Live Thread: 2016 Presidential Election

Final LA Times poll – Trump +3.2
Final IBD/TIPP poll – Trump +1.6

Here we go.

If you have voted in this election, tell us who you voted for and in which state. For all the reasons I have explained at length, I’m voting for Trump in Alabama.

Note: I got to agree with Master Feng. Trump has the purple energy.

About Hunter Wallace 12394 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


      • Obama invited the Mexican drug cartel mobsters and their street criminals on their payroll into the United States and behind the scenes via the mobsters in the U.S. shadow government/deep State , Obama gave the Mexican drug cartel mobsters and their Mexican street criminals tons of weapons and guns.

        Search : “Operation Fast And Furious”

        In Mexico, the Mexican drug cartel mobsters and their street criminals are brutally KILLING Mexican Catholics. Law abiding Mexican Catholics. Qua Catholics, they are being targeted for DEATH by the Mexican drug cartel mobsters — the Mexican drug mobsters want Mexico’s Catholics to revert back the the ancient Aztec religion, a very bloody and very violent “religion” .

        In the United States, the Mexican cartel drug mobsters and their low level Mexican street criminals are KILLING both White Americans AND Black Americans. But, they target Black Americans even more than us White Americans ; And the Mexican criminals Obama invited into the USA and gave weapons and guns to are violently pushing Blacks out of traditonally Black neighborhoods in Southern California.

        I guess that’s not racist as Obama isn’t White. ALL the politicians in Washington know about it, all the talking heads on TV know about it, all the big shot Hollywood types know about it, NO ONE says a word about it , and they have the nerve to accuse Trump of being a “Virulent Hate-Filled Racist” for wanting to put an end to Mexican drug cartel mobsters and their low level Mexican street criminals coming into the United States.

        Even the Mexican president agrees there should be a WALL on the border. A WALL on the border would make it easier for the president of Mexico to make progress in defeating the Mexican drug cartel mobsters. When the Mexican authorities try to go after Mexican drug mosters and their street criminals the Mexican drug mobster/criminals just leave Mexico for awhile and hide out in the USA. They go back and forth and it’s much more difficult putting an end to them with open borders. That of course is NEVER mentioned in the mainstream media.

        What’s going on in Mexico these days is similar to what happened in Mexico in the 1920’s, The Cristeros War. Though less intense right now than the Cristeros War was, things are getting more more intensely violent in Mexico with every passing year. There’s echoes of the Cristeros War in Mexico these days. The mobsters slaughtered Mexico’s Catholics back in the 1920s. They wanted ALL Mexicans to revert back the ancient Aztec “religion”, a very bloody and very violent “religion”. The Mexicans Obama and Hillary support and give weapons and guns to are KILLING Law abiding Catholics in Mexico, law-abiding White Americans, and law-abiding Black Americans. But Obama and Hillary are “deeply” “opposed” to gun violence.

        As far as I’m concerned, the mainstream media has ALOT of BLOOD on its hands. For everything they know is going on and do NOT report. Obama’s “Operation Fast and Furious” is just one example of many examples of things the mainstream media knows is going but the mainstream media will NOT report, does NOT want the American public, Us White Americans , and also Americans who are not White, to know about. We’re not to know about Obama’s “Operation Fast and Furious” [ and so many other things going on] , as per the mainstream media, and as per MOST of the politicians in both parties in Washington.

        • A prayer for the United States, may Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ God stay the hand of the powers and principalities who will be trying to steal this election from Trump today. In HIS Light, by HIS guidance, may HE stay the hand of the powers and principalities on this election day.

          In quite a few ways, us Americans don’t deserve HIS protection, but HE has Mercy and Forgiveness, and Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception, the Catholic Heavenly Patroness of the United States, has GRACE. Not Hillary, as the liar Meryl Streep very mendaciously claimed at the Democratic Convention after Hillary “won” the nomination of her party
          [ after stealing the nomination from Bernie Sanders ].

