Summer of Blood

June 12: Orlando Gay Bar Mass Shooting

Location: Orlando, FL
Perpetrator: Omar Mateen
Ethnicity: “Afghan-American”
Deaths and Injuries: 49 dead, 53 wounded
Type: ISIS terrorist attack
Immigration Status: American citizen, second-generation

Omar Mateen opens fire at the Pulse gay nightclub in Orlando, FL. 50 people are killed in the worst mass shooting in American history. Mateen calls 911 to pledge allegiance to ISIS which claims responsibility for the attack.

June 13: Police Officer Home Invasion

Location: Magnanville, France
Perpetrator: Larossi Abballa
Ethnicity: “French-Moroccan”
Deaths and Injuries: 2 dead
Type: ISIS terrorist attack
Immigration Status: French citizen, second-generation

Larossi Abballa invades the home of a French police officer, stabs him and his wife to death, and broadcasts it on Facebook Live where he pledges allegiance to ISIS. In 2013, he was sentenced to three years in prison for being involved with an Islamic terrorist organization. He was released after a few months.

July 7: Dallas Police Shootings

Location: Dallas, Texas
Perpetrator: Micah Xavier Johnson
Ethnicity: African-American
Deaths and Injuries: 5 dead, 11 injured
Type: Black Lives Matter terrorist attack
Immigration Status: American citizen

Micah X., a black Army veteran, opens fire on police officers in Dallas, TX during a Black Lives Matter protest over a string of police shootings of black men.

July 7: Bristol Black Lives Matter Shootings

Location: Bristol, Tennessee
Perpetrator: Lakeem Keon Scott
Ethnicity: African-American
Deaths and Injuries: 1 dead, 2 injured
Type: Black Lives Matter terrorist

Lakeem Keon Scott, a black Army veteran, opens fire on passing cars, police, a Days Inn clerk and a postal carrier. He was upset over a string of police shootings of black men.

July 14: Bastille Day Truck Attack

Location: Nice, France
Perpetrator: Mohamed Lahouaiej-Bouhlel
Ethnicity: “French-Tunisian”
Deaths and Injuries: 85 dead, 307 injured
Type: ISIS terrorist attack
Immigration Status: Tunisian citizen, legal resident in France

Mohamed Lahouaiej-Bouhlel drives a truck into a crowd in Nice on Bastille Day. ISIS is quick to claim responsibility for the attack.

July 17: Baton Rouge Police Shootings

Location: Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Perpetrator: Gavin Eugene Long aka Cosmo Setepenra
Ethnicity: African-American
Deaths and Injuries: 3 dead, 3 injured
Type: Black Lives Matter terrorist attack
Immigration Status: American citizen

Cosmo Setepenra opens fire on police officers in Baton Rouge. He was also motivated by police shootings of black men.

July 18: Würzburg Train Attack

Location: Würzburg, Germany
Perpetrator: Riaz Khan Ahmadzai
Ethnicity: Afghan refugee
Deaths and Injuries: 5 injuries
Type: ISIS terrorist attack
Immigration Status: Asylum seeker

Riaz Khan Ahmadzai, an Afghan refugee, boards a train in Würzburg, Germany, attacks four tourists from Hong Kong with a knife and a hatchet, and strikes a woman walking her dog twice with an axe in the face. He pledged allegiance to ISIS in a video. ISIS claimed responsibility for the attack.

July 22: Munich Mass Shooting

Location: Munich, Germany
Perpetrator: Ali Sonboly
Ethnicity: “German-Iranian”
Deaths and Injuries: 9 dead, 4 injured by gunfire
Type: Mentally ill rampage shooting
Immigration Status: German-Iranian dual citizen

Ali Sonboly, a mentally ill German-Iranian, orchestrates a mass shooting at a McDonald’s in Munich, Germany. All of his victims were immigrants although that was probably a coincidence.

July 24: Reutlingen Machete Attack

Location: Reutlingen, Germany
Perpetrator: Mohammad
Ethnicity: Syrian refugee
Deaths and Injuries: 1 dead, 2 injured
Type: Murder
Immigration Status: Asylum Seeker

Mohammad, a Syrian refugee, hacks a pregnant co-worker to death with a doner kebab knife and attacks two other bystanders at a kebab shop in Reutlingen, Germany. The crime doesn’t appear to be terrorism related.

July 24: Ansbach Failed Bombing

Location: Ansbach, Germany
Perpetrator: Mohammad Daleel
Ethnicity: Syrian refugee
Deaths and Injuries: 15 injured
Type: ISIS terrorist attack
Immigration Status: Rejected asylum seeker

Mohammad Daleel accidentally self detonates a backpack bomb inside a wine bar in Ansbach, Germany after getting turned away from a music festival. He pledged allegiance to ISIS which claimed responsibility for the attack. Daleel’s application for asylum was rejected and he was ordered to be deported twice. Unfortunately, Harald Weinberg of the Left Party intervened to stop his deportation in 2015.

