We all know the metaphor about the frog that doesn’t realize it’s being boiled if you turn up the water one degree at a time. It’s often true, but there is a sure-fire way to make a mama frog notice the temperature of the water. Throw her tadpoles in.
When I was driving my son to school a few years ago, I asked what he thought he would like to do over the weekend. “I think I’ll lay out and get a tan,” he replied. Since that struck me as a strange thing for a seven-year-old-boy to want to do, I inquired further.
“What made you want to do that?”
He explained that Jerome, a popular, athletic classmate, said they could not be friends because “your skin is too light.”
I wanted to cry. Not just because my son had felt the sting of rejection, which was bad enough, but because I realized that I had failed him.
Like all good middle-class White Americans, I had dutifully raised my son to be color-blind. We never used slurs, made racial generalizations, or voiced any kind of preconceptions based on race. We rarely even mentioned anyone’s race, except as a physical description.
How foolish I was not to realize that only white children were programmed not to think about race. How heartbreaking that my naive child was not prepared for the reality that he would be hated because he is white. “I think Jerome doesn’t want to be your friend because you’re white.” I cautiously said. “You know, there’s nothing wrong with being white.” There’s a sentence I never thought I’d say.
“Well, if he thinks black people are better, I’ll just tell him that white people invented all the cool stuff and ruled over everyone else and were the first on the moon! So there!”
I felt a stab of fear. HE DIDN’T KNOW NOT TO SAY THAT? I scarcely allowed myself to think such things, much less SAY them aloud. He didn’t know that if he said or even implied that he was proud to be white, he would be branded with a scarlet “R,” possibly face the wrath of teachers and school administrators, or, Heaven forbid, Jerome and his friends might decide that the uppity white boy deserved to be put in his place with a beat-down.
I then faced the parenting challenge of explaining to my son that he must never, ever utter his (completely honest and accurate) observation in front of anyone other than family. PROMISE ME YOU WON’T SAY THAT AT SCHOOL!
After dropping him off, I started to think. What kind of world is my son in now? How have things gotten so upside-down that Jerome can taunt my son for being white, but he cannot defend himself because simply saying that he has plenty to be proud of (that is, telling the truth) would be too dangerous?
This is wrong.
I discovered through social media that flamekeepers of the light of Western Civilization still exist. I learned, or began to recall, our political, cultural, philosophical, and religious heritage. So many people, each guarding their own piece of the wisdom and beauty of the past that they hold dear. All the gifts of our forbears, forgotten and trodden upon by the modern world, cherished and protected by wise, kind, gifted people. Humorous, brave, insightful people. People who were beginning to reassert forbidden truths, the wisdom of tradition, the divine beauty rejected by the modern world.
I began to see my duty to contribute to the celebration and preservation of our amazing cultural heritage. As a mother, instilling this appreciation in my children is the most important contribution that I can make.
We found another school for my son, one where the unique and extraordinary contributions of Western Christendom can be spoken above a whisper, and without apology. We have dusted off old books, and watch old TV shows and movies.
“Grandpa’s old books are really cool,” my son told me recently, to my delight.
There is a daunting battle to be fought to preserve our way of life. I know the fight will continue after I am gone.
My children will be ready.
Thank you.
Bless you, your boy, and your family. Your post makes me want to cry.
We need more suburban soccer moms on the alt right!
I’m being serious btw
Great article
… or the repeal of the 19th amendment.
You know, if white women alone had voted in this past presidential election, Trump would have not only won but won bigger and with the popular vote. The same goes for white men, of course and they voted for him in even greater numbers. Still, white women voting alone would have elected Trump. Give collective credit where collective credit is due.
Is this supposed to be a good argument against revoking female suffrage? Think of the even better candidates and policies we would have without having to pander to female voters.
While I would agree that allowing only female Whites to vote would be superior to the system we have now, a return to White men only would be even better.
How about one vote per child-rearing white family? That ends universal female suffrage without alienating white women.
This video by Matt Heimbach (of Trad Youth) really hits home about the precarious position of Whites in our degenerate anti/ post-Christian, anti-White world.
I really feel awful and terrible for the indoctrinated youth of the West.
The sad fact is that outside of homeschooling (if even legal in your jurisdiction, and even then there can be many State regulatory hurdles which may need to be followed in our ever bureaucratic Western Police States), Western schools are increasingly merely Marxist indoctrination centers.
May God bless the author of this article and her son and family. It is becoming so much harder to be White and Christian in today’s ever-degenerating West. To read about a White male minor being denigrated for SIMPLY BEING WHITE is awful. And only reinforces the need to instil WHITE PRIDE at the earliest moment in White Children (in a cautious manner as outlined by the author in view of our now-Marxist Western societies/ police states).
It remains the case : the most hated individual in the now-Marxist West is the White, Straight, Christian, Male.
I know not everyone has the ability to do this, but one really ought to homeschool their children if they can. The government education system is your enemy, not your friend.
This makes no sense. You educated your son that skin colour makes no difference but then you retreat when a child says otherwise? The only thing you’re teaching there is how to back away and develop passive aggression.
It’s plain logic. Skin pigmentation refers to how much pigment your skin has. Skin colour is a result of that. Sure you can get technical and subdivide but you’ll end up stumbling over different areas of the same sub division having different skin colours (if we’re going to be pedantic).
Treat people the way you think they should be and have the stones to take people’s responses for your treatment of people. Anything else is cowardice (in a sliding scale). Certainly deciding that its all abject horror and disappearing to a nice echo chamber where you don’t have to confront such things is weak.
I thought you right wingers admired strength not cowardice?
Alex, you’re not so smart as you think. Race isn’t skin, it’s kin, as in kinship. And I’m tired of the bigotry directed against my kinsmen. I believe in treating people decently, and I insist on the same thing from others. If you wrong wingers have a problem with that, then have a problem.
Some Whites have non-Whites in their families. It’s still “kinship”. What about this?
That’s called traitor.
Sorry. Didn’t realise you were so sensitive about what a child says.
Race is simply an extended family
Skin color is a MARKER for Race. Race is the DNA. This article really disturbs me. I understand what you are saying. Mrs Rodgers should not teach her son to be a coward. Yet the boy is 7 – and a 7 year old can NOT bear the burden of White dispossession all by his little self. She needs to tell him to develop friendships with WHITE children. Ignore the rest. Don’t allow any-one to insult our Race. Not ANY-ONE. All Whites must learn to stick together, and SCREW every-one else.
Dna is dna. Race is something we arrogantly apply to dna thinking our categorisation means a spit.
It’s as bad as other classification systems. It inevitably makes these arguments because it develops targets. Same as lines on a map.
Call yourself a race, a nation or an otherwise separate group if you like. If that’s what it takes to make you feel safe and secure then I guess it should be supported. Personally I prefer to be known by my given name and have opinions which I associate just with that name and not a group, ist or ism.
In other words, when you’re diving up the world, the races, the wings of political ideology, please don’t use anything associated with me to make your definition. Otherwise I’ll gladly walk up and argue back.
White nation. Your assertion is a joke.
Do we include the Samoans? Are the Japanese white because they’re not black or are we going with Asian for them? Are they part of the repressed or the oppressors? Ask the Koreans and they’ll probably say the latter but your probably coming from a history of being a coward and thinking “Oh I can’t mention Asian… He’ll get offended and then I’ll feel bad” so you’ll put them as the former to soothe your fragile ego.
I’ve been in this site for a while and I must say I’ve seen some cowards acting tough but you guys take the biscuit. You want to stand up but you can’t do it without your arbitrary divisions and childish ideas of having your own little clubhouse where others are banned.
If you want to hold a right wing view, fine, do so. Then deal with the response. To say “oh they’re so mean, they just keep disagreeing” is weak. To ask for separation is weak. To rely on things like skin colour because you’re too stupid to deal with finer definitions is weak.
My child is being taught to develop her own opinions and allow for those opinions to be challenged and changed if a superior position is offered. She’ll be taught to stand up for what she thinks in her own two feet. If she needs help then I’m there. Trying to indoctrinate her into some club so she doesn’t have to bother to stand proud and separate from the sheep would be to train her to be weak and lazy. Not on my watch.
Alex, a very thoughtful response.
Peoples do have very distinct pratices and values handed down through race and culture.
Geographical isolation tends to inbed these values in the family unit with the extension to race and culture.
Prime example, I have many Mexican friends. They travel frequently back to Mexico. While asking about how it was back in their hometown they expressed their joy in the fact every night was a party in town central.
I asked if the streets were paved, the answer was no, and my point was made.
Paved streets means…???
Is the assumption that the partying is in place of doing something to the streets? Should we analyse our own culture and wipe out alcohol use as it is obviously not productive? Should tobacco be outlawed as a similar distraction from production? When you’re sitting in your perfect environment and you’re about 80 and broken from unending work, what will you have enjoyed in your existence?
I’m at work, so my answer will be short and I’ll expand later. Pavement ….priorities.
Fair enough.
Pavement is not essential to existence though so I find it an odd marker of priorities.
Priorities are usually a concept linked to perceived norms and thus can be very different in cultures.
For example most American culture I have seen has been about a group or community. People seem to discuss problems and “air their laundry”. Such is not the norm in Poland. I only realised my Polish friend considered me so highly when another Polish person told me about the cultural norm of not sharing personal issues and realising that my friend had been trusting me with some of his.
‘For example most American culture I have seen has been about a group or
community. People seem to discuss problems and “air their laundry”.’
You have not lived in The rural South, have you, Mr. Abbott?
For if you had, you would know that we are incredibly secretive.
My experience is limited but I would wager you’d be surprised by the difference in terms of what you think of as secretive and the iron wall around my polish friends existence. Not even his family have full access.
I am very well acquainted with Poles, Mr. Abbott.
Before I left Raleigh, Poles had descended upon us, and I had close intimates for Poznan, Wroclow, Krokow, Warszawa, Katowice, and Osterode.
Poles do very well in the South, because we have so much in common – close-minded views, love of God, politness and friendliness, and, yes, secretiveness.
Poles are little rural Southerners this regard – extremely open, in certain regards, and in others, not.
Further, I’ll say this – when you talk about ‘American’, as if this were all one country and culture, it’s even more unseemingly than if I were to assume that Cumbria and Kent were one and the same.
True but there is also a common strand across England the same as there is across the states. It’s hard to see from the inside but consider this, Americans are regarded as louder than the British. Meaningless? Perhaps. However, the advice I was given previously was that in Britain the listener is expected to expend their efforts in pursuit of understanding the speaker, in American the speaker is expected to make their words easily understood by the listener. It’s something I’ve tested and found to be true. That is based on national trends but individually it means little or there’d be no poetry in the states.
You are not English. You are a parasite.
‘Paved streets means…???Is the assumption that the partying is in place of doing something to the streets?’
This is a weak rebuttal, Mr. Abbott. Quite clearly you have simply feigned incomprehensiveness at Mr. Saint’s remark, to convenience your preferred line.
I responded as if I understood but asked for clarification so I was not being assumptive. I consider such good manners and I was not using it as a ploy. Thus far I have needed none and have employed none.
Alex, I am referring to a people’s propensity not to put infrastructure ahead of having a good time.
The same propensity allows the continued consumption of alcohol, tobacco and firearms…probably in that order. None is necessary for life but each is held dear by their advocates.
One could make the argument that religion falls in the same category as you could spend Sunday paving those roads for them instead of going to church.
It all depends upon perspective.
Hell if it works for them, couldn’t we all do with life being more of a party than a mortuary?
At some point you’ll give up the liberal posturing. I can tell.
I don’t even recognise the label but keep trying.
You will realize your are rationalizing your own suicide.
Alex, after reading your interactions with Junius and reading through your responses to my posts, I belive it to be best to bid you a final adieu.
Fair enough. Thank you for your courtesy. I didn’t reckon on being popular.
Mr. Abbot,
There are two extremes :
#1. Someone who judges others only for their tribe and not anything of their individual person.
#2. Someone who judge people only for their individuality, without regard to tribe.
Most of us, in spite of immense pressure to the contrary, live our lives in between those two poles.
I am not fond of the extremes, in this regard.
Tribe is context for the individual. Only people who are weak or damaged hide behind the image of their tribe like a child hiding behind it’s mother’s skirt.
‘Only people who are weak or damaged hide behind the image of their tribe like a child hiding behind it’s mother’s skirt.’
Mr. Abbott : only people who are egotistick, and or of The New England school of nihilism, seek to leave behind the image of their tribe – and only narcissists are ones who so do, and then congratulate themselves for the fact.
I’m a Southerner, Mr. Abbott – an adherent to my culture and Christianity, not to Ayn Rand and Alan Dershowitz,
I’m British. Sorry to disappoint but I couldn’t care which end of the US you come from.
Same as I don’t care what your religion is or what colour socks you’ve got on nor what you had for breakfast. You are applying the causality between these things through your choices. You are not a victim to them even though you seem to evaluate things as if you were.
There is nothing for which to be sorry, Mr. Abbott – your mind is New England, and, if you study that sobriquet, you will likely unearth a triple entendre, pursuant to this conversation.
Odd for someone who’s region fought for so long to be independent doesn’t recognise independent thought when it is presented and persists to try and group it with a predetermined threat. Would it not be more honest to simply state that you don’t like this form of thinking and leave it there?
There is nothing odd about it, Mr. Abbott – all matters are filled with yin and yang.
We fought to be independent because we wanted to retain our traditional dependence on each other, without having it restructured by aliens and alien ideas.
I’ve had this discussion with a friend of mine, a Northeasterner, and, in the end, we agreed on this point – New England is in sync with post Cromwellian modern England, whereas the South has maintained a great deal of what existed in your country, ere Charles lost his head.
The South was settled and established by Englishmen who, all in all, rejected the direction of ‘enlightenment England’.
Much of what you are to understand of our culture would arise thence.
There is an old joke which shows some of how the English view the Americans “we sent the criminals to Australia and the god nuts to america” (or some such derivative).
The south has never been British because it is so stoic in it’s refusal to cooperate. Being British is about supporting the community, not about deciding who is and who is not a member of that community. We are, at our highest, about what a person is more so than what we determine them to be.
Besides, if the south is to be permitted the claim of being akin to old England then this furthers the point that it has not moved with the times and is anachronistic in the modern era. As with all things belonging to bygone eras, it should be encased in glass, studied for what it could teach us and then consigned to the history books. We would not bring back punch card machines to replace our computers and we should not follow Luddites in trying to bring down all that has been achieved.
Actually, that is quite right, Mr. Abbott – God gradually left England in the centuries in which it’s interaction with Rothschild, and various-n-sundry imports, grew.
‘Being British is about supporting the community, not about deciding who is and who is not a member of that community.’
Thank you for rebutting everything your just posited about individualism.
You’d make a good Southerner, if you weren’t so Godless.
Individuals support the community as a whole. The community isn’t the individual and vice versa.
One of my most favourite pearls of wisdom relates to logic.
A implies B does not imply that B implies A.
Ergo the community is made up of individuals ergo they aren’t individualistic because they form a community. It’s not so simple.
As for making a good Southerner, sorry but I just don’t like the climate. Plus my friends from Yorkshire wouldn’t stop with the “Southern fairy” comments. You see, your perspective over here would be more northern than southern. The traditional view.
