In light of what happened in the last debate, I am not going to make any predictions. I don’t know much about Pence and Kaine aside from having the strong impression that Kaine is a creepy weirdo. This is likely to a fairly boring debate.
Note: I’m curious though to see if we will learn anything new about what was in the “Pay to Play” folder on the Clinton Foundation’s server.
Prediction: Pence will shiv The Don. This sudden Tax Return attack was designed to give Pence room to stab. He doesn’t have the stomach to do what’s right.
Check out the Guccifer 2.0 link.
It’s all there. Barney Fag and the DNC was in the pocket of Wall Street and the big banks.
A friend of mine claims that the wordpress link you used is quote “a fake site”. I’m not sure what she meant. What is the pedigree of that site?
It’s not a fake site. There is a dispute about whether the leaked docs came from the DCCC or Clinton Foundation.
Okay I see where she might have crossed wires.
‘Note: I’m curious though to see if we will learn anything new about what was in the “Pay to Play” folder on the Clinton Foundation’s server.’
Does it really matter if there is more dirt on Hillary?
The media has minimized or ignored all of her scandals and crimes.
They will continue to focus on the fat chica who was allegedly called ‘Miss Piggy’ by Trump.
Another day…same sh*t.
It’s a great argument against “democracy.” John Adams had it right.
I’m hoping to see Pence Fash Out, but it’ll be a snoozer given the dozy surrogate who was on PBS warming up for Pence…we can only hope…
Kaine is a very strange looking person. He gives of very bad vibes.
Stuart Smalley.
Yep, good call.
On meth.
Nothing worse than creepy ventrlioquist dummies.
Who is the Jap? Two mystery meat moderators.
She’s a Flip.
Okay Pence is a pro.
Very pleased, he’s AMOGing Kaine.
Kaine reminded me of aggressive queers and Pence looked like a 4 Star General.
perfect description!
Tweeting @pastorlindstedt:disqus
Kaine is desperately trying to cllnch because Hillary’s actions at Libya, Syria, etc. Pence should have called Hillary a criminal.
Every time the Spawn of Kaine interrupts, Pence should say, “Hillary Clinton is a sick dying criminal that belongs in prison for espionage.”
No-o-o-o-t sure he should say that… as much as it is true (and Id love it). I’m digging the Cold as Ice Pence.
830 Black Lives Matter thugs kill ZOG piglice and endorse Killery & so far only sometimes does Killery reciprocate. BLM is pro-Hillary
837 Time to point out that illegal aliens take over jobs that Amurrikwans won’t do — like gun down 50 beaner faggots and set off bombs
845 Kaine wants Hillary to raise taxes to support the illegal aliens who will now be legalized and get welfare benefits and takeaway jobs
No. Hes got to be the “rational just man” at all times. I get it!
You were right. Pence went with who he is — not a hothead who has differences with Trump. Pence did well.
A portion of TARP money was kicked back to various Democrat politicians and the DCCC.
I’m not watching the debate but I’m checking sites for reactions.
From SF
‘What an a-hole Kaine is.
He’s bringing up the anti-Segregation movement that led to over 50,000 Whites being murdered by Blacks and the destruction of public schools that have have become too dangerous for White children in all the big cities. So that’s what Democrats consider “progress.”
Kaine can go to hell.’
‘Kaine is a retard. His only response is Trump loves Russia.’
‘OH my, I hate the kaine clown more that I hate Hillary.
And I do mean HATE!’
‘Pence has a good way of interjecting while maintaining his composure. He’s even had a few low-level zingers so far.’
‘I predict that somebody is going to punch kaine out!’
Ricky Vaughn ?@Ricky_Vaughn99 1m1 minute ago
Mike Pence really needs to put Tim Kaine in his place over his rudeness. If he doesn’t do this, he is going to be remembered as weak.
Tim Kaine is a real jackass. He looks and sounds like a braying donkey.
Finally, the moderator tells the jackass Tim Kaine to stop interrupting.
Tim Kaine is flustered already. Mike Pence looks calm, cool, & collective. Great start for Pence. He looks like a leader.
Pence needs to slap this faggot bitch.
I actually wanted Pence to punch that phaggot in the face – but Pence politely eviscerated him, instead.
No, Ma’m – there were only a few times that Pence got in some profound hits, and many times he could have gotten knock-out blows, but, could seem to think of what to say.