          Attende Domine :

          • There’s a lake in south Texas that is partly in Mexico. A few years back, a couple on a wave runner were killed by Mexican cartel men. Which is piracy. Mexican pirates are infesting that lake. Yet trying to enforce the border and the law is “racist.” Besides, no such things exist, or are happening. If you think hey do, you’re a deluded bigot.

  1. I voted for Trump in Ohio.

    I did not vote for the Republican Sen. Portman because he’s a NeverTrumper who voted to confirm Loretta Lynch. That line I left blank.

    • I voted for Tom Connors for US Senate I met him he was a Conservative guy, I wouldnt vote for Portman he loves Fags

    • Loretta Lynch is another in a long list of disastrous nominees the GOPe could have blocked but didn’t because they were cucked.

    • I voted for some of the Dems, because the Reps are crooks. Besides, at the local level, Dems aren’t Communists anyway. It’s just a designation to get their name on the ballot. What’s a Democrat sheriff or dog catcher?

        • That’s what I suspected. That’s why I voted the whole ticket. However, the polling place is obviously Republican. It’s Texas , after all. Red is something taken for granted around here.

    • I voted against Joe Heck (R) because he sold out on Trump at the last minute. Regarding the names I didn’t recognize:

      1) against any Jewish looking name
      2) against all women regardless of party
      3) against a new gun law
      4) for recreational marijuana use
      5) against a higher gas tax
      6) for a law restricting energy company monopolies

    • The only thing you have accomplished is bringing boundless bigotry and blatant racism to the forefront. You see at the end of the day, after Hillary thoroughly whack Trump, people like you will slink back into the wilderness. You just wait, after the results are announced, I will spent a whole day mocking you White Supremacists. People of Color will turn out in force to give Clinton the deserved victory. Hope that drives a stake through your Snow White heart. Latinos are already showing their power by turning out in large numbers. Pay Nevada some special attention. And also Arizona which used to be White stronghold but not anymore lol !!

      Also Latinos will never let Trump win in Florida so sayonara to that as well. Thankfully Wisconsin and Ohio are populated by the good, sane Whites who can recognize an orange buffoon when they see one. Unlike the White trash here. Get ready to receive the whacking of the century, sonny boy

      • You seem to be implying that non-whites are entitled to live freely among whites. That’s just silly.

        • Entitled? Freely? No, but they may be granted time-limited guest status in accordance with the law as decided by the electorate of propertied white males.

          Diplomats, scholars, artists, travelers and the like. Not laborers or invaders.

          • “as decided by the electorate of propertied white males.”

            Hahahaha quite frankly one of the most well structured, original joke I’ve heard in a long time. You see you Alt Right wankers are stuck in the 18th century while the rest of America moves forward confidently without you. I agree. Clinton was wrong when she said you peeps are basket of deplorables. Instead she should have said a sorry bunch of basement vikings. You see while you wank furiously about the return of White Male supremacy, People of Color and White Ladies will prove you wrong today. No wonder there are almost zero ladies in Alt Right forums. You guys are beyond pathetic.

          • It’s funny that you say this because in all honesty I thought he was your sock puppet.

            He’s got the same sadistic streak you display.

          • Nice try at justifying your inanity.

            Not only did you sense a similarity, between his posts and mine, where there is no similarity at all. You went on to undermine me, in front of him, at a moment when we here, at Occidental Dissent, should have been displaying a unified front. You’re a battlefield menace–a fucking idiot.

          • He also doesn’t recognize that he’s spent the better part of the summer echoing the same White Trash accusations about the commentariat on here.

          • There you go again, degrading women. Is it just some instinct in your people?

            I saw posters gang up on you, a 70 year old man (?), and riff off some shitmeme I started. I don’t think mediterraneans, specifically italians and jews, are sub saharans; I think you’re mediterraneans – a race unto yourselves.

            And I don’t think my people should act like, well, yours. Picking on older people, calling other men women as some supposed ultimate insult.

            You come on here talking fancy and pedantic to Southerners. If your people’s ways are so great then why’d you come to a country founded by ours?

