Durka, Durka, Durka, Mohammad, Jihad.
Not much is known about Omar Mir Seddique Mateen at this hour, but OD has confirmed the shooter is a registered Democrat and that this was an act of terrorism on Ramadan.
As we begin Ramadan, I wish all Muslims a blessed time of reflection, family, and good health. Ramadan Mubarak. -H
— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) June 5, 2016
All the Democrats who blamed Dylann Roof on the CofCC are in my timeline telling me Omar Mateen being a registered Democrat is irrelevant
— )))Hunter Wallace((( (@occdissent) June 12, 2016
The police classified the attack at an Orlando nightclub as a “terror incident.” The FBI set up a hotline for tips. https://t.co/DalGJtI6LR
— The New York Times (@nytimes) June 12, 2016
Orlando shooter Omar Mateen a confirmed Democrat: https://t.co/Tooai3SGrX pic.twitter.com/GXsgrGEo1Z
— )))Hunter Wallace((( (@occdissent) June 12, 2016
Update: He called 9/11 to pledge allegiance to ISIS.
Orlando nightclub gunman Omar Mateen called 911 during the attack to pledge allegiance to ISIS, U.S. official says. https://t.co/TTALunQ6Bh
— CNN Breaking News (@cnnbrk) June 12, 2016
Now that a Dune Coon has been identified, the JewsNews is babbling about “religion/ethnicity doesn’t have anything to do with this…” and ….wait for it………GUN CONTROL!!!! The gun did this. Not the Arab Mohammedan, but the GUN. Alan Grayson, extraordinarily repugnant Jew congressman, is calling the bomb an “explosive device”. “The FBI has not yet identified the explosive device as a bomb”.
I wonder if the Dems can deflect to firearms and not also antagonize their sodomite constituency.
The guns are the culprit. The Blame Assignment began immediately.
The dead count is now at 50. I’m of mixed opinion. Before the Jihadi was identified, the kill rate and bomb suggested a White man. However – the Jihadi racial alien killer…..well…..need I write more? Donald Trump, of course, has been hounded and slandered and attacked for his common-sense suggestion about banning Muslims from entering the JEWSA.
LOTSA local Hebes,on TV. Hhhmmmmm…………
Some Negro cop is in TalmudVision calling for Christian ministers to pray for the victims – rather than condemning these Nation Wrecking deviates in the first place, for their behavior.
Day is night, night is day.
Now I must troll Twitter.
Your entire online persona is that of trolling. Wasting a sentence by telling people you’re going to go trolling is like interrupting silence to tell everyone you’re going to breathe now.
Lulz. Clutch your pearls, Princess.
You forgot to add the mandatory Jew reference or insinuation. You’re off your game, FlabbyTits.
Lulz. How was synagogue with your Israeli BF, on Friday, eunuch?
That partial Star of David is pretty obvious. Are you a Soros guy or CIA? You should play in a left sandbox, you’re not tall enough to troll here.
Retarded Time is just an elderly asshat. Really pathetic. It’s an absolute embarrassment, and a PRIME illustration of “why” old “White”? “polite” losers keep on losing.
Why don’t you tell me how old I am, DeniseoftheJihad.
Why don’t joo? Celestial Hebe lover
So you don’t really know? Is that what you’re saying?
I know who I am. I know what YOU, are, too.
Then give me details.
You go first.
I’m married… 6’0 tall…. about 205-210 lbs with not much body fat… live in Nashville, TN… older than 30, younger than 50…
I’m a ballerina, and a nuclear scientist.
You are pathetic.
PS – what’s you DNA profile. You brought it up.
Sure you are. When can we expect that DNA test?
So whats your address? Maybe I can see if any of this is true?
Now you’re fishing for my address?
I’m still waiting on your response about “That partial Star of David is pretty obvious” that you skipped over.
You’re as dumb as Denise is inconspicuous. Why don’t you tell me more about my “partial Star of David.”
Why don’t joo?
Your insight is amazing.
Pass the popcorn.
The religion of peace strikes again. Fuckin’ liberals never learn.
Those gays weren’t bothering anyone. Wherever anyone thinks of gays, they didn’t deserve that.
Yes they did. Those that wallow in feces are notorious disease spreaders.
The {{{{Deviates}}} just legalized bestiality in Canada – and the BIG Prize is legalizing sex with kiddies.
The Muslim understood this.
So now FakeAssDenise is professing that the same types of Muslims Trump wants to ban from the USA are now astute practitioners of civility and morality?
Now fake ass Hebe loving Celestial Retard is totally missing the point, on purpose. You are a MORON. Run along and fellate a rabbi.
Keep it classy, DeniseoftheJihad
Did you lose some kosher pals, in FL, last night?
