After getting out to a promising start in which the US President Donald Trump seemed serious about fulfilling campaign pledges, every day now seems to bring another broken campaign pledge from the White House. These broken promises are not limited to just the u-turn on Syria or Trump’s refusal to label China a currency manipulator.
The Washington Post reports:
President Trump is abandoning a number of his key campaign promises on economic policy, adopting instead many of the centrist positions he railed against while campaigning as a populist.
Trump will not label China a “currency manipulator,” he told the Wall Street Journal on Wednesday, despite a campaign pledge that he would apply the label on his first day in office. He also said he was open to reappointing Federal Reserve Board Chair Janet L. Yellen after saying last year that the central banker should be “ashamed” of what she was doing to the country.
And he embraced the Export-Import Bank, a government agency that he mocked last year and that has long been despised by conservatives who labeled it crony capitalism.
The article then speaks of Trump’s betrayal on Syria and his abandonment of isolationism and an America First foreign policy.
Trump has also sharpened his criticism of Russia, a major break from the praise he lavished on Russian President Vladimir Putin during the campaign.
Also on Wednesday, Trump praised the work of NATO, a pact between the United States and some of its closest allies that Trump once called “obsolete.”
“It was once obsolete; it is no longer obsolete,” he said Wednesday after meeting with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg.
Trump’s changes are catching lawmakers, business executives, supporters, critics and even markets off guard. The U.S. dollar slumped and Treasury bond yields fell after the Wall Street Journal quoted Trump saying the dollar was too strong.
The rapid shuffle of priorities comes as he adopts a growing number of centrist policies, many of which the Obama administration tried to advance amid heated GOP opposition for years.
CNN reports on “Trump’s stunning u-turns on NATO, China, Russia and Syria”:
It was almost as if Donald Trump’s outsider presidential campaign never happened Wednesday as he rushed to embrace establishment political and national security positions he once publicly abhorred.
Within a few hours of extraordinary political shape-shifting, Trump abandoned stances that were at the bedrock of his establishment-bashing campaign. NATO, he said, is “no longer obsolete.” And he backed down a threat to brand China a currency manipulator.
The article then discusses his reversal of position on Syria, China and Federal Reserve Chairman (((Janet Yellen))).
It was not clear whether Trump’s sudden policy flips were the product of a new outlook and worldview. But previous presidents have often remarked that the world looks a lot different from the Oval Office than from a campaign rally.
It may not be a coincidence that Trump’s adoption of conventional political positions came the day after a stunning interview with the New York Post in which he publicly criticized his political guru Stephen Bannon, his insurgent, populist political conscience.
CNN notes that Trump has not yet abandoned his campaign pledge on immigration. But one has to wonder, given the mounting heap of broken pledges, if that is next.
This administration increasingly looks like a disaster. Trump appears to be the ultimate con.
On rapefugees, Refugee Watch is reporting that the flow hasn’t even been slowed under Trump.
Tomahawk politics: they hit us, and we have no way to hit back.
That has to change.
as I said, here, 19 months ago. But Trump’s worse than a con-artist. He’s a 100% warmongering Zionist stooge. And he and his (((handlers))) now believe they can back Putin down in Syria. If they’re wrong, most of the White population in the northern hemisphere will be dead, in one bright flash, sooner than later. Maybe that’s what the Jews want…maybe they don’t want to wait until open-borders ethno-insourcing + collapsed White birthrates takes its “natural” course.
“If they’re wrong, most of the White population in the northern hemisphere will be dead, in one bright flash, sooner than later. ”
I understand the Russians have a civil defense program, while America does not.
B-b-but Trump is still going to prosecute Hillary and build the Wall, right? Yeah, sure he will.
I’m predicting he won’t run for a second term. He might not even finish his current term, opting to quit so he can play golf with Alice Cooper at Maralago instead.
Is dropping the ‘currency maniplation’ rhetoric a concern?
He met with the Chi-com leader last week and they have been having ongoing discussions.
