Stephen Moore: America Needs More Of These Immigrants

Did we vote for Reaganomics in 2016?

I thought that I was voting for something more along the lines of Pat Buchanan’s America First populist nationalism, but it turns out that Larry Kudlow, Art Laffer and Stephen Moore are running the economy and making all the same mistakes that brought on the Great Depression:

“Of all America’s immigrant visa programs, arguably the most successful for the U.S. economy has been the H-1B program. This program admits highly skilled foreign workers who fill vital employment niches to make our Made in America businesses more successful in international markets. Larry Kudlow, the director of President Donald Trump’s National Economic Council, calls these immigrants the “brainiacs.” …

Politico Magazine:

“On a Tuesday evening earlier this month, several dozen Washingtonians gathered in a ballroom at the Trump International Hotel, ostensibly to enjoy an open bar and watch a new PBS documentary about money. In reality, the event also served as a rally for a small clique whose fierce devotion to supply-side economics made them influential figures in the 1980s, and has won them renewed clout and access under President Donald Trump.

Invitations listed the hosts as Stephen Moore, a habitué of conservative think tanks, and Art Laffer, the supply-side economist, who did not end up attending. Larry Kudlow, the director of Trump’s National Economic Council and one of the president’s closest advisers, showed up in a pinstriped suit. “Larry Kudlow is my best friend in the world,” gushed Moore in opening remarks, noting that Laffer and Kudlow served as co-best men at his wedding to his second wife, Anne, who sat in the front row. Taking the floor next, Kudlow gazed out at the room and offered a shoutout to Adele Malpass, a RealClearPolitics reporter and former chairwoman of the Manhattan Republican Party, whose husband, David, has just taken over as president of the World Bank on Trump’s say-so. …”

Goldilocks, right?

How is it that Wall Street and Goldilocks are surging to new highs, all these new jobs are being created and yet we still have a raging suicide and opioid epidemic in White America? Could the answer be that Yang is right about this economic black hole caused by automation and offshoring that has opened up underneath the working class and middle class?

What happens when 50% of the US workforce is idled over the next 15 years as deep learning AI transforms the global economy? Are we going to continue to call for still more immigration while cheerleading for Goldilocks because the investor class is so much wealthier?

Are those people losing their livelihoods and facing radically diminished life prospects going to get mad? If they get mad, what happens to Goldilocks and mainstream conservatism then?

About Hunter Wallace 12391 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “Could the answer be that Yang is right about this economic black hole caused by automation and offshoring that has opened up underneath the working class and middle class?”

    No. The correct answer is that opioids and the economy are unrelated things. Look at New Hampshire.

    “What happens when 50% of the US workforce is idled over the next 15 years as deep learning AI transforms the global economy?”

    This isn’t 2000. Productivity growth has been extremely weak for nearly a decade. It was very strong during the 1950s and 1960s, which is why poverty fell so much then.

  2. I saw one of Bernie’s ads last night he is running in rust belt states. It was devastating vs. Trump. I have to give it to Bernie and his campaign team. They are focusing like a laser on swing states with economic and healthcare issues while the other candidates (other than Yang) sit around giving us their “stories” about being gay or Black in America.

    Bernie is appealing to the nostalgia of the rust belt states who want to restore it to it’s previous glory. It reminds me of Trump 2016 but is more serious and not a clown show.

  3. HW is right, these Club for Growth/US Chamber of Commerce assholes are stuck in the 80s with their supply side economics and their cult-like worship of Ayn Rand and Milton Friedman. Even their boring haircuts and business suits look as if they’re from that era. With all the computerized automation on the way conservatives won’t have any more reasons to promote massive nonwhite immigration for the sake of cheap labor. But they’ll continue to push for it anyway.

  4. If it’s good for the United States to receive these immigrants, it’s bad for the countries that lost them. Why does the U.S. hate India so much? American corporations that hire foreigners over Americans are traitors. Do they really expect us to believe that there are no native Americans willing to take these jobs?

  5. Yes, let’s import every last streetshitter from India so the Mississippi can be filled to the brim with sewage just like the Ganges. Great idea, Steve!


  6. We need to use this time of weakness in America and grow strong. Spread our message. Spread flyers through small towns and talk to folk.

  7. Those Indian and other Asian programmers are known to not be very good at their jobs, for the most part. They’re brought in to save money and raise profits, period. One more example (as if we needed one) that the elites are greedy, short-sighted kakistocrats out for themselves. Entitled idiots telling people “learn to code” don’t understand it won’t help. Some corporate executive needs another Mercedes, so see if you can make burritos at Taco Bell. While those jobs are still available, of course.

  8. Someone tell this dirtbag we need to deport 30 million 3rd world darkies … THEN if we need anymore immigrants they need to be white Christians. For all you JFK worshipers out there, he and his associates got this all going. Before he was well known he wrote : A Nation Of Immigrants, which was really a manifesto on why we need 3rd world darkie invaders. Back then (((they))) had to word things like this very carefully. He barely sandwiched in his real intent. I believe The Kennedy’s wanted a family dynasty and they just needed a little more demoncrat constituency. Notice The 1964 Civil Rights Act came right before The 1965 Immigration Act !!!!!!

    We all know the solution by now …


  9. ““Larry Kudlow is my best friend in the world,” gushed Moore”

    I guess that’s his (((handler))). They most often always have at least one.

    • on further review, no proof he’s jew. but almost all public economists are. oddly, i see no mention of his religion anywhere. went to new trier, best high school in chicago area. george mason, noted for grad school promoting free market econonmics.

  10. I do believe that very high level people can be a boon to the economy and not hurt Whites. A simple solution is limit them to a number every year. Say 1/2 a million or a million, not sure what the number should be, and have companies bid on them. They want a spot they auction for it. That way they would only bring in people with very high skills. Let’s say the people brought in are brought in for so may years in a row. Maybe 5 years???, 7 years???, then we offer citizenship. It would be a good compromise.

  11. As much as I hate to admit that Genetics doesn’t matter, in Moore’s case it doesn’t. He’s a well-educated fella’, meaning, Shlomo lives in his head. Anyhow, here’s a little something I like to drop in those “Alt-Right” stream chats : ALEX LINDER SAID NOTHING WRONG!

  12. “Of all America’s immigrant visa programs, arguably the most successful for the U.S. economy has been the H-1B program. This program admits highly skilled foreign workers who fill vital employment niches to make our Made in America businesses more successful in international markets.”

    We have lots of White, American college graduates fresh out of school, with no jobs lined up.

    American industry is all but irrelevant. Most American products are considered to be over priced and of inferior value.

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