May I suggest, if you have good knowledge of British culture, that you watch “Make Bradford British”. You may see it as propaganda but it’s a thought producing programme worth spending time upon in my humble opinion.
You could live in the Southern mountains – where the climate fast approaches the area around Stainmoor.
As to your logick, yes, I live with that all the time – still, I never let it loose me into the world of 50 shades of grey.
Thank you for the recommendation. Yes, I know the Ænglisc kings back to
Æthelred the Unready, but, I don’t know how fluent I am with modern English wit. When my wife and I tune into the BBC, it is, inevitably, for historicals.
50 shades of grey????
Definitely not cricket in my book.
Though I did howl at the book entitled “50 Sheds of Grey” which had pictures exactly as the title describes.
Oh Make Bradford British is not a comedy. Rather it is a program about several cultures of people forced to live together in one house for I think it was a week. There are lots of problems but the end definition of what it means to be British I consider very succinct and valuable. Your thoughts may differ.
I’ll have a look at Stainmoor for my next trip to the US.
Stainmoor is in York, in the hills west of Durham Cathedral, if memory serves. I thought it would be convenient for you because you live in York.
As it was not, let me say this – The Carolina hill country has the climate very similar to Keswick in the Lake Country.
As to Make Bradford British, I reckon don’t need to see it; this because I came up in Raleigh North Carolina, and was constrained to abandon it because the world moved in.
Equality is about pandering to spearchuckers.
If you let it be then that’s your choice.
If you find yourself limited like that, your issue. I don’t.
I’ve challenged muslims about their ideas, told a buddhist she was talking BS agreed with a polish guy how to tell if someone’s polish at a glance (really, really white trainers {sneakers} in case you were wondering). I’ve chatted about WW2 with a Bavarian and torn a strip of a christian from africa.
You see I am not held in by the fear and cowardice that you seem to be. I can speak to someone of a different culture to their face without offending them and elicit answer to questions I have. Some do end up taking offence but considering that can be caused by choice of clothing, habits, mannerisms and everything else…I don’t let it worry me too much.
How do you know your liberal leftie friends are not dissimulation specialists?
People spend a lot of social capital and money living far from Diversity.
‘We would not bring back punch card machines to replace our computers and we should not follow Luddites in trying to bring down all that has been
Actually, you will see governments and societies opting to bring back the Luddites, as robots remove mankind from a godly labour.
‘Besides, if the south is to be permitted the claim of being akin to old England then this furthers the point that it has not moved with the times and is anachronistic in the modern era.’
Modernity is anachronistick to God, Mr. Abbott – not to mention wholly displeasing.
If your definition of god is all powerful, is everywhere and created everything then what makes you think that such a being would be limited by a mere humans conception of time?
Sometimes this is what confuses me the most. If you’re a christian then your god is all powerful. Any limitation imposed on that definition after that point has to be hogwash or the original statement is.
God is all-powerful, which is why he limits himself, Mr. Abbot – this so as not to be bored with omnipotence.
I reject the notion that a non-Christian can understand Christianity, as it surpasses intellectual dissection.
Christianity is segregationist by it’s nature, while, all at once, being all-encompassing.
See that’s where religion irks me. No proof at all and many, many messages relating to being humble, respectful and yet there’s that constant strain of piety.
You raise yourself above others with those words. I would counsel caution by the ideals of your own faith.
Mind you one African Christian surprised me the most by claiming she could not be culpable for anything because jesus died so she could be blame free or some such perversion.
Mr. Abbott- there is a ton of ‘proof’ about The Holy Trinity that is not available to you until you, unless you meet it on it’s terms.
For that reason, this is one area with witty did course and logical analysis cannot succeed – no matter how well-intended or polite.
I will, however share with you this.
On the day I accepted Jesus Chryst as my Saviour, I felt a physical pricking in my chest – like a pin. It was not exactly painful, but, it was there, and having had never any of the like in my life, the feeling was quite new and peculiar
And each of the succeeding days, when I arose and prayed by the Ikons in the candelight, that pricking spot grew and grew – until it felt no more like a prick, but, a tunick of light inside and throughout my whole chest – almost like an internal coat of armour.
As the months went by, I suddenly found myself able to resist lusting after women and able to stop drinking. Really, I I did not even try to do these things, they just, magically, happened to me.
Also, all the memories and thoughts that had been, hithertofore, very painful to me, were no more able to do so to me.
Maybe you cannot imagine what this is like – to be born again, but,if the term is not entirely apt, in my circumstance, then let me say that whatever it was that occurred within me, it happened without me.
Even now, when I think of how my suffering has come to an end, it is very emotional, so grateful am I.
The Holy Ghost is inside me, and no science can know it, measure it, or analyze it.
I know it, though, because, though I still am a flawed person, there is some much power and light where there for so long was not.
God, because I accepted his Son, has taken me out of range of Satan.
Satan can only get me if I wanted him, and I never will.
The love of Jesus Chryst is so incredible that I can only liken it to how I feel when my wife and I make love, though, such a comparision seems banal and falls terribly short.
I hope one day you will know it, but, if it is to be, you will have to open your heart. God will not force it upon you.
All the best!
The South was an inadvertent leap into the future question:
How do whites live among blacks? it’s a question Londoners are now having to figure out sadly.
Speculative fiction writers could have a field day with the last white in London getting in a time machine with a few nukes and transporting himself to Washington DC in 1863 to blast the Union to smitherines.
Or a zombie apocalypse.
Damn prophetic story writers never can make their minds up.
London has little to no problem with “blacks”. That’s pretty much ancient history here. There’s very little racism on such basic ground bar the crazies.
The main tension over here is where you have large groups bringing their culture into an area and overwriting British culture in that area. People find it disconcerting. However, it’s way over represented in US media so they can score points. I live in the midlands (ie right next to that place ruled by muslims apparently (Birmingham)) and I’ve found no area where I can’t go. Sure some places you look around and most of the food shops sell stuff I’ve no idea how to pronounce let alone whether I’d want it in my food but so what? French cuisine has been a thing of fashion for years and I can’t stand half of it and really can’t stand the whole “if we put it in french, it’s posh so we can charge more”. Hell, I laugh my ass off seeing a pack of 2 pains for sale in a supermarket.
Culture is a racial construct. You are making an assumption about things too.
I am making an assumption. I keep assuming that I might do some good by responding to people. U fortunately none are so blind as those who do not wish to see.
There is not a shred of “independent thought” in anything you’ve written. You are a TOTAL parrot.
A popinjay.
Then give me a cracker and keep quiet.
You aren’t “British” at all.
He’s a typical cuck.
Hmm… Must have been a lie on the family tree… Oh wait, no, you’re just wrong.
And your measure is what?
You are neither British not English. You are a Heeb infestation.
Lib Dem voter are you? Echo Clegg at you right peril.
Echo what now?
I vote for whomever I think will do a good job. I think that people who stick to one party each time should have their votes removed until we can check they know what they’re doing.
You should like a clone of Nick Clegg.
Why? Is the original dead?
He’s dead from the waist down.
Why do I need a clone? Has he died?
‘My child is being taught to develop her own opinions and allow for those
opinions to be challenged and changed if a superior position is
This is either inaccurate or plain wrong, Mr. Abbott.
The whole point of parenthood is to transfer to the children all the wisdom that has been accumulated by millenia of ancestors.
Along the way, a child will be applying that and developing it’s own opinion-making, as no parent seeks to control every neuron in it’s child’s brain.
To create a generation of children, who have formed their opinions in a vacuum of heritagelessness, is the stamp of New England radicalism, and, as such, has no application in The South.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts forthrightly and articulately, but, I doubt any non-city slicker in his right Southron mind will be attracted to your nihilism.
Interesting. So you expect your scions to still be espousing the same opinion as you do now with no adjustment to the modern context which will almost certainly be different by that point?
Such anachronistic points of view only contribute to the continuing stalemate of development.
Pass over the wisdom of previous years in a condensed format so that it may inform future positions. It should never be the idea to pass over the position itself unless of course your scions are inbred fools incapable of asserting their own minds, in which case I’d prefer you surrender to evolution sooner rather than later.
‘Such anachronistic points of view only contribute to the continuing stalemate of development.’
The notion of a progressive march to utopia is another hallmark of the mind that embraces The New England Culture.
Certainly you’re entitled to it, Mr. Abbott, but, we, Southerners, as a whole, are not utopians out to ‘transform’ every country and culture to the latest fashion of thinking, advocated by the secular world.
Again, your conclusion, in the final paragraph, though elegantly articulated, is the evincing of a mind that is the old radical New England school.
Here, we believe that no individuality is worthwhile, unless it is negotiated within the context of faith, family, community, and that last semantick is a heritage inclusive comment.
Here, heritage is not something we ‘pass over’.
What is it that you think you are inheriting by the way?
Should I inherit my British history and spend my life bowing to all those who were harmed by colonialism? Should I march into the US convinced that I or one of my countrymen should be in charge? Should I perhaps invaded Germany, just because?
Of course not. I am not my history, I am the result of it. I acknowledge it and try to learn from it but I do not see it as a thing which exists now.
Sure if I was the kind of person to allow other to determine my thinking then I would be bothered by how other’s try to paint my nation’s history or current state but I am not. I would coach that to be self determining is the goal not some progressive utopia. Personally I think the closest we will ever come to utopia is when we find a predator bigger than ourselves and finally give up these useless quarrels and instead look for how we can best exist together and use each other’s strengths instead of consistently picking at each other’s weaknesses.
Is your question rhetorical?
Which question? There were many.
If however you are up for signing across the US to British rule I think there would be many relieved citizens and many concerned ones…and that’s just here. We’ve gotten quite used to looking down on “yanks”. It would be a hard habit to break.
The first line of your previous remark.
As to your collective pluck in Britain, it doesn’t bother me. Thinking what you will about others is y’all’s business, not ours.
Is it inherently British to invade and to colonize? It is a bit odd that is the first thought you have about British Identity.
Your utopia assumes that all groups would stop seeing themselves as groups. They won’t. They will see other groups as allies. Your utopia’s unity would be a farce.
“Is it inherently British to invade and to colonize? ”
Yes it kind of is.
Well after we were invaded a fair few times.
Other than that we were once a bastion of culture but then again so was Italy once, France at another point and Ireland at one stage not to mention Greece.
As for the utopia, we currently war over politics (ie a bunch of liars disagreeing with another bunch of liars and making others die and pay the costs), resources (we could look for other types of fuel but why bother when we can kill a few ragheads and nick theirs) or just because we’re bored. Add a predator into the mix and suddenly the politicians are out of a job, resources must be gained locally and we’d rarely be bored. It’s not a complete cure but it should improve things greatly. Plus anyone too slow to adapt would die meaning humanity would be stronger.
“”Is it inherently British to invade and to colonize? ”
Yes it kind of is.
Well after we were invaded a fair few times.”
That’s like me saying that my entire people’s culture revolved around slavery and poverty and degeneracy.
“Other than that we were once a bastion of culture but then again so was Italy once, France at another point and Ireland at one stage not to mention Greece.”
Culture is more than the products a culture produces. It is the tacit connections between every individual so that when I look at another Southerner I relate to them deeper than any person from another country, even other Americans.
“As for the utopia, we currently war over politics (ie a bunch of liars disagreeing with another bunch of liars and making others die and pay the costs), resources (we could look for other types of fuel but why bother when we can kill a few ragheads and nick theirs) or just because we’re bored. Add a predator into the mix and suddenly the politicians are out of a job, resources must be gained locally and we’d rarely be bored. It’s not a complete cure but it should improve things greatly.”
Your solution kinda sounds like what happened to Syria and Iraq. A big predator came in (the US), so by your logic, the Kurds, Shia, Christians, Alawites, and Sunnis should have banded together to repel the US. What actually happened?
“Plus anyone too slow to adapt would die meaning humanity would be stronger.”
So what qualities would this promote in our gene pool?
Btw culture is more than the product of culture…. Wha? You’re crazy word use.
Also, how you view people is all you. Don’t hide behind your culture like an infant. Admit your own personal perceptions.
All this by tied up to being southern American. A bastard culture brought up from bastard nations. It’s about as impure and multi ethnic as you get.
Your world is dying, because of creatures like you. There will NEVER be an England.
You are a Jew, aren’t you?
The rightful head of England was decapitated in 1649, Miss Denise, and, though it has taken them time, those who remained in The Mother Country have pretty much done away with what remained of the corpse.
A far better measure of who the real England is lives in Australia and in Dixie, today – for, though tremendous pressure is brought to bear on us, we are holding out, until strong folks from other countries, like you, multiply to such an extent that the threat is removed.
He was a Scottish interloper.
Nope. Unfortunately it seems even my secular parents were actually Christian.
I am friend with a Buddhist if that helps. Though I think she talks as much snake oil as the rest.
This is a response to what?
“Btw culture is more than the product of culture…. Wha? You’re crazy word use.”
Thank you for showing your ignorance.
“Also, how you view people is all you. Don’t hide behind your culture like an infant. Admit your own personal perceptions.”
Amazingly, my perceptions are shared among other people.
“All this by tied up to being southern American.”
If I was Chinese, it would all be the same, except in Chinese.
You just painted your (?) history as nothing but incursion and misery. Is that the way you regard the historical record of England?
I sincerely hope you meet up with a hadji, who treats you to a Jihadi Haircut.
I’m a proud brit. Does that mean I need to be delusional about past wrongs made in my nations name? Nope. Does that mean I should bow and scrap? Nope. So do I ignore it? Also, nope.
We’ve jettisoned a few millennia of habits in 40 years. It’s not going to end well for the fluid among us.
Yes, Captain – ‘habits’ which are the pearls of wisdom (the understanding of limits) arising from centuries of our forefathers’ experience in this mortal realm.
Too much change too quickly is tatamount to implosion.
Great remark.
‘Dna is dna. Race is something we arrogantly apply to dna thinking our categorisation means a spit. It’s
as bad as other classification systems. It inevitably makes these arguments because it develops targets. Same as lines on a map.’
That, Mr. Abbott, is nihilistick reductionism, the sort of tact one would expect to countenance from an impudent young barrister.
Absolutely not. We can observe dna and we can see patterns within it. We then label those patterns and most decide at that point to stop looking at the patterns because they have been established. At what point in history do you decide to stop looking? My position would be we have a current imperfect understanding. To develop certitude based on that would be foolish.
Why shouldn’t we go further into the uncertainty to discover something deeper? Why should we play safe and sit around waiting for 100% certainty?
Absolutely. Go into the unknown. Just please consider doing it without declaring you know exactly what’s there beforehand.
Then why did you admonish us for doing just that? Just because we say it without having a disclaimer.
Wouldn’t you have to do the same to yourself? That none of your opinions are for certain and you shouldn’t declare it with certainty that it is true?
Absolutely. Do not mistake my penchant for clear definitions for my mind being fixed.
Can that “penchant” not apply to us as well?
Your daughter is either going to be a blue haired nosed ringed lesbian who HATES you, or grow up and be the submissive breeder wife of am Orc hadji, and forget that you ever existed.
I’ll bite. Come to a rally or gathering & introduce yourself. Then talk all the shit you want. To my face. You’re a coward attacking a woman.
I’ll give you a lesson in respect firsthand.
Excellent. I thought I’d find such an advanced and well formed response.
So you’re of the thinking that the best way to improve science then would be to beat seven shades out of say cancer until it comes up with a cure?