I’m sure trump used the threat of currency manipulation for leverage in trade deals. Trump is probably negotiating much better agreements and more likely than not the’ve aquiesced to his requests. In turn he dropped the currency manipulation threat as a bargaining chip.
This is good news.
Report: Trump Deporting 4K Somali Migrants
An estimated 4,000 Somali migrants in the U.S. are expected to be deported by President Donald Trump’s Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency.
In an interview, Somalia’s Ambassador to the U.S. Ahmed Isse Awad said the number of Somalis ICE is looking to deport is at least 4,000, with the vast majority not being currently held in immigration detention centers.
After Jeff Sessions announced plans for a huge crackdown on various fronts yesterday he said this today.
Jeff Sessions: ‘The Border Is Not Open — Please Don’t Come’
Tuesday on Fox News Channel’s “Hannity,” U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions explained to host Sean Hannity how border security has changed since President Donald Trump took office nearly three months ago.
Sessions went on to add it was the intention of the Trump administration to send the message the border was not open.
“[C]an you believe that we have had the lowest number of entrances at the border in 17 years? This is the direct result of Donald Trump’s strong, clear leadership. It has an impact. The most important thing for us is to send a message to the world that the border is not open. Please don’t come. You will be apprehended if you do come, and you will be deported promptly. And if you’re a criminal, you’ll be prosecuted. And if you assault our officers, we’re going to come at you with a ton of bricks. This is the kind of message we need to send. It is already being sent. It is having a dramatic effect so far. I knew strong presidential leadership unlike the wishy-washiness we’ve seen in the past would impact the flow, but not as much as we’ve seen already. The numbers are down 70 percent since President Obama left office. It is really a remarkable achievement.”
I voted for Trump because he said he would build a wall, deport illegals, and ban Muslims. I was hopeful he might adopt an America First foreign policy, but never too hopeful, b/c at the same time he promised America First, he promised to wage huge hellacious war on ISIS, and that was a route into a lot of interventionism and deeper into the Mideast morass. I also hoped he would adopt a nationalist trade policy, but I was less hopeful about this b/c he usually sounded like he didn’t really know what he was talking about, just that his heart was in the right place. I never knew what to make of Bannon, so I never cleaved to him as one of my hopes.
It’s still too early to tell if Trump is going full-neocon. The man appears to be too disorganized a thinker to know himself, and I don’t think anyone, including Kushner and the neocons, know either, despite their big fat shit-eating grins this past week. His economic policy is another confused shambles, now apparently mainstream centrist conservative G.O.P….something Romney might like, but I don’t know enough about the subject myself to say. But I can say the signs look bad.
But for my core issues, wall, deportations, ban, things look at least somewhat better. True the bans are killed by the courts, for now but maybe not permanently, and the wall – who the hell knows? We hear Ryan won’t budget for it, but then we hear Sessions say Congress will pay for it. Which brings us to the one true warrior left on the battlefield at this point, the Southern gentleman, Jefferson Beauregard. He’s been doing excellent work, and some of his immigration enforcement reforms, like more raids and arrests, are actually getting implemented, and if they and the others not yet fully implemented (like more judges, faster hearings, more expedited removals) don’t get blocked by the courts or sabotaged by the bureaucracy, then that’s a major positive development for us.
So…unlike many I’m not off the Trump Train, though I am hanging off the club car railing, drinking too much bourbon, and keeping a lookout ahead. When I see the giant penis-shaped locomotive disappear into, “Globalist Gulch,” I’ll make my leap.
Very good.
So now we’re taking the WAPO and CNN spin on this?
1st Trump didn’t just “abandon” labeling China as a currency manipulator he traded it for China’s abstention in the U.N. (which was meant to undermine the Trump/Russia “collusion” narrative) and China buying coal from us instead of North Korea.
2nd He didn’t “betray” us on Syria. Again it was just a missile strike meant to show he wasn’t Putin’s puppet thereby outmaneuvering his enemies. Especially in the Republican party.
