MOAR was billed as the “Mother Of All Rallies.” 2,100 Patriots and Trump supporters were supposed to attend this rally in Washington, DC. It had been promoted for months:
2,100 people were supposed to be going to #MOAR. That was before the Trump amnesty was announced though pic.twitter.com/qSe8t5sdHq
— Hunter Wallace (@occdissent) September 17, 2017
In the end, MOAR attracted about 200 to 300 Patriots and MAGApedes who listened to speakers praise Trump, denounce the Alt-Right and this based black dude rap about MAGA MOFO. The Confederate flag was banned. Black Lives Matter was allowed to take the stage and speak at the event. Oh, and MOAR was dwarfed by the Juggalos March at the Lincoln Memorial.
The Mother of all cuck Rallies. #MOAR #MOACR pic.twitter.com/Sm8AIR5kQt
— Violet (@RightwingSpawn) September 16, 2017
#MOAR ?Trump Supporters of every race, age & sex just want to Make America Great Again pic.twitter.com/vZoUUr7FDX
— 'Gitmo' Bama (@President1Trump) September 17, 2017
On my way back to the hotel. Unite The Right had more people (young, energetic) at the torch march than this pathetic rally.
— Nicholas (@realNickTMartin) September 16, 2017
I spent the entire five hours I was there walking around the national mall, it was so boring. https://t.co/RSDOQoyiCS
— Nicholas (@realNickTMartin) September 16, 2017
People with far right views (White Nationalist etc:) were denounced today at #MOAR then they had BLM on the stage.
— Nicholas (@realNickTMartin) September 16, 2017
I will never attend a rally with MAGA people, they have no integrity.
— Nicholas (@realNickTMartin) September 16, 2017
Jack Posobiec is MAGAing at #MOAR, dwarfed by Juggalos LMAO https://t.co/rdorkL0WUj
— Hunter Wallace (@occdissent) September 17, 2017
CLOWN WORLD: Black Lives Matter organizer allowed to speak at #MOAR.
Is this the future of the greater Trump movement? pic.twitter.com/UfCLaEkQpH
— Reinhard Wolff (@contentmancy) September 16, 2017
Live shots from the pro-Trump "Mother of All Rallies" going on in DC right now.
…Turns out bots can't rally. #MOAR pic.twitter.com/AO8nboy4pM
— Caroline O. (@RVAwonk) September 16, 2017
Oathkeeper / III%er militia types guarding the perimeter at Trmp rally on the Mall pic.twitter.com/h4d3R24trW
— Will Sommer (@willsommer) September 16, 2017
The #MOAR rally looks like the retarded stepchild of the Tea Party.
— Richard ??Spencer (@RichardBSpencer) September 16, 2017
I am the founder of the New Peace Movement ??????#IncitePeace
— Jack Posobiec (@JackPosobiec) September 17, 2017
.@JackPosobiec I just met my #MAGA Brother at the #MOAR Rally! #winning pic.twitter.com/U2UKrNI8QK
— Darnella Speaks… (@HisLoveEvang) September 16, 2017
"If we really want to make America great, we do it together!" https://t.co/tFwx3iWK7s
— Jack Posobiec (@JackPosobiec) September 16, 2017
Today I saw thousands of Juggalos march around the Washington Monument and BLM join the stage at a Trump rally. I love 2017
— Jack Posobiec (@JackPosobiec) September 16, 2017
Epic Moment: BLM Leads USA Chant at Trump Rally! #MOAR pic.twitter.com/fDI9PCOHp4
— Jack Posobiec (@JackPosobiec) September 16, 2017
#MOAR turns into Trump dance party on the National Mall! pic.twitter.com/dcbjDvJq2F
— Jack Posobiec (@JackPosobiec) September 16, 2017
Trump Mother of all Rallies is rocking! #MOAR pic.twitter.com/FOjDSqLP9j
— Jack Posobiec (@JackPosobiec) September 16, 2017
The Juggalos put on a much better show at their rally. They actually came across as the good guys, especially when Insane Clown Posse took the stage. Those MAGA cucks wanted to create a cult of personality around Trump, but thankfully they have failed.
Kyle Cuckman and the Trump Chumps. This looks worse than about anything I’ve seen. I actually enjoy ICP and have known about them for close to 20 years. That’s the side I would have attended. I didn’t know that they were persecuted, and it makes me pretty steamed.
At least the Juggalos are all white. More than can be said about the totally disgusting “#MOAR”. Posobiec the gov’t agent welcomes our future Mestizo Amerika.
The Jugs are White?
Anyone who still supports Trump should read this little piece out of Canada. I don’t think anyone has summarized the MAGA administration better than Professor Petras:
www (dot) globalresearch (dot) ca/who-rules-america-2/5608802
When it counted, Trump had no spine whatsoever. And, the only balls he has are made of matzo. What a complete failure he turned out to be. With all his globalist appointments, how could we ever have even thought change would happen. Okay, we got a breadcrumb (TPP) but I’m betting it will be back on the table at some point.
Those who make peaceful change impossible make violent change inevitable (the revised edition).
Remember this….. in the current environment, our children have NO FUTURE. It’s up to us to change that.
Having seen several live concerts, I’m not surprised that a relatively large underground group can turn out more people than a political event. I sometimes think of going into music but then I overthink things and don’t do it. It’s like that website I was going to build to follow FMP that I never built.
Music subcultures are real communities. There’s a lot to learn from the way they operate. There’s a very interesting book by Amanda Palmer about her Dresden Doll fan base.
The Dresden Dolls? Are they anything like the New York Dolls? Or Valley of the Dolls?
It’s probably a
Post punk thing.
The truth indeed hurts. I’m almost embarrassed for the Trumpsters. Pathetic, moronic, obscene, obese morons.
Clearly, the old adage, “Less is MOAR,” now has a far more concrete meaning…. let the GOP dead bury themselves. Tomorrow belongs to the Alt-Right.
Martyrs are the seed of any White Movement…..
Ring leader of these outfits and many others have been foreign nationalist Mossad operation.
Prosobiec screams CIA
Cap’n John,
Yes. I reviewed this weirdo’s history. It’s all over the place. It changed more than the weather.
Do you speak to people in England? Does any-one care about the latest (((terrorist))) attack?
No one has emailed me about it. As no one was killed it’s brushed off. Most people were worried about me being a victim of Dindoos here!