Please retreat to your cave sir, adults are discussing something.
As for what I’d say to your face is akin to asking if you’d change your tune if you were faced with someone who disagreed with you who happened to be holding a shotgun to your face. On the one hand you’re a coward if you change your tune, on the other you’re not likely to make much progress with your thinking or changes to culture if you’re dead.
DNA is DNA. Species are a meaningless division we arrogantly apply. So are words. What is the difference between pink and red except that we say there is?
Your whole identity is based on how you relate to other things and people. Without something to compare and contrast yourself with, you couldn’t define yourself. So, your hyperindividualism is shortsighted.
So if I called a smart man, not an idiot, you’d argue that?
The Japanese want a Japanese country. What a joke.
Are Samoans white? When have the Japanese ever been considered white?
It would seem odd to stand up without clearly defining the friend, foe, and family. Please enlighten us on how to stand up that you approve of.
I don’t really see where you get “they’re so mean they just keep disagreeing”, I’ve seen mockery and outrage.
Separation is weak. We should let all the criminals out, let pedophiles run free with children, let wild animals into our suburbs, terrorists into our country, and use sinks as toilets because separating things is for the feebleminded. The truly enlightened sees all as one.
Skin color is a simple way to delineate the races. It’s not the best because some races share similar skin color, but we are limited to how the common man calls things in the world. Especially since this site isn’t specifically about race.
So what makes one’s thought not indoctrinated, what makes one not among the sheep? Why are your arbitrarily dividing the world? Doesn’t that train her to be weak and lazy?
Wow that’s a whole lot of stream of consciousness there…
I’ll try to pick out what I can identify for sure and you’ll just have to reassert anything I missed.
Division is temporary and based on things which do not last. What you call a tree today maybe called something else tomorrow based on new evidence.
If you doubt my word, check how many moons orbit this planet according to scientists (as they are the ones who defined it first we really should consider their opinion as informed).
Has the moon changed size, density, composition? Nope. We have just changed it’s classification based on some new thinking.
Does this mean we can never use such classifications? Nope. It does however draw any argument based on such divisions alone under suspicion. You can’t say with certitude that black people blah blah blah because what happens if science says actually there’s six derivatives, none of them interlinked and all white folk come from one of them. Argument destroyed. You’d look a fool and people would laugh even if you end up being essentially right. That’s why I argue against using classifications as justification. It’s just faulty logic and mental laziness.
How can you stand up without defining friend or foe? Strange you never learned this but I have found I can make friends without making enemies. They are distinct choices. Hence I stand with my friends and only make enemies when I truly need to and try to remove them as enemies after that situation has played out. I’ve found that grudges are mostly for the petty.
As for letting criminals out, you do. It’s called the end of their sentence.
Pedophiles? What, you have no local catholic churches? You think such things are easy to observe and separate?
Terrorists? Do you refer specifically to foreign ones or the domestic ones also who go around making mass shootings because of the situations in your own country?
How to avoid being amongst the sheep? Never accept the status quo, especially in your head. Your most fondly held belief should be exposed to counter information in an open and honest fashion. Doing otherwise risks the mental version of incest and inbreeding.
No matter what you are trying to convince of here abbot, itbdoeant Change the fact that jews are committing white genocide. Not does it lessen our will to oppose it.
“Wow that’s a whole lot of stream of consciousness there… I’ll try to pick out what I can identify for sure and you’ll just have to reassert anything I missed.”
I’m new to disqus, so I thought my comment would appear under the right one, which would have clarified it more, so any misunderstanding is due to my inexperience.
Here is the original comment, edited for clarity (and I took out a point because I retract it):
“Dna is dna. Race is something we arrogantly apply to dna thinking our categorisation means a spit.”
Species are a meaningless division we arrogantly apply to DNA thinking our categorization means a spit.
“It’s as bad as other classification systems.”
Skin color is a simple way to delineate the races. It’s not the best, but we are limited to how the common man calls things in the world.
“It inevitably makes these arguments because it develops targets. Same as lines on a map.”
Definitely because wars started once peaceful and kind people built a fence.
“Call yourself a race, a nation or an otherwise separate group if you like. If that’s what it takes to make you feel safe and secure then I guess it should be supported. Personally I prefer to be known by my given name and have opinions which I associate just with that name and not a group, ist or ism.”
Your whole identity is based on how you relate to other things and people. Without something to compare and contrast yourself with, you couldn’t define yourself. Even your personality, looks, and talents came from your blood. So, your hyperindividualism is purposefully ignores others.
“In other words, when you’re diving up the world, the races, the wings of political ideology, please don’t use anything associated with me to make your definition. Otherwise I’ll gladly walk up and argue back.”
So if I called a smart man, not an idiot, you’d argue that?
“White nation. Your assertion is a joke.”
The Japanese want a Japanese country. What a joke.
“Do we include the Samoans?”
Are Samoans white?
“Are the Japanese white because they’re not black or are we going with Asian for them?”
When have the Japanese ever been considered white?
“Are they part of the repressed or the oppressors? Ask the Koreans and they’ll probably say the latter”
I don’t care if the nonwhites in my country were 130 IQ virtuosos. It doesn’t matter what their contributions are. The point is to be in country of my own people.
“I’ve been in this site for a while and I must say I’ve seen some cowards acting tough but you guys take the biscuit. You want to stand up but you can’t do it without your arbitrary divisions and childish ideas of having your own little clubhouse where others are banned.”
It would seem odd to stand up without clearly defining friend, foe, and family. Please enlighten us on how to stand up that you approve of.
“If you want to hold a right wing view, fine, do so. Then deal with the response. To say “oh they’re so mean, they just keep disagreeing” is weak.”
I don’t really see where you get “they’re so mean they just keep disagreeing”, I’ve seen mockery and outrage.
“To ask for separation is weak. To rely on things like skin colour because you’re too stupid to deal with finer definitions is weak.”
If Separation is weak, We should let all the criminals out, let pedophiles run free with children, let wild animals into our suburbs, terrorists into our country, and use sinks as toilets because separating things is for the feebleminded. The truly enlightened sees all as one.
“My child is being taught to develop her own opinions and allow for those opinions to be challenged and changed if a superior position is offered. She’ll be taught to stand up for what she thinks in her own two feet. If she needs help then I’m there. Trying to indoctrinate her into some club so she doesn’t have to bother to stand proud and separate from the sheep would be to train her to be weak and lazy. Not on my watch”
So what makes one’s thought not indoctrinated, what makes one not among the sheep? Why are your arbitrarily dividing the world? Doesn’t that train her to be weak and lazy?
“Division is temporary and based on things which do not last. What you call a tree today maybe called something else tomorrow based on new evidence.”
Has the division between the earth and sea, man and woman, light and dark, family and not-family, etc. New evidence has not ended these divisions only fine-tuned them. So no, not all things change.
“Does this mean we can never use such classifications? Nope. It does however draw any argument based on such divisions alone under suspicion.”
Racial classification is not used completely alone. Even peoples from very similar stocks, the French and the Germans for example, or the Croats and the Serbs, could not peacefully coexist together as one country. America has situation where the separate nations are also from two distinct races.
“You can’t say with certitude that black people blah blah blah”
We can. We have genetic, morphological, and sociological data that gives us a good indication of what the average is for a race in terms of ability, personality, and behavior.
“because what happens if science says actually there’s six derivatives, none of them interlinked and all white folk come from one of them. Argument destroyed.”
Whites are still a separate group. So really the argument doesn’t change.
“You’d look a fool and people would laugh even if you end up being essentially right.”
So I shouldn’t speak the truth because I’d be laughed at?
“That’s why I argue against using classifications as justification. It’s just faulty logic and mental laziness.”
I have a Golden Delicious apple and a Granny Smith apple. Is it faulty logic to say that because Granny Smith tend to be tart and that Golden Delicious apples become sweet, I should keep them separate to preserve their uniqueness?
“How can you stand up without defining friend or foe? Strange you never learned this but I have found I can make friends without making enemies. They are distinct choices. Hence I stand with my friends and only make enemies when I truly need to and try to remove them as enemies after that situation has played out. I’ve found that grudges are mostly for the petty.”
(I’m assuming for my point forthcoming that you understood my original point, just to keep the conversation going. We can correct any misunderstandings as they come up.)
When we decide who is friend, foe, or family, it’s bad, but when you do it, it’s a-okay.
“As for letting criminals out, you do. It’s called the end of their sentence. Pedophiles? What, you have no local Catholic Churches? You think such things are easy to observe and separate?
Terrorists? Do you refer specifically to foreign ones or the domestic ones also who go around making mass shootings because of the situations in your own country?”
My point was to state that separation is fundamental for securing safety and prosperity.
“How to avoid being amongst the sheep? Never accept the status quo, especially in your head.”
Why do you divide the world between the sheep and the independent? Why are being “lazy and weak”?
So devils advocate approach, okay but it’s late so I’ll only play with the interesting bits. You can pull me up on anything important that I missed.
I stated specifically Btw that my definition of an enemy is in relation to a point in time. Ergo I don’t decide that all French men are my enemy for all time. That to me is ridiculous.
To decide to build a family on things you like, that makes sense. To build a nation on it? That’s daft. So you don’t want the best scientists ensuring your nuclear power plant doesn’t explode and kill everyone, just someone you like.
I hope you’re never in the position to recruit for a company.
Even hr research shows you’re not taking practical sense and that’s based on a whole lot of research.
Btw researching into race and its averages. I presume you’re taking socioeconomic factors out completely right? You’re also adjusting for history, relative cultural exposure and so forth?
I ask because it would be extremely easy to mutate such figures to a certain point of view just by ignoring a couple of things.
“I stated specifically Btw that my definition of an enemy is in relation to a point in time. Ergo I don’t decide that all French men are my enemy for all time. That to me is ridiculous.”
When have I ever stated anything different? I want to point out that you choose to divide things and that’s alright, but it’s wrong when others do it.
“To decide to build a family on things you like, that makes sense. To build a nation on it? That’s daft. So you don’t want the best scientists ensuring your nuclear power plant doesn’t explode and kill everyone, just someone you like.”
Why do you say my nation isn’t capable of maintaining nuclear power and producing scientists? Why do you think only the non-native is capable to do this?
The zero sum game isn’t talent but resources and jobs.
“I hope you’re never in the position to recruit for a company.
Even hr research shows you’re not taking practical sense and that’s based on a whole lot of research.”
Should a company hire an employee from another company that can be and still is loyal to it?
“Btw researching into race and its averages. I presume you’re taking socioeconomic factors out completely right? You’re also adjusting for history, relative cultural exposure and so forth?”
I prefer the hard sciences that can be reproduced.
“I ask because it would be extremely easy to mutate such figures to a certain point of view just by ignoring a couple of things.”
It’s just as easy to obfuscate reality by explaining and rationalizing it away.
You ignored many important points I want answered:
1. I have a Golden Delicious apple and a Granny Smith apple. Is it faulty logic to say that because Granny Smith tend to be tart and Golden Delicious apples sweet, I should keep them separate to preserve their uniqueness?
2. Why do you arbitrarily divide the world between the sheep and the independent? Why are you being what you call “lazy and weak”?
Non native… Classic. Are you perhaps mohican?
You responded to none of my points.
I only spoon feed my daughter and only until I deem her capable of feeding herself successfully.
You, I owe nothing to.
You have responded to none of my points, still.
Instead of responding to my points, you pick out a word so you can have a smarmy remark that doesn’t even relate to my points.
At a certain point Britain will go through a convulsive race war.
Not unlike the time the English massacred the Danes under Aethelred.
Well it’s been a long time coming considering our history. Only the gingers would be left and no one wants a soulless nation!
Again I have to rebut your position. What’s wrong with having your own little clubhouse? Who are these fragile folk that can’t stand the thought of a club where they aren’t welcome? Ever since the Snivel Rights Movement began, we have so-called people of color suing to get into White neighborhoods and White schools and screeching over the fact that they aren’t getting a warm welcome. They’re only being tolerated, because we live in a Zero Tolerance for the Intolerant World. Well, you tolerate a nuisance. You still don’t like it.
I stumbled across a site by a Nordicist. He doesn’t want to marry or associate with anybody who isn’t Nordic. That excludes me. Will forcing myself on this man make him my best friend? A friendly neighbor? Great husband material?! NO!
I have no problems with private clubs. The idea is to go there and exhale after a long, tiresome day of walking around on eggshells lest one inadvertently offend some vindictive snowflake.
Lulz – you have just outed yourself as an Anti White Kike. Jews are genetic gypsy mongrels, who want they genetics of others to be as screwed up as your own.
DNA is EVERYTHING, and you possess NO understanding, willful or otherwise, of genetics. You are ridiculous. And your daughter is a Heeb mongrel, too. I hope she mates with a nigger.
you’re arguing with a beta male, cucked Brit that has allowed his own Nation to be overrun by goat humping muzzies. Don’t waste your time.
Never listen to the media and assume you know the truth.
I know only one muslim and he’s more open to discussing the drawbacks to his style of life than you appear to be.
Your Muslim chum is working on a conversion.
Many have tried to convert me, most of them Christian of one flavour or another. They all failed because I have no reason to convert.
I get your point ,Mr. Putnan, still, I think it can be productive to show those who find us incomprehnsible why their indoctrinated logick is not applicable – no matter how intelligently applied.
Also, never rule out the fact that, though today Mr. Abbott shewed it not, some of the seeds that we planted into his mind, may yield fruit some years hence.
Yet, I do understand your frustration with an England that has been almost completely hoodwinked by the claims of Jewry in guise – from ‘the Enlightenment’, to Masonry, to multiculturalism and political correctness, to Soviet Bolshevism relaundered as The Labour Party and The EU.
All of this can be quite discouraging.
Anyway, all the best!
I find cucks like this reprehensible and repulsive in real life. There was a time, not so long ago, in America when they were rightly squashed like the bugs they are.
Yes, I know the feeling, Mr. Putnam. Yet, for me, I only take offence when White Southerners feel like Mr. Abbott, because they are my countrymen.
When I talk to folks out of my country, it is far less threatening and vexing to me, and certainly no threat.
Furthermore, having had so many conversations with Europeans, I realize that most Western Europeans are likely to be to my antithesis, and so I am prepared.
In the end, if they want to turn their lands into a godless degenerate mud-race hell-hole, that’s between them and The Good Lord.
One way or the other, I’ll keep loving my family, helping my neighbours, praying to The Lord, and waving my Confederate flag,
Thank you for taking the time to share with me your feelings!
Big thegreennazi hugs for DenisetheCelt.
Alex, thank you for taking the time to respond.
You have provided a good argument for your position. Have you ever observed children making natural threat assessments without parental involvement? A very interesting study if you will take the time to observe.
I’ve never noticed children associate colour as anything but colour without an adult with an agenda being involved.
Natural threat assessment I do see children make. From experience.
They only avoid hot things truly, after being burnt. We, as parents, try to minimise the risks but we always make the trade of reducing their chance to understand properly without experience and hence undermine their understanding.
‘Natural threat assessment I do see children make. From experience.’
I have witnessed many times children utilizing this method in social interaction with children of different races.
It’s the natural process of threat assessment of the unconscious. It is way more prevalent than most would think.
How a child treats a wasp vs. a moth also works with white vs. black. Learned experience rears it’s head all the time. Parental guidance on such things is very limited.
