Paul Wolfowitz Boards The Trump Train

So, Paul Wolfowitz is on the Trump Train and Lindsey Graham is now saying “we have got a president and a national security team that I’ve been dreaming of for eight years.”

“To liberals and other critics, Wolfowitz would be the last person they want Trump to listen to. Long a lightning rod because of the havoc unleashed by the Iraq invasion, Wolfowitz has never apologized for advocating the war, although he has said—and repeated in our conversation—that it was not carried out as he would have wanted it to be. In recent days he‘s jumped right back into the public debate, nudging President Trump from the pages of the Wall Street Journal to follow up his bombing strike in neighboring Syria with more aggressive action—and, he tells me, privately emailing with Trump Defense Secretary Jim Mattis and national security advisor H.R. McMaster, both longtime contacts since his Bush days, in hopes they will pursue a U.S. strategy of stepped-up engagement in the Middle East.

“I think there is a fantastic opportunity here. It’s only a first step, it’s only an opportunity,” he says of Trump’s surprise decision to unloose an American Tomahawk missile strike in Syria after President Bashar Assad’s regime again unleashed chemical weapons on civilians, a strike that turned Wolfowitz and many of his fellow neoconservatives into unlikely cheerleaders for the actions of an administration they had previously viewed as a threat. …”

But he’s now wondering whether the Trump presidency may offer more than he initially thought possible as Trump talks tough on North Korea, proclaims willingness to take further military action in the Middle East and seems to have marginalized anti-free trade, neo-isolationist advisers in favor of his more conventionally Republican national security team, led by CEO-turned-Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and Generals McMaster and Mattis, whose worldviews are very much shaped by their own participation in the Iraq war. …

Graham and his close ally Senator John McCain were issuing near-daily warnings about Trump’s foreign policy. Now, he says, “we have got a president and a national security team that I’ve been dreaming of for eight years.”

Could Trump’s first 100 days have gone any worse?

I expected the federal courts to create roadblocks on issues like the travel ban. I didn’t anticipate Trump throwing his foreign policy out the window to the delight of neocons.

About Hunter Wallace 12400 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Too depressing. Monuments in New Orleans, the impending return of the neocons, a “case of heart.” What’s next?
    I know– the much-heralded Gorsuch will turn out to be another Souter.

  2. Deep state dual citizens and no military background Paul Wolfowitz U.S. Congress carte blanc approval.

  3. It could have been worse– we could have had TPP, too.

    But as a famous witch once said: “What difference, at this point, does it make?”

  4. Mestigoit, any graduate of an ‘elite’ Jesuit school, much less Georgetown, can never ever be trusted.

    Ever. I don’t know that any Jesuit-trained person is trustworthy, or even Catholic.

    This comes from someone with three very Catholic grandparents.

    There are tons of ‘elite’ private high schools in DC (Gorsuch’s father worked for Reagan). Why would Episcopalians choose such a hardcore Catholic school to send their kid to? Georgetown Prep is closely affiliated with Georgetown University. They call themselves ‘Little Hoyas’ or something, Hoya is the name for Georgetown University’s sports teams.

    Gorsuch will be just another trojan horse.

    Remember, it was Scalia who championed Citizens United, which gave the anti-white corporations the power to lobby anonymously. He went to Georgetown University.

    Even ‘normal’ catholics hate the f*cking Jesuits. Jews in Suits some people call them. They, like the Jews, have been kicked out of almost every country they invaded.

  5. Well, turns out Gorsuch’s parents were both Catholics. He married an Episcopalian he met at Oxford, his wife, and now attends mass with her.

    But he was raised Catholic, and it seems his mother was appointed by Reagan.

    So where everyone gets this absurd notion that we finally have a Protestant on the Supreme Court I don’t know.

    Because it’s really just more Judeo-Roman genocide of Germania.


  6. The second coming of George W. Bush. And all this time I thought he was one of the least intelligent and unsophiscated of all the presidents.

  7. Notice the MSM all over is promoting Trump, even featuring segments about how many people would have voted for him if they had to do it over again, based on who he is now.