Did you lose a fellow Jihadist last night?
You do realize that JOO are taking the JOO Line – accusing a person of being a Muslim, now that the NAZI slur is no longer working, don’t joo?
Your Comments on this tread soley revolve around attacking me. NOT commenting in the content. Duly noted. Now piss off, arsehole.
Where are your DNA results?
Where are YOURS? Feck off, moron.
I’ve shown mine plenty of times. Next time Hunter is in the Nashville area I’ll gladly show them to him so you can have it verified. Now, DeniseoftheJihad, where is yours?
Ask Hunter. You are an embarrassment. Now run along and fellate your rabbi.
Ask him what? He’s seen your DNA results?
He’s seen ME. Keep attacking me, you worthless puissant. Cause that’s so productive. You are a bore, and YOU are WHY the Kikes have taken over Dixie. YOUR world is much more Shitskinned than mine.
I don’t care who’s seen you. You’re probably at least a decent percentage Gefilte Fish. I surmise that’s where your neurotic tendencies come from. You’re overcompensating. DNA test results…….
First you accuse me of being a Muslim, then a Jew. ???? So JEW.
Why are you attacking me, instead of writing ONE comment about the content of this story?
I find it funny that you pretend like you don’t make every single issue about Jews—practically every comment you make that is more than one sentence you try to throw in some Jewish reference—then try to play victim because you claim someone isn’t sticking to the content of this story. You are so full of shit. You are either a phony pro-White or you’ve got some serious mental health issues that obviously aren’t being properly addressed.
You are simply THICK beyond words. Everything you are writing about me reveals everything about YOU. I NEVER “play” the victim, you moron.
Now TRY writing one just ONE comment about the article, you tired loser. Just for the record
So someone who doesn’t like jews and their hatred of gentiles is…’mentally ill?’
Psy Op Accomplished
Actually – CelestialTard is simply very inept. He just hates me ’cause
1) He’s not very bright.
2) I’m a Yankee female, in this is a “Dixie” site
3) He’s an idiotic male Southron, who can’t STAND Yankees. Especially female Yankees.
1) There’s a better than average chance I’m at least a dozen IQ points higher than you
2) I have a lot of family from and still in Michigan and Pennsylvania, so your proximity to “Dixie” has no bearing on my animosity toward your neurotic tendencies. A fool is a fool, no matter where they reside.
3) See #2.
LOL! Keep insulting me, and proving all my points.
What’s you IQ? Hahaha! You will be proven wrong, yet again.
Did I say that, or are you just projecting your own deficiencies?
//// See? Really inept attempt at Jew Psy Opps.
Everyone and everything is a Jew when and where DeniseoftheJihad needs them to be.
God is in complete control Denise. I like your posts. I believe that I have seen your postings other places in the alt right media. If you see the attached battle flag of the army of Tennessee elsewhere, that’s me. Keep up your work as I am sure that you have a positive effect on other female readers.
Don’t let the douche bags get under your skin. 1488! ?
Thank you! I will look for you! I post all over the place. I live in a very rural area. Everything is open between 6AM-6PM. My hubby works all the time. Between housework which is no big deal – this is my entertainment! I post on Twitter, and other sites. Now I’m off to finish the laundry, do the dishes, and go grocery shopping.
Jihad -> Black Swan -> Trump -> Wall -> Deportations
The JewsNews interviewed the Muslim Dem’s father. The father said his son was outraged when he was walking around Miami with his 3 year old son, and homos were kissing in the middle of the street. The Shooter& Son were in a men’s room, and homos were making out there. The Muslim Dem was outraged at the sodomites were doing these things in front of his son. The father of the Muslim Dem shooter also added “…this has nothing to do with religion”.
Comedy gelte!
Wow, is this true? Does this shooter really have a small child he deliberately chose to orphan to go on this suicide mission?
Yes. That’s what the father said. Jihad is honor and glory. What don’t you get about Islam? Dying for Jihad – and that is what this IS – is the highest calling. This Oman guy obviously has a tight family. They will raise the kid. The child’s father will be treated as a hero, in their world.
Come on. Get up to speed.
I would be disgusted too. Wouldn’t go on a shooting spree though,
Well exactly. I am hesitant to state that I understand the Muslim Dem’s shooter’s revulsion, especially after I am out with my spouse, and 3 year old, and I see homos carrying on in public, and then taking my 3 year old child into a public men’s room, and witnessing homos making out THERE – let I be accused of being a Jihad/Jew – but I do understand.