I will continue this conversation later. I’m off to work now.
Though your point is made I believe the premise is incorrect.
Children do not always associate well with other adults. Does this mean the other adults are inferior? Nope, it just means they’re different and children have the racial habit (as in human race) of treating different with suspicion.
May I assume you do not adopt this position or are you still eating baby food as you naturally tentatively approached new food types and hence rejected them as inferior?
Children make some threat assessments on their own, Mr. Abbott, but, most they do not make.
Have you ever seen a 6 year old choose not to eat a product with cancerous syntheticks or hydrogenated oils, without guidance from a parent?
Have you ever seen a child choose to wipe it’s ass or avoid tooth decay, by brushing it’s teeth, without parental guidance?
Have you ever seen a child learn how to spot the signs of an immoral non-bullying child, without parental guidance.
I could go on and on, but, it’s clear. The job of the parent is to train, and that training has got to be pro-active and hands-on.
What is and what is not cancerous is as filled with assumption as which party to vote for in an election.
Guidance isn’t instruction, it is advice. Advice is something which reasonable beings expect the recipient to test according to their own experiences and respond to. Hence though I am giving my daughter advice and whatever wisdom I have gleaned in my years, I fully expect and look forward to the counter arguments. Either the counters will fail and I will expect my daughter to acknowledge that or my argument will fail and I will adjust my thinking accordingly. To do otherwise is to be ignorant or to promote ignorance.
No, guidance from a parent to a child is only ‘advice’ for the adult mind that lives in a Weltanschauung of subjectivism and secular humanism.
Secular humanism gets a thumbs up from me. The previous generations emotional crutch of what to think of lightning bolts should not infect my daughters formation of more realistic explanations.
‘Secular humanism gets a thumbs up from me.’
Yes, Mr. Abbott; and because of it, ye shall go the way of thy thumb, after ye breathe thy last.
Really? I thought I was supposed to burn?
Damn it. Half the really interesting people are slated to burn.
That’s the one drawback of heaven I never liked. What happens if I want to discuss things with maybe a satan worshiper? Perhaps to help him, perhaps to test an idea or two or just to find out what he’s like. Is curiosity not included in paradise?
(I jest of course).
‘Half the really interesting people are slated to burn.’
This is only the Madison Avenue hype regarding Satan and his henchharlots, though, it is not true.
I think curiosity is very much included in Valhalla, but not rebellion against Thor and Frida.
For example, I’d very much like to speak to Christopher Hitches. I doubt he’d make your grade.
You mean ‘Christopher Hitchens – the man who is now dead?
Yeah. Hence I can’t talk to him here but I’d love to in this envisaged paradise.
Which circle of Dante’s inferno would Hitchens occupy?
Dunno but I’d like a chat for a good long while with him. Stephen Fry too when he makes it.
It’s the homosexual ring then.
Equality is equally as absurd as transubstanciation
Not a Catholic then?
His lack of racial solidarity as a result of overabstraction is typical of our race. What he and others like him fail to comprehend however , is that his ability to do so is directly contingent upon his being a member of our race and Iiving in a white civilization. Other races don’t intellectualism themselves out of racial solidarity. They instinctually realize that what is good for the race, is good for the individual.
Ben, you remark is so pentetrating that I stand in awe of it.
Lamentably, it is so advancet that, those who desperately need to hear it, will be precluded from so doing by it’s very insightful nature.
We are in such a dangerous time, because people have become so estranged from others – their very own community.
Thanks. The way i see it right now the white race is going through its baptism of fire. The liberals, miscegenators and those with bad instincts are being weeded out and dying out leaving only the strongest and most cohesive to continue into the future. The white race is becoming self aware, andfinding total racial solidarity across the entire race for then first time in history, that I am aware of. What doesn’t kill us will make us stronger.
I agree with you Ben, and you’re very welcome.
Where I may be less sure than you is whether Western Civilization will not die of it’s own seeming hand.
Though some good things have been seen in the last year, things are still rather precarious.
Just in these 50 states, Whites under age 6 are now the minority.
We have not lost the will to live, as expressed by the election of trump. Whether or not we survive will come to pass within our lifetime. We are living during the most important crisis our race has ever faced. The awakening has astounded the Jews most of all. They are shitting themselves. Remember the immortal words of the prophet adolf, “one day the whole world will know, I was right.”
I agree, Ben, that Trump’s election is proof that somebody must either e awake or awakening.
Also, I agree- the crisis is acute, more so than ever in recorded history.
As to Adolf Hitler – he made a lot of mistakes that are still plaguing Germany today – terribly costly things that did not have to be.
But, yes, he was, in essence right – that Germany ought belong only to Germans, and had every right to act outside of the Jewish sphere of influence.
Have a good night.
Abbott is an arrogant berk, and is an example of why England is dying. It’s a murder-suicide pact.
I think you nailed it.
Abbott worships at the Church of Flaccid Useless Abstraction.
Also, I would never treat my child as an equal, until she were out on her own.
The notion of being your child’s friend is a specious theory advocated by the New England culture of Dr. Spock, and it has done immense damage.
It is demeaning to a child to be treated as a sub standard person continuously. Similarly it is stupid to put an adults workload onto a child. I believe there is a balance to be had where my child can test her thinking with me providing a safe environment for her to do so.
This is based on business theory which has shown it’s the best way to get productivity and buy in from a team. As child rearing theory seems to be filled with sopping wet people with more moisture between their ears than brains, it was my best resource.
My parenthood, as with all first time parents, is an experiment. Unfortunately, as with all of these projects, there is no empirical measure so the only judge of it will be my daughter.
I don’t it ‘dimeaning’ to a child to treat it as a subordinate.
Again, rampant egalitarianism is a hallmark of the New England mind, as as such, I am okay with it up there. Down here, no.
That said – there is a balance, Mr. Abbott, but, I am quite sure that our backgrounds would preclude agreeing on that.
Realizing our children were not equals, we never presented to them homosexuality, uncivility, rape, arson, discourteousness, transfats, ennui, murder, incest, miscegenization, drug-addiction, synthetick-sweeteners, transgenderism, profanity, secular-humanism, bestiality, pot-smoking, and anti-Southern, anti-White-isms as a part of the menu for their lives – along with a whole host of other things.
We TOLD them where the bounds were for constructive lives, and let them make choices within those bounds.
What you find abhorrent is what you will pass on to your children. That is unavoidable. However, if you want it to last you’ll need to give them reason or your advice maybe disproved based upon the reasoning you gave and then discarded as anachronistic.
That is why I try to pass on wisdom not instruction. You can build upon a question, and answer is only really useful in context of the exact question which was posed and that produced it.
‘I try to pass on wisdom not instruction. ‘
I dislike this dialectick.
Instruction is vital, as is wisdom.
I resist your notion of allowing my children to wander into the fiery realms of hell, just to come away with good questions – assuming they can come away.
When I go to Europe, I am always struck by the impression how badly so many of those kids need a good ole Hickory switch, yet, before I can get lost in my Fantasies, I am interrupted by thinking the proverbial Southern switch better belongs on the parents’ licentious bums.
Yeah they outlawed all forms of corporal punishment in the UK. Even from parents. You’d probably best steer clear for now.
Just an FYI.
I did not know that. Certainly they are edging that way.
I remember one night our teeny daughter misbehaved abominably towards her mama, and as she ran away from me, she threatened me with the police.
I told her that, if she did so, not only would she get beat before they came, she would get it far worse when I got home.
To her credit, she learned her lesson and took her medicine when she had it coming.
Don’t you feel that winning an argument by threatening violence undermines your argument?
No, Mr. Abbott- ‘winning’ an argument about our daughter talking right to her mama is not a matter of ego, it’s a matter of demonstrating an important life lesson.
The lesson?
If you show disrespect to the one who carried you in her belly, and who gave you unbelievable love, then you are a traitor – and the consequences of treachery must be known to you, before you go out in the world and start doing that to others.
She got that lesson, and also the respect that comes with knowing that, if you misuse someone, you have no right to expect to be secure in any manner – either physically or mentally.
Actions have consequences – and, when she left us, she understood that full well.
Cool so if I can convert anyone’s grandpa then I can legitimately force all their scion to obey the same thinking or brand them as traitors and punish them.
Kinda limiting. Also it precludes the idea of any improvement to concepts past what ancients thought. You should trace your roots and move. Obviously you shouldn’t be in the “beave” west.
Yes, Mr. Abbott – limiting your children to good behavior is exactly the point of parenting.
As to ‘improvements’ I’ll leave it to you to conduct the experiments on you and your own kind.
As to who is in the West, The South is more guarded of what ‘West’ is, than any other western place, save for Eastern Europe.
As to moving, I note that it is a frequent comment of those on The Left that, if those on The Right don’t wish to accept their hunt for a paradigm, they can ‘move’.
Being of Western Civilization isn’t a geography, it’s a values thing.
Civilisation kind of implies moving past the use of brute force to achieve a goal. You can’t really be a barbaric civilisation in any real sense other than for pure categorisation. As the bible belt seems unwilling or unable to separate their passions from their fits and other weapons I don’t think we can continue to refer to it as civilised.
For one, I was always told a gentleman would never strike a lady, including his daughter. You obvious have different morals regarding such an issue and this is probably a cultural thing. I fail to see why you want to be walled off however as you’d probably match quite well with those in the middle east who practice similar punishments. Maybe they’re just luddite enough?
Dear Mr. Abbott.
Brute force has it’s place – particularly when love is it’s motive. Obviously all you want to do is be affectionate, sweet, and playful with your daughter, but, when they enter puberty, they start experimenting with their power, and they begin to say things that, if you allow them, they will repeat to their husbands, and the consequences may be harsh.
At that time, it is incumbent upon the daddy to show them that there are clear lines, and that if the child steps over them, retribution will be sure to follow.
You do this for love, and love only – love of your child, love of your future grandchildren, and love of the community into which these individuals will be going.
As to striking a lady – I have never done so, no matter how much one tried to egg me on, and, let me tell you : a Southern woman often has a temper that will test you.
We don’t regard taking a belt to bare legs or a hickory switch to the butt as ‘striking a lady’. It’s administering discipline to a child.
Our children were never punched, never hit outside of the butt and high legs.
That said, I made sure it hurt, so that they would remember the lesson, and we did not have to cover it again.
When I was a child, it was common that, when you had one coming, the parent would make YOU, the child, go out into the back yard and select an appropriate branch with which to return and be whippt.
Now, I lived in those days, and I live now, and, if you ax me, that was a much better society – warts and all – and it all started with parents who were NOT their child’s best friend, but their loving instructor.
In my opinion, men have forgotten how to be men, women have forgotten how to be women, and society has grown rotten with too much tolerance and too much molly-coddling.
Brute force does have its place. Mainly in the resistance of those who think that beating on the weak is a suitable pursuit of a Christian.
Violence out of love is still violence. Rejection of any move to attempt to find another way shows more live for the violence than the recipient.
‘Violence out of love is still violence.’
No. The motives behind something dictate it’s goodness, or not. Violence, in and of itself, is neither good nor bad, but, like any other action, a matter of context.
No. That would be force. Being forceful can be good. Violence begets violence. The teachings of your own church should have been enough but it seems, like all fundamentalists, you deliberately mutate yours to suit your predilection.
‘No. That would be force. Being forceful can be good. Violence begets violence. The teachings of your own church should have been enough but
it seems, like all fundamentalists, you deliberately mutate yours to suit your predilection.’
The surest sign of a Liberal is that he instructs one on how woefully bereft of Christianity is a Christian, which, coincidentally, he neither professes nor practices.
‘Rejection of any move to attempt to find another way shows more love for the violence than the recipient.’
No. it depends on the context.
I hope that one day you realise your error before someone dear to you severs all ties due to your abuse of power.
‘I hope that one day you realise your error before someone dear to you severs all ties due to your abuse of power.’
Thank you, Mr. Abbott.
And I hope that one day you realise your error before someone dear to you severs all ties due to what may well be your congenital inability to exercise power.
As to Moslems – I don’t want them here, because they are NOT Christian, BUT, as long as they are on their lands, I don’t have a problem with them.
I certainly respect that they know what their society is, that there are clear lines, and that they are sick and tired of taking a century of wholesale abuse from the Anglo-New England-Rothschild unholy Trinity, which tries to usurpt everyone.
Southern culture, at this time in history, has a lot in common with Chinese and Japanese culture, Eastern European, and Arab Islamick, as well.
We don’t have much left in common with Western Europe or the northeastern part of ‘The United States’, because, as a whole, we reject the rejection of western traditions – God, family, and country.
I’m glad you see the parallels. Maybe you should live as neighbours since you’re both isolationist and hold no love for what most term as progress.
In fact it would be nice if you’d go inhabit somewhere else as a whole so we can wall off that area and ensure modernity and it’s trappings like the internet don’t encroach on your paradigm.
‘Maybe you should live as neighbours since you’re both isolationist and hold no love for what most term as progress.’
I resist the notion that progress, in and of itself is good. as well, I resist the notion that what you regard as ‘progress’ truly is. I also resist the notion that any culture can determine what is ‘progress’ for another’ Too, I resist the universalist notions of what Liberals project upon the universe.
I agree with Alexandre Dugin, Czar Vlad’s main advisor, that for the world to ‘progress’ the one world order view of Liberalism must be defeated.
‘In fact it would be nice if you’d go inhabit somewhere else as a whole
so we can wall off that area and ensure modernity and it’s trappings
like the internet don’t encroach on your paradigm.’
Well, this would require a lot of space, because I would be joined by a few billion who do not adhere to your notions.
I like what we are doing in North Carolina – always tweaking our technical and technological understandings, while defending the moral and spiritual values upon which we have our society constructed.
When it comes to God, family, and country, we know what is what and will not be experimenting.
You have no country. You are the joke within the joke. America has been a joke for years and they laugh at you. Unless you’re hoping to be proven right after so many years you’re about out of options. It’s only the conservatism holding you together.
‘You have no country.’
This is a kind of dismissive pluck some English have long cast towards, Scotlands, Wales, and Ireland.
I defend your right to see me anyway you want, but, there is nothing in this that would verify to me how you prefer to sell yourself, and the values you advocate – as ‘respect’ and ‘respectful.’
‘It’s only the conservatism holding you together’
When a Liberal is unable to convince one not of his values, they inevitably turn to the discrediting and demonizing those at whom they have been aiming their rhetorick.
For me, I much more gain the measure of a man by how he conducts himself, than the ideas he purports to advocate.
For all your comments that I, and my country, Mr. Abbott, lack civilization, your comportment advances a far better claim to that paucity for thyself and thine.
‘Civilisation kind of implies moving past the use of brute force to achieve a goal.’
No, Mr. Abbott. That’s not ‘civilization’, but, conditioned decadence parading as virtue.
Decadence would be wallowing in ones habits, refuting any and all attempts at change. Blind arrogance that the epiphany has already been had is poisonous to society as a whole.
‘Decadence would be wallowing in ones habits, refuting any and all attempts at change.’
That’s only one form of decadence.
Well I’m done trying to open your eyes.
Let me part by saying that if I were your son you would have found me standing inbetween you and my sister. I would not move against you but nor would I move aside.
Nobility and respect are not a right, they are not hereditary things and they are not something you take. You earn them.