    100% played.

  8. @Solidus…

    ‘But as a famous witch once said: “What difference, at this point, does it make?”

    LOL! – Good Southern Nationalist irony!

  9. @Mr. Griffin…

    ‘Could Trump’s first 100 days have gone any worse?’

    You’re out of line, Sir – way out!

    Do you want to know what ‘worse’ would be?

    #1. Be in a full war with Syria, Russia, and Iran

    #2. Merrick Garland instead of Gorsuch.

    #3. No Jeff Sessions as AG

    #4. No attempts at a travel ban.

    #5. No presidential order aimed at promoting rural and agricultural prosperity.

    #6. TPP

    #7. No renegotiation of NAFTA underway.

    #8. No arguments being made for The Wall.

    #9. No deportations, whatsoever.

    Yes, we have disappointments, but, respectfully, you need to get your perspective back. It could be a whole lot worse. It could be Clinton, Bush, and or Obama, as it has been for 25 years.

    That said, secession still is, and will remain, the best way.

  10. Junius, I don’t object to you putting the best spin you can on this. I can’t take anymore black pills for the moment. Just the same, I heard on the news this morning that Trump will back off on money for The Wall so as not to shut down the government. On hearing this I was able to manage a little wan smile.

  11. My main criticism of Trump’s administration has been, and is, the membership of his Cabinet…Generals and Neocons. This Cabinet is acting liking a fly-strip, attracting the usual cabal of warmongering detritus like Wolfowitz, McCain, and Graham.

  12. @More of the same…

    ‘Junius, I don’t object to you putting the best spin you can on this. I can’t take anymore black pills for the moment. Just the same, I heard on the news this morning that Trump will back off on money for The Wall so as not to shut down the government. On hearing this I was able to manage a little wan smile.’

    I understand your irritation, but, I ain’t spinnin’ it. I’m just reporting the good with the bad.

    I’ll say it, as I said it all last year – ‘no Manhatten Shark can stand in for Southern Secession, BUT, as most Southerners prefer to be Yankee slaves, he’s a damn sight better than Miss Hillary’

    And so he is – he, quite a few times, already having proven that he is.

    But, yes, some of President Trump’s waffles are dang unpleasant things, I know.

  13. “…no Manhatten Shark can stand in for Southern Secession, BUT, as most Southerners prefer to be Yankee slaves…”

    I want the whole damn country. I believe that the North can be made to see the light eventually. Maybe not exactly as I see it but enough to allow more regionalism. If we split they will manufacture wars between us just like Europe. It will be constant war. We have a great advantage in having such a large country with so much territory that can’t be easily invaded if we are together.

    I know plenty of Yankees that believe the same way I do on the Jewish question. That’s all I ask. The rest we can agree to disagree on as long as we are allowed to manage our affairs by ourselves somewhat. I don’t ask for perfection.

  14. Careful with the Catholic thing. It’s/They are not “universal” if you’ll pardon the pun.

    Yankee Catholics? Yes, you are right. To total hel;l with them. Mid-sized city and smaller Midwestern town one’s? Not so much. Rural West? Dead wrong. Former Catholics? They’ve got as big or a bigger “hard-on” than 99% of so-called “Protestants.”

    Ironically, why is it that damn near every “good old boy” Southern Baptist Church has a “We Stand For Israel” banner in the damn thing? At least up through the 1960’s the Catholics hated the Parentheses People more than any other so-called “Christian group aside from the then barely germinating “Identity” movement. The Mason and half-Jew Pope John XXIII changed all that during Vatican II and the only way the Catholic Church has maintained its numbers is via Messicans as a “White Flight” has been going on since. With this “Francis” bastard there’s a new “Exodus” and that’s “low hanging fruit.”

    You find a pissed-off Catholic and preferrably “Ex” you’ve got a true Brother-in Arms. As my D-Day at Omaha at Normandy daddy used to say, “Don’t crap in your own mess kit.” Take your allies where you find them and as I can see, we need numbers and less internecine bitching..

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