Baton Rouge Might Be The Next Ferguson

Remember what I said about Tupelo being the next Ferguson?

“A police-involved shooting in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, has begun to make headlines across the world, and because the case is in its very beginning stages, it is a perfect case study in how social media platforms like Twitter have become an Institutional Left manipulation of how a story works. Already, protests have begun in Baton Rouge, and the story is making headlines in NBC News, New York magazine, The Huffington Post, and international outlets like the BBC and Al Jazeera.

As this article went to press, many facts in the shooting case of Alton Sterling by Baton Rouge police early Tuesday morning are still not known, but that has not stopped the activist left and the Black Lives Matter movement from immediately jumping on the story as what they claim is another example of the oppression of minorities in America and the murder of “innocent black men.”

Move over, Tupelo.

It will probably be Baton Rouge now. Lord knows, we have seen cities set on fire by rampaging black mobs on the basis of far less conclusive evidence.

About Hunter Wallace 12409 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Political theatre, the cults of the Left having to up their game in the competition to outrage conservatives and garner attention from the Media Occupation force.
    My people need to be FREE from all those malicious malcontnents.

  2. The demographics, overall size, presence of the politically striving class around the state capitol and two fairly large universities with huge supplies of idiots in the administrations, faculties, and student bodies could make this situation extremely volatile and long lasting.

  3. Baton Rouge killing looks bad, but could be a lot worse.

    The deceased was a total scum bag – a convicted felon, a pedophile who was carrying an illegal hand gun.

    Convicted felons can not carry guns – even the NRA agrees with that.

    The police responded to a call of someone threatening people with a gun. The guy resisted arrest, cops say he went for a gun.

    Please spread the truths about this case on social media.

    Just the facts mayhem

    It could be the cops did use unauthorized deadly force – but the guy was a scum bag and did have have an illegal gun.

    Liberals are supposed to be for sensible gun control – preventing dangerous felons from carrying guns.

    Just enforce your own laws liberals, let the police do their jobs like NYPD did on Guliani.

    • The facts you point out are Pure Hatered of his skin color. We all bleed blood that’s red, man.

  4. Haven’t studied this yet, but it will impact the ‘mental health’/gun control debate/political theater happening in Congress as we speak. Neither side is right. The NRA backs Tim Murphy’s House ‘mental health’ bill (Chris Murphy has a companion one in the Senate), which will literally demolish the Bill of Rights in an oblique but total attack on the 2nd and 5th (due process) Amendments. Even the revised version about to be voted on the House floor is pure Stasi State – it will force the taxpayers to fund a bureaucracy that has ZERO accountability or transparency to them. State appointed commissars aka psychiatrists will be able to intern and/or disarm and/or force medicate anyone without any due process or science to back their edicts up, all behind closed doors which conveniently open via a new HIPAA exception. ‘Caregivers’ and THE POLICE will now be able to get court orders as easy (and as closed to the public) as restraining ones – and without the accused even being able to defend themselves if interned – that grant them access to these spuriously termed ‘medical’ records (there is no science to psychiatry, only political claims). This dubious info will then be used to compile No Buy lists that suspend a citizen’s 2nd Amendment rights.

    People don’t realize that the de-institutionalization movement of the 1960’s was informed as much or more by fiscal and constitutional concerns as by humanitarian ones. Medicare was instituted in 1965 and the idea of an all powerful opaque state bureaucracy mushrooming out of control on tax dollars glommed by greedy snake oil salesmen (psych ‘practitioners’) and union parasites horrified old school americans who understood that the United States was formed out of the rejection of such tyrannies. We simply could not and never can afford to feed such a cancer. Medicaid and Medicare will not only be forced to pay for this racketeering Stasi State, but further, will now lift the current limit on lifetime in patient hospital Medicare coverage. No government bureaucrat ever misses the opportunity to justify their mostly needless jobs. A ‘field’ based on a lie (the pseudo science of psychiatry) strong arming the populace is a cancer that kills quickly. The state will grab any bodies they can from prisons and the streets for about a year then move on to mass internment and disarming of whoever it doesn’t like.

    So the Democrats demand gun restrictions while the Republicans (led by Tim Murphy in the House) pretend to defend the 2nd Amendment by eviscerating the 5th (right to life and liberty and due process) in their insistence on ‘mental health reform.’ There’s more than one way to skin a free people and the elites like the Good Cop Bad Cop technique.

    This kid’s death will probably constipate the whole process further by American funhouse logic which is GOOD. The tug of war is largely a show but if we can buy time to reveal the truth of the Zionist Psy Op Media to the public we win…a little time.

    Gun restrictions wouldn’t have saved this kid anymore than some ‘bipolar’ mania would, but at least the liberal House shills will convince themselves otherwise.

    Investigate the facts behind all these mass shootings like you do those behind these cop shootings. Our survival depends on it.

    • So ‘the kid’ is 37 years old. My point is the same. The black democratic leaders will irrationally blame any issue but their own responsibility, and whites should be using the distraction to educate themselves and assess the real threat – Murphy’s bill.

  5. There are two more videos – the police dashcam video and the convenience store video – which captured the whole incident. They haven’t been released yet, but that won’t stop the usual suspects from inciting the mobs to riot.

  6. The black sense of entitlement and privilege has risen to the point at which blacks feel they no longer have to comply with the police and law enforcement.

    Slager’s trial is set to start on October 31, 2016.

  7. The Jew media is looking for a police shooting involving a black casualty to prove “institutional racism in America” to gin up the black turnout in the 2016 election.

  8. Listen guys, stop the hatreds because of this child’s skin color. We all know he din du nuffin.

    • He was tryin’ to turn his life around. Could been the first man to walk on Mars for the first time ever.

        • I read a snap shot of his record. I believe the charge was carnal knowledge of a minor and I believe he did 4 years for it. Yeah, real scum bag but again … We all know he din du nuffin.

      • Awww sheet! Befo dem White Debbils stoleded all da magic – da Peepuls Could FLIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIE! He coulda flyded to dat Mars, sho nuff! It beez a tragik loss to day dere Negro Space Programs, ‘n sheeyit.

    • Don’t you know? Alton Sterling Dindu Nuffin! #MSNBC.

      Yes the sick logic of the Jews and their Shabbos Goy sycophants

  9. I think Baton Rouge was where the documentary “Thuggin’ it and loving’ it” was filmed. And Tupelo just makes me think of Elvis.

  10. Hillary ClintonVerified account?@HillaryClinton
    “The death of Alton Sterling is a tragedy, and my prayers are with his family.” —Hillary

  11. Another dindu, Philando Castile, has just been fatally shot in Falcon Heights, Minnesota.

    • I am crying six trillion tears right now #MuhShoah #BlackLivesMatter. LOL These people make me physically ill

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