‘Nobility and respect are not a right, they are not hereditary things and they are not something you take. You earn them.’
This is the way post Cromwellian middle-class English like to talk to themselves, after dinner.
You’re certainly entitled to that.
‘Let me part by saying that if I were your son you would have found me
standing inbetween you and my sister. I would not move against you but
nor would I move aside.’
No, if you were my son you would know better.
‘Nobility and respect are not a right, they are not hereditary things…’
One cannot earn anything without a heritage that passes them the skills to entertain such feats.
Your Weltanschauung is the ego in a vacuum; which is as bit ironick, since you oft call others ‘isolationist’, when that office is rather much unwittingly occupied by you.
‘Blind arrogance that the epiphany has already been had is poisonous to society as a whole.’
As much as I value much of classical English culture, Mr. Abbott, there is precious little about the direction of your country, in recent decades, that leads me to believe that what y’all regard as poison, is a criteria which we, Southerners, ought accept.
Considering how far you have fallen from British culture I can only be thankful you do not lay claim to that as well.
‘Considering how far you have fallen from British culture I can only be thankful you do not lay claim to that as well.’
“Tis England that has fallen away from itself.
Yet the JewGovernment throws actual English People in JAIL, for merely protesting the Jihadi invasion, or calling a Jew a “Jew”.
Your daughter is going to marry a hadji.
Incorrect. Maybe you should travel a bit more?
Although that’s just a ban that whites would observe. Pakis and Blacks won’t give a shit.
All have the same rule. There is an issue of getting certain cultures to accept it and report any problems but that’s common.
I’m sure we have just as much problem with red necks.
Sure that’s why Rotherham went on forever and there are 100,000s of female genital mutilations every year among niggers and Pakis.
Rotherham was nothing compared to the religious crowd who have managed to hide and disavow more atrocities than pretty much any other organisation.
Of course we don’t need to change religion. It’s fact. Rotherham on the other hand is trying like hell to improve the situation.
I am sure you give much more guidance to your daughter than do we.
We set the bounds, and then let her swim in between.
Over the bounds we brook no argument. As to the in-between : we offer no advice, lest she evinces that inclination.
You just lost.
Anecdotes are not definitive. Science has shown that people, even crawling infants, will group with those of a similar race.
Are you saying that understanding is truly gained only by firsthand experience?
Natural selection programmed us to avoid the unknown (hence we commonly fear the dark). Ergo our natural instinct is to avoid things we do not recognise as safe. Your extrapolation of such behaviour and adding in a political/cultural subplot seems divisive to my ears.
“Natural selection programmed us to avoid the unknown (hence we commonly fear the dark). Ergo our natural instinct is to avoid things we do not recognise as safe.”
How does fear of the dark connect to the fear another human, someone who in your opinion is the same race and people? Shouldn’t the fact that we are not comfortable with all humans somewhat indicative that we don’t share similar evolutionary goals? No other animal cares about the promulgation of the species as a whole but it’s own DNA, which is extended in more socially inclined as family groups. As humans are the most socially inclined, shouldn’t I care about being with people who share a common genetic background. Since if I mate with them, my genes will be not drowned out and if I died without offspring my DNA would continue if my community continues? Wouldn’t it be evolutionarily backwards to not want to keep my Family, my nation, my race distinct so that my genes can remain intact and expressed? Wouldn’t it be backwards to end all of the specialization that has occurred to my family, my nation, my race to be erased by breeding with another race?
You might believe in evolutionary principles but you have not applied them to the logical conclusion.
“Your extrapolation of such behaviour and adding in a political/cultural subplot seems divisive to my ears.”
Your aversion to division is very odd because by calling my extrapolation divisive, you have divided it from other concepts. Therefore, your description is divisive. Your rejection of my divisiveness was inherently divisive, so it seems contradictory to me to oppose divisiveness by being divisive.
Oh dear lord.
Right, fear is fear. You’re argument sets out a path to sleep with the lights on.
As for expression. That is not a natural desire but a concept developed by people needing a reason to assert their power and they’re fear of death or in other words, weakness.
You responded to none of my points.
You advocate that female babies who cry at men should be determined as lesbians? Man haters? Amazons?
Thank you for your admission of defeat.
You are not practicing the Socratic method you are inserting a dildo into the hole in your culture.
Evolution suggests that we humans are branching out into other species all the time.
Oh I don’t know….it seems certain sections have pretty much peaked and are just waiting around before they die out surrounded by the fear that comes when a being realises it’s been surpassed and can only expect a future of being prey.
Tabula Rasa? I’ve seen white babies scream at niggers then calm down around a non parent white.
And I’ve seen babies screaming at men but not women. Female babies. Are you saying they’re lesbians?
No you are
I offered a parallel.
I suspect you are a queer. Stephen Fry and Kit Hitchens in hell? Sodomy!
I suspect you spend your weekends telling some teenage boy “squeal little piggy” whilst your toothless friend plays the banjo. I fail to see your point.
Why don’t you two get a room?
Internet cordiality must be something forgien to you. He came here with an opposing view and has so far been polite.
Thank you for upholding high standards, Mr. Saint.
And, however much I disdain Mr. Abbot’s New England ideas, I respect that he behaves as a gentleman.
That’s another thing that’s out of style, and it is a terrible thing to behold.
Let me give you some special advice: watch the entire cycle of Alt-Right Disney parodies and get back to us in a week or so.
Oh I often base my ideas on children’s cartoons. I find them such useful sources of political and philosophical theory.
It doesn’t matter what you watch, only what you do with it. If you support group thinking and the mindless subservience to popularity then you’ll be a victim of anything you watch.
Satire old man, it’s the satire.
There is only one side trying to live the lie and let live the lie.
If it was just skin color, non-whites wouldn’t mind voluntary segregation. It’s the rest of the package that makes them cling to whites like their lives depended on us. Because it does. Real victims avoid their predators. It’s called “white flight”.
There’s just not enough Wakandas in the world.
Actually many victims seek an abuser and it’s very common for people to look for anything to blame their problems on.
A wise man once told me “all is denial, avoidance and projection”.
Great. Glad to see your on board with end of AA, forced busing and school integration, “Fair Housing” and all kinds of unnecessary involuntary association!
If by AA you mean Anti Aircraft, then no I can see uses for it. If, however you mean Affirmative Action (sorry but I hold acronyms and initialisms in disdain, especially as I work in IT) then I do not believe in labelling a group as permanently in need of some sort of crutch without being offensive to them. I don’t think we should be labelling a group as immigrants and putting things in place for immigrants because you’re basically saying that any person who meets the description can get the same treatment which is often wrong or poorly managed. If you labelled a group as “these people here” or however you needed to identify this temporary group, and then give them some aid then that’s fine. It’s the difference between me giving advice to my daughter because she’s three and thinking I should advise every blonde female I meet.
As a direct relation to this I object with all forms of this whole protect white culture. I have my own culture and am prepared to give a resounding fuck you to any who think it’s okay to tell me what it should be or what I should do with it. I neither appreciate nor need the “assistance” and see it as meaningless interference no better than a nanny state.
Blacks fear lack of access to whites.
Yeah just like guys want to screw all men. There’s delusional… He’s over there poking fun at you for not seeing the wood for the trees.
They shit themselves at the thought of a white only club.
Funny. They were all the rage at one point.
In fact I believe there’s many establishments who’s clientele tend to be black.
Must be the absence of square dancing right?
Perhaps you could share some of your favorite examples of temporary AA …
Immigrant is not a label. It has a definition. You either are or aren’t one. It’s not subject to opinion.
How many millennia does it take for some groups to get past puberty?
I’m updating my estimation regularly.
So you got nothing?
My response is implied. I’m afraid if you need it laid out flat, you’re talking to the wrong guy.
That’s still nothing.
“all is denial, avoidance and projection”.
Utter BS!
Mr,. Abbott, Miss Denise, below, is right – the issue of skin colour reference is a shorthand for cultural inclination.
I think Miss Emily has been very bold to admit she needed to make an adjustment, instead of continuing on in the wrong way.
As to your equating segregation with ‘passive-aggressive behaviors’, it smears something you have done all your life – segregate yourself from those things, ideas, places, and people, you felt were not to your favour.
All life is segregation, and any government hat tries to interfere with your right of free-association, ought be burned to the ground.
We have this right, over the vast majority of the terrain of North Carolina – we are polite and respectful to all, but, do not become intimate with those with whom we feel little connection.
Freewill. Wow, imagine that?!?
Nope. I’m stuck with the idiots which generally populate the earth. Backed by those who ban everything supporting natural selection.
The only segregation I have in life is people who I care about and people I don’t. Why do I need an organisation or some official badge of office?
To answer your question, Mr. Abbott, I will say this : it has always been that some prefer less tribal consciousness, while others prefer more.
Be that as it may be, a lack of tribal consciousness is, along with a rejection of Jesus Chryst, the principle bugs in Western Civilization, if I dare to refer to it as such, these days.
The continued use of an imaginary friend as a ward against reality is a crutch preventing people from dealing with what is rather than what they imagine.
That would be a counter perspective and completely unprovable as superior or inferior to the one you hold.
If you want pure tribal consciousness then wouldn’t I be right in refusing to converse with you as you’re a colonial savage with no concept of proper manners?
With your state of mind, Mr. Abbott, you certainly would certainly be well founded in refusing to converse with me.
Maybe so but only a fool is so convinced of his argument that he doesn’t seek to test it and to predetermine who is best placed to test it and to ignore the other’s is only slightly less foolish.
I respectfully dis agree, Mr. Abbott.
In my mind, only a fool tests an idea from someone he respects, and whom he know has his best interest at heart.
So if your father were to turn around tomorrow and tell you that you are incorrect in your world view you would have no issue in changing it there and then without question?
If so what separates you from a slave?
This is your dilemma, Mr. Abbott- your notion of the degree to which self-volition constitutes an adequate criterion for being free.
In fact, being ‘free’ is not the paramount goal of Southern culture, but, something which must live within a community of attenuating aspirations.
Freedom is impossible in reality, that is truth. In the mind freedom should be a certainty unless you think that thought policing is a good practice.
I’d expect a counter argument based on the concept that if you select the right people and ensure a proper continuation of culture that such thought policing would be unnecessary but I’d submit that you are trying to achieve the same result just using other means so that you can argue you don’t police thought. Of course there would also be the argument that you couldn’t ever be sure that your experiment worked without invading peoples thoughts.
As for the self versus the community, I believe as you do I just have a different perspective. My home is my castle. I own it. I decide what is and what is not within my house. I treat my brain the same.
Of course, once i leave that castle or make verbal my thinking I do so with recognition of being respectful and trying to live at peace with my neighbour. I would have hoped you would have been of a similar mind but if you expect the youth to allow others to become dictators in their minds then how can you object to others who assert their superiority doing so to you too?
Obviously there is a balance and I’m sure, over a cup of tea (not iced you heathen!! 😉 ) we could sort it out.
Perhaps something which will aid your understanding, I’m a fan of Socrates. Hence I do not believe in inviolate wisdom not inviolate truth from human lips. I do believe that a wise man knows that he knows nothing, that certainty is a game pursued by fools and that nothing should be beyond question less we let in inaccuracies and laziness in our thinking.
Yes freedom is impossible, in all but the mind – in that we are agree.
Yet, because the corporeal world arises from the mind, we must be cautious.
I’ll go get the biscuits for dunking.
Hence why I believe that thought should not go unchallenged and I believe in the wisdom passed to me by my father to the extent where I am willing to test it and let it fail if that is what happens. I do not hold his word higher than that of experience.
I believe that such is necessary to ensure that weakness does not infect my thinking and lead to the wasting of my father’s words. Hence I object to this story as weakness. To run away and go to a place where the challenge doesn’t exist is weakness. It should be confronted and defeated if that is what will happen or it should be accepted as a superior position so that the advice handed down is ensured to be of top quality and relevance with no evolutionary dead ends or untested mutations of thinking.
Challenging your parents is a sin in God’s eyes.
It has only been elevated to a virtue by post-Enlightenment Jewish influence on the society, though, ironically, it is Jewish scripture which forbids this kind of attitude.
I think this is covered by the notion that bible believing Jews don’t believe in the bible, yet, sell their ideas to the rest of humanity.
I don’t see it as weakness. This story shows a woman first coming to this epiphany and she did not know how to handle the situation. It seems rather practical to gain more insight into it. You don’t go to fight unless you’re prepared. Why are you insulting someone who clearly did not know how to handle the situation?
‘I’m a fan of Socrates. Hence I do not believe in inviolate wisdom not inviolate truth from human lips.’
Socrates, Aristotle, and Plato are interesting, but, I prefer Heraclitus and Aristophanes.
And look what happened to Socrates.
Yes, Catpain – a far superior rebuttal than the one I proffered Mr. Abbott.
Well done!
‘Obviously there is a balance and I’m sure, over a cup of tea (not iced you heathen!! 😉 ) we could sort it out.’
A nice comment.
‘My home is my castle. I own it. I decide what is and what is not within my house.’
The home my beloved wife and I share is, along with The Holy Ghost, the central towers of our live – but the castle is The Southern White Race and it’s lands – ‘Dixie’ if you prefer a reduction.
Thank you for the wit and for your brisk and elegantly stated conversation., Living in an antebellum mansion, in a time when I am the only slave, I must away to my garden.
Spring is soon upon us. and I must trim back my secessionist beds of English Ivy. By the way, I love Nigel Farage.
If you prefer more discourse, I like the forum that was just start by the owner of this blog…
As the forum seems to be south USA specific (didn’t see this site as such until you mentioned it) I feel I must decline. I have no intention of taking on a trollish role and I fear there would be increasing levels of “I’m going to smack him one” responses as have started here. It would, I fear, be a futile exercise.
We are a community of trolls, Mr. Abbott, and with plenty of disaffected Yankees here.
Be that as it may, if you prefer conversation elsewhere, I understand.
I appreciate the invite but no thank you. I fear I could not maintain this level of activity for more than one evening before my fingers fell off and my brain gave up.
I’ll see you when the mood strikes.
Though I may well be one of those must inclined to expostulation, at this site, Mr. Abbott, I fear we are a site of generally polite curmudgeonish expostulators.
Be well.
He’s lying. He probably opposes gun ownership but favors cannabis and turns a blind eye to FGM and pederasty.
I have no idea, Captain. I am just coming to know Mr. Abbott. As he is not a Southerner, I just go in assuming he is going to think differently than I.
Have a great afternoon!
Do you think other British people should be able to keep a machine gun in their houses?
You’ve never tested your ideas in any context that counts.
I work in data, I’m married to someone in politics. I have plenty of political people to bounce my ideas around. Oh and add to that a friend with a masters in history, a psychoanalyst for a father and a long history of arguing my points.
Your one liners are not impressive.
Yawn. Prove it.
I’m using my real name. Check it yourself.
What was it Kipling said about the frontier?
£10,000 of education drops to 1rupee bullet on the frontier.
By calling God an imaginary friend shows your ignorance.
Tribal consciousness is an awareness of the groups one exists, not that others are inferior because they’re not part of it. Do you look down upon those who aren’t part of your family?
‘By calling God an imaginary friend shows your ignorance.’
Mr. Abbott did do that, didn’t he?
You can be assured that as much as you may wish to include the word god in your statements and thinking that I wish to include my perspective also. I believe what I believe and I’d challenge anyone who thinks their beliefs are held more honestly and intensely as my own.