3rd Calling NATO obsolete was a bargaining position to try and get NATO states to pay more money. That process hasn’t ended yet.
4th Saying he’s “open” to reappointing Yellen is AGAIN a bargaining position. He hasn’t actually reappointed her.
5th I’m sorry but the EXIM bank? Oh who gives a shit about that?
6th As for the Wall did ANY of you see Sessions’ speech on the border? Have you heard that the Trump administration has already got hundreds of bids on the Wall? And these contractors are going to start building test sections in the San Diego area? Here’s an article from VDARE on the good that the Trump administration is doing on immigration: http://www.vdare.com/articles/border-militia-chief-says-illegals-self-deporting-national-guard-on-standby-for-wall-construction.
7th Granted his lukewarm mention of Steve Bannon is disappointing but like everything else can we PLEASE wait longer than 100 days before we freak out? For all we know this is a tactic meant to lull his enemies into a false sense of security. I think a more measured response is called for.
Whatever happened to “Lugenpresse!!”
Guys, he’s been in office less than 100 days. The current Alt Right jumping to conclusions really is not warranted.
We don’t have to defend everything he does. But this constant reacting to every hourly news cycle is not a healthy or helpful critical attitude.
Jumping on Trump’s every statement to show how he was “betraying his constituents” was what the MSM did to him during the election to try to stir dissension among his supporters. The Alt Right now playing that same role is not helpful and will look petty and impetuous in hindsight.
America First and not the Jews First…
Bannon/Buchanan — 2020…
To those of you who are still kidding yourself about Trump, this scene on “The Devil’s Advocate” pretty much summarizes what is happening, and will happen:
Trump/Kushner/Soros is Milton. We are Marianne
At http://www.cnn.com/2017/04/12/politics/trump-russia-china-nato-syria/index.html is an article headlined “Trump’s stunning u-turns on NATO, China, Russia and Syria.” It includes a one-minute video clip in which Trump says the following:
“[NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg] and I had a productive discussion about what more NATO can do in the fight against terrorism. I complained about that a long time ago, and they made a change, and now they do fight terrorism. I said it was obsolete; it’s no longer obsolete.”
In two or three videos he’s recently put online, Millennial Woes has expressed the view that Trump was blackmailed into the Syrian missile strike, i.e., that Trump’s opponents have something they’re holding over him. He, Millennial Woes, says that that’s his view not because he wants to think of Trump as some great figure who wouldn’t have voluntarily ordered the strike but, rather, because Trump, in announcing the strike, seemed to him a broken man.
Not having really seen Trump’s announcement of the Syrian strike, I can’t say whether Trump seemed to me a broken man therein, as he seemed to Millennial Woes; but boy, those statements I quoted above, re NATO, are pathetic …
Take a look at the last paragraph here.
Hunter Wallace says:
“What do we do when Jared Kushner and Gary Cohn push out Steve Bannon?”
Run for office yourselves. I mean seriously, why doesn’t the Alt-Right run for every office starting at the local level?
Read the entire article next time. The Barrack mentioned is not Obama.
Thomas J. Barrack Jr., a close Trump friend who chaired his inaugural committee, spent Tuesday and Wednesday in Washington meeting with the president and his senior team. He characterized the ideological disagreement between Bannon and others as natural and even healthy.
It is time to take realistic view. Trump is not going to deliver on much, perhaps none, of his many campaign pledges. He is also better than Hilary.
I would have voted for anyone who ran against Hillary. So, we got a dud and a liar. Not the end of the world, just a brief reprieve from hardcore Leftist policy.
The lesser of two evils is Trump.
Gee, Ronnie, the day after the election, you told me my not having voted meant I wasn’t entitled to participate in the joy over Trump’s victory. Thanks.
From now on, I stick with my initial instincts which were that Trump wouldn’t be any better than anybody else, but at least he’d take us through the scenic route on the highway to hell and provide a lot entertainment by annoying the hell out of the snobs in Washington. Well he’s done that. My bad that I got a little carried away by hope. Not going to happen in the future.