            Why are you here, in this country and on this website? Since you’ve historically maintained a polite demeanor and have only abandoned that (I think) as of late, I’ll ask politely back. Why does a mediterranean leave your own country to then try to make ours like the third world one you fled?

          • You and unified fronts? Come on! Are you down at the polling stations in the hood? If not you should be. It’s the primary battleground.

          • I concur. Captain Lil’ Johnny is the quintessential White Supremacist:- moronic, ignorant and dismissive of other races and most importantly an epic loser. Just like Alt Right hero Hitler 🙂

          • Some of the terms the troll uses, like “wanker” or “mummy”, for ” momma”, leads me to believe he’s British.

          • No apologies necessary. I’m sure you have a lot of these types to deal with. In Texas and other parts of the South, they’re almost, but not quite nonexistent.

          • No. These are Britishisms.

            Quite popular on Alternet, Dkos, Eschaton.

            It’s possibly someone who did a PHD over in the U.K.
            But it’s also likely to just be a pretentious Jew.

          • You see it’s an endless guessing game with you dumb blokes. Dangerously obsessed about my race like how you salivated over your mum’s nether region. That’s why you will never win. America will knock over, stomp on your racist face and spit on you for good measure. Just wait for the presidential results and you’ll know what I’m talking about.

          • Ahh I see English comprehension is not your forte. What I’m actually saying was ” Move aside dipshit and make way for First Female President of America”. You know what soothes my heart. The fact that you White Supremacist Wankers went to sleep for the past eight years with so much heartburn because the President is the awesome Barack Hussein Obama. A man who is a product of inter racial marriage with a Muslim middle name. The perfect leader to spit on the face of White Purist like you. And now we’re gonna have a female president and White rubbish like you doesn’t matter. As we progress with brave New America we’re gonna have Muslim presidents, Supreme Court devoid of WASP, more Persons of Color in powerful positions delivering orders to their White laborers, encouragement of more and more inter racial marriages and etc. Isn’t the future exciting?

          • “Wanker” was picked up on Eschaton and Dkos around 2004 and became popularized on the “radical” left blogs from there.

            It’s probably just Duncan Black or Adam B.

          • Lord “Magnificent” I see communicating in English is not your forte Rap won’t work here, so keep trying. And, good luck with your wet dreams, they are very disturbed, but I’m sure your therapist had advised you.

          • “Wanker” – this dip shit thinks he’s a Limey. Is he/she ? Does he/she know ? Is he/ she transgendered ? A LBGTQ ?
            An ass for sure.

          • I think I’m a part of the American fabric that believes in Unity in Diversity. You’re a pathetic White supremacist. A relic that belongs to the bygone era. Today Persons of Color coupled with Sane Whites will put you in your rightful place. Under our feet. Or is that down the gutter where you were born?

          • The Alt Right has little to do with Trump and his movement, contrary to what the former claims. There is little intersection between the two groups. Most people at Trump rallies don’t even know what the Alt Right is.

          • “People of Color and White Ladies will prove you wrong today.”

            This White lady voted for Donald Trump in Texas last week. As well as working class Whites, Trump has the support of any American so-called people of color who are disinclined to compete with an ever cheaper pool of labor excluding them from any jobs because they don’t speak English.

            You are pretty damned stupid if you think I or they will cast their votes solely to spite White men. I think I can speak for “White ladies,” at least when I tell you that I will vote for my own interests … a future for my three White sons.

            I am NOT interested in a corrupt enabler of rapists who hob-knobs with Satanists and who will sell the country out to the highest bidder simply because she and I both have female anatomy.

            Thank you.

          • Lord “Magnificent” – This faggot probably doesn’t know what sex he/she is, much less comprehend what is happening all around his/its demented sense of reality. You see, M’Lord, the Whites are turning out in force, unlike in previous decades, where they stayed home in droves. Your Muddy Black blocs are being neutralized. Go listen to some Niggah Rap, unwind.

      • Bringing boundless bigotry and racism to the forefront is no mean feat. Unfortunately for you, it’s here to stay.

