Happy Thanksgiving!
The Dissident Right is celebrating and having a good time on the timeline:
— american nationalist (@NationalistTV) November 28, 2019
Happy Thanksgiving!? pic.twitter.com/ZfO7Vlp6vZ
— ?Thankful Nuclear Groyper? (@NuclearKnights) November 28, 2019
You know who’s not mourning today? This girl! ?? I could not be less sorry that my ancestors built a civilization out of wilderness and conquered the aggressive and brutal natives pic.twitter.com/UzyTbKMaFW
— ?????? (@It__Aint__Right) November 28, 2019
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! God bless you and your families! pic.twitter.com/j1O6kU3lKY
— CammoGroyper (@CammoGroyper) November 28, 2019
This Thanksgiving, I’m grateful for big, tall, strong wh*te men 6′ and up. ?? #animisttotemsgang pic.twitter.com/kyiTLrjuZe
— HelaWomyn (@HelaWomyn) November 28, 2019
America is the story of Europeans overcoming a vast & untamed wilderness, being forged & bound by those struggles, finding themselves & their roots again while creating another cultural center that will always harken back to old traditions.
— Rich of the forest ?? (@heywildrich) November 28, 2019
Happy Thanksgiving, pilgrims ??? pic.twitter.com/CK1fOYSBYs
Before the night is over, I want to give my gratitude to all my mutuals and followers. Thank you for being there for me and making this year incredibly special. It means the world to me. God bless all of you~ pic.twitter.com/fel5vvSwQr
— ?Floraphida? (@FloridaAninurse) November 29, 2019
When you are having a wholesome Thanksgiving but you can’t help checking her out. pic.twitter.com/Xxsx84wjMp
— gait analyst (@gaitanalyst) November 28, 2019
Happy Thanksgiving pic.twitter.com/u5fqmesEH6
— Poison ?? (@PunishedPoison) November 28, 2019
the colonization makes the gravy better
— Andrew Quackson (@AndrewQuackson) November 28, 2019
You might feel worthless or like you haven’t done anything or failed all your life but there’s always something to be thankful for. Life is worth living folks. Remember this always. God bless ? pic.twitter.com/m3RxpqXz12
— Castizo Christmas King ??? (@spatiumleo) November 28, 2019
I hope everyone has a blessed and safe Thanksgiving! ? pic.twitter.com/QZM2u7lYpf
— Jay Williams ?? (@realjaywillz) November 28, 2019
Happy Thanksgiving.
— Smidgeun the Poorfag Pidgeun (@Shitpidgeun) November 28, 2019
Have a good time with fam and frens, and give the first SOB to ruin the vibe by bringing up their shitty political takes a solid left hook.
Stay bold and frenly my frens.
Happy Thanksgiving!
— EMPEROR WHITEPILL (@CptBlackPill) November 28, 2019
I’m taking a walk outside here in Alabama, enjoying the fall weather, looking up at the beautiful fall foliage in the trees while my wife makes our family dinner. Feels good to celebrate settler-colonialism in North America
I’m thankful for our White ancestors who WERE NOT timid little mainstream conservatives who made it all possible
— EMPEROR WHITEPILL (@CptBlackPill) November 28, 2019
Imagine where we would be today if it had been up to those people to make this great country
— EMPEROR WHITEPILL (@CptBlackPill) November 28, 2019
They call us “racists,” but those evil “racists” were precisely the people who had the strength to conquer and settle this continent and build our civilization here. On Thanksgiving, tip your hat in New England to the men who won King Philip’s War
— EMPEROR WHITEPILL (@CptBlackPill) November 28, 2019
The turkey uprising is finally happening. pic.twitter.com/cjqGT2IR2b
— badluck (@badluck_jones) November 27, 2019
The Woke Left not so much:
Happy #ShutItDown Day frens. pic.twitter.com/9qUmvIuOfh
— PeePeeRedacted (@PepeRedacted) November 28, 2019
Their words pic.twitter.com/Op6jg87I4K
— HiTeK_RoughNecK (@HiTeK_RoughNecK) November 28, 2019
We can have a national holiday that does not erase history and celebrate Native genocide.
— saira rao (@sairasameerarao) November 28, 2019
Please remember how painful tomorrow is to so many.
It is vile that we do this every year.
A reminder that “Thanksgiving” is also National Day of Mourning for Native American communities. Respect it and read up on its history. https://t.co/6WYaZMydQ4
— Amber Tamblyn (@ambertamblyn) November 28, 2019
for example George Washington University Prof: Thanksgiving Should Be a ‘Day of Mourning’ https://t.co/lAdk4hNubc via @BreitbartNews
— Chuck Woolery (@chuckwoolery) November 27, 2019
Everything you need to know about the National Day of Mourning, how to celebrate anti-Thanksgiving holiday https://t.co/zCF0ls9lbO
— Keith Beauchamp (@KeithBeauchamp) November 28, 2019
I’m not doing it! I’m not say HAPPY THANKSGIVING! And neither should YOU! pic.twitter.com/PtUbWw8gqE
— Heeeeeere’s Liberal Larry ? (@larrydaliberal) November 28, 2019
We’re taking the day off for Thanksgiving which is an American holiday that is about spending time with your family and being thankful for all your blessings.