In retrospect, I don’t regret voting for him (since it was down to either Jeb! or HIllary. Probably Hillary, because the GOPe Dopes couldn’t get it through their thick heads that the Bush Fatigue was still strong within the ranks). Hillary’s campaign promise was that she was going to be Obama on Steroids and I wasn’t interested in that. Not sorry she doesn’t get to park her broom at the White House again.
It’s pretty much obvious that this Syrian Crap Reigniting Cold War Part DUH has been in the works for a long, long time. Thus the establishment’s dismay over Trump’s burgeoning BROmance with Putin.
The best thing to do right now is not lose our collective shit over this and see what little we can salvage out of our votes.
1) The Republiscum finally grew a pair and invoked the nuclear option to get Gorsuch in. Hopefully, he isn’t a Closet Commie like some conservative picks.
2) He is intent on making the federal counter terrorism agencies stop focusing on any non-existent White Nationalist groups in favor of the real insurgent threat from the Muslims these refugee programs are letting in.
3) He’s intent on ending the Johnson amendment that bans churches (except Black churches which ignore them anyway) from engaging in political activity.
4) He is still having ICE pick up and deport illegals who commit crimes.
5) He’s still taking bids on the wall.
6) I don’t know why, but we aren’t being inundated with the outrageous antics of BLM and La Raza. I have seen no public crackdown, but I suspect that these groups were so in your face, because the Obama Administration and the Holder-Lynch DOJ were backing them.
7) I suspect he’s aligning with the leftists on health care. I don’t think it’s an accident that he refused to put his name on the Republican fiasco, allowed it to be called Ryancare and, though he huffed and puffed pretty much let it fail. If you recall, in the first debate, he said he preferred the idea of a single payer program like what France and Germany had but would work with the Republicans to put in a free market system. Still think Trump likes single payer.
So, if Bader Ginsburg, Kennedy, and Breyer either croak or retire and Trump sticks to his promise to put conservatives in SCOTUS, that would be a very good thing. Let’s hope it happens during this term and quickly.
And if Trump is able to put a fast one and make sure a Franco-German style healthcare system is put in place on his watch, that will work because Whites will also benefit.
Anyhoo, I think we just need to keep reminding him that we want our industry back and the jobs that go with them. Just keep nudging him along those lines Politely give him the Jeb! Treatment on fighting with Putin and wax effusive about the SCOTUS judge, the Wall, and the jobs. Just stay focused. Be polite but firm.
In the meantime, the sanest thing to do is fall back on any plans we may have made if La Clinton had won. The one advantage we have this time is the number of, to varying degrees, like-minded Trump supporters people have made contact with. Work those connections and focus on getting Pro-White politicians into any office we can.
What’s President Trump going to do for White Americans?
@John Bonaccorsi…
‘Not having really seen Trump’s announcement of the Syrian strike, I can’t say whether Trump seemed to me a broken man therein, as he seemed to Millennial Woes; but boy, those statements I quoted above, re NATO, are pathetic …’
President Trump has made a decision to fight from the inside – or, if you will, has abandoned Bannon’s ideas to dismantle things, and, instead, is looking to refurbish existing institutions with his own stamp.
So, clearly there has been a change in him.
He has judged that a revolution is the wrong idea, the wrong tact.
He was revolutionary (against the Bush-Clinton New England Establishment) when it was stylish, and now that he is at the top of the state, it is more fashionable to be the state.
I don’t think I am mistaken in this.
That said, I have been partially compensated for my vote – by the appointment of Gorsuch and Sessions.
Although I am disappointed with other things, these two things are big things, and I will be thankful for them.
I was pleased to see that the theatre of negotiation, vis-a-vis, Syria, has come to an lull. Let’s hope it stays there.
Russia, though many Americans seem not to know it, is at the edge of war – not just because of Syria, but, because of the CIA overturning of The Ukraine, and because of the positioning of NATO missiles in the Baltic States, and many many other things not widely known, that have taken place in dark corridors, over the last 25 years.
