I will update this article as more information becomes available:
We appeal to the partner countries under the Budapest Memorandum, to the EU countries, to participants of the Normandy format in order to coordinate effective measures to protect Ukraine. We appeal to the whole pro-Ukrainian coalition: we must stand united! pic.twitter.com/NCnpUmSbV4
— ????? ????????? (@poroshenko) November 25, 2018
Ambassador of Ukraine in the Kingdom of Belgium Mykola Tochytskyi:
“We urge EU&member states resolutely react to Russia’s blatant use of military force in #AzovSea
What else shall Russia do to provoke… https://t.co/8FWQkynjH8— UKRinBEL (@UKRinBEL) November 25, 2018
Wow. This is incredible video. https://t.co/bQ5Zu178DD
— Monica Gorka ??????? (@GorkaMonica) November 25, 2018
ALERT ?: U.S. President Donald Trump is cutting his trip to Florida short and returning to Washington DC. Could be in response to Ukraine / Russia Crimea situation or San Ysidro border rushing situation or both.
Developing…— BNL NEWS (@BreakingNLive) November 25, 2018
With the Kerch Strait incident, Poroshenko is using the same method as Saakashvili in post-color-revolution Georgia in 2008: first, a provocation, then a justified response from Russia, followed by theatrical wailing about “Russian aggression.”
— Nina ?? Byzantina (@NinaByzantina) November 25, 2018
BREAKING: Reports coming in that Ukrainian Civil Defence personnel have begun testing air raid sirens and warning systems in Mykolaiv, many residents heard the sirens in the seaport area – @ELINTNews
— BNL NEWS (@BreakingNLive) November 25, 2018
#BREAKING on @OANN: Ukraine is planning to declare a "state of war" against Russia following today's seizure of 3 vessels off the coast of Crimea. #OANN
— Alex Salvi (@alexsalvinews) November 25, 2018
Shots fired in the Sea of Azov, where tensions have been rising since the Crimean bridge was opened. Ukraine says Russia damaged an artillery boat & wounded one, after ramming a tugboat earlier today. See @ChristopherJM for background. https://t.co/btdapDmI1k pic.twitter.com/lu3a585Ae0
— Alec Luhn (@ASLuhn) November 25, 2018
UKRAINE sends their Navy right next to Kerch Bridge, a $225 Billion project to connect Crimea to Russia that recently opened and this isn't an effort by UKRAINE to force US/NATO intervention???? Don't fall for @Ukraine's bull shit. @Ukraine needs to withdraw their Navy. https://t.co/idNhPwbwDN
— ? Deplorable Pepe ? (@PutinPepe1) November 25, 2018
BREAKING: The declaration of a "State of War" by the Ukrainian National Security and Defense Council and Ukraine's President Turchynov comes at the heels of recent reports of the Russian Navy firing upon and seizing Ukrainien ships at sea.
— Brett MacDonald (@TweetBrettMac) November 25, 2018
#BREAKING: Ukraine’s Turchinov: “We heard reports on incident and have concluded that it was an act of war by Russian Federation against Ukraine” Via @superumka @Liveuamap
— ELINT News (@ELINTNews) November 25, 2018
BREAKING NEWS: National Security and Defense Secretary of Ukraine Turchynov says following emergency meeting: “We are convening Ukrainian NSDC to declare state of war”, adds that Russian actions near Crimea today were ‘an act of war’.
Developing…— BNL NEWS (@BreakingNLive) November 25, 2018
INFO: Ukrainian President Poroshenko is still meeting with his war cabinet in an emergency meeting following Crimea tensions. The meeting has been going on for over an hour now.
Developing…— BNL NEWS (@BreakingNLive) November 25, 2018
Three ships? I can’t believe Russia captured *the entire* Ukrainian fleet! ? https://t.co/OpPy912ox1
— Nina ?? Byzantina (@NinaByzantina) November 25, 2018
BREAKING: Major escalations! Ukrainian naval forces have maneuvered out into the sea and Ukrainian artillery shelling #Donetsk.
— The'Nimr'Tiger ???? (@Souria4Syrians) November 25, 2018
BREAKING NEWS: Russian forces have reportedly opened fire on Ukrainian naval vessels following tensions in Crimea.
MORE INFO SOON…— BNL NEWS (@BreakingNLive) November 25, 2018
BREAKING NEWS: Ukrainian military forces have responded with ‘deadly fire’ at Russian forces ‘to protect itself’ – @Liveuamap
— BNL NEWS (@BreakingNLive) November 25, 2018
BREAKING NEWS: “At present, the armed forces of the aggressor state carry out capture of boats of the Navy of Ukraine" – Presidential Rep in Crimea Borys Babin.
Russian forces are reportedly attempting to capture Ukrainian vessels now – @ELINTNews
— BNL NEWS (@BreakingNLive) November 25, 2018
BREAKING: Ukraine calls for an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council following Crimea tensions.