I’m glad to hear that God is in your bosom, Mr. Abbott.
Life without it is a painful delusion, made bearable only by varying degrees of vice and the copious daily consumption of psychotropicks.
I think we missed something somewhere.
I believe in no god of any description though I have read about many of them. Don’t get me wrong I’m not anti faithful but I am anti church as I haven’t found a single one that doesn’t make convenient excuses for their failure to live up to their stated goals.
I am devoid of a definitive answer on god but I fail to see how answering it would impact my life and really doubt it would be possible to answer it even if I were to spend ten lifetimes alive. I therefore do not stress about it as I have fairly well tested morals and thus far I’ve not got a crowd chasing me down with pitchforks so I guess I’m okay.
I see. Well, I am definitely pro-church.
Without the church I would still be wallowing in various shades of lugubrious melancholy.
It is only Satan who insists that a parishioner find a church perfect.
Nothing with humans ever it.
As to churches, though I often attend a small Baptist church in the local countryside, I am a member of the Eastern Orthodox Church, the Russian, in particular – and, yes, you guessed it – because it makes no acknowledgment of change or modernity.
It is precisely as it was, well over a millenium back – when even England was a part of it – before the schism around the time of Edward The Confessor.
As to your description of God – I am not taken aback by it, as I well knew that any clear lines or descriptives of Him would defy your predilection for the pondersomely obscurated.
God bless you.
Thank you.
What a shame you can’t just say church anymore. Those designer labels get everywhere.
You believe in…
1) Equality
2) Evolution up until 70,000 years ago
3) Miracle of the Human Mind
4) A benevolent universe
Yes, what, yes what.
In that order.
None of these things exist.
So you’re not a Christian either?
Surprised you don’t get the points more.
I enjoy the Gospels.
BUt as I pointed out, I see them as cheeky critique of the Jews.
A Greek drollery.
I must have missed something. I thought the only thing you’ve pointed out is that you’ve got a hell of a lot of free time and nothing better to do with it.
The church of the ultimately useless abstraction.
Do you think Africa will ever be First World? If not why not.
I’m waiting for America to be first world.
America imported niggers. The Third World comes to you as well…
America treats people, even its own, like crap. Other than the tech levels there’s no reason to treat it as first world.
My family exists and yet we were always a family of individuals. Any idea was subject to challenge though normal hierarchies of parent to child were eventually expected that did not prevent the challenge.
Should I not look down upon other families? Are they not foreign and different and obviously not of the same paradigm as me?
As for what I call god, that is my business. If the thought offends you I’m sure you can block it out. We could spend the rest of eternity arguing who’s opinion is right but as there is no conclusive proof to be had, we’d both be wasting our time.
“Family of individuals”. It seems odd free individuals would continue using arbitrary divisions of child and parent, and an antiquated hierarchy that clearly stifled ideas.
Why do you continue to assume different is inherently inferior?
“As for what I call god, that is my business.”
It is entirely my business even if I call the moon a cheese ball.
“We could spend the rest of eternity arguing who’s opinion is right but as there is no conclusive proof to be had, we’d both be wasting our time.”
Logic isn’t conclusive enough for you? That says quite a bit about you.
Logic is a method of getting from a premise to a conclusion. It is never the conclusion itself.
As for my family, yeah it did cause problems. My parents didn’t talk to us about something serious when they knew we could have helped and they paid till their dying day for it. They admitted they didn’t seek counsel because we were seen as children.
“Logic is a method of getting from a premise to a conclusion. It is never the conclusion itself.”
Conclusive is not the adjective form of conclusion. Don’t play word games.
“As for my family, yeah it did cause problems. My parents didn’t talk to us about something serious when they knew we could have helped and they paid till their dying day for it. They admitted they didn’t seek counsel because we were seen as children.”
Weird that you think the first choice is to get help from children and not other adults.
I play no games. You misused logic. I simply highlighted it.
“Highlighting” meaning you misdefined a word.
I have neither the time not the inclination to school you now. Try me again when I’m less busy.
If you’re so busy, then why are you still even in the comments at all?
If you’re so busy, then why have been so prolific in the comments?
Tribes survive and are eternal. Individualistic people will eventually breed themselves into another tribe or go extinct.
Been here since Socrates time. I don’t feel threatened.
Perhaps you have faulty instincts.
Denise might be onto something with his identity.
I jusually am.
Most psychologists will suggest that people dwelling on the negative practice Responsibity Transfer.
Take a breath, wash away your worries pick an entity like God, the benevolent universe and imagine him/it lifting the weight of the world off you.
You just have some cuckold abstractions you like to use.
Oh so close. You almost managed to sound sincere and even like a person I’d listen to and then you pissed it up the wall.
Sorry but I don’t take advice from people who talk like a wino with mental issues.
Blacks and Muslims are your imaginary friends.
Yeah sure, they’re all planning something.
I believe that about as much as I believe that half the people who talk have enough brains to have an opinion.
Go live on any MLK Jr. Ave in ANY city in America for a year with your precious children & then get back to us about segregation. You’re a hypocrite and a cuck.
I’m British and I live in Coventry. If I wanted racial separation then I would have never moved here. I do voice these opinions and some agree, some do not. No one yet has challenged my right to hold these opinions.
By the way, what exactly is hypocritical. I’m not clear.
Plus please save the modern hipster insults for a more youthful crowd. They ring crass in my ears.
I’ll take you to the KFC on MLK BLVD in my BMW. You don’t get to bring a GUN because you don’t have a CCP.
You sir are a box of bricks.
Concealed carry permit… That saves you because it’s poorly concealed? If everyone has one, who would assume I didn’t?
Don’t worry it’s a hypothetical stereotypical situation.
Let’s but a MAGA hat on you too.
Please do. I lack a flag to burn but the hat will do nicely.
No flammable liquids in This scenario either.
Oh I’m expecting it to burst into flames from pure self righteousness.
Why do you divide the world arbitrarily? Isn’t that weak and lazy?
It can be, quite right.
Did it serve the purpose? I think so.
Additional effort is not always warranted. Besides, I’m tired.
You’ve demonstrated my point. Your arguments are hypocritical.
Hypocrisy is not equal to being wrong.
It shows that you and your arguments are contradictory.
Contradiction is necessary in order to achieve balance.
You’ll likely not understand that.
So balance is only achieved when you say A is and is not B?
‘I thought you right wingers admired strength not cowardice?’
One note on that, Mr. Abbott : we are not ‘right-wingers’, here.
No, ‘right-wingers’ are quite a bit to the left of most of us, and they tend to hold a certain Enlightenment commonality with The Left, policy gulfs notwithstanding.
Most of us, here, reject ‘The Enlightenment’ because we see it as conducive to the darkness that has envelopet this realm.
Then you’re right wing, just far right.
Man, you post modernists and you’re labels.
Far right is fine, Mr. Abbott.
We say ‘Alt-right’ in this country – so as not to be confused with those right-wingers who are really liberals in disguise.
Probably the best way to think of many of us, though, is ‘Confederate’
I am a Southern Confederate, and below is my flag… https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/878d1478ff7a766db22ee4df35a2c49d9720d1bff3f218679c7b33683c49bb9a.jpg
If you’re a confederate then you’re not alt right. Alt right is the new hipster right. I always considered the confederates as having more history than that.
You can think about it however you wish, Mr. Abbott. I told you how I think of it.
Neo-Confederacy stuff on the Web is actually one of the strands of the Alt-Right. The author of this blog is editor of Altright.com
I could get a domain with catholicism in the title. It won’t make me the pope.
You are a Heeb, so nowadays you could be a Pope.
Alt-right means WHITE. Period.
Skin color does matter, it’s your uniform.
She was telling her kid a fucking fairy tale
Yup. Playground politics.
Go beat up a kid from another school. You’ll feel better.
Sounds like he kid got battered a few times and she’s not clued in.
Nope. Most bullies couldn’t get past my brain. Apparently a confused neanderthal is an inactive one.
Neanderthal DNA shows up in Middle Eastern populations like the Jews and Arabs. It’s strongest in the Semites.
When will you people realise that dna is not a shield?
You can’t say someone has the “right” dna in any good faith. Dna is a construct of science devoid of your pitiful wants and woes.
“When will you people realize that DNA is not a shield?”
How do we use it as a shield?
“You can’t say someone has the “right” DNA”
Let’s say there’s a very common gene that if passed to a child by both parents gives the child severe mental retardation. And a woman has the gene and she has fallen in love with a man who has no copy of it. Does this man not have the “right DNA”? Can I say that my sister has the “right DNA” to be considered my sister? Can I say that this body has the “right DNA” that matches a missing person?
If any of those are a yes, then how can I not use “right DNA” for immigration policy?
“DNA is a construct of science devoid of your pitiful wants and woes.”
So, does that make DNA not impactful to a human and to society?
DNA is the very stuff we are made of. You area Heeb.
Do you have a problem with White children defending themselves from shit skin bullying? Is that “wrong”?
What defense?
What response was given other than to run and hide in an echo chamber so it doesn’t have to be dealt with?
Hence my summation as weak.
None. I have problem with an echo chamber full of clapping fools when someone fails to confront what they see as wrong and instead runs away to where they feel safe. That’s not brave, that’s not going to help the issue, it’s just sticking your head in the sand. I called it as I saw it.
Lulz. You have no ability to comprehend what that child is facing. You are nonsensical.
Strength without wisdom is just expended effort that backfires miserably on a cause. Strength does not have to manifest itself through physical altercations. There is strength of mind and strength of purpose. Strength of mind and strength of purpose is what got Donald Trump elected in spite of non-stop bullying, propaganda, threats of violence and job loss. The vast majority of his voters didn’t rumble in the streets with so-called people of color, they rioted in the ballot box.
I would do exactly what the blogger did. That excellent mother removed her young White son from a toxic Anti-White environment where any hopes of a future would be penalized if he got pulled into in any racial battles. She put him in a school that was nurturing and supportive and fostered his racial pride. It is just plain stupid to expect a seven year old boy to man the ramparts when much older men have learned to keep their lips zipped and their noses clean where the race question is concerned for fear of the very real risk of losing their jobs, their homes, and any social standing in this community.
White children should be raised to have pride in their cultural heritage, but they must also be race realists with a high degree of situational awareness and have strong social intelligence so that they will chose their battles wisely. Little children should not be expected to man the ramparts before the adults do. Nor should they be drafted into a struggle they may not yet understand. The choice to be an activist is one that only an adult should make.
Brilliant reply. As always.
Dear Miss Emily,
You are not the only one who has had to reassess. We have all come through an Orwellian indoctrination, and moire and more of us are finding the courage to throw it off.
Good for you!
It’s called White Genocide Mrs. Rogers. It’s spread by Diversity. I’m glad you removed your son from a very hostile anti-White environment. But Diversity will keep chasing your son down.
The public schools are especially hostile to boys, who by their very nature hate sitting around in class all day and being told to sit up straight, be quiet and behave themselves. They are not being allowed to act the way Nature intended them to.
Public schools are just propaganda factories. Get out and home school.
From my experience, public schools are inundated with communist, anti-Western culture SJW teachers. Public education in America has become a joke.
It is interesting to hear from immigrants what they think. One such person I know, a Mexican, had no interest, because all the high school pushed was Martin Luther King and black persecution.
I took note of that and came to the realization that the propaganda wing of fed.gov has a problem, Mexicans really don’t care about the two main issues which have been used to control whites, that being, blacks and jews.
Ask a Catholic Mexican their view on the JQ. They have no guilt association with it. Most Mexican kids I know have no sympathy with blacks either. Now having said this, I am talking about rual Southern kids.
Anyway, wake up and take charge of your kids future.
Amen, Mr. Saint.
In fact, I would say this : if you give your child to publick schools, you are effectively saying you want an alien in your house.
Publick education is not just a joke, but, it’s poison – and you, more than most, know it.
Your Alabama statement on Mexicans is correct, at least as far as Mexicans in North Carolina are concerned.
In fact, I have known many Mexicans, and they are, in NC, generally apolitical.
If you don’t hate jews, you are not alt right
It’s impossible to separate Jews from White Genocide. However, never discount or underestimate the role traitors, aka those who look like us but have no loyalty to us, play. Without traitors Jewish power would be greatly diminished or rendered negligible.
You sure said that right, Mr. Whitaker.
Catch Mr. Louis Beam, on this subject. Cursor to 1:55. where Mr. Beam begins to speak…
Mr. Rettke – if being ‘alt-Right’ is a rejection of Christianity, then this Southerner would call it ‘Alt-White.’
And I, for one , would deny it’s very existence. You cannot be a White European and NOT be a Christian.
Amazing, Father, because, as I responded to Mr. Rettke, I thought of you and wondered what you might say.
Of course, I had my suspicions.
I think Mr. Rettke, though a well-intending and forthright young man, is confusing the embracing of Western Civilization for the attempt to vacuum out every vestige of perceived Jewish influence.
In this, I am reminded of the new owner of an old brick home, who, zealous to rid himself of every trace of the ivy that embedded itself into the mortar, winds up destroying most of the old walls.
White Race ? (((Christianity))) https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/fc06f53ba588d8e974bbd217ac67289207876ad28294571547a1488837af2615.jpg
Here’s the problem you atheist/pagan faggots cannot answer: if Christianity is the problem, then why did none of the modern problems in the west happen until a mass abandonment of Christianity? Why did European civilization reach its peak when Christianity was also at the height of its influence?
Also that comic cherry-picks all those passages out of context. “Turn the other cheek” doesn’t mean you should roll over and die and never defend yourself. If every Christian did that then Christianity would die out in a single generation. Why not show the passage in Timothy that says that anyone who doesn’t take after his own kind is worse than an unbeliever?
As for “there is neither Greek nor Jew” that is in reference to salvation. That same passage also says that there is no male nor female. Does this mean that Christianity advocates transgenderism then? No sane or honest person would suggest that. It’s not meant to be interpreted literally you fucking goof.
“Go sell everything and give to the poor” was in reference to a specific person wanting to follow Jesus as a disciple while Jesus was alive. It’s not a commandment to be a homeless hippie. The Bible also says that those who do not work do not deserve to eat, and all throughout the concept of hard work, modest success, private enterprise, private property and basic capitalist economics are uplifted as good things.
The part about “easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle…” is not a condemnation against success in and of itself. It’s a statement that people who are more wealthy in this life tend to be more materialistically-minded and thus spiritually-blinded, making it difficult for them to ever get saved. Richness and success are not inherently bad, but they can be a curse. It’s trying to teach a person to not be greedy and seek after money, and that there is more to this life that material wealth.
Here’s an image for you to analyze: atheists and jews are morally identical.
I think the incident in the Bible with the cheek thing was about machismo.
If someone hits you show them it barely registered. Soldiers respect the stoic opponent. The man who gets knocked down and gets up is formidable.
I always interpreted the “turning the other cheek” thing as giving the striker the benefit of a doubt. It could be an accidental or inadvertent injury. So when Jesus said, turn the other cheek to me, that meant only once. Once there was no doubt in my mind that it is a deliberate aggression then all bets are off.
Go preach your philosophy to someone else. Calling me a “fucking goof” and assuming that I’m an atheist or pagan shows your intellectual capacity.