Czar Vlad has been so very patient and measured in the face of what is a clear strategy to suffocate and constrict Russia, and now that patience is at an end.
As for Trump raising a Confederate flag over The White House – he campaigned with those values and, for a short time, he governed that way; and, when the fire grew too hot, he pulled it down and raised the Yankee one up, to stand in it’s stead.
GOP Politicks as usual – whether Trump, Bush, Haley, or Bentley, you are shown one thing, yet presented with another, after the fact.
Anyway, all the best to you and mama!
‘From now on, I stick with my initial instincts which were that Trump wouldn’t be any better than anybody else, ‘
I was for Cruz, but, I always liket much of the platform Trump was, in 2016, advancing. So, when Trump beat Cruz, I held a funeral and supported Trump.
I was reluctant to support Trump because he is a Manhatten Yankee shark, and his personal mannerisms and behavior is rather anathema to any Southern Gentleman.
Yet, I came to love him because of his braveness in confronting the establishment.
Unfortunately, his bravery has waned, and now we have a much lesser experiencet Jeb Bush in control, who vaccillates by the month.
The voters are not responsible for what seems to be, at this point, his moral capitulation.
As to how it will turn out, we don’t know.
Have a good day!
@Michael Cushman…
‘The article then discusses his reversal of position on Syria, China and Federal Reserve Chairman (((Janet Yellen))).’
Sir, Trump has decided to accept the establishment as is, and work with that.
Gone is the Bannon Revolution, because it was too hard.
As for Yellen, what difference does it make? The head of The Fed will be a Jew, because Jews are the only ones fully capable of heading a Jewish racket.
‘On rapefugees, Refugee Watch is reporting that the flow hasn’t even been slowed under Trump.’
I’m with you on this, Mr. Cicero. I do not trust the Yankee Empire statisticks on this, or anything. They lie too often.
“If they’re wrong, most of the White population in the northern hemisphere will be dead, in one bright flash, sooner than later. ”
I understand the Russians have a civil defense program, while America does not.’
Forget about it, RB. With all due respect, you don’t know Russians or Russia. They love their motherland and will never launch the kind of devastating nuclear strike you are envisioning.
They, unlike us, have lived, and are living, with the human and environmental costs of two nuclear disasters – at Lake Baikal region and at Chernyobl.
Just the thought to many Russian of St. Petersburg being nuket, and the loss of The Hermitage, would restrain them, as they have been.
Russians are very reflective folks, all in all, even their mobsters. They dislike acting against their own interests, a sensibility this country has lost.
Be well and be calm. If there are nuclear problems it will be small and from a little rogue state, not Russia or China.
@Wilburn Sprayberry…
‘It’s still too early to tell if Trump is going full-neocon. ‘
And even if he is, Mr. Sprayberry, there’s no guarantee who President Trump will be in 2 years, or two months, even.
‘B-b-but Trump is still going to prosecute Hillary and build the Wall, right? Yeah, sure he will. I’m predicting he won’t run for a second term. ‘
A couple of weeks back, when my wife was listening to how he was handling the Obamacare Repeal, she, who happily voted for him, suddenly burst out, ‘Trump will not be elected to a second term.’
‘I would have voted for anyone who ran against Hillary. So, we got a dud and a liar. Not the end of the world, just a brief reprieve from hardcore Leftist policy.
The lesser of two evils is Trump.’
I totally agree with that. Just imagine ‘Merrick Garland’ (or worse – another Ginsburg) up on the Supremes instead of Gorsuch, or a Podesta-Reno-Lynch type Attorney-General, instead of Sessions.
No, Sessions is doing good work. I can tell this because of the sanctuary cities which are flip-flopping their policies.
@Winbornmill, he surely did accept the establishment. Bannon wanted to dismantle it, which was idealistic but exciting to us. But it appears Bannon is now out.
I never expected much on the Federal Reserve because it is so central to the entire system. But his abondonment of rhetoric against Yellen so early on is demoralizing. I figured he would appoint another Jewish banker to the position but one more aligned with his campaign rhetoric. They do exist. But I guess I was wrong about that.
