Let me get this straight:
— EMPEROR ‘KINGFISH’ WHITEPILL (@CptBlackPill) October 7, 2019
– Sexlaptop was fired from Turning Points USA for being seen in a photo with Nick Fuentes who is blacklisted as bad optics
– CJ Pearson endorses White Nationalism. Survives because he is black.
– CJ is hired by Charlie Kirk to replace Sexlaptop
There is nothing more important than fighting to ensure that the next generation of Americans aren’t lost to the radical Left!
— CJ Pearson (@thecjpearson) October 7, 2019
Proud to be joining and supporting @tpusa and @charliekirk11 in their fight to do so. pic.twitter.com/yVt19APybR
How many hours a day does Brad Polumbo spend thinking about me?
— CJ Pearson (@thecjpearson) October 9, 2019
I refuse to become yet another victim of Brad’s online predation because I refuse to think the way he’d like me to and adhere to his weak-kneed conservative ideology. https://t.co/xAtNQxCZiP
I’d tag Brad but he’s blocked me. So, tell him how you feel for me about his latest piece of “journalism”.
— CJ Pearson (@thecjpearson) October 9, 2019
Brad Polumbo’s DC allies are panicking because I’m offering $1000 to any intel POLICE can use to charge. Odd! https://t.co/r73YKw62zT
— Ali Alexander (@ali) October 9, 2019
Pearson is just a teenager, and I expect he’ll wise up as he grows up. The true blame lies with @TPUSA, which is willing to exploit a youthful voice to push their pro-Trump agenda, his best interests be damned.
— Brad Polumbo (@brad_polumbo) October 9, 2019
My latest @dcexaminer: https://t.co/HXFQCYFFrF
I love how Ali (felon convicted of fraud) is just openly offering people money to make fake accusations.
— Brad Polumbo (@brad_polumbo) October 9, 2019
They have nothing behind their vicious, homophobic, hoax of a smear, and they know it. https://t.co/U2Yt339Sbk
Just in the last two weeks, CJ Pearson has apologized for white nationalism and lobbed sexist insults at Hillary Clinton.
— Brad Polumbo (@brad_polumbo) October 9, 2019
We shouldn’t cancel a teenager for life or anything. But why does @charliekirk11 & @TPUSA think he should represent their brand?https://t.co/HXFQCYFFrF
How about a little joke?
What do you get when your token faggot conservative is calling your token black conservative a sexist and a homophobe and a White Nationalist sympathizer in The Washington Examiner for being cynically used by Charlie Kirk to advance a political agenda?
I will tell you what you get. You get laughed at on Occidental Dissent!

“It’s telling to follow Pearson’s intellectual journey before he ended up at TPUSA. Pearson was an Obama-hating critic, then a Bernie Sanders support and #NeverTrumper, and now an ardent support of the president. Guess what? It’s fine and normal for a teenager to wander ideologically. But that’s my point.
Any minor is going to be too intellectually undeveloped to be a meaningful spokesman for any movement. That makes the attempt to use him as a spokesman exploitative.
Signing Pearson is another example of Turning Point USA engaging in the same identity politics they’re so quick to decry. The organization (often rightly) blasts the Left for its shameful attempts to divide Americans by identity but then props up their own “black leadership summits” and employed activists such as Candace Owens who peddle in cheap, race-baiting rhetoric like “leaving the Democratic plantation.”
These people … are … a … joke.

I think that colored fella CJ Pearson is a little too old for the boy-toucher Brad Polumbo.
Allegedly, Ali Alexander is the boy toy twink orKarl Rove. It isn’t confirmed, but that’s the scuttle butt.
Come on Hunter, you can do better than this, don’t try to deceive us. Everyone knows that “Conservatism” doesn’t have a soul.