I do agree, however, that Pence lookt better.
I don’t think this debate did anything to sway undecided.
God bless you!
Pence better get medieval on Kaine and interrupt this cunt.
Mike Pence. “We’re going to focus on the criminals first. We’re going to enforce the law.”
Mike Pence wins the point.
“Senator, we have a deportation force, it’s called I.C.E.”
Mike Pence wins the point.
moderator talks down pence for interrupting but not kaine from interrupting. Typical
Tim Kaine is trying to score points on SJW bullshit.
Wow, Mike Pence just really bitchslapped Tim Kaine. Powerful statement on police shootings
People are already seeing Kaine as a rude jackass on twitter. Even Normie’s can see.
VaughnIn my opinion Mike Pence has scored three points, Tim Kaine has scored zero.
1. Police
2. I.C.E.
3. Immigration Plan
Will the mercy rule be enforced here soon. Kaine is getting trounced
Tim Kaine is trying to outrage-peddle. “Donald Trump said a mean thing.” Yeah, dummy, we’ve heard about it nonstop for months.
Mike Pence’s nerves have called down and he is on a roll. He is crushing Tim Kaine, making him look weak, small, petty.
Bill Mitchell ?@mitchellvii 11m11 minutes ago
Pence sat quietly and let Kaine talk.
And Kaine can’t shut the hell up.
Eric Bolling ?@ericbolling 8m8 minutes ago
I agree, Sam – that, in deportement, Pence was the big winner – but, not on the arguments.
Best wishes, Junius
Linda Suhler, Ph.D. ?@LindaSuhler 5m5 minutes ago
The ‘moderator’ is shutting down Mike Pence when he talks about Hillary Clinton’s illegal server.
What a farce.
Tweet @pastorlindstedt
853 kaine is allowed to interrupt Pence whenever Kaine must clinch for Killary
Break the clinch: Hillary is a crook and a traitor -.example
903 Do you think Trump is smart to not pay taxes?
I think Hillary is crooked to bag-lady for the Clinton Foundation use bribes for politics
Hunter Wallace ?@occdissent 4m4 minutes ago
Wow, Pence is roasting him!
Kaine gettin btfo
Richard B. Spencer ?@RichardBSpencer
Pence is far less charismatic, but he’s a better debater. He doesn’t audit and index every accusation. He deflects and moves on.
Tim Kaine has the persona of a middle-school gym teacher:
Dorky, chipper, and little bit creepy.
My hubby and I listened to an old speech of Pence’s. He is a GREAT speaker, and really really intelligent.
James Edwards ?@JamesEdwardsTPC
Pence is loyal. A good surrogate for Trump so far tonight in the #VPDebate
915 Pence is pretty gentlemanly to the jewsuit Kaine’s interruptions. I am so angry that Pence is being so pussazoid. Pence is not Trump.
No no no. The Twitter Sphere is alive with hatred of Krazy Kaine.
Bill Mitchell ?@mitchellvii
By not holding Kaine back, she is actually hurting Kaine.
Kaine is KILLING himself with these obnoxious interruptions.
Stefan Molyneux ?@StefanMolyneux
Is Tim Kaine suggesting that Donald Trump caused 9/11 because he used legal tax breaks? The crazy train has left the station.
I wonder where Kaine’s reverence for the constitution was when Obama was starting wars without Congress…
Wtf on Russia.
My hubby and I were guffawing over that crap!
Wish Pence had said
“We dont nation build. Russians get to pick their leaders and we have to deal with him”.
“We won the cold war. Trump wants to cash in on the dividends of that. HRC, compromised by all those pay for play speeches, wants to keep the battle going”.
An occasional mixed message on Russia isn’t a big deal. It counter signals the Putin conspiracy meme that the Dems are trying to push.
I have to go to the gym for a workout.
I’ll have to watch the debate tomorrow. Sounds like fun
How will media spin?
Hunter Wallace ?@occdissent
Throw the damn towel! – Kaine’s wife #VPDebate
“I have to go to the gym for a workout.”
You just inspired me. Most important thing we can do.
Diverse statements of personal faith:
924 Kaine is a good jewsuit who believes in “good moderate Islamic terrorists” getting guns and pressure cookers and killing Amurrikwans.
928 Pence actually believes that unborn Beasts of the Field are hu-mamzer and so ZOGlings shouldn’t pay to do something useful like a flush.