      • Europeans are under no moral obligation whatsoever to spend our energy pleadling with nig-nogs like you who flee from to the West because they are incapable of building successfull societies, for whites to remain the masters in their own houses.
        There is no such human right as the inalienable human right of third world immigrants to become the future dominant majority in all White homelands and transform them into the same failed state third world slums you escaped from.

        • It’s funny you automatically assume I’m black. Nice try but you missed it by a mile sonny. Now to shatter your fantasy, I was born and raised here. To further drive the stake into your heart, nope Whites are not the masters. Hillary’s vision for US is unity in diversity. While you White Nationalist wankers keep reminiscing about bygone era. Do us all a favor. Stay hidden under your mummy’s skirt and stay out from politics. Those are for matured folks not Stormfags. Today, to humiliate nasty, blathering White Trash like you, minorities and White Ladies will spit on your face by handing Clinton the presidency. Ready to face your final and complete humiliation?

          • The White man is not hated by non-Whites for his real or imaginary faults and failures. He is hated with a seathing envy by non-Whites for his unparalled achievements in every single field of endevour. He towers above other races

            We are now coming to the end of times where Whites will still continue to allow themselves to be hoodwinked , bamboozled and guilt tripped into voting against their group a bunch of moral swindlers like you , when the other 90% and 6.2 billion non-Whites on the planet have no moral qualms whatsoever about voting, agitating and acting to further their own racial groups interests and defending their culture, heritage, borders and lands. You can’t guilt trip non-Whites.
            Don’t push that crap about non-Whites being for some mysterious reason more virtuous and noble and heroic than the White man on account of fuck all apart from the colour of their skin and otherness.
            One big anti-White racial double standard.

          • Oh “Lord Mag..” you don’t even rise to the level of a street Negro, just a pretentious little fag Lib, unsure of his sexuality and pathetically confused.

          • You sound just like the young French man at the beginning of The Camp of the Saints; the one professor Calguès eventually blasts with a scatter gun.

          • The final humiliation will be an asortment of Dindu and Feminist infantry making a last stand against the Russians in the Crimea.

          • Now this^^^^ demonstrates the utter stupidity of Alt Rightist. Don’t you get it? You’re living under a rock. Only a moron will think Russia have any chance against US. Educate yourself on military affairs. Then we’ll talk. Well since Trump defeat is inevitable, why don’t you make a dash to Mother Russia?

          • Aside from comparing tanks, planes and ships, the U.S. has no civil defense. A nuclear attack would kill 98% of the population of North America. Mostly from disease and starvation.

          • More likely it would start over Clinton’s foolish no fly zone in Syria. If they suffered enough humiliating defeats, those flying monkeys of the witch Hillary will initiate a nuclear response. Hell, they’ve already contemplated using forth generation, low yield warheads, against Taliban cave complexes.

          • I assumed that you’re John Bonaccoursi’s sock puppet actually.

            It’s clumsy stuff.

          • Lemme guess John whatshisface is your secret homo lover?
            Goodness me, with so many White lads turning to faggotry no wonder White Ladies increasingly prefer men of colour. Here is a top notch HD quality website that promotes a healthy Black Men-White Women intercourse. Hope you enjoy it oh mighty Aryan saviour of Aryan Princess. Lol

          • You are conformity on steroids with the safest opinions humanly possible. Even your talking points are tired, rehashed Narrative, which are actually becoming the butt of jokes among normies, not just the alt-right. You’re supporting a neocon, basically Paul Ryan in a pantsuit. It’s appropriate that your candidate is the last gasp of political dynasty. The hostile elite have tried to portray your tired, out-of-date rhetoric as fresh and new and progressive, but all their planned future has in store for us is a blighted third world landscape and nuclear war. This age of mediocrity belongs to you, but the future belongs to us.

      • I like your homesty about your hatred for us and unity based on anti-White prejudice. This is what ia forcing Whites to become a bit more ethnocentric. Many have awakened due to the overt hostility of POCs as they seek to become the majority and rule over us.

      • Dark skin is no more protection from radiation and disease, light skin is. That woman will pick a fight with Russia and everything else will be moot.

