barbara Spectre encouraging Muslim immigration is all about forcing European Jews to move to Israel and build more settlements.

    I feel badly for most Jewish people, but only they can do something about their own situation. Unlike the Nazi era Jews and the Iraqi Jews, today’s Jews have access to more immediate information. Only they can determine whether or not to fall for the okie dokie and/or allow themselves to be set up as scapegoats.

    I would like to point out one thing though. Thanks to the antics of their confreres, they have been placed in the same “your skin is your uniform” position as White people. While what is “good for the Jews” is rarely to never good for Whites at large, what is good for Whites is also good for the Jews.

    There is going to be a time when Jews recognize that, in the cannibal’s stew pot, they are the OTHER “white meat” and every bit if not a great deal more tasty. Then skin color is going to have to trump religion if they want to hang on to their hides. I think that time is coming sooner than later. We are now seeing the rumblings of that inevitability with the BLM tantrums on college campuses (which Ron Unz admits is disproportionately dominated by Jewish student bodies and professors.)

  37. @Fr. John:

    *I Don’t Ez, 9:2ff. and Gal. 4:30 are pretty clear. YOu don’t allow spawn of mixed marriages into your home, and the slave will not inherit with the freeborn. And Jews are slaves of their stubborn pride and revolutionary hatred. I’m slogging through E Michael Jones’ 1000-page ‘The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit.’*

    We are Roman Catholics. My uncle was an Ashkenazi who looked and acted White. He converted to Roman Catholicism to marry my aunt. He was a loving husband to my aunt and great father to their children. He was a supportive in-law who never displayed less than steadfast loyalty to our family.

    Whether we Whites want to admit it or not, we have plenty of disrupters in our own immediate blood families who live to sow seeds of disruption and disharmony. I know a man whose own brother routinely stabs him in the back every opportunity he gets.

    I suspect your beliefs run along the lines of British Israelism or Christian Identity, thus your need to adhere to OT guidelines for Israelites to remain endogamous and free from outside influences.

    Well, I consider myself a Japhethite, descendant of the father of Europe and Europe always observed a little something called xenos where it the laws of hospitality were encoded into law.

    I cannot feel any connection to a grifter named Abraham who pimped his wife off to two ruler-hosts as his sister only to extort massive amounts of wealth once they were alerted by the “wrath of God” that she was married.

    I cannot feel any connection to the usurper/deceiver, Jacob, who extorted his brother Esau’s birthright rather than share his food freely like a brother should or who then deceived his own father to steal his brother’s blessing.

    Just cannot do it. I don’t have much use for either of these people. Sorry. Like everyone else, I prefer my own European people, but my guidelines are a little looser than the OT which was written by and for Hebrews.

    Let’s face it, Fr. John. The religion most people were born into has often been determined by a crucial battle or political conflict of some sort than someone’s predisposition. If the Turks had lost just one battle, then the Bosnians would either be Orthodox like the Serbians or Roman Catholic like the Croats, for example.

    I judge people by their actions more than the ideologies they were raised in. I don’t care if someone is Catholic, Protestant, Buddhist, Hindu, Muslim or Pagan, as long as he acts as White and fights for White interests, he’s White to me.

  38. Cly – your posts are usually brilliant- but Fr John is correct. This isn’t ABOUT “religion” – it’s about BLOOD. The Jew that married into your family line wasn’t White, and either are his children. You leap to their defense now – because they are in your family. But they are NOT in your line, and corrupt oyur blood.

    The rotten behavior that Whites exhibit towards other Whites Isn’t the POINT. That’s a Red Herring THAT can be dealt with internally. JEWS have been attacking, corrupting, abusing, and DESTROYING Whites for EVER. They’ve just about succeeded in exterminating us. A Judge in France just ruled that ethnic French – White French – don’t EXIST AND NEVER DID.

    What don’t you GET? I don’t CARE about your family. I care about MINE. You are either in or OUT.

  39. Cly – White is White. Your last line on your “rebuttal” to Fr. John reminds me of the middle-aged/elderly grand-parents, caring for their trangressing child’s little mulatto spawn.


  40. @Richard Bird…

    Mr. Bird, please forgive me for not pasting the sequence here, but, I suspect, it is growing too unwieldy.

    I appreciate your reply, as well as the fact that you see yourself as not being in neither group.

    You are lucky.

    Me, I am in both groups, though, like Clytemnestra, I, ultimately, fall back on the thinking that who an individual is is more important to me than the group.

    Let me be perfectly clear, here : I am a racist and a sexist and whatever-ist, as I take all these things into account when I am dealing with someone.

    That said, who a person is is very important to me.


    I would choose to live with a family of God-fearing hard-working upright Tarheel negroes, in a heartbeat, before I would go live with anti-western Jews or anti-white whites – if those were the only two houses left on earth.

    As to finding some explanation for why some become left and others right – that, I believe, will remain outside the realm of science, eternally, for that is the development of a soul, in it’s entirety.

    On a final note : my state struggled a lot with this, during The War of Northern Aggression, as the state not only supplied more troops to the Confederacy than any other Southern state, it, also, supplied more troops to the Federal side, more than any other southron state.

    Go figure:)

  41. @Clytemnestra…

    ‘Throughout history OUR elites have been absolute douche nozzles who are greedy, corrupt and all too wiling to throw their own people under the bus if it makes them a little richer.’

    Amen, M’am!!!

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