Christianity has no place in the Alt-Right or any other pro white movements. Even Dr. Kevin MacDonald agrees with me. Christianity is very anti white and it is justified because christianity itself is a jewish sect. With the jews you lose i.e with christianity the white race loses and (((christianity))) wins. I will be banned soon, for daring to challenge the christ-cucks https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/36f1f9aaf828d44da56af2034078d68ee71e7644b564d3b914ede29e91e911e7.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/31b660015e5e020d49c783c4fbfd4cb3b3b94686f66b4e72efb55580c7674e18.jpg
“Christianity has no place in the Alt-Right or any other pro white movements.
If it is what helps get the common man motivated, shouldn’t we use it?
“Even Dr. Kevin MacDonald agrees with me.”
Appeal to authority.
“Christianity is very anti white”
“and it is justified because christianity itself is a jewish sect.”
“With the jews you lose i.e with christianity the white race loses and (((christianity))) wins.”
American White Nationalism was infiltrated by Jews, too, so that does that mean “with White Nationalism the white race loses and (((white nationalism))) wins”?
Dr. Kevin McDonald has been promoted to the ultimate arbitre of reality, Someone.
I think even the distinguished professor would be surprised to find this out.
He is our answer to ‘Snopes’ …….
I will ask again: if Christianity is the problem, then why did none of white people’s modern problems occur until after whites abandoned Christianity en masse? If Christianity is the problem then why did white civilization achieve its highest points when Christianity was also at its most influential? If Christianity is anti-white then why did white people flourish the most when they were mostly Christian? If Christianity is the problem, then how come only conservative white Christians are the ones reproducing and trying to maintain normal traditionalist lives?
Whites flourished in spite of that religion, not because of it.
Knock the fucking cathedrals down I suppose.
Burn all the paintings and statues.
Your ‘argument’ is irrational and womanish. I would have expected better from you.
You don’t have a single reason or fact to back anything up. I’ll just keep restating basic historical facts until you stop denying reality.
When Christianity was at its most influential in white societies then white people flourished, lived prosperous lives, had large families, lived in largely ethnically homogeneous nations, and built the richest and greatest civilization in human history. They also confined Jews into ghettos and forbade them from any institutions of power due to them being Christ-killers.
When Christianity was abandoned in white societies then white people, within one single generation, now begin to face extinction due to a combination of hedonism, faggotry, abortion, feminism, no-fault divorce, socialism, globalization – all anti-Christian values. They also relinquished control of all power in their societies to Jews because why not?
Despite all these facts somehow Christianity is the problem? How? None of you can articulate any logical argument. It’s one thing if you want to be an atheist, but to attack Christianity is totally retarded. Even now in today’s degenerate age it’s exclusively the fundamentalist Christian whites that are living clean lives and having tons of white babies (which is the only thing that will save whites). The vast majority of atheists, redpill or not, are childless and single hedonists who talk a lot of shit online but statistically are overwhelmingly unlikely to have any kids.
There are lots of unhappy and dysfunctional ‘Christian’ families. I know whereof I speak.
That’s true, Mr. Delarge – but, many more are not; and, when compared to families that do not have The Holy Ghost, Wanderer’s essential statement stands.
That said, families do have problems, because being a human being, especially in this society, is a continuous problem.
No, Mr. Rettke, – you won’t be banned here.
There are plenty of non-believers here.
If Christianity is an anti-White Jewish tool then why are Jews so virulently anti-Christian?
Jews are not anti Christian. Jews are anti white. Jews are using Christianity against white race. Jesus was a jew. It’s about white race vs jews not christians vs jews. Take a look at Brazil and some African countries, very Christian. Do you want to live in those countries? If you really love Christianity, I think you should movies to Angola, it’s like 99% Christian and they banned islam.
Okay, let’s agree to disagree. Getting into flame wars over religion doesn’t help pro-Whites.
Mr, @Whitaker, nobody is flaming anybody.
Mr,. Rettke is a midwestern young man who has been studying up at Der Sturmer and Stormfront.
Now he is going to take his theories out among men twice and thrice his age and find where the reality lies.
Jesus might have been a literary construct designed by Greeks to critique Jews.
Jesus’s run in with with the Sanhedrin might have been designed or rewritten to tell Greeks and Romans “see this is what they do to good people.”
Jews were just as dominant in finance, journalism, slaving and politics as they are today.
Jesus three years are kinda uncannily fresh when you look at men who take a swing at the Jews in our own time.
If Jesus was so popular with the masses then how come the Emperor Tiberius never heard of him?
You are asking the wrong question. I’m proposing the idea that Jesus is a Greek literary construct made to examine and critique Jewish power.
When a first century or second century Roman, Gaul, Greek, Briton, Spaniard, Egyptian read these gospel stories I bet they all had some run ins with Jewish gangsters like Ciaphas. Ciaphas could easily be Bill Kristol or Paul Wolfowitz whispering in the ear of the gentile Pilate (Bush, Kennedy, McCarthy, Kaiser Bill, Stalin, Truman, Churchill, Lincoln…) Its a portrait of the Eternal Jew.
When Caligula was assassinated Herod Agrippa was right there cohenicidently to install Claudius. People must have noticed. Especially the Roman and Greek elites.
‘Jesus might have been a literary construct designed by Greeks to critique Jews.’
Great cheek, Captain, really!
“Jews are not anti Christian. Jews are anti white.”
Why not both?
“Jews are using Christianity against white race.”
Christianity before 1960s was pretty anti-Semitic. Like all Western institutions, the church has been infiltrated as well. If we abandon the church because of that, should we abandon and replace every other institution that has been infiltrated?
“Jesus was a jew.”
And yet they killed him and continue hate him.
“It’s about white race vs jews not christians vs jews.”
Why not Jews against non-Jew? They destroy every other race for their benefit.
“Take a look at Brazil and some African countries, very Christian. Do you want to live in those countries? If you really love Christianity, I think you should move to Angola, it’s like 99% Christian and they banned islam.”
Japan is very non-Christian country. If you really dislike Christianity, I think you should move to Japan, it’s like 99% non-Christian and they banned foreigners.
Or you know, it’s not Angolans and Brazilians still believe in all their old superstitions.
Brazil is voodoo.
Excellent commentary, Someone!
‘Jews are not anti Christian.’
Mr. Rettke – you show yourself to be well read on these matters, if, in part, because this remark is something someone who knows no Jews writes.
You got it in reverse – the first thing Jews are not all that fond of is Christianity.
And to find that out, you have to be intimate with them, otherwise, they won’t come out and say it – like the comedienne Sarah Silverman did.
That’s an absurd statement. Jews have been murdering Christians at every opportunity presented for 2,000 years and continue to do so today.
Jews have been anti-Christian for that entire time.
Because it came back to bite them on the tuchas.
Tristan, the words of Christ are lost on you.
Tristan, it is Judeo-Christianity that is failing Christ and culture not Christianity.
We faithful Christians are not lost to the true Word of Christ. In the modern world true Christianity is about as anti judaic as you can get when understanding what He taught.
No one goes to the Father but through Me. This statement negates all of post crucifixion Judaism.
I understand the whole gods of our fathers sentiment. The pull of Wooden is great, but will in the end, lead you nowhere.
European tribal gods offer the same thing that Islam is offering the youth, an outlet to express anger at the world. I get it. The problem is Judeo cucked Christianity has taken that out of its theology.
I view Christianity’s various sects like the curbs on a road. We move on this theological road and swerve left to right. All pointing the heresy finger at one another without realizing why the doctrinal differences are there.
I as a Christian, would suggest you look into Christian Identity. It is what fulfilled my search in a trying time.
Unfortunately, Mr. Saint, Mr. Rettke is still young enough to be absolutely confident in himself and any views he espouses.
European tribal Gods are a pathetick sham, but, to those in a desperate search for an identity that can be hypothesized never had the J-word in their annals, they are the only recourse.
Note that their search is not to find God, but, a J-word free identity.
That the Gospel of Jesus Chryst is quite a rebuke to Judaism, in theory and even more so in practice is years from dawning on Mr. Rettke, because he is in a period of his development where the search for truth limits itself to a preoccupation with rebellion.
Dear Mr. Rettke,
Thank you for the post. The problem with all of these things is that, not being a Christian, you do not comprehend what they mean, and, instead, refer to them in the political sense for how you think the serve the needs of Zionist interests.
You are quite right to imply, if you wish it, that much of modern Christianity has been infected by an alien subverting poison, but, therein lies your dilemma – by doing so you demonstrate that it has been largely subverted from what it really is.
So, what you are reacting to is NOT the faith, but a fadish misuse of the faith, and, in that sense, I agree with you.
In the event, Mr. Rettke, that you want to understand more of what you currently do not, I will post this quote, here, which explains how Christianity has been understood and applied, in The South, and, indeed, The West, as a whole, for eons…
‘”As Christians
we are disposed to kindness, generosity, affection, and humility in our
dealings with others. As militants we are disposed to use physical
force against our enemies. How can we reconcile these two apparently
contradictory philosophies? The answer of course, is to purge malice,
bitterness, and vengeance from our hearts.”
Those who claim Jesus Christ and Christianity are “Jewish” are some of the most ignorant people I know about.
One other thing, Father – Mr. Rettke does not see that the profound superiority of European Civilization is not in the blood – because, before The Church rose in Europe, it was a pathetick backwater; that, in fact, Eurpean Civilization rose to it’s position of preeminence in the world as a result of it’s conversion to Christianity, and the pleasure that rendered God.
The West is great because God has made it so – because we accepted His Son.
And this blessing is in the process of being withdrawn.
Let us reverse this disaster instead of compounding it with more atheism.
I would augur for a far nobler vision of the Germanic tribes , mug dear. “From before the foundation of the world,” to be specific.
Well, Father – I do have a right good amount of German blood flowing in my veins, from both sides.
I think it accounts for what makes me structured, focuset and stubborn.
Be that as it may be, ‘from before the foundation of the world’ is beyond my ken, as it were:::)))
Have a great evening!
Father, I used some of your commentary on Mr. Griffin’s analysis of Louis Hartz, today, in the new Occidental Dissent forum…
In reply to the last comment in your article, where someone mocks my comment about religion, my response to that fool is this:
“He trusted in Locke to deliver him, let Locke deliver him, if he delight in him.”
It was no mock, Father, but, just a borrowing of your sentence structure to end the Locke article.
I don’t mock folks, much less a man of the cloth.
Be that as it may be : I liket how you uset that kind of wit, here. Devilish for a priest…
God bless!
I didn’t know who had said it. My apologies.
No apologies necessary, Father. I like you very much and respect you.
Raising our children to be race conscious warriors.
One of the absolute best things one can do is homeschool. The very next best thing is kill your television and don’t watch modern movies.
Correct, my namesake. I was home-schooled after 4th grade, and only allowed guarded access to TV and movies. As an adult, I have chosen not to even own a TV. All hope is not lost when mothers like the one in the article awaken for their son!
Kids should be training for a specific vocation or actually going to work by the age of 14 or 15, unless they show signs of being academically gifted. Just sitting around in class all day until they are in their late teens or early 20s is a waste of time and gives the (((enemy))) a chance to indoctrinate them even more. Notice how the (((experts))) are always pushing kids to “stay in school” and go to college? As if there was something wrong with learning a trade, avoiding student loan debt and getting an honest blue-collar job.
Stay on school is more to do with “keep getting credentials”. It’s basically true. You get no where in the professions and trades without credentials.
Your son is a future recruit of the… https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/8ebaaf384f6a1882fc430ad06c3f84b01a24261bd0dd50596398aa6f54447409.png
…Right Wing Death Squad
Fantastic. Thanks for being in the fight.
I’m glad you woke up, but YOU were part of the problem.
YOU were going to remain silent, and were hoping you wouldn;’t have to do something about what you KNOW is going on.
That is the problem. White genocide is a crime,. not a policy option.
I had almost this exact conversation with my mother this past week.
If she wants to save her grandkids future, she needs to wake the hell up.
There is no “but.” Another lost sheep has been gathered into the flock, and the wolves are still out to get us all.
Logic people. One dumb kid says something racist and that is proof that his parents taught him that. Then white kid says some racist things and she says oh where did that come from. I never taught him to say whites superior and I had to tell him never to say those things again unless hes with family. Until she realized being racist is the only way to protect her whiteness. Do you see the glaring disconnect there? The blacks are fighting a race war while whites are busy not seeing color. Bull fuckin shit. You know what keep home schooling your kids. They will make great food service managers or coal miners. Talking out grandpa’s books are cool. Your grandpa was a murderer and your grandma too. You are the offspring of trash and you can keep teaching your kids to be trash if you want. Have all the pride in being white you want. That won’t change history and history shows your ancestors true colors as monsters.
You’re the one that sounds terrified.
…..he’s an anti-white racist from the SPLC I’m guessing.
He’s particularly inept Moon Cricket troll.
This is not a reply. You just said something stupid. Do your have anything of substance to add
Please report to a Crema-1
Again nothing substantive to add
Kikes are inside out niggers.
Your my favorite Denise. May white Jesus bless you and your family
Roth is hell you filthy kike demon. The sooner the better!
So how was your day Denise? Mine was good. Spent it with family. My grandmothers 99th birthday was this week.
Vampires live a long time, feeding on human blood. How many White Christian babies did it take to make the ancient demon’s cake?
Logic people. One dumb kid says something racist and that is proof that his parents taught him that. Then white kid says some racist things and she says oh where did that come from. I never taught him to say whites superior and I had to tell him never to say those things again unless hes with family. Until she realized being racist is the only way to protect her whiteness. Do you see the glaring disconnect there? To claim the blacks are fighting a race war while whites are busy not seeing color. Bull fuckin shit. The black kid was wrong and said something stupid and it should be brought to his parents attention and whatever disciplinary action is warranted should be taken. Racism is not a tit for tat issue. How juvenile do you have to be to think this woman is doing the right thing. You know what keep home schooling your kids. That way when you succeed in making them crazy they will do their mass shooting at home instead of shooting up another school. They will make great food service managers or coal miners because they lack the skills to cut it in society. “Grandpa’s books are cool.” Your grandpa was a murderer and your grandma too. You are the offspring of trash and you can keep teaching your kids to be trash if you want. That won’t change history and history shows your ancestors true colors as monsters. I don’t believe this bit of anecdotal dribble for a minute and it’s clearly an attempt to scare people into support of ignorance. Unfortunately it’ll work on the weak minds on this site. I can imagine the mother in question; 300lbs, just back to the trailer from a trip to walmart in her favorite sweat pants. The guy she’s with is drinking a beer with a lip packed and wearing two types camouflage. He had a hard day running the tilt a whirl down at the county fair. She’s smoking while braiding her boys rat tail and reading grandpa’s klansmen books. And it’s all everybody else’s fault. Its the damn immigrants and blacks and jews and liberals and media and government and mexicans and gays and feminists and sjw’s and schools and obama – the whole world is wrong. It’s never you and the long line of shit that came before you that’s to blame.
Oy vey!! and to think of the foreign aid from the goyim — only a measly $38 billion.
Ya your agenda is definitely to defend Arabs. Lol. You say anything to try and score a cheap point. This response was funny but it didn’t add to the conversation. I say this article has several logical holes and contradictions and you have nothing you say to that. Just throw me some antisemitism as if I’m hurt by that. I know you are a bigot. When I come to this site I’m expecting to see racist shit. Why would I be offended by finding what I came for. You want to shock me say something substantive.