    • Mention your fine article over at Radix. The line about isms and phobias can be worked into some decent rhetoric for us

    • I report on Lamar County voting. Their website has a breakdown on the voting countywide. Most of the Black’s live in Paris. Most of the whites are rural. Lamar County will go mostly to Trump.

  2. Off topic, but one thing I learned in the days when I was reading Carleton Coon’s books, of physical anthropology, was that East Asians have no prognathism (no jutting jaw) and, I think, no rearward sweep of their orbits (eye sockets) at the outer edges. The result is that their faces, in contrast to those of persons of other races, are flat. This, as I noticed once I’d learned of it, is striking when they are seen in profile, as Master Feng is in the frame below …

  3. I’m much more confident in a Trump victory than I was for Romney for several reasons.

    We shall see tomorrow if my thinking was correct or if I was deluding myself.

    • I believe its over, Hillary will squeak it out but like Hunter, I side with Pat Buchanan and believe this will erupt in low level war and then explode. The system is over with.

      • It can’t hold together much longer. The Republican Party will be finished and millions of Americans will eventually view the government as a hostile suppressive entity. We will have zero representation in the government.

        The government will be seen the same way the first Americans viewed the British occupiers, taxation with no representation.

        • Donald Trump will win while losing. He has WON by exposing the entire government as a corporate Judeo-Banker-Media scam. This was more valuable than anything. From here we march on. Is this going to be bad? HECK YES. However I think it can also be good. Anyone who wasn’t awake this year should be by the Theft that is about to take place

    • He certainly has a shot at it. If he loses, half of the nation will have zero faith in the government though. Exponentially more so than a year ago.
      Then we can expect a series of nigger and Moslem riots like Europe within a year.

    • I worry about mass voter fraud. When the president himself calls for fraudulent voting by foreigners and promises no consequences…

  4. I am an “oafishul” write-in Candidate for Governor of Missouri:

    I just posted a video of a hand-made sign I put up yesterday afternoon urging the voters of Granby to write-in vote for me and to vote for Roxie Fausnaught — LibberToon Candidate for Newton County Coroner.

    I think Trump will lose because the [s]election is rigged and because the beaners and muds outnumber the whiggers in the blue states. Unless there is something unprecidented Trump will get max 265 electoral votes and Killery will get over 270+.

    The end result shall be breakup and civil war — which is what we want. Trump has destroyed the Republicuck Party and thus has already paid off.

    I would appreciate White Nationalists writing in my name — Martin Lindstedt — for Governor of Missouri and definitely not voting for this crooked jewboy Eric Greitens. Also, please vote for Jason Kander — a real piece of shit who as Secretary of State wouldn’t allow me as a “White Supremacist” to run on the Republican, Democrat, LibberToon or CONstipation primary ballot for U.S. Senator. It is time to flush out for once and for all Roy “Skunk” Blunt, the equivalent of both the Bushes and Clintons as predatory families in Misssouri.

    Vote NO on all the ballot issues except for Amendment 4 which makes it unlawful to raise sales taxes on services.

    Let’s make a virtue of reality.. Swillery is scared shitless that whiggers will revolt against ZOG/Babylon the Third and Final and leave the jews and jewdeo-saxon elites to live off the nigger and beaner “tax-feeders.”

    Hail Victory!!!

    Pastor Martin (Mad Dog the Conqueror) Lindstedt
    Church of Jesus Christ Christian / Aryan Nations of Missouri
    Ten Thousand Warlords Project
    (Disqualified LibberToon) Write-In Candidate for Governor of Missouri

    • Banging the anti-White drums loudly forever and now beating the drums for WWIII. These Jews don’t know when to shut up. They are drawing attention to themselves which may well prove to be their undoing.

  5. I keep watching The Walking Dead, in spite of the predictable rampant pozz, because it’s one of the most popular shows ever and the overarching themes are:

    * Survival, with integrity.

    * Don’t be an idiot, don’t blindly trust strangers.

    * You need a ‘family’, comrades, who would die for you as you would die for them (and thereby you better ensure mutual survival).