July 26: Rouen Priest Beheaded

Location: Rouen, France
Perpetrators: Adel Kermiche and Abdel Malik Petitjean
Ethnicity: “French-Algerians”
Deaths and Injuries: 1 dead, 1 injured
Type: ISIS terrorist attack
Immigration Status:

85-year-old French priest Jacques Hamel is forced to kneel by two ISIS terrorists who slit his throat during mass in his church. Adel Kermiche and Abdel Malik Petitjean filmed the beheading and pledged allegiance to ISIS which claimed responsibility for the attack. Kermiche had been under house arrest for attempting to join ISIS in Syria.

July 31: Belgian Priest Stabbed

Location: Lanaken, Belgium
Perpetrators: Unidentified
Ethnicity: Unidentified
Deaths and Injuries: 1 injury
Type: Aggravated assault
Immigration Status: Asylum seeker

A Belgian priest is stabbed in his own home after allowing an asylum seeker to take a shower.

August 4: London Knife Attack

Location: London, England
Perpetrators: Zakaria Bulhan
Ethnicity: “Somali-Norwegian”
Deaths and Injuries: 1 dead, 4 injured
Type: Undetermined
Immigration: Somali refugee holding Norwegian passport

A Somalian living in the UK who holds a Norwegian passport goes on a rampage and stabs several tourists in Russell Square in London. The police suspect mental illness is the cause.

August 6: Charleroi Machete Attack

Location: Charleroi, Belgium
Perpetrators: K.B.
Ethnicity: Algerian illegal alien
Deaths and Injuries: 2 injured
Type: ISIS terrorist attack
Immigration Status: Algerian illegal alien

An Algerian illegal alien approached a police station and attacked two female cops with a machete. ISIS has claimed responsibility for the attack.

About Hunter Wallace 12390 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. It’s almost as if someone is trying to create a populist nationalist reaction.

  2. Well, here is some good news.

    It looks like secular forces in Syria, led by very high caste, good looking Assad and backed by our sane kinsmen the Russians are holding their own against nut case 8th century Jihadists and all the evil, confused idiots enabling them (most everyone opposed to Donald Trump here in the confused USA).

  3. These horrific events would have been part of the recipe for a Trump victory….possibly by a landslide. But it won’t happen….and it’s not because of the republican party, (((the media))), or election fraud. It’s because Trump didn’t know when to shut his big, fat mouth. A huge opportunity has been lost. Sad!

    • Trump of all people should know just how the media can spin things against someone they’re out to get as he was a big supporter of Amanda Knox’s innocence and trying to get her out of prison after a libelous hate campaign against her in the British and Italian Tabloids. Basically a petty african immigrant criminal with a history of burglary broke into her apartment, raped and murdered her English roommate while she and the other roommates were away for the All Souls Day Holiday. She came back and was the first to discover the body, and the cops decided to set her and her black boss up for it. She naively didn’t lawyer up and submitted herself to an all night interrogation and guess what happens when you do that? You get F*ed. The tabloids printed known falsehoods and utter defamation, Trump knew all this and should have known exactly what was in store for him with his campaign which rubs billionaire media globalists the wrong way and instead of learning the lesson from Knox’s mistakes let’s himself get ambushed without proper council. Maybe he drew the wrong lesson from the whole affair which is never to talk your legal enemies without council, and instead thought “Knox just wasn’t smart enough to handle it on her own but I am.”

      • Interesting but intimately his early support for Knox makes me think better of him.

    • He’s had more gaffs than Sara Palin, and that didn’t have to happen. He sadly doesn’t think he needs council, like someone who defends themselves in court, always turns out badly. Clearly Manafort must have been trying to get that Twitter out of his control but he refuses. Tell me, has anything good at all come of these twitter tweets? I don’t see the point, and tell me how does a NY real estate mogul not immediately see how that six pointed star on the “Hillary’s the most corrupt ever” retweet might get mistrued the wrong way?

    • Wait till he finds out what Putin really thinks of him. I think if Russian Intelligence is following this thing closely and they really do have all the dirt they are accused of having they are concluding the smart strategy is to hold it back since Hillary is going to win anyway and then use it to blackmail Hillary.

  4. Anti-Whites scream anti-White hate slurs at us for not wanting 3rd worlders here. Defending ourselves from the hate slurs is just what they want and just what we’ve been doing for many years. Go on the offensive. Don’t argue or debate. Just call them what they are: Pro White Genocide perpetrators and traitors.

  5. How much more are we willing to take from these Mongrels before we decide it’s time to get rid of them?

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