I’ve written before that I was involved with the The-A-tuh, years ago. The Ahhhts are crawling with homosexuals. Every-one know this. I’ve seen all kinds of things. I used to have homo pals. Most of whom have died of AIDS, to dropped me when I became a White Nationalist. I lived in the multi Cult, after all. Anyway – by disenchantment began many years ago, at a Christmas Party in Philadelphia. It was Christmas Eve. A party was given by a Homo couple. There ware Homo pals, sexually normal pals, and sexually normal FAMILY MEMBERS of the couple, including a few little kids. I wasn’t living there anymore, but I drove down just for the party, with my then boyfriend. He wasn’t happy about the Homo aspect, but he was a musician, and was used to them, to a certain degree. I wanted to see school chums, in attendance.
Anyway -the drinking had begun before the party formally began . The more the homos drank, the more outrageous their behavior became. The CIS Among Us wound up hiding in the tiny living room, and the relatives with little kids left within and hour of arriving The father of one of the Host Homos made a public statement of the DISGUSTING behavior (foul comments and kissing and caressing that were not simply affectionate, but pornographic), and left early as well. We were supposed to go out caroling, My school chums, including a bunch of the homos, uses to do this for several years. Many were trained classical musicians, and our caroling was BEAUTIFUL. We’d always provided great joy to the neighborhood folks, This year was different though. The party was all about Sodomite Pride. We did go caroling – but between houses, the Homos made nasty comments about the “tackiness” of the Breeders, and the old Italian Ladies we sang to. I basically stated I had enough, and that they – the party-goers – were being DISGUSTING . The phags were ready to go Stonewall, so I and the BF left. He then yelled at me, for 2 hours, on the drive home, for dragging him there in the first place. I told him I had no idea we were going to deal with what happened, cause no one behaved that way before.
One of the Hosts apologized profusely – but we just dropped each other, after that. I never went back to that crowd, ever again. This was years before the Gay Marriage putsch.
The Hebes are totally going on about mass shootings. It’s not the Jihadi religion – it’s the GUNS.
I think people are missing the point here.
Islam is a religion of peace.
And anyone who says or even thinks Islam might be a little violent – well the Muslims will hunt down that terrible liar, torture and murder him/her and it will all be the liars fault for slandering Islam.
Islam is a religion of peace!
Anyone who says or things differently – that terrible liar with be tortured and slaughtered.
Any questions?
Tom Brokeback was just on MSNBC. He literally blamed the GUN. The GUN. Literally. To soon for a link.
Where’s the Jew reference?
The Hebes have been colluding with Ragheads for centuries, in the destruction of White Christian Nations. Jews are THE source Cultural Marxism, and Open Borders. Don’t you KNOW that, you pathetic old limp dicked moron? Every-one else here DOES.
Doesn’t make much sense for “ZOG” to hand over control of nations to people that have the most visceral and organized hatred for them. So “ZOG” is so omnipotent and omnipresent, as they weave their influence through society, but then they eagerly go out of their way to put the biggest Jew haters on the planet in control of the things they prize the most?
DeniseoftheJihad, I can assure you, as can my wife, my dick ain’t old, pathetic or limp.
Lulz. But those are the FACTS. Your dick is a limp as your vestigial brain cells. EVERY-ONE knows about historic Jewish collusion with Muslims, The Jew role in Open Borders for Western Nation, and the Jewish origin of Cultural Marxism – except joo. Man you are dim!
There was a question mark there, DeniseoftheJihad. A magnificently brilliant nuclear scientist shouldn’t have much of a problem explaining why “ZOG” would want “ZOG-haters” controlling the parts of society that they worked so hard to control.
OMG. You are really tragically stupid. What’s your “wife’s” name? Schlomo? Ari?
She’s gonna divorce you for Shitaveous or Tariq. Cause you’re stupid.
You keep underscoring my point about your neurotic tendencies. You can’t answer anything.
LOL! Still not ONE comment on the article’s content. Not ONE.
You keep proving your stupid tendencies. Again and again….
Still not answering a question that is central to your premise of all things evil being tied to JOOOOOOOS.
I DID, twice, you absolute RETARD. OMG. I’m done w/ wasting my time. FYI – the other commenters see you for what you are. LOL.
You’re done because you can’t or won’t answer a question. You did nothing but respond with the same regurgitated lines that you’ve spit out a thousand times before.
I’m done wasting time with joo.
You say that, but I know the persona. You can’t afford to be “done.”
“Neurotic” is a Jew word.
All words are Jewish! It’s a conspiracy!
You’re a fucking idiot Celestial Time.
The Charleston church shooting was probably a hoax. The on-camera statements by the next of kin right after the event are just not believable. It is too bad that the CofCC never talked about the possibility that it was a hoax. It is also too bad that they removed the comment threads from their website.