    * There is Evil in this world, there are people who must be exterminated, there are human monsters worse then any hungry undead creatures.

  6. Mrs. D and I will be voting for Trump. I hope our collective votes will put a stake through the heart of Hillary’s political career!

  7. Trump – FL

    I just drove from Miami to Pittsburgh to Bangor and I didn’t see one Hillary sign until I drove through to NH. This includes entering the SW corner of PA, driving straight through the length of it, and exiting the state in the NE corner.

    Amazing. Trump signs and billboards everywhere. These cocksuckers in the media have been gaslighting us.

    We’re going to win this one. The Trumpslide commeth.

    • I’ve noticed a dearth of Hillary signs here in CT, albeit a “given” Hillary state. Plenty of Trump signs though. The cocksuckers are either gas lighting us or, more probable here in CT at least, her supporters are too ashamed of her to show it.

    • If Trump wins it will be known that they gaslighted their own base (blacks, mexicans, single moms). Whites seem impervious to their magic spells, a welcome change!

  8. The news media expects people to vote against Trump and a big tax cut? If you work for a living a tax cut looks pretty good.

  9. George Soros was worried that his voting machines wouldn’t be ready in time — they had a bug where they could be preloaded with a 100 votes before the counting started…but that’s all fixed now…they can now be preloaded with 10,000 votes…

    Hillary For Prison — 2016…

  10. Voted this morning, A “friend” of mine is running the election where I voted, and he is doing a nice job getting the voters through the process quickly. This is a 99.8% White district.

  11. Trump is 70 years old and runs rings around everybody . His energy levels are off the charts. Romney took it easy the last 2 weeks of the election and did only 3 campaign stops in the last 11 days. Trump does 3, 4 and 5 events in a day often in different states.

    Unbelievable. When does he sleep? Is he impervious to jet lag?

  12. I voted. I voted at the Powderly Church of God, Powderly, Texas. That’s on 271, between Paris, Tx and Hugo, OK. Only me and one other man were there. I had to show my Texas driver’s license in order to vote. They’ll also accept a voter registration card. Which costs nothing. All the Bolshevik cries about voter ID being unfair, is bullshit. There are nothing but Trump signs everywhere. Nobody I know, even folks in Oklahoma, is voting for Clinton.

  13. Heavy turnout at the polls this morning in predominately white and rural Lauderdale Co. Alabama. Lots of Trump signs, bumper stickers, etc. Virtually nothing for the witch.

  14. My district has a heavy Dem turnout thus far. Women and Spics are going to give this to the Hildabeast.

  15. I voted for Trump in Massachusetts. In this state Trump has the support of blue collar workers, tradesmen, police, firemen, and veterans. Clinton is supported by minorities and white professionals who are either liberals or left leaning Republicans sending a message that they are not racists like those other people.

      • The divide is stark. When I’m at the American Legion, the VFW, or talking to regular people they are all Trump supporters. However, at the office you are expected to be a liberal and love multiculturalism and diversity. If you are not on board then your professional career can be impeded. For some reason they seem to be able to outvote normal people.

        • Kinda’ what I figgered. You have to keep your mouth shut at work here, too. However, all the Yuppie types are in Dallas and Austin. Everybody votes red around here.

  16. My mom — life long Democrat with a voting history that includes JFK/LBJ to Obama x 2 — is voting Trump on her accord. No encouragement from me.

  17. Living where I do, the Clinton’s are infamous. Arkansas, Northeast Texas, Oklahoma and North Louisiana know what they are. That woman’s election will be a death sentence to us all. Some sooner than later.

  18. They’re working overtime to convince people not to vote for Trump. Too late. I can’t take my vote back and wouldn’t, if I could.

  19. I voted in Chicago city

    Looks like we re going to have an all lib leftist women elected officials

    I was a call in guest today on Gavin mcInnes I shared my despair at this women lib domination

    I asked Gavin who was the last bossy British queen to have her head cut off – give us some hope.

    The world looks rough from my view here in Chicago.

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