This one belongs in the Hall of Fame of Twitter Trolling:
@jew_goldstein This is his wife, you caused a seizure. I have your information and have called the police to report the assault.
— Kurt Eichenwald (@kurteichenwald) December 16, 2016
For self-protection, I am taking a short twitter break. I will be spending that time with my lawyers & law enforcement going after 1 of u…
— Kurt Eichenwald (@kurteichenwald) December 16, 2016
Last night, for the second time, a deplorable aware I have epilepsy tweeted a strobe at me with the message "you deserve a seizure' on it…
— Kurt Eichenwald (@kurteichenwald) December 16, 2016
…it worked. This is not going to happen again. My wife is terrified. I am…disgusted. All I will be tweeting for the next few days are…
— Kurt Eichenwald (@kurteichenwald) December 16, 2016
911: What’s your emergency?
Eichenwald’s wife: My husband was just assaulted by a strobe light in a tweet.
911: … uh
Note: Tucker Carlson recently destroyed Eichenwald on his show over his reporting during the election.
I’m sensing another Michelle Fields situation here.
This is in a realm all its own. This Kike will try to be the first to have a meme-troll arrested in the United States for something non-violent.
By his logic, people who send him flashy anime clips are criminals as well.
I am actually trying to figure out how you would be able to file Federal Hate Crime Charges over this, Anyway if someone wanted to have a dummy Twitter account and post from Libaries and private VPNs good luck theyd ever be found
Or another country. Remember that our Troll Army is Legion.
The Jewish implosion is coming Mr. Cicero. I feel it
Triggering is too light a term. Between Carlson, his twitterstream meltdown just after (which he deleted but many preserved), and now this, well, I didn’t think there would be anything to beat Glenn Beck’s Cheetos face episode but I have to admit I was wrong.
This was a fun day on twitter
Damn. I must get back on Twitter.
Yes it is true you can win the internet for a day
911, what’s your emergency?
My husband was just assaulted by a strobe light in a tweet. . . .
Ah, the joys of living in the 21st Century.
Oy vey, I gawt a seizuh from lookink at some blinkink lights awn the computuh screen! This is like anuthuh Holowcawst! I’m goink to sue awl of you doity nazi bastids!
Oy gevelt! His grandbubby suffer in da hollow-co$t, too! She vas so verklempt by dat nesty knaazzee HITLER dat she came down vid tsuris, and broke a fingahnill on her mahteeni glass on Miami beach!
Read the Kike’s article on the original trolling mission months ago. He actually tried to claim that he’s a Christian….
Someone trolled him a while back under the name Kike Buchenwald.
Anyway, the account Eichenwald is after, unfortunately for him, is probably registered to Abraham Lincoln with an IP out of Peru or Moldova. Or something like that.
“Kike Buchenwald”
Okay, now, that IS funny.
I doubt there is any way for him to prove he actually had a seizure.
Unlike Hillary…
I’m puzzled as to why Hunter finds it necessary to use sock puppets on his own blog. Why does he comment from time to time as “Arthur Vickstrom”?
Assuming it’s him (don’t know that it is), maybe he wants to make comments that are more speculative, conjectural, not as carefully reasoned or just more casual in general. HW has a reputation to protect so he has to be more careful about what he writes than the typical commenter.
Are you sure it’s not the Russians?
Flawless victory!
Kurt Eichenwald’s performance in the Tucker Carlson interview showcases the true mental illness that hides just beneath the surface of most Leftists. You barely have to scratch them and then next thing you know the disjointed rationalization and unhinged mannerisms come bubbling up. Given a choice of having to take either a Leftist like him or a fresh illegal Mexican that just hopped over the border, I’ll take the illegal Mexican.
We have a chance of deporting the Mexican, no chance of deporting (((Eichenwald))).
Isn’t the gibbet a means of deportation… From this world?
I’ll take neither. FYI – Jews have 4X the genetic illnesses that Humans have, due to their screwy mongrel genetics. The genetic issues usually result in madness. They produce cretins way out of proportion to other populations.
The Jews are the most INBRED group of people on PLANET EARTH yet they make movies calling White Southerners inbred? LOL ROFL. Every European Jew descends from something like 4 women. The Jew suffers the highest rates of Schizophrenia, OCD, Manic Depression, Pica, has the highest rates of homosexuality, bisexuality, lesbianism, transsexualism, child molestation, and the Jewesses jump on every Alabama Black Snake that comes down the street with some Cocaine for them.
The Jews are Human Waste.
Don’t forget they’re slavers and pedophiles too.
Jewish histrionics and grandstanding.
Hebes are CRAZY, and they carry the virus for schizophrenia.
If you actually listen to what Kurt is saying at the end, is he is not admitting that the CIA gave him information and prepped him with talking points for the Tucker interview?
I’m not into conspiracy theories, but it’s also interesting that one of the main third-party candidates who tried to take votes away from Trump was a former CIA agent. Seems like the CIA has something against Trump.
If the CIA is giving this guy information, imagine who else their giving information and talking points to. Those Russian stories about the CIA manipulating western media to push their agenda no longer seem like Alex Jones type conspiracies.
I’m not sure what’s funnier — the “strobe”, or Keichenwald’s 30-year-old Twitter avatar photo.
Ari Goldstein joke is funnier than Kurt Eichenwald’s “Trump was institutionalized.”