Alabama Passes Historic Monuments Protection Bill

Alabama has decided it has seen enough “progress” in New Orleans:

“Alabama lawmakers approved sweeping protections for Confederate monuments, names and other historic memorials on Friday, even as politicians elsewhere rethink the appropriateness of keeping such emblems on public property.

The measure “would prohibit the relocation, removal, alteration, renaming, or other disturbance of any architecturally significant building, memorial building, memorial street, or monument” that has stood on public property for 40 or more years,” it reads.

Changes to names or memorials installed between 20 and 40 years ago would need permission from a new state commission.

Supporters argued that the measure should protect all kinds of history — not just Confederate symbols.

Sen. Gerald Allen, the bill’s Republican sponsor, criticized what he called a “wave of political correctness” wiping out monuments to people he said were historically significant even if they had their personal flaws.

African-American lawmakers opposed the bill at every step of the legislative process, saying argued that solidifies a shameful legacy of slavery. …”

Smart move.

I have been creating a narrative against Republicans, but I am pleasantly surprised and genuinely thankful for this bill which is a real monument protection bill unlike its counterpart in Louisiana. This is the best thing Alabama Republicans have done in years and they deserve credit for it.

Come to the Alabama Gulf Coast to celebrate Mardi Gras. It is a whiter and safer area. We have superior beaches. Black communists aren’t calling the shots in this state.

About Hunter Wallace 12398 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I could really, REALLY use a vacation. Dealing with these d*mn Yankees all winter has worn me out! So I’m genuinely glad to learn there’s a place in Dixie where White folks can enjoy Mardi Gras without any jews, coloreds or liberal pansies around to ruin everything.

    Anyone here have any plans to visit Graceland for the 40th anniversary of Elvis’ death? Kind of morbid, but I feel I should be there.

  2. Bus loads of SJWs are now on the way from Minneapolis, Chicago, Cleveland and Boston. There’s a circuit court judge in Vermont or New York State, or San Angeles; getting the paperwork together to overturn the law. The Union® are mobilised against it.

  3. Any monument that has been standing for 40 years or more? I’m probably giving the lawmakers too much credit, but it sounds like they left the door open to remove Mike King statues.

  4. I am ecstatick to see it, but, wonder what took them so long?

    NC did this two years ago, and really, at the time I wondered what had taken them so long ago, as well.

    Oh ,well – better late than never.

    Poor poor P.G.T.!

    He deserved better.

  5. I’m sure some affirmative action Federal judge will rule that it is unconstitutional NOT to remove statues of CSA heroes. The tyranny of judges, courts and lawyers must be replaced by the rule of enlightened White despotism.

  6. I am very excited that Alabama has decided to protect the memory of their ancestors! With its Negro majority, NOLA is a cesspool, but the rest of the South is not yet lost. It is interesting what “RED” said about the 40 eyar imit leaving open the door to take down commie MLK monuments. Cool. Send the MLK statues to Africa, along with all the vibrants….

  7. @Spahn…

    ‘I’m sure some affirmative action Federal judge will rule that it is unconstitutional NOT to remove statues of CSA heroes. ‘


    I appreciate your point of view, but, no.

    North Carolina passed a similar law, in 2015, and it has met with no challenge.

  8. @winbornmill

    I’d say, Junius, in light of recent events, they may challenge it. However, there isn’t much of a legal basis, that I can think of, anyway, for a challenge. YJCs, though, are experts at employing all kinds of nonexistent laws, Constitutional amendments and moral precepts.

  9. “North Carolina passed a similar law, in 2015, and it has met with no challenge.”

    Oh, wait until the next (((racist event))) and the calls will be loud and clear.

  10. Fantastic news. EVERY STATE North and South must pass similar laws. There are major Confederate monuments in Federally Occupied Maryland and in the North as well. In fact Delaware (East and Above the MD Line) just put up their FIRST Confederate Monument in 2007. In fact here are a list of Confederate Monuments in Ohio and there are smaller historical markers in various cemeteries as well in fact in Cincinnati OH at Spring Grove Cemetery there are quite a few Confederate Graves as well.

    Chicago practically elminated all traces of Camp Douglas. We must never allow Johnsons Island or Camp Chase to suffer the same fate. Too many dead honorable men.

  11. @James Owen…


    I’d say, Junius, in light of recent events, they may challenge it. However, there isn’t much of a legal basis, that I can think of, anyway, for a challenge. YJCs, though, are experts at employing all kinds of nonexistent laws, Constitutional amendments and moral precepts.


    If they do challenge it, Mr. Owen, it will fail, and fail miserably, so don’t worry your pretty head!

  12. @Snowhitey…

    ‘“North Carolina passed a similar law, in 2015, and it has met with no challenge.”

    Oh, wait until the next (((racist event))) and the calls will be loud and clear.


    I appreciate your opinion, Snow, BUT, I think something has eluded your thoughtful gaze.

    In North Carolina, we own a veto-proof legislature, control 80+ out of 100 counties, have an increasingly militant and hostile rural and smalltown populace that has, all in all, gotten smart to the game.

    Our Constitution will not be overturned – come what may.

    But, let them try, as it will only further raise the animosity of our people towards The Empire, and, still, it will do them no good.

    If historians says that only 3% actually fought to free us from The Bank of England in 1776, I think it’s safe to say we’ve got 2 or 3 times that number, in the year 2017, ready to make things very very difficult for those who have no regard for us, come what may.

  13. @Billy Ray…

    I agree ; it’s fantastick news!

    As to them ole monuments up in Yankeeland, I’d say their chances of surviving another decade are slim to none.

  14. winbornmill
    MAY 21, 2017 AT 3:06 AM
    @Billy Ray…

    I agree ; it’s fantastick news!

    As to them ole monuments up in Yankeeland, I’d say their chances of surviving another decade are slim to none.


    One thing in their favor is few know that they are there. The only one known about and lately in the news was the monument at Camp Chase in Columbus

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