Nice one Saul. You are right I don’t care about Arabs. Ouch.
Oh – it’s a KIKE?
YOU are the one that sounds terrified, Sambo. I can see the great beig whites of yo eyes, eez rollin’ aroundin yo great big melon haid Lawdy Sabe me from dem White Debbils cuttin’ off mah EBT,an and Afreekin studies sin-eh-sher! Lawdy not dat!
This is the best. Only stupid people are offended by stuff like this. Thanks again. More proof your kind has no logical argument. Just bs thinly veiled in hatred. It’s your stupidity that reassures me there is nothing to be concerned about. America has always had racists in it. You’re making a little more noise lately. But it’s the same brain dead group of people.
You don’t have to convince anybody. You are right. Choose black neighbors. We’ll just have to manage without you.
I’m not here for your benefit. I’m not trying to teach you anything. I’m here to read your arguments for your views and see if there is anyone who can make me question my opinions. So far my positions stand. Would you like to add something? I have black neighbors. They moved in 25 years ago and I’ve never had a problem. Another family moved in across the street 10 years ago. Also no problems. Next to them is an Arab family. No problem. On the other side of me is an Asian family. No problems.
Step #2 Stop choosing my neighbors too.
Contrary to the “Civil Rights” movement, freedom is not telling other people what to do. That is tyranny, even if you call those people “racists”.
I’d love to live in with a wonderful vibrant community of negroes. I just can’t find Wakanda on the map. It all looks like Detroit to me.
Society literally is about telling people what to do. Civil rights movement says everyone deserves a vote and an opportunity to better themselves. Other than telling you you can’t lynch anyone what has civil rights prevented you from doing? There are trash people in every group and nationality. We can’t keep defining the whole group by the crap section. For instance I don’t say all whites have no empathy due to inbreeding because it’s only the small trash group at the bottom that that’s true for and white people have rejected the trash just like blacks are in the process of fighing for self identities and have begun to disavow the ghetto trash. So what the trash whites are doing is trying to say they are better than blacks and better than Muslims by pointing at the worst of those groups when in fact they aren’t. They are the same trash at the bottom of society but white trash is at the bottom even though nobody put them there. That’s just who they are. Its got to kill you occidental idiots that most whites put white trash on the same social level as ghetto blacks. Blacks went from not being allowed to vote to being president in one century. (Yes emancipation happened in the late eighteen hundreds however it wasn’t until 1960s when the voter Rights Act was passed that blacks truly got the vote). Trash whites are so busy trying to hold society back they get left behind.
Try deciding who you will/ won’t rent to or hire. Free people don’t need a pretext or an excuse because they are free.
The Constitution of the United States is a guarantor of individual liberty to its citizens. As soon as any group right is imposed, individual liberty is nullified.
Specifically, the 13th amendment states neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.
Now if a person of any politically preferred group (and I don’t need to tell you which ones) demands to be served at a lunch counter, He will be served voluntarily or otherwise.
Individual liberty means that you only get to decide for yourself. When you decide for me, or others you deem appropriate, that is tyranny. If you are uncomfortable being a tyrant, you make the sandwich. Leave me alone.
Sheeyit bix nood oogabooga.
yeah, well we are bored with your lack of facts and appeals to emotion. how about some pix to show what your race contributed to society? https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/cc603c37bf846bb11d44caac2198e4990bb8d6492cebb6d3195d1d03b36aeeb1.jpg
Yea that was a good one. Blacks came up with cancer causing cigarettes and lied about the effects make money. If it wasn’t for testing catchy ashtray lip campaign thousands of whites wouldn’t have gotten cancer because of black corporate greed.
Im predicting that in the years to come ordinary white people will wake up and realize their danger.
I know you’re afraid, but out of the bushfire, green shoots will emerge. Western nations will again be white, crime free, productive and beautiful. I also wish well for blacks in Africa.
The reason people like us have to exist is because of the appalling hypocrisy of people like you.
If we don’t stand up and speak up for ourselves, who will?
The aggression I’ve sensed in your posts indicate you are defeated and scared, hence the vile attitude.
We also have a right to say what we do….its called free speech. The Lefturds think it only applies to them.
I think history is not on your side with that argument and the general trend of humanity has been toward progressive thinking. That’s why I’m not scared because even if there is a period of unrest that will usher in progressive attitudes faster. People like rhetoric but most dont have the stomach to hurt anyone. Your white west world require people forced from homes and a total upheaval of economies. The logistics alone of relocating all those people is ridiculous. You seem scared by the inevitability of white minority status in a few decades. Probably in your life time. I’m sure blacks appreciate your well wishes. Very magnanimous of you.
In the near future we will see outbreaks of typhoid etc.In the Third World it is a chronic disease and way of life.
Your right. Zika continues to push north and medicines like antibiotics become ineffective due to over use and mutated illnesses. Seems like everyday you read about some new Super bug. What’s your point though…
The point is when your brown kike SH!T spreads everywhere, there won’t be enough Whites left to clean up your stinking mess. The ones that are left will HATE you. So drop DEAD, nigger .
We’ll use the same logistics blacks are using to relocate whites from South Africa.
You are very racist against white people. Treat us like the human beings we are. Im looking forward to whites becoming the minority temporarily because then they’ll kick some butt and damn well become the majority again when they finally realise they need to stand up. You people can have Africa but long term…its all your getting.
Can you explain how I’ve characterized all white people the same thereby becoming the racist that I claim not to be. My statements about the alt right do not apply to whites as a whole. Every group has a trash bit at the bottom and thats who I’m addressing. The fact that whites are going to be a minority is not racism. Its a fact racists are uncomfortable with so i enjoy shoving it in your face and that is a bit self serving ill admit but its not racist. You just finished saying a ton of racist stuff in your last post to me. If i were to say all whites lack empathy because they are inbred that would be racist. But thats not what i say because its clearly not true. Whites just have a small group at the bottom that are trash. Just like every group. All of my posts are public and I challenge you to find anything I’ve ever said that is half as racist as your last message or any other comment or article on dissent.
Why do you think periods of unrest will usher in progressive attitudes, rather than the opposite effect? I’m sure people will see that when they’re becoming third world, they’re daughters are being raped and and the collective IQ of the nation is falling, they’ll see through ‘progressive thinking’.
Why doesn’t progressive thinking exist in Africa? Its they who need to move forward.
Make no mistake- if ever our racial or cultural security is threatened, we WILL fight and we WILL win……and we have the intelligence and knowhow to back ourselves up. If we lack eequipment, we’ll just make more and it will be bigger and better.
In the long term you will not threaten us, or outnumber us.
Ill answer both of your replies here because they contain the same substance. Africa is another issue altogether. It’s many nations with separate histories and with its own set of problems and influences. Much of Africa was occupied by Europeans up until recently times. I think apartheid ended in the 90s. Africans are removing whites from lands they feel are unjustly occupied preventing their economic growth. It is an effort to reclaim their lands and reestablish economies in what they believe are their lands. I don’t condone any violence against anyone. It would take considerable historical research to fully understand the issue in proper context. You have not done that research. You hear black and white at odds and you choose white. I am focused on what’s happeneing in the us and things blacks are doing in africa have nothing to do with blacks in the us. That’s because we are not all the same person. As far as you will fight and you will win we already had this fight and you lost. That bigger and better nonsense is trump talk. You can do that right after you finish building the 21 billion dollar wall. This is the way america works. We bring in immigrants to do the crap work for crap pay and they are completely American by second and third generation. How does that threaten your culture? I think there are enough real Americans that believe in real American values to prevent domestic terrorists from disrupting the American way. I think the constitution will be upheld that’s why progressive ideals will win out because it’s built into the American system.
My argument is the Rope.
In your mind this was all true. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/6a32cf139377ab7dd44e3a17297632ff4fe9f102d898b6d3ad3e6db09a2262c7.png
Your telling me what is in my mind. I specifically said I don’t agree with what the black kid said and you say I do. I mean how can I argue with that kind of stupid.
I’m Making a We Wuz Gypshuns and Hebroos comment.
“You are the offspring of trash and you can keep teaching your kids to be trash if you want. That won’t change history and history shows your ancestors true colors as monsters.”
How do you not agree with what the black kid said, yet you make statements like what I just quoted you as posting? You don’t agree with what he said… because he wasn’t hateful enough for your tastes??! You fucking hypocrite liar scumbag.
We wuz kangzn sheeyit bix nood.
No idea what this means
You don’t know ANYTHING Hymie Sambo.
Nice argument, but wrong.
” One dumb kid says something racist and that is proof that his parents taught him that.”:
Who said that the black kid’s parents taught him White-hatred? The article didn’t imply that. And even though enough circumstantial evidence certainly exists to prove that a significant majority of black people are anti-White (or at the very least much more ethnocentric than whites), notably comments by blacks on social media, statements by black “activists” against whites, the overwhelming violent crime statistics covering black-on-white assaults, rapes, robberies, and murders, videos on YT by the hundreds of black adults and teens calling for white genocide and generally hating on “whitey”… no one has blamed the black kid’s parents. But it can be demonstrated with ease that the media, the education-system, along with our Jewish-dominated ‘government’ most certainly DOES advocate for white-hatred… and, even if this little nog didn’t get taught (per se) his white-hatred by the parents, the institutions that govern what practically ALL children in America see and hear constantly demonizes and berates white people. So where did the niglet get his anti-white sentiments? TAKE YOUR CHOICE.
“Do you see the glaring disconnect there? To claim the blacks are fighting a race war while whites are busy not seeing color. Bull fuckin shit.”
I call bull fuckin shit to YOUR bull fuckin shit! Again, you build another strawman argument by stating a false narrative. The article didn’t say that blacks are “fighting a race war”… The white mother merely stated that while whites are being taught to be color-blind, the other races are NOT being taught to be.
“How juvenile do you have to be to think this woman is doing the right thing. You know what keep home schooling your kids. That way when you succeed in making them crazy they will do their mass shooting at home instead of shooting up another school. They will make great food service managers or coal miners because they lack the skills to cut it in society. “Grandpa’s books are cool.” Your grandpa was a murderer and your grandma too. You are the offspring of trash and you can keep teaching your kids to be trash if you want.”
I don’t have to comment any further on the rest of your hateful shit. It’s obvious that you are a hateful NIGGER… and you PROVE what most of we commentators here have already said about your despicable, filthy, backwards, savage race. So thanks for underlining and magnifying what we already know about niggers.
Ironically, the nigwigs want to be in nations where those light skinned people are as they know it means bbetter quality of life than they’d get in a black ruled cesspit, better education, food security, clean running water, stable government, welfare checks and homes that are something better than mud huts.
Whites invented everything and will likely take us to Mars and the Moon to settle.
Europe was perhaps more advanced in the year 1200 than Africa would be even now had it never been colonized. Yep….those ‘pale skinned whiteys’!
The blacks are opposed to racism when it suits them. The way they kill whites in U.S. cities or throw whites off their farms in South Africa-yep the blacks are opposed to racism…..just not their own.
One race will get us to space. The other belongs in mud huts, but oh yes we’re all ‘equal’.
The facts don’t acknowledge racial insecurities.
You don’t know the facts. Look up the Moore empire. I know American schools didn’t teach you real black history but that doesn’t mean you get to just make shit up. Settle on the moon. Lol fool.
Try spelling proper names correctly, Negro.
Denise the c..t do you have anything to add to the conversation that will further our understanding of each other’s views? Or are you just here for the wicked eco.
Claiming ignorance about white farmers getting massacred by lawless blacks in Africa is advancing understanding though.
Piss off NIGGER. You momma was a crack CVNT, and you are what slid out one night.
Hilarious. Why do you think that would offend me? Im honestly smiling as i read this because its a reminder of how great my life is. If i say your momma was a meth head does that make it true? This article specifically brought grandpa into this and how grandpas books are cool. Thats why i say the characters in this story and anyone who is sympathetic to this thinking is from a long line of shit people. Your response confirms you have no head on your shoulders at all. Just a mouthpiece for whomever fills your head with racist bs. I come here expecting racist shit why would I be offended to find what I came for. I’m here to reassure myself that your kind have no logical argument and that progressive minds are correct in calling your type trash. You provided that reassurance. Thanks!
Are you still here, nigger? You won’t be, for long. Your ugly stinking nigger ass is going BACK.
Your hilarious
You’re nigger kike ass is going BACK.
‘You can look up things before you make an ass of yourself.’
Stephan gets his reality from Wiki, Miss Denise.
Can’t argue with that, can you? …
I’ve studied your response. Lets see…what have I said thats factually incorrect? Lets see
– white farmers are being thrown off their farms in Africa.
– Europe has a far higher standard of living than Africa.
– whites invented most of whats useful in the world.
-the whites will take us to space.
-no nation in Africa is developed.
– hordes of refugees are flooding Europe, North America
And Australia every day at taxpayers expense.
….I could go on but you get the idea . Please tell me which of any of this is incorrect?
One reason (of many) I have no time for people like you is you never call to account the racism of other races. You somehow believe that whites own racism. Your ilk never jump on the racism of for example Robert Mugabee, Jacob Zuma or the Chinese or Japanese governments- examples of tolerance and peace in full play there.
I hope we do get to Mars and other planets soon- we’ll need to. I also hope we’re selective about who accompanies us.
Nothing I ever say is worse, or different to what is actually happening.
You don’t know anything about what my arguments are. Robert Mugabe, Jacob Zuma nor any Chinese or Japanese have ever done anything to my country but that doesn’t mean I think they are good. Lots of people talk about the atrocities world wide. Again just because you say it does mean it’s true.
White people didn’t invent everything. Math for instance is pretty useful. Filaments for light bulbs. Pacemaker regulators. How about the first home gaming console. You like your video games I’d bet. I could go on but you get the point.
Can you Google Earth Africa for me. Just take a look at the cities. It’s not all developed but to say no African nation is developed is false.
I don’t know why people are being removed from their lands in africa. And if it is unjust then I’m against it. But again that’s not my fight that’s for the African whites and blacks to sort out.
I think the biggest thing you get wrong is taking circumstances out of context and saying that’s proof of inferiority. There is history and oppression that plays a big part in the way things are. For instance I think apartheid ended in africa in the 1990s. I wish things could change over night but that’s not the way the world works.
Lots of people are involved in the space programs; even elon musks team working on Mars has minorities on it.
Oh no, black fake history month was February.
Agreed. Segregate now!
I am blown away by the ignorance on this site. You realize the Internet offers more than these hate sites right. You can look up things before you make an ass of yourself. I’ve noticed the alt reality group has a problem with facts that don’t support their hate.
‘The more you say the more holes there are in your argument the less support you get.’
Clearly, Stephan … and that’s why it’s President Trump in the Oval Office, as we speak…
I remember my son coming home from school a few years back and telling me a black girl called him a white b*tch. My son has also been raised to respect others and never judge based on skin color. This infuriated me and since then I’ve taught my now 11yo son how this PC world will perceive his white skin, his heritage and to wear it as a badge of honor. To never back down from standing up for himself and telling the truth in the face of being labeled a racist…because no matter what he does, they’ll still call him that and worse.
One thing that is very odd about blogs is how middle-aged and old people are repetitively in the company of younguns who, fresh out of school and their noses in Wikipedia, have got it all figured out…