Blompf and the Grift Right are celebrating this YUGE foreign policy victory on Twitter!
A$AP Rocky released from prison and on his way home to the United States from Sweden. It was a Rocky Week, get home ASAP A$AP!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 2, 2019
Thank God … A$AP Rocky has been released from prison and Julian Assange, RAM and James Fields, Jr. are behind bars. Fields is so bad that he got an extra life sentence plus 419 more years behind bars than El Chapo!
— EMPEROR ‘KINGFISH’ WHITEPILL (@CptBlackPill) August 2, 2019
— Macrocosm 4 #Bernie2020??? (@MacrocosmX) August 2, 2019
A$AP Rocky wrote/performed a rap calling for Trump's death.
Further proof that Donald Trump is a complete moron trying to pander to the young Black vote (still ain't gonna vote for his racist ass).
Policy matters. Not cheap photo ops. pic.twitter.com/FmBjrHOLT5
We have wild n!ggers in our government, Indians flooding our fucking border, j€ws trying to start WW3 and this is what gets people’s dicks hard?
— Tucker Acclerant (@RapidReaction1) August 2, 2019
There is no segue into real nationalism from this..this is all we are gonna get outta this guy. We’re fucked if he gets re-elected. pic.twitter.com/FAF4BfxhT6
Trump got A$AP Rocky home from the socialist Swedes!
— Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) August 2, 2019
Obama would have let him stay in prison and would have avoided confrontation
Trump has delivered more results for the black community than the Democrats have in 50 years
Massive win!
Sweden has wisely given in to Will Chamberlain’s demands and released the philosopher and political prisoner A$AP Rocky. Stockholm was spared a fire-bombing of its civilian population, regime change, and reconstruction of its society on Americanist principles—FOR NOW!
— Richard ?? Spencer (@RichardBSpencer) August 2, 2019
This is a very sick society.
I want out of this insane asylum!
There is nowhere else to go.
There are some alternatives, partial ones, at least. Maybe eastern or central Europe. How long will that last ?
Unironically, the two supposed “based ” nationalist countries of Hungary and Poland have banned Richard Spencer from their territories. And most recently, the government of Poland got Jared Taylor banned from the European Union for the next several years.
Perhaps things are better in the Baltic states.
Yes, that is very troubling.
Most of those countries also have ‘holohoax’ denial laws.
None have a Bill of Rights , either.
Forget about a 2nd Amendment.
In less than 50 years (they) have ruined a wonderful country.
November: The Baltic states are next on ZOG/NATO’s list of places to build military bases in order to stop “Russian aggression”.
Within certain South American countries, such as southern Brazil and eastern Paraguay, there are farily large regions with predominantly White populations or smaller self-contained town-sized communities. But for the long term, expatriating may be no better than endeavoring to carve out White enclaves here in North America as the empire declines.
No more crying or running away, Arian. It’s time to stand your ground and start fighting back, nigger.
Tell that to the other 250 million Whites who do nothing. I’m not going to carry their burden , then subsequently be stabbed in the back. I’ve had enough of disloyal Whites.
Forgotten man and women Chump campaign for.Pandering to coons will not get votes for him.Matter of fact since Reagan still remains at 2%.
Blormp knows that 90% of the niggers will never vote for him, so pathetic publicity stunts like this are nothing more than a clumsy attempt to disarm his critics.
Recently China and Russia banned hip hop and rap.De-wiggerize its youth.
Rap is trash they did the right thing not only does it massively harm whites and makes them abunch of self hating tards but it inflames problems with the black community like you wouldn’t believe. If black lives really mattered they would stop listening to that judized produced crap The jews are a bunch of evil demonic genius’s for making something so poisonous as rap and profiteering from it
Good for china and russia but i don’t idolize china or russia like some nazbols do The chinese are still a bunch of dog eating shits and russia don’t even get me started with that ‘based’ country
The Chinese have basically become 21st century National Socialists.
That trump tweet is pure boomer cringe, “week started off rocky, get home asap Asap” MIGA tards will eat that tweet up with a shit eating grin and say blumpf made a funny.
I’m seriously starting to look forward to Trump getting jfk’d as trumps rapper friend Asap rocky puts it in one of his songs guns n butter
Funny how Drimp is so concerned about the plight of this unjustly persecuted Negro poet-philosopher but has nothing whatsoever to say about Julian Assange or Edward Snowden. This is exactly the kind of low buffoonery I have come to expect from him.