Emma is a childless, unhealthy and miserable human being
?? Meet Emma, a life-sized representation of what the average office worker may look like by 2040. ??????? pic.twitter.com/RCwWleUsP0
— DW Science (@dw_scitech) November 15, 2019
SAME ENERGY #ImpeachmentHearings pic.twitter.com/ILZAgiwSFE
— King of the Jungle ? (@SGroypa) November 21, 2019
Emma lives with her cat and is great for the GDP though.
She listens to NPR and is also voting for Elizabeth Warren in 2020 to shatter the glass ceiling and because women’s equality hasn’t been pushed far enough.
Let’s hope Emma will do volunteer work in the diverse ethnic ghettos of Pairs, London, and Stockholm.
This is some serious nightmare fuel.
teh future
is now.
Nah. The feral Muslim and Mestizo Orcs will finish off “Emma” long, long before 2040.
The poor thing looks like something from a sci-fi horror picture!
She merely looks Jewish.
What the hell are you talking about… most women I’ve worked with already look like this…
“Emma” looks more like a “Sarah” or “Ester” to me. She/it appears too creepy for even standoffish house cats to manipulate for shelter and sustenance. “Emma” fails the Turing test on all criteria.
You’ve got to give the Japanese and Koreans credit. Their androids have more welcoming physiognomy than the the hideous humanoids coming out of M.I.T., Cal Tech, DARPA, et al.
…the future?
This, is why men are going their own way.
Is it really any different than the typing pools they use to have with 20 or 30 women or women sewing in factories with the doors locked.
I’ve worked in offices and factories where there were a lot of attractive young women. Where did they all go?