Live Thread: 2016 Presidential Election

Final LA Times poll – Trump +3.2
Final IBD/TIPP poll – Trump +1.6

Here we go.

If you have voted in this election, tell us who you voted for and in which state. For all the reasons I have explained at length, I’m voting for Trump in Alabama.

Note: I got to agree with Master Feng. Trump has the purple energy.

About Hunter Wallace 12394 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Silver and Co were sitting on the real polling data. The securities and exchange commission should look at his hard drive.

      • I should have known something was up when my Mom, a lifelong Democrat in the LBJ tradition who supported civil rights in the South, started making comments about whites and how Trump was voicing their silent concerns. Looks like the establishment may have kicked whitey one too many times. I hope.

      • The algos called it a few hours ago, I’ve been on Cloud 9 since then!

        Thank you God!

        We slapped the global satanic cult right in the mouth!

    • We’re going to Make America Great Again;
      We’re Going to Make America White Again;
      We’re going to Make Whites Great Again!

  2. CNN just called Florida for Trump. FiveThirtyEight has Trump at better than three-to-one.

    • We will need militias to protect the construction crews.

      The Jews have the sense to play the long game, but the Mexicans don’t. When they realize that we aren’t giving it all away, they will lash out, and that’s when we take total control!

  3. First order of business: Freedom of speech for whites, tear down the apparatus of Political Correctness. Prosecute those who fire or otherwise economically terrorize whites!

    If we can get that, EVERYTHING follws!

    • We are united like never before.

      And we have a mission:

      Make America Great Again
      Make America White Again
      Make Whites Great Again

  4. Paul (((Krugman))) nails it:

    It turns out that we were wrong. There turn out to be a huge
    number of people — white people, living mainly in rural areas — who
    don’t share at all our idea of what America is about. For them, it is about blood and soil, about traditional patriarchy and racial hierarchy.

  5. HARRY ENTEN 11:58 PM
    There’s going to be a lot of talk about white voters after the election, but looking at the exit polls, that’s not the full story. A big part of the story is that Clinton underperformed Obama with blacks and Hispanics. Clinton is winning only 88 percent of the black vote. Exit polls in 2012 had Obama at 93 percent. Clinton is only at 65 percent among Latinos. Obama won 71 percent of them.

    What do the cucks have to say about that?

    • The “it’s already over” gambit suppressed the Dem base (blacks, Mexicans, single Moms);

      Whites could not be suppressed, for us it was Ragnarok.

    • Trump’s appeal to blacks paid off. Plus, Blacks and legal Latino immigrants and their second and third generations do have an interest in limiting immigration. I’ve often wondered if black folks around my parts have noticed how many good jobs like cab drivers, convenience stores and the like are now being taken by Somalis, Arabs, Chinese and other Asian-derived immigrants. It has to hurt some of them seeing local black kids go without jobs while Somali and Arab immigrants that can’t speak English pull 500.00 a night in cabs.

      • Oh for sure. But their refusal to support a Trump only highlights to me how great their loathing and/or fear of whites must be. (Well, and a lot of them are just too stupid to realize that the Dems promote the very policies that are hurting them.)

  6. Stephanopoulos just said, “This might be the most-stunning night in American political history.”

  7. At this moment it is too close for comfort. It looks like Trump has to win either MI or PA, and both are essentially dead even.

      • He is actually 0.7% ahead in MI with 78% counted. I don’t see any exit poll results for those states, except general things like voter opinions on trade.

    • There are more votes to count in red counties in MI. Hillary’s only got the remaining precincts in Washtenaw and Wayne counties. I’m calling MI for Trump.

    • This is how the cucks are going to change their narrative. They can’t possibly say, “Yeah, we knew all along people despised our immigration policy, but we were hoping we could pull a fast one. Sorry.”

  8. Sky News is hilarious. Muslims, yids, whiney hos, cucks.

    A Sky bitch harassed Trump supporters in the street: “What about his outrageous comments? his sexual assaults? him grabbing women’s pu$$ies!?” A female Trump supporter laughed, “oh, big deal!”

    Then the Sky ho asks a Middle Eastern looking guy with a MAGA hat, “what’s your religion?” And looks crushed when he said “I’m Jewish.” Hahaha. She thought he was muz. “Uhhh…what about Trump’s comments about Muslims?” The Kike says, “What did he say about Muslims? I never heard anything.” HAHA! She got BTFO’d by a base Kike!

    Then she says, “Uhh…well this is how the people…uhh..think…so…, back to the experts in the studio.”

    • Yeah, you know, cos he was treated so fairly during the campaign. It’d be unseemly to gloat now, wouldn’t it.

    • Nope, no humility. We are playing the game for total victory now.

      That doesn’t meant that humility cannot be used as a weapon, a deception, a ruse. By all means use it.

      But we are fighting for the future of the Universe. Before whites, there was never any idea of Right, only “what’s right for me”. We invented humanity. If we want this universe to be a Righteous one, a human one, we must win it all.

          • It is over, Denise. He pulled it off and already markets worldwide are in a panic.
            I especially enjoy watching the Mexican Peso going into free fall. They have it coming, and it will be great to see the gravy train at a standstill.

        • We should be preparing a trap for them next summer. Lull them to sleep while Trump and his officers get the Deep State in order and we get the militias in order. Then in the summer start the deportations and the Wall.

          When they lash out, crack down, and declare martial law.

          • As do I. In my time at the TRS forum I posted some designs, but I think all the posts were lost.

            Essentially the wall should have a gigantic dirt / sand berm as the first line of defense, followed by a huge moat. The roof of the wall should be drive-able, like an elevated two lane road. There should be regularly spaced barracks built into the wall so that soldiers can observe from their rooms in comfort. The wall should extend out into the sea so that even boats and swimmers cannot cross. Along our side of the wall a gigantic aqueduct should make the land arable and it should be settled by yeoman farmers. A coast to coast superhighway and train system should service that land.

            In short, it should be a quasi-living entity that eclipses the Great Wall of China.

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