930 So will Tim Kaine support terrorist illegal aliens murdering and raping ZOGling shitizens since the border is open and there’s no wall?
I liked when Kaine said 90% of Clinton Syndicate monies go to charity. Lol. And none go to the Clintons. Lol. And the State Dept investigated and said Clinton did everything right for the US and not for herself (no IG under the witch). Lol
Pence was way to soft on Kaine. If Trump doesn’t step it up next debate and go on the attack, he loses.
Pastor Lindstedt
932 So Kaine now insists that even if Hillary wins through fraud that all ZOGlings in the mighty Evil Empire must jewnite under one whip.
I was Tweeting of course. Most important Tweet of the Night:
Kaine was doing the Biden thing from 2012– laughing, interrupting, and so forth. It, according to the cw, gave Biden the victory. My guess is that nearly all pundits will crown Kaine the winner for the same reasons.
Nope. Polar opposite is happening.
Hope so.
It is. Even the spin meisters can’t spin this one.
Kaine was doing the Biden thing on crack but Pence did a much better job of handling his obnoxious opponent than Ryan did.
Listening to CBS radio news post-debate coverage … they just handed it off from Stephen Portnoy to Lenny Steinhorn.
Lulz. I have on FoxJews, and some WHINY Hebe was whining about EVERYTHING, and they finally cut him off.
Where is our resident concern-demoralization troll to tell us for the umpteenth time that this is the end?
Henryten I mean John Bonacoursi?
No doubt he watching Matthews who is now saying Pence won, but that he’s just the candidate for 2020…
Oy veh!
Kaine came off as the putz, didnt he? Please tell me he did….
Yup. You shoulda been on Twitter.
He did, but the talking heads will say otherwise.
There are a lot of points Pence could have scored on, but didnt. However, by seeming like a cool head, rather than the chipmunk Kaine, Pence won I think. He achieved the purpose he set out to do: show that there was one guy on the GOP ticket who wouldnt blow his stack regularly, making it a good Butch Cassiday/Sundance team.
Pence very calmly, very politely wiped the floor, ceiings, and walls with that Looks Like a Pedo Kaine
War With Russia Now! –Kaine.
Good luck with that, assholes!!
He did well, but I want to see Trump/Pence bring up more dirt.
Kaine is a very strange person. If Hillary wins there is a better than average chance that Kaine will be president when she finally dies.
Bingo, If Hildabeast keels. we get Krazy Kaine.
He does, doesnt he? Clinton made a bad hire. Trump made a good hire. I finally understand the wisdom of this choice now. Midwest Governor. Extensive congressional experience. Solidified the Cruzie wing of the party. And though not the sharpest knife in the drawer perhaps can memorize his lines. Great southern drawl! (not obnoxious like from Alabams, but just enough). I wanted him to hammer Hillary on her “our religious beliefs have to change” quote.
Kaine is what the Commiecrat Party now considers a perfectly normal, acceptable, reasonable hardworking apparachik.
somebody should meme closeups of Kaine and pedo bear…
He did enough to halt the slide.
Don’t worry, the media will assure us that Pence lost.
You can’t Punk the Pence.
Whenever pence was about to gnaw on a jugular she interrupted him. The Clinton server. Wouldn’t let him finish his sentences whenever he was going to do a zinger like with immigration. Lester did the same thing to trump. It’s a farce.
The Anime Asian was wholly irrevelant. Kaine was such a CREEPY ASS, that any noxious behavior on the part of the Mystery Meat Mod was right off the radar.
I expect no less from the worst journalists in the developed world.
I saw that segment server on video. I wanted to slap her. Is it possible for the Repubs to ever get a neutral moderator?
I’ve noticed that none of the debate moderators are straight White males.
The jewsmedia and its phony “diversity” agenda. There’s certainly no diversity when it comes to who runs the networks and newspapers, that’s for sure. It’s a strictly KOSHER affair.
A couple more choice moments:
In the middle of the debate, Kaine yelled “you’re Donald Trump’s Apprentice!” with no context whatsoever.
Kaine referred to himself as ” Hillary’s right hand person.” not man lol
Pence on immigration: “We’re going to enforce the law.” my comment: Omigod, it’s a hate crime!
‘Kaine referred to himself as ” Hillary’s right hand person.” not man lol’
Straight out of the cuck handbook.