There is no word yet on this latest shooting in Florida from truther sites and YouTube channels. I think many truthers were expecting another major event, possibly with real deaths this time. There are two ways for a shooting event to be manufactured (to deceive the public). One is as a complete hoax in which no one dies. The other is as a false flag, in which people die, but the true identity and motivations of the attackers are kept from the public.
It’s difficult to prove a Hoax/FalseFlag, especially when ZOG controls the narrative, the media, and law enforcement .
I agree that Charleston was a False Flag, as well as the Newtown shooting. It’s better to stay away from it, and use what we do have.
It is puzzling that no one has ever come forward and said, “hey, I was hired as a crisis actor for such and such event.” I can’t explain it, but that doesn’t mean they weren’t hoaxes.
Yeah, ZOG must have faked this because ZOG wants people to hate Muslims. Makes perfect sense.
The civil war within the Democratic Party just got real.
Obama—-The mass killing is contrary to our homosexual valves.
POTUS: “If I had been in Orlando last night I would have been there”
Just like how a hispanic killed black Trayvon and the media went on a lecture about white racism. A Muslim foreigner kills gays and they are going to lecture white people about homophobia and demand white people give up their guns.
If what the father said is true, it was less “ISIS” motivated than his disgust and the LGBTQRSTXYZ crap everywhere now the media will jump on that to let Islamic Immigration off the hook and blame the “homophobia” of white christians for motivating this guy.
GET ON TWITTER! Kikes are already defending Sand Ngrs, and Blaming Guns. I wonder if our Homo Rabbi pal was at that club…..
Has the media said he was a white male yet?
Nope. The Kosher Line is “We need to understand the motivation of the shooter. It’s not his innate hatred of homo-deviancy. It’s…………the guns!”.
I’m not kidding.
The chutzpah of these kikes is unimaginable.
Watch it! Celestial Tard will attack you for Hating on the Hebes!
I just caught some strange NPR show when flipping the AM dial out in the middle of nowhere and came upon some strange show called “This American Life: the Birds and the Bees” where some jewess was talking about how our “Christian Dominant Cultural Paradigm” is so pervasive with exclusion of Jews her 3 year old son internalized this and spontaneously said “No Jews allowed, Christians only” to her in the bathtub. I suspect the whole thing is a lie so she can lecture us, but I’ve never encountered any anti-semitism in American life other than the obscure corners of the internet which I doubt this kid is reading. If true the only place this kid could have picked this up is from the paranoid ranting of his mother. What does this mean to have our whole media and school system dominated by these paranoid people? A total agenda to radically change things, a complete anathema to the “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” attitude most ordinary Americans have befuddled by all these bizarre demands for cultural destruction.
I am on Twitter, arguing w/ an outraged Lesbo, She saz it’s the hatred, not the guns, I”M saying it’s the Sand Niggers, not the guns, Sand Niggers HATE homos. I’m telling her to Vote Trump. She shut up. Maybe I got a vote for Trump.
I’m also sparring with some Kike Lawyeress. It automatically began blabbing about it’s the guns!!! I pointed out it’s the Sand Niggers. It automatically blathered about “other extremist groups”. I noted the Immediate Automatic Default Position of Kikes defending dune Coons. It shut up, too.
There’s a rumor going around a second gunman attacked the ER. Could be false or FBI/media burying the info
Obama mentioned newtown fast.
Of course. It’s the GUNS.
Yes, and box cutters killed 3,000 people on 9/11, and a pressure cooker is responsible for the Boston Marathon muslim atrocity.
They say the guy had a fully automatic weapon, which is already illegal.
See. It’s the GUNS.
Think about the serious biohazard that this whole scene is? At Columbine you could preform first aid without PPE, but here you definitely need to glove up and mask before being around any of this blood. I worked with a young hispanic gay guy from Florida and his lover actually had aids, no joke.
I know. All the cops are whining about the tragedy, praying for the victims, etc. I don’t wish any HIV transmission on the clean up crews – but it seems to be a VERY pro-homo, pro-internationalist region. They OUGHT to know the score.
I never said anything about hoping clean up crews get aids, the virus is actually quite fragile and is probably oxidized by now, my dad embalmed several aids patients in the 80s during the height of the scare and the doctors told him to let the bodies sit in the fridge for a day and that will render the corpse much less dangerous. Just this whole thing is a contrast to the “crying wolf” of the myth of heterosexual aids where the characters in “Office Space” joke how the main character “better wear a rubber” with the Jennifer Aniston waitress character. This situation you need the full PPE equipment like in the Ebola tent hospitals you saw on the news last year.
Ahhh…..apparently the clean up crews (some-one has to remove the bodies) and authorities are keeping the homos on the scene. Their cars are all in a parking lots, and everything is on lockdown. So they seem ot know what to do, all around. FYS – the HIPPA laws are being waived. Fascinating.