Trump has been bringing in plenty of so called “refugees”. Here is more confirmation.
I say it this way. We debated whether WORSE IS BETTER with Hillary and most said no. On the whole I think Trump has been taken captive by the Shadow Government. He may have believed what he was saying but once he got in the Oval Office, he was told to go along or be destroyed. Now we all hoped Trump would go down six guns a blazing but thats not going to happen. The Deep State has so infected every level of government how do we get rid of them? Answer nothing short of a vicious purge
I like your take on it. I’ll never regret supporting Trump because the alternatives were Jeb! and Hillary. If Trump hadn’t entered the race, Jeb! would’ve been the nominee. He had so much money. It offended me, the 3rd world/Banana Republic-ness of two families grabbing the highest office over and over.
That said, Trump’s doing a bad job. What’s in his head that he keeps going to Florida every weekend? That looks terrible. His daughter and son-in-law shouldn’t be in the White House at all and especially not as “senior advisers.” Looks terrible.
I’ve changed my mind a bit on Kushner and now believe Trump is using Kushner as a kind of fall guy. Trump’s making Kushner look like a power hungry Jew – yes, Trump knows how it looks – but the truth is that Trump keeps shoveling stuff onto Kushner. Does Kushner want to be in charge of the Opioid problem? Trump plopped that in Kushner’s portfolio.
Nah, he didn’t *care* what he was saying, other than that it was going to get him elected.
Europeans who read here, prepare for what’s also happening in the US under Trump – a tightening of the jewish reigns via a military and police junta.
There simply is no way out, folks. Think outside the paradigm. Fight outside it or die.
Cky – why on EARTH do you believe Hillary Trumenberg will do ANYTHING he’s promised to the USA, during his casino show campaign? Come on. You’re better than that.
Kvoorhees – Kushner is POTUS. Snap out of it.
How is Trump ‘not as bad’ as Hillary would have been?
All of you who are still saying this and worse, ‘let’s wait and see’ suggest exactly the opposite. That’s what (((they))) want – our complacency.
White men got so played by The Jews. You fell into the identity politics trap (((they))) set for you.
You don’t come from NYC. You didn’t get what Trump is.
We are facing an american version of the Katyn Massacre, in various dimensions and iterations. The Soviets snuck up on the Poles, studied/interviewed them, then murdered the men they thought stood in their way. Anything would have been better than compliance. They trusted Churchill, and now hate him.
Unlike the Poles, we have nowhere to run to.
Southerners need to lead the fight that can’t be avoided.
@Michael in SC…
‘@Winbornmill, he surely did accept the establishment. Bannon wanted to dismantle it, which was idealistic but exciting to us. But it appears Bannon is now out.
I never expected much on the Federal Reserve because it is so central to the entire system. But his abondonment of rhetoric against Yellen so early on is demoralizing. I figured he would appoint another Jewish banker to the position but one more aligned with his campaign rhetoric. They do exist. But I guess I was wrong about that.’
Dear Mr. Cushman – despite your disappointments, over recent events, I want you to realize that many good things have occurred, in the last year, and that you certainly gained by supporting Trump. Denting political correctness, Sessions as AG, creating the environment for Brexit, the big discussions over immigration and the definition of what ought be ‘America’, and now Le Pen, Gorsux as justice, and now California having a secessionist referendum in 2018 – to name just a few.
This is a time of historick shifts, and whether they come purposefully from President Trump or not, we, Southern Confederates, are going to have many more opportunities coming in the next years, than we had, total, in previous decades.
Let us shift our focus from Trump to our states, and in supporting legislation, such as anti-LGBT, gay marriage repeal, abortion overturning, that will make our Dixie such a pariah, that many we don’t want with us will begin to flee, and those contemplating moving to our sunny lands, won’t.
Good things in the offing. Let’s not lose sight of that!
I hope all is well with the wife and child to be! Junius Daniel.
