My take:
I thought it was boring.
This speech seemed like it was harder to watch than the previous two because it was so subdued. After droning on for over an hour, Trump spent about 15 minutes talking about fighting the scourge of anti-Semitism and liberating Nazi concentration camps.
Such is American Greatness. It was like one of those old Obama speeches when your eyes would glaze over because you have heard it all before and understand he is just performing a ritual. There were a few lines about overthrowing Venezuela’s government and ending HIV. He also had several black guests in attendance who were there as a result of criminal justice reform.
Here’s what our panel is saying:
"Golden beaches of California"? This was the lamest, sappiest, most intentionally tear-jerking SOTU ever. Please fire your speechwriter, @realDonaldTrump.
— Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) February 6, 2019
The Richard Spencer Show: State of the Union response with Josh Neal, Jefferson Lee, and Joachim.https://t.co/CpFn58Xosq
— Richard ?? Spencer (@RichardBSpencer) February 6, 2019
The President has dedicated more time to the literal Holocaust than to immigration in the SOTU address
— Nicholas J. Fuentes (@NickJFuentes) February 6, 2019
In tonight's #SOTU speech, President Trump pledged money to 'economically empower women' in the third world, cheered more destructive immigration into the United States, and celebrated women abandoning their families & children for the workforce.
Simply anti-American.
— America First Media (@amfirstmedia) February 6, 2019
How long is this fool going to drone on and on about the Second World War?
Long enough to prove to the system that he will never question neo-liberalism and an Israel First foreign policy in the Middle East. #StateOfTheUnion2019
— Richard ?? Spencer (@RichardBSpencer) February 6, 2019
> Cuck to the left's social agenda with money for homosexuals, women in the workplace and more legal immigration
> Raise the empty threat of "socialism" to trigger boomer programming and attack the only popular element of the left's program
> Absolutely nothing for whitesNeat.
— Mike Pej?inovi? Fan Acct ?? (@MikePFanAccount) February 6, 2019
Embarrassing. #SOTU
— James Edwards (@JamesEdwardsTPC) February 6, 2019
What we hoped for…
"These are not good people, folks."
What we got…
"Israel first!" pic.twitter.com/cGZxxx070W
— David Duke (@DrDavidDuke) February 6, 2019
A terrible state of the union address. Trump profusely praised legal immigration and even said he wanted "the largest numbers ever" of immigrants.
What an embarrassing betrayal of his 2016 mandate. #SOTU2019 https://t.co/GGpeXYXVSt
— Will Westcott (@westland_will) February 6, 2019
Interesting, apparently the worst line of the night: “I want people to come into our country in the largest numbers ever, but they have to come in legally” was not in the TelePrompTer.
Trump added it on the fly. https://t.co/xdEkOKPL00
— The Columbia Bugle ?? (@ColumbiaBugle) February 6, 2019
Nick Fuentes, who is normally the only Trump apologist on the panel, hated it:
N I C K pic.twitter.com/uujOlc9o9F— Tucker ? (@Tucker_2024) February 6, 2019
Charlie Kirk loved it.
He only wishes that Trump could have talked more about how Democrats are the real racists and spent another half hour on the Holocaust:
This was the best State of the Union speech of our generation and possibly one of the greatest ever given
Strong, emotional, visionary, and passionate
We are so blessed to have him as our President
— Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) February 6, 2019
Many Democrats blamed President Trump for the Pittsburgh Synagogue shooting and label him as Anti-Semitic despite being the most pro-Israel president in history
Meanwhile, Democrats like @IlhanMN openly embrace rabid, racist anti-Semitic rhetoric and policies
— Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) February 6, 2019
If Abraham Lincoln let President Trump give his speeches, the slaves would have been freed without a single shot being fired
— Jacob Wohl (@JacobAWohl) February 6, 2019
President just recognized a Holocaust survivor he invited to the #SOTU and the Congress sang him Happy Birthday! What a moment
— Jack Posobiec ?? (@JackPosobiec) February 6, 2019
Not bothering to watch it
You will post it today or tomorrow?
The gov will boycott you? Is that all? I’m suprised they aren’t sending their stormtroopers to drag the business owners to jail for Hate Crime! Maybe if Trump gets another four years…
dear faggot, StormTroopers fought this same shit.
Don’t be such a ‘sperg, Randall.
Air B n B looks like the first victim of the anti-boycott laws. They delisted properties in the occupied territories as they also did in Crimea. One “occupation” bad one good apparently. The fact that the Russians were basically invited by democratic vote to take Crimea is apparently irrelevant.
Has the swamp been drained? Even a little? Not by the looks of it.
America’s mission: the great crusade, the Allied Liberation of Europe in World War 2.
A.K.A. The Grand Victory of Jewish Marxism Over the West.
Buzz Aldrin there.
America had a “blow off top” in 1969. Never quite had the magic since.
What a difference between the presidential campaign,SOTU is nauseating.
China has multiple mission to the moon this year, America is moribund in space except for a refugee from South African Genocide, Elon Musk.
This is all backwards looking – bring back the America that was. Ceremonial clapping wont bring that back.