Now is a good time to get your/our house in order so to speak as the Obummer administration and the MSM Lugenpresse/Lying press is desperately searching for a White racist anti Islam gun nut to take everyone’s mind off the start of Ramadan slaughters of regular Westerners that now include gays, liberal democrats.
If real racist, anti Islam terrorists don’t exist the Obummer admin, SPLC will try to manufacture some, frame somebody/us.
So please educate your friends and associates to get their house in order.
Make sure all of your guns are legal and stored in a safe, responsible way.
Do not stockpile guns, keep them with racist, anti Islam literature – have your computer free of violent, hateful things, don’t keep porn really anywhere.
Moderate all comments on your Facebook, blogs even if it’s some SPLC Cass Sunstein troll making the violent threats you can get persecuted if hateful violent things are made on your blog.
Have friends and neighbors know who you are and be willing to stand up for you against vicious media smears that you/we are terrible racist, haters as bad as this Islamic terrorist.
Don’t be paranoid , but yes be safe and responsible – persecution as is being done to any anti Muslim migrants activists in Western Europe is sure to come our way – the media will spin everything as
Muslim extremists and Trump extremists both are bad, they’re the same.
Always remember to have some safe fun out there.
Fah-Q, @ http://seductivejewess4.net
I’ll always treasure this wonderful advice, Mommy. But remind me again, should I brush my teeth up and down or from side to side?
What a worm.
Can you go hang out someplace else – preferably a gay dance club frequented by Islamic extremists?
Your childish comments are bringing the comment section down.
We have some new, highly motivated, idealistic young people joining the OD, Alt Right community.
We want to encourage them to become active and successful.
Your negativity and childish negative comments are just brining down the comment section.
YOU are the joke at OD. You write like a seven year old cheerleader and as long as you’re given article posting privileges most intelligent people avoid the place. Haven’t you noticed? No.
Just go hang out someplace else.
At least this shooting took place in a house of sodomy rather than a school or a shopping center.
Can’t say I disagree. He couldn’t have chosen a better place IMO.
Get on Twitter, and other social media, and point out that White Christian America has NONE of these issues prior to the Jew created Cultural Marxism, the 1965 Immigration Act, the push for Open Borders, and the absolute defense of Muslims, by the Jew-owned Left.
Since they went after the Confederate flag (and soon after memorials) when Roof killed the 9 almost before the bodies were cold, will they punish this whole demographic and go after the Koran, Muhammad, and burkas?
Nope. It’s NOT the Muslim. It’s the GUNS.
Eat feces in your local mosque .
That the best you’ve got?
The good thing if that is proper to say about this tragedy is that it should upstage all the white-guilt mongering events planned for 5 days from now — Dylann Roof’s massacre anniversary. Watch the media put a spin on both these events and blame Southern whites (and slavery) for one and guns for the other.
Nope. The JewMedia keeps using Roof as an “excuse” for gun bans. A Nego NewHead cited “militia groups” FIRST re “extremists”
I’ll be shocked if they still don’t go after the Confederates and Confederate flag. After 150+ years of non-stop vilification it will be hard for them to hold back.
They will. The kissing homos, on the streets and in the men’s bathrooms, that triggered the Muslim Shooter, were probably wearing Confederate Battle flag Daisy Dukes, and that “racism” caused him to go Full Jihad.
Will Obama put an end to his favoring grown men dressed as women to share the same restroom with little girls? I doubt his Jewish homosexual friends will allow that.
Good point
Roof is being cite constantly on MSNBC. Hunter – can YOU get Celestial to write ONE comment about the content of the article, instead of JUST attacking and insulting me?
What if that is (part of) the point?!
It was the Roof psy op which started turning white men against the psy op’ers. When white men are directly accused they become very skeptical and way more astute. The elites don’t want to reignite that sense in white men.
The flame war could be deleted and this thread will improve 1000%.
If any public figure would just state the obvious when the “It’s the guns” line is used and rebuts it with a simple statement “Who believes that anymore?” it would put that bit of lefty rhetoric to bed.
Sorry about this. I, like Trump, do not let attacks on my person stand un-answered. It’s a total waste of time, though. Again, apologies on my part.
Good line: ‘If only the “Gun Free Zone” sign had been in Arabic, this tragedy might have been avoided’
From the photos at the Daily Mail it seems the homosexuals were browns and blacks.
Oh wow! The Brownie was a “rayciss”, too? The lulz just keep on coming!
A poster at BB said it was ‘Latin Night’ at the fag club.
