Another 3,300 illegal aliens from the caravans arrived in Tijuana yesterday.
Even more caravans are forming in Central America.
Based Mexicans in Tijuana want them to GTFO!
Mainstream Media is wailing about the racist backlash.
Rabbis have arrived at the border to welcome the caravans.
That was…..
I love Murdoch Murdoch
also Uncuck the Right
How can I get more connected to these brilliant artists – promote their genius with marketing of $s.
Yeah, I’d love to meet these geniuses in person.
Maybe they might like my/Farstar comics – the male & female vibe is well….
If Trump doesn’t stop the invasion cold … he’ll become like Bannon. Hated by EVERYONE.
This series should replace Bojack Horseman next season.
The rabbis getting ready to welcome the caravans are incredibly stupid. Aren’t they aware that all the nations south of the Rio Grande have a long history of Jew hatred? These idiots are welcoming thousands of potential enemies.
Scorpion and the Frog. They encourage MUSLIMS invading the West. Their real motivating sentiment isn’t the oft quoted “Is it good for the Jews” it’s “Is it bad for whites.” Their hatred of their neighbors, neighbors who foolishly took them in and made them prosperous, trumps their own best interests.