I’ve been thinking.
Maybe what is needed is a relaxation of norms.
If you want to have a positive sense of White identity, you should be allowed to have one. If you believe in the existence in racial differences, you should be allowed to do so. If you want to criticize Jews or support social conservatism, you should be allowed to do that as well. I’m tired of living under the yoke of perpetually offended designated victim groups.
What we were sold vs. what we got: pic.twitter.com/oVTXhLkiNq
— Kate ??????????? (@Catherine_LCP) November 7, 2019
You gonna die, bro. A real video from Kanas City. pic.twitter.com/At64oZFvt0
— ColinFlaherty (@colinflaherty) November 6, 2019
New York: ???
— Scotty McGuire (@McguireScotty) November 6, 2019
Alleged woman who sounds very much like a man, possibly transgender.
Gashes 79-year-old man’s head with stiletto for reading aloud the Bible to someone near him the on subway.
Police are searching for the stinking attacker, who fled.pic.twitter.com/3PaqL25roX
Cleveland Police Fatally Shot A Man While He Was Trying To Rape A Woman. pic.twitter.com/RtKIgzUEYB
— WorldNews911? (@WorIdNews911) November 6, 2019
I just watched these videos.
I don’t feel any sense of White guilt.
I believe the White Christian heteronormative patriarchy should be restored. I want to defend the gender binary. I also think all the -isms and -phobias are bullshit.
What if a group of us got together and decided White guilt was cancelled?
“should be restored”
(it was a trick question, the only way is splitting up the country)
Niggers don’t even care if they get shot and killed, because they have no souls. The devils inside them will simply jump out and find some other nigger carcass to inhabit. Jews are actually devils incarnate, creatures that attempt to mimic human appearance.
Yup. FYI – the shot dead nigger won’t rape any-one again. That’s the way to deal with niggers. I really wish that White kid in the Flaherty video had deal with his nigger attacker the way the cops shot the rape nigger.
“I also think all the -isms and -phobias are bullshit.”
Not just any bullshit, neurotic bullshit. All of these goings on are just the insanity of the Jews writ large.
They’re all a bunch of walking bundles of mental illness.
I think the Founders were giving the mooncrickets way more credit than is due. They’d need to behave better to be considered 3/5’s human.
We should kick back and let nature work it’s magic: Sickle cell, Ebola, and Popeye’s lines.
Whites feel guilt because of Christianity.
“The default of God means that no god any longer gathers men and things unto himself, visibly and unequivocally, and by such gathering disposes the world’s history and man’s sojourn in it. The default of God forbodes something even grimmer, however. Not only have the gods and the god fled, but the divine radiance has become extinguished in the world’s history. The time of the world’s night is the destitute time because it becomes ever more destitute. It has already grown so destitute, it can no longer discern the default of God as a default” – Heidegger
Feral Nogs, and Existential German philosopher text juxtaposed.
Excellent insight Ed!
The Jews invented every ism known to mankind. Words have been weaponized as a tool to divide and conquer our people. Here are a few examples: Sexism, Racism, Feminism, Communism. All Jewish creations.
The Irish are not our friends.
Kansas City, in a rare White backlash, has voted to re-rename The Paseo, an historic boulevard that was dedicated to Michael King last January, but without the consent of the majority of the residents, or going through the proper procedures.
A petition was passed around and gained more than a thousand signatures over what was needed to get the measure on the ballot. It passed by over 70%, which has led the Negroids to call everybody a racist. White Guilt is officially cancelled in Kansas City!!!
Actually, the Save The Paseo group has stated that they merely wish to find another way to honor da Revrun Docta. But still, this is a real set back for those Negroids who are used to getting whatever they demand and expecting Whitey to just hang his head in shame and nod in agreement. The best part is, Save The Paseo took their fight directly to the Negroids in their own den of conspiracy, the Black Church.
Lol at the dindu who tryed to rape the woman in front of the police, unbelievably stupid really
” What if a group of us got together and decided White guilt was cancelled? “
Yeah, plain and simple, yes.
Just Say NO! to Negroes. NO! to Guilt. NO! to Apologies. NO! to Reparations. YES! to Segregation.
More then an agreeable solution for me !
White self hatred is SICK!
“If you want to have a positive sense of White identity, you should be allowed to have one. If you believe in the existence in racial differences, you should be allowed to do so. If you want to criticize Jews or support social conservatism, you should be allowed to do that as well. I’m tired of living under the yoke of perpetually offended designated victim groups.”
This is soft thinking. You are still thinking they need to give you permission. Fuck them and grow a pair Brad. We don’t need permission. We do it loud and proud and shame and ridicule any White person that has a problem with it. The anti-Whites are never going to stop or back off until we make them. The answer is to not care what buzzword they call you. Laugh it off and move on.