Yes. It was. Some Hairy Homo victim was featured in MSNBC interviews, earlier .He was blathering on and on about how he came out for fun, and the “Latin music is international” and he let the music move him, and he gave a detailed account of the performers…..It was a Pride event…..A Beyoncé impersonator, and their was a Drag Queen DJ….a great night was RUINED.
I’m looking at the pics. Pics are weird. The Muslim Democrat is wearing a Haji frock in 1 pics, and then an NYPD gym shirt, in another?
The FULLY militarized “Sheriff” uniforms are more interesting than the Orc victims.
I’ve been wasting tie with Celestial Tard. I must get back to Twitter. FYI – they are waiving HIPPA laws.
One way to limit the number of immigrants and their children who despise your culture and attack your people is to not have such immigrants to begin with.
I don’t know how to copy the actual Tweet, but EFFING Hillary Clinton Tweeted condolences en Espanol. (^*$#%^&*&!!!!!! Most of the pics are of Negroes. She is one &#$&*^$###!!!!
No need for censor, she is one dumb cunt.
This is the GRIDS of Islamic terror, the venue is highly appropriate.
Another possible assault on queers in Santa Monica in LA just foiled this morning.
This is getting interesting.
More popcorn, please.
I’m confused. I cannot possibly understand how either one of these Orlando terrorist acts could have occurred. Aren’t BOTH of these businesses “gun free zones?” Just asking.
One of the Commentors, down the thread, said the weapon is already illegal. It’s a military grade weapon. How did the American born Jihadi GET an illegal military weapon?
I was a bit baffled by the news networks calling this the Orlando Nightclub Shooting, when a more accurate description is the Orlando Gaybar Shooting.
It was just reported that he was shouting “Allah Akbar” and that he even called 911 and told the operator that “he pledged allegiance to ISIS”.
The Shooter was some type of class something something registered something – because the non-White Muslim was a security guard.
I’ll get in trouble if I write LOL type things, rite?
ISIS has been contained:
The JV team.
Some super faggy “publisher is on MSNBC now, freaking out, because he and his staff have to “figure out how to process this.”
OMG. I have to find out his name. I have to call him. I’ll explain what happened.
So said our leader Bathouse Barry
Obama’s and Democrats/ Neocohen/ Cucks’ reckless immigration policy has gotten Americans killed.
Anglin has the best take so far – http://www.dailystormer.com/thank-you-omar-mateen/
AAHHH!!! I have to get going – it’s mid-afternoon – but this is just….perfect.
Chortling over dead bodies is inappropriate and self-marginalizing but such is the internet. Trolls gonna troll.
Kind of hard to convince people who perpetually fail, swim in their own mediocrity and always finish last place in a field of 20, that next-to-last place isn’t really something to brag about.
FINALLY. A comment regarding content. FINALLY.
Shades of Republicuck! Listen to jacki boi and have a sense of humor.
Whether it’s inappropriate is arguable but it isn’t exactly self-marginalizing: http://www.alexa.com/siteinfo/dailystormer.com
Errr…Hunter…. it’s not “nice”. It’s called “Shifting the Overton Window”.
Quit seriously – how has being “nice” and “polite” worked out for us, over these past 60 years? Really? How are we White Christians faring with serious sober kind thoughtful “appropriate” behavior?
Is it working out? Do we have control over our own societies? Do women and female children have a right to entering a public restroom – exclusively reserved for women, female children, and very small boys, without being subjected to the entrance of deranged males, either pretending to be women, or men pretending to be men pretending to be women, in every other “tolerant” American State BESIDES NC?
There is a time for War, and a Time for Peace. A time for being respectful, and a time for chortling over deviates who are to crazed, selfish, narcissistic, and flat out STUPID to NOT see what’s coming…..
Chortling over this is NOT “marginalizing” at all, anymore.
Jews/Negroes/Latinos OPENLY chortle over White dispossession and extermination. Why are you STILL worried over the Taking Off of the White Gloves?
Hunter – What is BEST, in Life?
‘Quit seriously – how has being “nice” and “polite” worked out for us, over these past 60 years? ‘
It hasn’t worked well for us. Never will.
The least we can do is to mock and ridicule them.
Ahhhh…. you mean the Stormfront and VNN approach. How has that worked out?
The SF/DS/VNN Time has come!
Keep telling yourself that. If that’s the only thing that gets you through the day, then I guess you gotta stay with it.
I stay with what works. Now run along, you are missing cock-tail hour at the homo vigils. YOU don’t want to miss out on cocks and tails, do you?
W on the DS Forum are not actually “chortling over dead bodies” We are celebrating the SHEER Fuxation of Jew-created Cultural Marxism. Who is more important – Muslims or Homos?
