ISIS Massacres Egyptian Christians On Palm Sunday

I’m going to flat out say that I don’t want a liberal government. I don’t want these people here. The ones who are already here need to go. See London, Stockholm, St. Petersburg and Alexandria. There’s no way we can continue to go on like this indefinitely.

Note: Even John Locke, the founder of liberalism, would have agreed that Islam has to be excluded.

About Hunter Wallace 12409 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Toppling Assad, ISIS among the cheerleaders…

    Oh what tangled webs we weave, when first we practice to deceive!

  2. 19×8=152…the sun and moon cycles come into exact conjunction every 19 years….it was 152 years ago on the precise day of the week and position in the moon and sun cycles and on Palm Sunday that General R. E. Lee surrendered to Grant at Appomattox….today is a day of mourning for the South….

  3. I don’t want these people here, either, but, they are one of the most treasured tacts of the Yankee Empire to use to subjugate White Christian culture – or that which remains in our lands.

    That so, you can expect a steady flow.

    Nobody in congress, nor the president is willing to take a stand on the matter.

    I believe that North Carolina ought return to it’s roots – Christian only.

  4. @Turn Hearts…

    ‘today is a day of mourning for the South’

    Don’t worry, Turn Hearts, our great-granddaddies got them back in The Reconstruction Era, and took back virtually every aspect of our sovereignty lost betwixt 61 & 65.

    That bought us another 75 years, but, when the new undeclared war began on us, in Hollywood movies and in the courts, our daddies, and we, too, did nothing to stop it.

    Time for a new War of Reconstruction, and to make our enemies howl so bad, they’ll gladly leave us.

  5. Our government will do nothing about ISIS murdering Christians. But lets start WWIII over some dead Hajjis. Yup, Jews run the show.

  6. @winbornmill

    If China and Russia would nuke the brains out the secular North and west coast USA…the South and other conservative states need to round up and put to death all these Communist liberals in the South and then set up a government based on the original Constitution and B/R and make peace with Russia and China and the EU and pledge no interference with their governments…

  7. The Copts have been in Egypt since the Gospels were written (who knows, they might have been written in Alexandria) and they not only managed to survive well into the Mohammedan era they were among the most successful and prosperous group of people in Egypt.

    Until now.

    Why the change? Because of jew-zionist agitation behind the scenes. The Pigsraelis are actively de-stablilzing the entire Middle East so that no country in that region can organize any more attacks against them. And they eventually plan to expand their terrorist state into Egypt, Iraq and Syria. That’s what the two horizontal blue lines on their flag represent, the Nile and the Euphrates, i.e., the western and eastern boundaries of their fake, shitty country, respectively.

  8. This is terrible, don’t forget that our attack on Assad, gave the Muslims all over the world the green light to attack Christians.

    (((Kushner’s War)))

  9. I pray everyday for Christians in the Middle East. The only people from that region I feel for. like the whites of South Africa, a truly persecuted and forgotten people. We need to own their plight as we’ll be in their shoes in forty years once blacks, Muslims and Jews outnumber us in our OWN countries……and we all know how they treat minorities.

  10. @Turn Hearts…

    ‘If China and Russia would nuke the brains out the secular North and west coast USA…the South and other conservative states need to round up and put to death all these Communist liberals in the South and then set up a government based on the original Constitution and B/R and make peace with Russia and China and the EU and pledge no interference with their governments…’

    Well, it’s a nightmarish scenario, Turn Hearts, because of all the suffering that would be wrought.

    My hopes are that we, with the help of The Lord above, could bring about something like this through peaceful, or quasi-peaceful secession.

    You and I are Southerners who find all this quite intolerable, and yet, many of our brethren don’t seem to mind.

    This is more than media conditioning, maybe this is an oxycontin drip…

  11. All over Europe, whether in restaurants, airports, theaters, open air festivals, busy boulevards and churches the sounds of Allah Akbar prefaced and victims screaming in horror can be heard.

    Funny thing.

    If the jews are the Muslims worst enemies why are Synagogues, Holocaust memorials and other jewish gathering places exempted from the wrath of Koranimals?

    Very odd.

  12. @Fr. John…

    I definitely am pondering that over, though, much clarity on it I have not yet received.

    I am going to take it as a compliment that my mind fathoms dishonour very poorly.

    All the best to you on the marvelous week of resurrection!

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