Developing…— BNL NEWS (@BreakingNLive) November 25, 2018
BREAKING: Crimea Tensions: Ukrainian Air Force now alerted to full combat readiness. All tactical/attack assets are required to be airborne within 15-30 minutes, once and if called upon – @IntelCrab
— BNL NEWS (@BreakingNLive) November 25, 2018
Ukrainian military units in Odesa region on "battle alert," also Ukrainian Navy and Air Force units on "full alert," according to Ukrainian agencies.Ukrainian President Poroshenko is scheduled to meet at 10 pm local time (1 min from now) w/his military cabinet
— BNL NEWS (@BreakingNLive) November 25, 2018
The USSR broke up a long time ago but the Russian brain NEVER changes…
Nor, Mr. Bandera, do the brains that are trying to destroy Russia ever change…
No, the Jewish brains behind these wars between whites never changes.
Whites fighting whites is disgusting.
Not Whites fighting Whites technically – more like the Chocolate Kike Poroshenko agitating and provoking the Russians after likely getting covert promises of backup if things turn hot.
Nail on the head, Marcus!
The kikes are, of course, masters at agitating and provoking while wearing big patriot shoes. In Poland you find them everywhere, exept among the hard warking people. There is the PM Mateusz Morawiecki, the First lady, Agata Krnhauser Duda, the leader of the neocon party Law and Justice/PiS(rael), Jaroslaw Kaczynski/Kalkstein, the Marshal of the Sejm, Marek Kuchscinski (names ending with ski are almost a must). According to the surprisingly few true patriots in the by “nationalists” ruled Poland, this kind of behaviour is typical judeorum perfidia.
Chief of Poland’s Episcopate, Stanislaw Gadecki/Hartman, is the only one among present bigwigs that show no ambition to pose as a patriot. He is honest in a way, as he urges his fellow Catholics to “open their hearts to Muslim brothers”. Naturally, he knows very well that only the migrants without the slightest chance of receving the fat German or Swedish benefits would be silly enough to choose “lifee in poverty” in Poland,
Slav v. Slav. Yawn.
You seem to be ignoring the broader significance of the conflict while sharing Einstein’s view of the Slavs.
Putin claims the holocaust was the worst atrocity ever, and his government is a strong ally of the South African regime.
Remember that there are things leaders must say or be willing to enter into a huge discussion that they might not have time or inclination for.
Wow. I wonder (((who))) might be behind this current Ukrainian provocation of Russia. I recall that there were a (((few of them))) involved 2014 “revolution” there.
I got a chuckle out of a statement made by one of the BNL Tweets embedded in this article: “All tactical/attack assets are required to be airborne within 15-30 minutes, once and if called upon”. Yes, “Once and if called upon…” If Russia really decides to hit Ukraine, they will indeed be airborne only “once”.
They haven’t declared war yet. They’re talking about it, and also declaring a state of “martial law” in the country, which seemingly would come first. Here’s the first random link I could find talking about it:
Here’s a report from closer to the source:
Obviously the US/western power structure made the decision that now is good time to provoke Russia. I infer that part of the reason for provoking Russia now as opposed to some other time is that elites need a solid distraction from what’s happening at the border.
Okay guys, so a few things to keep in mind:
1. Do not take either Russia’s or Ukraine’s side at face value. Remember, Russia is not a ‘White man’s country’ and the Ukrainians just want Westerners to fight their battles for them. The most important thing that those of us in the West can do is try to make sure that our nations do not get involved in an Eastern Euro battle royale. This is not our fight.
2. Berdyansk and Mariupol are critical port cities which can only access the Black Sea through the Sea of Azov. By shutting off access to them – the Russians have already put a tanker under the bridge – they are putting the Ukrainians in an extremely difficult position. Ukraine’s GDP per capita in US dollars is $2.6k (worse than almost any nation in Latin America). Their economy is quite fragile and this could be the push that sends it over the edge.
3. Russia’s internal demographics are worse than people realize. Their birthrate collapsed in the 90s and has never fully recovered. The statistical ‘growth’ is coming from Chechens & Tatars. This means that Russia only has a few more years to act before its military capacity begins to decrease (you need young soldiers to fight a conventional war and the post-90s generation is too small to do this).
Long story short:
This situation is an absolute tinderbox and this could well escalate into a serious war between Russia & Ukraine. If not now, then within the next 4 years. If this happens then the Russians will likely overrun Kiev within 3 months (Ukraine has a famously poorly organized military). Hopefully things stop at that point but – mark my words – this will get very nasty if other nations get involved.
Keep your eyes on Poland & Lithuania over the next few months. They both hate the Russians with a passion and there are strong ties between Poland x Lithuania x Ukraine.
Ironically, this is the Aryan home land.
This isn’t good.
Now the neo/zio-cons and their allies in the deep state have their “Gulf of Tonkin incident ” to escalate hostilities.
Is this going to be the manufactured incident that Uncle Shmuli uses to finally drag us into a war against Russia? Would Drump be stupid and reckless enough to carry out this order from his jew masters?
Yes he would. Meanwhile he does nothing as US gets invaded.
If Gettysburg can occur over shoes, WWIII can occur over a tugboat.
Those who have been trying to provoke this have been hard at work for over a decade.
Wonder if they will enjoy the result?