I think celebrating death and violence comes across as morbid.
That’s not what’s being celebrated. What’s being celebrated is the CRASHING of diametrically opposed elements created by the Cultural Marxists – the White HATING Jews who created CM in order TO destroy the West. White Christendom. The West. It’s worked. And now it’s crazy. Viciously, murderously bat shite CRAZY. We didn’t do this. Jews and their Cucked Golem did.
This is coldly practical – but Omar may have just gotten Trump elected. I am NOT counting on the innate self-preservation instincts of the America Phag, since this demo seems to be especially stupid and thick – but a few other fence sitters may now see the health of purging Islam from our lands. Chris, on his site, just admitted he’s going to be forced to vote Trump.
Sorry – but this is real politk Trump has been hammered over this Mexican judge thing, for 2 weeks now. That’s ALL gone by by. I believe this Orlando shooting was real. I believe there are loads of dead and wounded homos. I re-iterate by sentiment posted above, but I believe any and all of the victims would GLADLY see any of US dead in a ditch. You are a news hound, You are a very smart cookie. You must be noting the Talking Points all over the Jews Media, desperately trying to shift blame to Whites/Christians/Right Wingers.
We need to USE this episode to our advantage.
Robert lindsay had a interesting observation some days back
A favored puppy pet just killed 50 sacred cows and maimed another 50 unicorns.
You have to let uninitiated people chew over that lump of gristle at their own pace or they’ll just vomit and have a seizure.
….or a convenient excuse for some.
Hunter – Sam is posting your Tweets. Those 2 homos, “joining” with Muslims – THEY are the ones that are truly celebrating death and violence. We on the DS site are celebrating AGAINST the death and violence the homos and muzzies create.
We’re in a war, man. Think of the many things being done to us that are a hell of a lot more morbid than joking about an enemy’s death. I mean, they’re attempting to genocide us, first. Think of the things they teach our children. I’ll just stop there for now.
Violence and death and morbid rhetoric turn people off. I’ve seen some of the strongest nationalists I know walk away because they didn’t want to be associated with it.
Depends how it’s presented, I suppose. Anglin’s stuff is not morbid. And strong nationalists don’t “walk away” from things on account of politeness.
Yes, they do. “Walking away” doesn’t imply that they all of a sudden become toe-touching Leftists who renounce their pro-White views and all aspects of racialism. It means that they pretty much take themselves out of the organizational and networking aspect of the pro-White world. They neuter themselves instead of having to deal with the perpetual failure, negativity and misanthropy that oozes from many Nationalist watering holes.
A few of the most insightful, sane and productive pro-White people I’ve come across didn’t feel like being an active voice in the pro-White sphere was compatible with being a productive member of society.
Are we talking about men here? Because real men wouldn’t just give up because of the type of thing Anglin wrote. Even if it was just too much for them, it’s not very insightful to think that the pro-White sphere takes orders from a central command and they have to obey or leave. Such a man, were he actually insightful and productive, would come up with a kinder, gentler avenue.
they’re “productive members” of the biggest debt-Ponzi in human history. And they’ll die with it
Glorifying violence isn’t a matter of being nice or polite.
A brave soldier confronts death not to kill what he hates, but to defend what he loves.
When it comes to how it “comes across”, ya gotta get past such niceties. If you want to survive.
I’m watching it play out on Facebook. Predictably, those who are celebrating violence and touting it as a good thing are being defriended.
OH, the horror, getting defriended on Faceberg!
Who cares what’s trending there? It’s Cuckland! That’s why it’s full of people who let their discourse be guided by something as fag as ‘friending’.
Remember that old movie line “I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it any more”? Well those folks aren’t yet mad as hell and will continue to take it, or they’ll be defriended. Gosh!
It is a good test.
Those who are celebrating violence are blowing up my Facebook feed right now with new posts about being defriended by various people. Just like I thought, celebrating violence is divisive and toxic, and it turns people off from our cause who are otherwise sympathetic to it.
my imaginary Zuckerberg friends are deserting me! Please! No!
“one death is a tragedy…one million deaths is a statistic”
– J. Stalin
“1 dead Muslim and 50 dead sodomites…is a good start”
– StukaPilot
This is morbid.
These two are rising stars in the so-called White Nationalist movement? That is why i want no such part of this so-called movement. Clearly the usual suspects are running the show, yet again.
I do not believe my God is going to hold it against me for cracking a smile when he cast all evil doers in a lake of fire where they will anguish for all of eternity.
“It’s more important to be truthful than to be nice.”–William Pierce.
Taking one for the team to go mainstream…how far are you willing to go?
That’s kind of like the cold point of view Elim Garak on Deep Space 9 would have of the events.
