Be free or die. Watch the official trailer for #HARRIET, the unbelievable true story of Harriet Tubman. In theatres this November. https://t.co/sDhInmEGBZ pic.twitter.com/T71iGmgOIl
— UniversalPicturesCAN (@UniPicturesCAN) October 21, 2019
This would be a delightful design. pic.twitter.com/ghW5r35fsV
— Charles C. W. Cooke (@charlescwcooke) April 20, 2016
“Be free or die.”
Harriet will definitely give conservative liberals a boner.
Do you remember the time that they gushed over replacing Andrew Jackson on the $20 bill with the fantasy of Harriet Tubman as a gunslinging, badass negress? The demise of that project has been one of the few saving graces of the Blompf presidency.
“This trailer says it’s for the “unbelievable true story of Harriet Tubman.”
It looks unbelievable, and as I’ve written, much of the historical story about Harriet Tubman is unbelievable in the literal sense of not being true.
It was propaganda, either abolitionist propaganda, as in the first biography written by Northern white lady Sarah Bradford in the 19th century, Communist propaganda in the case of the biography written by Earl Conrad in during the Cold War, or civil rights propaganda in the
Now we have spasms of antiquarian anti-white propaganda, of the kind John Derbyshire calls Abolitionist Porn.
Historian James McPherson reviewed three scholarly biographies of Tubman. The Moses Of Her People, New York Review of Books, March 11, 2004 The biographies were published almost simultaneously and publicists for each of them claimed theirs to be the first “major biography” in sixty years.
We’ve lost control of the culture:
NEW: “We got a QUEER running for President… the white man has very few rights.”
— The Tennessee Holler (@TheTNHoller) October 22, 2019
Watch @SevierCounty Commissioner Warren Hurst’s homophobic, bigoted outburst Monday, telling folks to “wake up”.
Mayor’s office: 865-453-6136
Hurst: 865-453-8513
WVLT: https://t.co/GFwJLqehUf pic.twitter.com/bfXrAACfPh
As James Fulford points out, this is just more recycled communist propaganda.
Pretty much everything we now associate with progressive liberalism like anti-racism and civil rights used to just be communism before it entered the bloodstream of the mainstream. The past to these people is Django and there is nothing you can do to convince them otherwise.
Let them be Harriet and Django. We will be Calvin.

If the Treasury is going to put a mentally ill black woman on the $20 bill I would rather have “Mad” Maxine Waters or Whoopie Goldberg dressed as a clown on Star Trek.
I can’t imagine ZOG would actually put a Negress’ image on any of its currency, because at least half of ZOG’s paper monopoly money circulates outside of the jewnited states. And the billions of yellow and Mohammedan foreigners who use ZOG bucks daily would find such a design objectionable, if not downright offensive.
Now that you mention star trek, i recently watched star trek first contact for the first time and the whole film was ruined for me because the first half of the film had some uppity annoying black bitch in it not whoopi btw
Were you aware that in the early 90s Whoopie Goldberg had a talk show on five nights a week? Anyway, during one of the episodes, she had Tom Metzger on as a guest. I remember that their chat was respectful but distant.
Can you imagine an omega cuck like Stephen Colbert or any of the conservative inc. mouthpieces at Fox News having the guts to have a one-on-one discussion with “Terrible Tommy?”
I like how affluent white liberals and jews use niggers as mascots to promote their SJW causes and to expiate their “white guilt”. No really, I find it all most amusing to watch.
Heil Hitler.
Flood the goy with lies.
I hate slavery racebaiting films, boring predictably antiwhite produced jewshit always throws in a spoonfull of truth followed by 20 spoonfuls of lies and made up tearjerky crap
I remember a was at a get together 1 year ago with friends and we were talking bout films an some bitch recommended 12 years a slave because it was a ‘powerful movie’ no no thank you I said i’ve already seen films like that before with color purple an i won’t fall for it again I strictly stick to action, thiller films no political or historical revisionist crap from heebywood thank you very much
Classic Leftist divide and conquer.
Just more anti-White propaganda and psychological warfare we’re assaulted with everyday.
Gaynan for the $20. So utterly unlike either a Nigger or Goldberg… just sayin’.
Guinan. Spelling error. Mea Culpa.
But yes, I had to endure the BS of this very long trailer, watching Downton Abbey in the theaters, and vowed NOT to waste my money on this PORN. Because that is what it is. You are correct.
Star Trek: The Next Generation should have had a storyline where the Borg reject assimilating Guinan’s race into their “collective ” because they wouldn’t gain anything from their inclusion.
Trump may or may not have canceled the Harriet Tubman $20 bill but his successor will surely revive it.
Once it’s in circulation I bet most examples will soon sport Sharpie swastikas, beards and male genitalia around the mouth.
Great idea! A flat nose spread from ear to ear and a Glasgow smile with those big fat lips would make it a collector’s piece. Nah, better not. We don’t need all those white women replacing trout mouth with Black Dahlia mouth.
I thought Harriet Tubman was a fatty? These pathetic liars can’t even keep the details of their fiction stories straight.
Exactly! If they wanted historical accuracy, Gabourey Sidibe of “Precious ” fame should have been cast as Harriet.
The size is right but Sidibe is too young. So, I found an old image we can reminisce over:
I think I just figured something out. If Green (photo in link below) was born in 1834 and she’s in her mid 30’s or so in that photo, how did photography in the 1860’s capture an image that would had more advanced techniques for that time? Something smells fishy with this one, too.
“Harriet” will beat “Joker” for Best Picture next year because, well, it’s about an SJW negreses and it checks all the right anti-White boxes on the ballot.