Will Westcott noticed the question was being asked on Twitter:
Why is "what's good for the Jews" acceptable to promote, but "what's good for Whites" is never asked and considered racist? pic.twitter.com/OTR16y4da6
— Will Westcott ??? (@westland_will) November 17, 2018
??? pic.twitter.com/l9VWx3heu5
— Akura_Elvas (@AkuraElvas) November 17, 2018
This is a deeply amusing article in The New York Times:
“On election night in Beverly Hills, Jason Blum, the hot shot horror-movie producer, was accepting an award at the Israel Film Festival. The polls in a string of midterm contests were closing, and Mr. Blum, a vocal critic of President Trump, was talking about how much was at stake.
“The past two years have been hard for all of us who cherish the freedoms we enjoy as citizens of this country,” Mr. Blum said.
That’s when the crowd of mostly Jewish producers and power brokers started to chant, “We like Trump!” An Israeli man stepped onto the stage to try to pull Mr. Blum away from the microphone as the crowd at the Saban Theater Steve Tisch Cinema Center cheered. …”
Mr. Kushner and Ms. Trump serve as senior advisers in the White House. At a time when Judaism is under assault — the F.B.I. said this week that anti-Semitic attacks have increased in each of the last three years — they are unabashedly Orthodox, observing shabbat each week, walking to an Orthodox Chabad shul near their Kalorama home in Washington, D.C., dropping their children off at Jewish day school and hanging mezuzas on the doors of their West Wing offices. …
“We, as Jews, are forced to grapple with the fact that Jared and his wife are Jewish, but Jared is participating in acts of Chillul Hashem,” said Mr. Reimer, using the Hebrew term for when a Jew behaves immorally while in the presence of others. …
Even some Jews who dislike Mr. Trump’s policies and recoil at his political style may feel a reluctance to criticize the country’s most prominent Orthodox Jewish couple, grappling with the age-old question that has haunted the Jewish psyche for generations: Yes, but is it good for the Jews?
Is Jared Kushner a race traitor? Should pro-Trump Jews be excommunicated?
This is a debate that is actually going on in mainstream politics right now. In the United States, which was founded by our Anglo-American ancestors for their “posterity,” White people aren’t allowed to debate questions like should race traitors be shunned or is it good for the Whites. We’re not allowed to think of ourselves as a group with legitimate interests or to organize on that basis.
Jews, however, think of themselves as an ethnic group with legitimate interests and openly debate these issues in the mainstream press. They have built a massive political infrastructure in which they have invested billions of dollars. The whole point of that infrastructure is to advance the interests of the Jews as a group whether it is in fighting anti-Semitism or American foreign policy.
The great divide in world Jewry, which is also reflected in American Jewry, is between the secular liberals, progressives and radicals who prioritize leftwing ideology as being “good for the Jews” and the more religious nationalists who prioritize Zionism. A good example of this is how Israel has been criticized by leftwing Jews for deporting African illegal aliens and passing the ethnostate bill.
The leftwing Jews are so blinded by hatred of Donald Trump that they are unable to see that Robert Bowers, the Pittsburgh shooter, was a critic of Trump who disliked his pro-Israel policies and saw him as a Jewish puppet. They can’t see that Donald Trump isn’t an anti-Semite or that the Alt-Right supported him in spite of distasteful pro-Israel policies because he was perceived as good on other issues like trade and immigration. Trump has been the most pro-Israel president to ever sit in the White House and has gotten no credit for it except from his small base among Orthodox Jews.
With our government being what it is today, American politics is effectively a struggle between Jews for control of Washington. A Republican victory means that ultra-Zionists like Sheldon Adelson get their “pro-Israel” policies. A Democratic victory means that anti-White globalists advance their domestic agenda. Both are equally poisonous to White America and I am increasingly indifferent to it all.
Is it good for the Whites? Get back to me when politicians are interested in that question.
Note: Trump has objectively been great for Orthodox Jews and Israel.
Give the Enemy credit for at least understanding that, in life, you go “all in”.
“The leftwing Jews are so blinded by hatred of Donald Trump that they are unable to see that Robert Bowers, the Pittsburgh shooter, was a critic of Trump who disliked his pro-Israel policies and saw him as a Jewish puppet.”
I wouldn’t be too sure they’re blind to that.
Ivanka isn’t as hot as she appears. She’s had a lot of work done, just like her Czecho-slovenian stepmom.
I only wish Whites, en masses, were so fiercely dedicated to serving our interests as the Tribe of Satan are. THAT is their great strength. We fight and destroy each other over childish, self destructive nonsense.
Whether Jews in American politics are left or right wing, the American people never voted, or asked for them-they’re just there, behind the scenes pulling the strings and deciding whats best (for themselves). But heres the crux of it-you get them as part of the package regardless of who you voted for. There’s no way around them. They use mandates they were never given, to do our race and culture harm.
Democracy just means Jews. It possibly worked well in white ethnostates when it was first designed, but in diverse demographics it just seems to be used against us.
Jared and Ivanka
The Americans Whites really have saddled themselves with the same problem that the Czars inherited when they conquered the Pale. The same problem that Hitler had when he conquered the Pale.
America is Jewery now.
““The past two years have been hard for all of us who cherish the freedoms we enjoy as citizens of this country,” Mr. Blum said.”
While continuously attacking the very people who gave them to you. Typical Jew hypocrisy.
““We, as Jews, are forced to grapple with the fact that Jared and his wife are Jewish, but Jared is participating in acts of Chillul Hashem,” said Mr. Reimer, using the Hebrew term for when a Jew behaves immorally while in the presence of others.”
You mean Jews not others. Because that’s what most of them do… behave immorally… the number one job is money and power obtained by any means necessary.
“God’s chosen” my rear end. They chose. And, they chose Satan and there’s plenty of proof.
What are the 2 most used word when speaking honestly about Jews? Unethical and immoral. I know, I know. There are 6,000,000 words tied for first place.
everyone knows we exposed trumps family as jews over three years ago. Any nazis or people behind trump are jews and FBI. Trumpers are worse than the jews they will place their lives down to protect jews and FBI like trump and McDonald and Duke and patrick little and adam green. THe humans must be some sort of droid the jew created so only they can control it. they cannot be directed away from their masters