Islam is a religion of peace don’t accuse itt folks. Let’s get back to guns that what Jew masters are gonna soon it into. masha Allah, insha Allah..bismillarahman…repeat afer me Islam is a religion of peace and uncontrolled Muslim immigrationn and their negroid brother immigration should not be stopped. Get it children. We are going to make America great again…ok
Wonder if this was timed to be around Stonewall or Ramalamadingdong? This is the big gay pride parade month.
Yes. It’s Ramadan.
Looks like there may have been another attack planned in Hollywood, another den of garbage.
Oi vey, it’s a Homocaust!!!
Brian LEVIN, total hook nosed JEW, is on MSNBC right NOW, opining about Lone Wolves. He just SAID “White Supremacist Neo Nazis” in context of am American-born Sand Nigger Orc Democratic Muslim , shooting up a bunch of Orc faggots. The negress hostess is corralling the JEW back to reality – but he’s fighting her with EVERY Jew gene is his skinny skanky body. He goes right back to “one of the GREAT Abrahamic Faiths /My DEAR Muslim friends are DISGUSTED by this”. It’s a “mentally unstable Lone Wolf” blah blah blah….
Nah. Jews have nothing to do with this.
“… One of the great Abrahamic faiths…”
Those inbred bastards have done massive damage to the world. I long for the day we never hear any more of these desert scumbag superstitions.
Absolutely 3 trillion gadjillion percent. AND – White People made Christianity great. NOT the other way around. We don’t need ANYTHING that harms us.
Another report has his ex-wife claiming he battered her and was ’emotionally unstable.’ She remains anonymous of course.
They’re coming for guns and dissenters. ‘Ideology’ is just a cover, ‘the experts’ tell us.
Are there cracks in the Diversity Coalition?
I hope the govt is getting its money’s worth of Diversity. Scores of billions spent flooding the place with vibrancy of all types. And the creation of a police-surveillance state with capabilities well beyond the dreams of Stalin in the bargain.
Why not put the blame where it lies? Not on guns, not on homophobia (whatever), not on Muslims (a snake is a snake) but on the government.
In my little white town there are few gay folks and I think one transgender. No one is shooting them or chasing them out of town. (and we plenty of gun owners here).
America doesn’t have a gun problem, it has a shitskin problem.
Debbie – every Jews media talking moron is trying to shift blame to Whites and Christians.
That doesn’t surprise me Denise. Some shitskin killed a ton of fags and it’s whitey’s fault? All these kike run media needs to be shoved in an oven.
Good closets make good neighbors.
Apparently an Iranian Islamic cleric was making speeches in Orlando calling on Muslims to kill gay people.
But, hey – some Christian bakery in Indiana didn’t want to bake a homosexual wedding cake.
Our side does need to start using the effective, dirty tactics on the Left, Zionists etc.
Someone like MH should grow his beard really long, not bathe for a month then convert to Islam and start making outrageous comments about gays, women, Jews etc.
Or else change you name to something Jewish, get a PO box in Hollywood CA and start making insulting videos, songs about Islam, the Islamic prophet.
Somebody posing as a jewish homosexual should start daring ISIS to try to do anything about Harvard Law School commencement.
There is a man dressed as a woman speaking at a press conference. He mentions right wing extremists and refers to Dylan Roof, but not a word about Islam.
And now there is a nigger from the NAACP. The shooting had nothing to do with niggers. They are twisting this around to blame White people.
I’m watching it. The Freak is called Mara Keisling. It TOTALLY shifted blame to Right Wingers, and Christians. It said that “WE need to defend Muslims, immigrants, blah blah blah”. I am checking for Jew status.
The Negro will not Name the Jihadi.
Brian Levin, yellow skinned rat faced KIKE, is being interviewed NOW. It WILL cite Right Wing White Supremacist Neo Nazis.
OF course. THAT IS THE MODERN GODLESS MOLOCH state. All are in agreement it is White Christendom that must be destroyed, and they will work in solidarity to BLAME US for their own SICKNESS!
When I heard that the Dylan Roof ‘trial’ was to begin the MONDAY BEFORE THE NATIONAL PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION, wherein the WHITE MAN IS GOING TO TAKE BACK HIS COUNTRY- I thought, ‘Boy, these kikes and fags are really evil, to try and ‘take down’ Trump the day before the election, EVEN AFTER ALL THEY HAVE DONE to date!’
Trump winning will be an act of God -a ‘divine referendum,’ as it were. And all of the Enemies of God will be thwarted. We just need to make sure we do not let Donald go ‘wishy-washy’ on his ‘They all have to go’ meme, once he’s in the (((WHITE))) House as the first legal occupant in eight years. Nomeimesayin’?