The chinks germinated cotton seeds on the moon. This is huge. The moon apparently has enough gravity to grow some crops. Plants are totipotent (most cells can regenerate an entire plant) and require gravity for cell differentiation and development. NASA did a few cool things on Mars but is a joke for the most part these days.
“National Greatness” Conservatism, John McCain would be happy.
Trump’s wheel house, trade.
Bad Orange Man invokes Jew War II right off. Yawn. Now he’s invoking the glories of Orc employment! DMV ghettorillas, leaf blowers, and nail salon workers will SAVE US!!!! TAX SLAVES FOR THE JOOOOOZ!!!! MURKA MURKA MURKA!!!!
Is he starting off State of the Union and morphing into a Trump rally?!
Union “Strong”, half the chamber stands.
Turning into a Trump rally.
“African American,Hispanic American and Asian American,lowest unemployement rate.Euro American becoming second class citizens”.
I like “foolish wars”
10 days until…? The super secret plan?
Trump wants people to come in our country in the largest numbers ever , as long as done legally. Yikes!
“I want people to come into this country in the largest numbers ever, but they have to do it legally.”
Yeah Americucks…we can have utopia if we just allow hundreds of millions of 3rd worlders in, as long as they are legal!
Magic immigration papers ftw
Trump just laid out the case for an emergency action on the border. Will he do it? (should have been done summer 2017, but here we are…)
A proper wall? Or an “artistically designed see through barrier”? Can’t be both.
I was hoping for something that would put the Great Wall and the Israeli Wall to shame. Something you could drive a humvee along the top of.
Who gives a shit about a black coke dealer?
El Paso is not one of the safest cities in our country, it is literally Mexican Territory.
The WWII vets are not pleased.
“More women in the workforce than ever before.” “More women in congress than ever before.”
So that’s why everything is so wonderful in modern America.
Trump doing very well: pulling in infrastructure, pharmaceutical, medical costs. Dinner table issues.
Heroic child.
Pro family, pro human policies: approved!
A true dividing line: Providence or Moloch?
The US, if it indeed followed the INF treaty to the letter, did not follow international law. Forcing Russia to do SOMETHING to thwart NWO aggression.
Venezuela….who fucking cares.
Boilerplate, except the part about ‘most of any era’ legal immigration.
That’s actually a novel evil.
Only Trump could out-trump himself.
Maduro now has the credibility he never could get being second fiddle to Chavez – thanks to Trump’s intervention.
Camera pans to Bernie – he’s pissed!
Why did we ever believe in this Chump?
I just saw him as a doorstop, a sandbag, a wannabe berserker.
Don The Con.
“America will never be a socialist nation.”
1. America is not a nation.
2. Yes it certainly will be socialist when mud colored people become the majority.
“Great nations do not fight Endless Wars”
Putting Afghanistan pullout on the table.
I’ll see your USS Cole and raise you a USS Liberty.
A land of jew-worshipers.
Time to sing for the Kike who survived 16 gassing attempts, 4 skull-crushing machines, and 30 rounds from Robert Bowers.
Sing, you filthy Goyim, or we’ll Seal Team Six your whole family…
Israel PM should be present of SOTU.2015 Nentanyahoo addressed congress critters izzy right to exist.
No good deed goes unpunished.
Now to celebrate the Kike who survived the gas chambers at Dachau that never existed even according to Holohoax scholars.
I’m just going to go ahead and endorse Tulsi Gabbard right now…
I’ll take the non-White Hindu over the bloated Orange Buffoon with a $20 spray tan.
Only Poor Man’s Aunt Jemima (Stacey Abrams) can top this…
Or maybe another closeup of the First Reptile.
For whoever doesn’t know Jared Kushner’s father, a real estate billionaire from Essex County, NJ, set up his sister’s husband, the father of his own nephews and nieces,brother-in-law with with a prostitute and hidden camera to bribe him into remaining loyal in the face of NJ’s prosecution of him:
OD Poll:
Who thinks Don the Con really believes in the Tree of Life hoax (it was without question) versus that he knows it’s staged and plugs it anyway?
Imagine a man of german descent obscenely Hoaxing the world into genociding his own people?
What kind of monster did we help elect?
Richie Rich the draft dodging germophobe is now expropriating D Day.
I guess Da Nang was too hard to spell, fucking moron.
Legal immigrant invasion is more damaging than illegal.
Whatever we do in 2020 it has to acknowledge Trump’s utter betrayal.
“Tree of Life hoax (it was without question)”
Citation needed.
Don’t get me wrong, I have no sympathy for our people’s enemies. But peddling paranoia and absurd statements just feeds into the stereotype of pro-Whites as unstable lunatics.
You need to be above that.
No one has forensically proven that Tree of Life was a hoax but it has all the hallmarks of a psy op.
If our enemies could fake the Holocaust (a contention for which exists copious evidence I assume most know of on here) do you think they couldn’t stage a shooting at some temple in Pittsburgh?
“I want people to come into our country in the largest numbers ever, but they have to come legally.” -Trump
One of the best SotU’s if not the best.
Trump wants us to either be defined by our differences or transcend them. He wants to rekindle the “dream” of the America he thought he knew as a child. He is asking us to live or die by the gamble that the other side, the Coalition of the Ascendant, will reciprocate.
They will not because they cannot genetically.
Game over.
I’m trying to liven the place up.