Lew, I read that. The Kikes are petting Donald because he is obeying them like a very well trained docile lap dog. Which is what he is.
To all of you- EVERY last worst fear will be realized.
Bannon has minutes left. If because ANY trouble, he will have a swift early death.
One of the commenters said that Sessions scares him more. Sessions is next.
In case you did not see this, Sir, I am posting this here. It is in response to your comment on Mr. Griffin’s post, ‘Jared Kushner asserts authority at NSC’.
‘Kushner is manouvering to be the villian of our time.’
No, Sir – one ought not blame the subcontractor, but the contractor.
Thus, the sentence ought read : ‘Trump is manoeuvering to be the villain of our time.’
I agree with Southern White Supremacist and Klansman, Louis Beam, who, speaking at Pastor Butler’s Aryan Nations, said..
‘The problem is White Folk : we have become a weak, uncaring, lazy, thoughtless, self-centred, greedy, materialistick, people. The results of that is America.’
OR …
‘ ‘There is no Black Power, only White Weakness, and there is no such thing as Jewish Domination, only White Submissiveness. …
If Trump has turned out to be The Snake, so what? If Trump has betrayed many of his voters, so what? How can we use this perception/fact to our advantage? I note that the TruCon/Cuck part of the coalition is excusing everything that he does.
How can the AltRight harness the energy created by this disappointment to advance the agenda?
Mr. Cushman,
Thanks for having the guts to so clearly speak out about Trump’s utter betrayals. I agree with you that it appears that Trump was “the ultimate con”.
Trump has cucked, or has been pocketed. But it’s more of a disappointment, than a surprise. It’s not like he was going to really do anything for Southern Nationalists, anyway.
Ivar, that is the key question. There’s a big discussion going on about it at Bob Whitaker’s blog (“Trump is not a Fake President—Yet”). The general consensus is that alt-right is incompetent and not worth following.
@more of the same
I hadn’t seen that M Stevens fellow post there before. His criticism was hard to take, but he’s right.
My wife is doing good. We found out that the baby is a boy! We are really excited about that.
@Michael Cushman…
I’m glad to hear it. How’s the argument over names goin’?
@Winbornmill, haha! It is going fine. We mostly agree. He will have my middle name of O’Neil. Narrowed down the first name to 2 or 3 possibilities.
Report: Trump Deporting 4K Somali Migrants
An estimated 4,000 Somali migrants in the U.S. are expected to be deported by President Donald Trump’s Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency.
In an interview, Somalia’s Ambassador to the U.S. Ahmed Isse Awad said the number of Somalis ICE is looking to deport is at least 4,000, with the vast majority not being currently held in immigration detention centers.
After Jeff Sessions announced plans for a huge crackdown on various fronts yesterday he said this today.
Jeff Sessions: ‘The Border Is Not Open — Please Don’t Come’
Tuesday on Fox News Channel’s “Hannity,” U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions explained to host Sean Hannity how border security has changed since President Donald Trump took office nearly three months ago.
Sessions went on to add it was the intention of the Trump administration to send the message the border was not open.
“[C]an you believe that we have had the lowest number of entrances at the border in 17 years? This is the direct result of Donald Trump’s strong, clear leadership. It has an impact. The most important thing for us is to send a message to the world that the border is not open. Please don’t come. You will be apprehended if you do come, and you will be deported promptly. And if you’re a criminal, you’ll be prosecuted. And if you assault our officers, we’re going to come at you with a ton of bricks. This is the kind of message we need to send. It is already being sent. It is having a dramatic effect so far. I knew strong presidential leadership unlike the wishy-washiness we’ve seen in the past would impact the flow, but not as much as we’ve seen already. The numbers are down 70 percent since President Obama left office. It is really a remarkable achievement.”
The Sessions effect.
I don’t believe Trump will ditch Sessions like Hunter thinks, because Sessions strikes me as a mature and competent professional.
I enjoyed the way you responded, systematically, to each of several persons in this thread. Best wishes to your loved ones and you in return, as we come to the heart of the Easter days.