Occidental Dissent has a lot to be thankful this year. We’ve never been stronger. “Rightwing extremism” is also on the march. Even though Thanksgiving started out as a Puritan New England custom, liberals have abandoned it like Columbus Day and have renamed it the “National Day of Mourning” on the woke calendar which is all the more reason to celebrate it.
“While I have been researching and writing a Wampanoag-centered history of Plymouth Colony and the Thanksgiving holiday, my conversations with Native people have opened my eyes to some profound lessons about their past and present. These teachings have particular resonance this Thanksgiving season as the United States continues to struggle with white nationalism, the importance of distinguishing between truth and lies in democratic debate, and the place of indigenous people in a pluralistic country with a colonial foundation.
Native people widely agree that the U.S. has yet to reckon with its history of white violence against their people. Instead, the country uses the myth of the First Thanksgiving to make it appear that Indians consented bloodlessly to colonialism.
That myth, reinforced over and over again through grade school Thanksgiving pageants, holiday decorations, and television specials, is the only cameo Indians make in the colonial history curriculum in many American schools. Unfortunately, it is terrible history and even worse civics.
The myth tells that supposedly friendly Indians (rarely identified by tribe) voluntarily gifted their country to the Pilgrims in order to lay the foundations for a white, Christian, democratic United States. …”
“Generations of Americans have told themselves a patriotic story of the supposed first Thanksgiving that misrepresents colonization as consensual and bloodless.
The story goes like this: English Pilgrims cram aboard the Mayflower and brave the stormy Atlantic to seek religious freedom in America. They disembark at Plymouth Rock and enter the howling wilderness equipped with their proto-Constitution, the Mayflower Compact, and the confidence that they are God’s chosen people. Yet sickness and starvation halve their population during the first winter and challenges their faith. …
Over the spring and summer, the Indians feed the Pilgrims and teach them how to plant corn; the colony begins to thrive. In the fall, the two parties seal their friendship with the first Thanksgiving. The subsequent 50-year peace allows colonial New England and, by extension, the United States to become a citadel of freedom, democracy, Christianity and plenty.
As for what happens to the Indians next, this story has nothing to say. The Indians’ legacy is to present America as a gift to white people — or in other words, to concede to colonialism. Like Pocahontas and Sacagawea, the other famous Indians of American history, they help the colonizers and then move offstage. …”
David Silverman is the Jew who is currently trying to tear down Thanksgiving. Yes, we can’t go a single day without noticing the negative impact that Jews are having on our culture. Today we are as thankful and grateful about the hard work of our ancestors as these ungrateful people are miserable that this country which has given them so much exists at all.

Is “Amber Tamblyn” a real person or another clever troll account designed to make white liberals look ridiculous?
I’m delighted that OD is doing so well, HW. This is one of the very few pro-white websites that is worthy of my patronage. The Rabbinical Stuff, the Daily Sausagefest, Stormfart, etc are all dead to me. Dead, I say!
Happy Day Before Black Friday. You can almost hear the hand-rubbing of merchants and advertisers in anticipation of receiving many shekels from the goyim.
She is the daughter of the actor/dancer Russ Tamblyn. An unsuccessfull Jewlywood brat, and a total disgrace to gingers everywhere. She probably things this will help her get work.
She doesn’t need “work”, she married a much older jew funny man, who describes himself on twitter as “human scum”.
I’ll say it again. White liberals have damaged DNA. The Spartans would have kicked them down a well.
Ewww. I knew who she was, but I didn’t know that much about her. I remember being absolutely viscerally repelled by the jew she mated with, every time I saw it on a Talmudvision “comedy”. She was really cute when she was young – and she wound up with that? I don’t want to know what happened….
Enjoy this white supremacist turkey pilgrim dinner while you still can, it might not be available in the near distant and dark future
Wtf theres like 8 dollars worth of whole tomatos on that turkey plate lol
Something tells me that twitter thot Amber is a rich entitled brat who lives in a gated community or a swanky deluxe apartment suite virtue signaling lefty, you just gotta get those twitter brownie points don’t you ya whore! This bitch is still gonna eat thanksgiving dinner tho right?!
The left will never understand that Thanksgiving is not a celebration of the past, it is a celebration of being delivered ftom the past. They truly live very small, miserable lives.
Anglin has some very sage advice, over at the Stormer.
Manly Advice: Do Not Spend the Holidays Trying to Redpill Your Family! Don’t Even Mention Politics!
Keep family close, don’t provoke discord.
But Anglin is going to spend the holiday at his Cambodian jungle compound with his male Japanese sex robots.
What a lame, contrived holiday Thanksgiving is.
But a great excuse to get together with family and friends and be thankful for the things we have.
Not true! Thanksgiving is a beautiful White Holiday, celebrating that blessings that we DO have. My family has gone through outrageous upheaval over the past 2 years – but we’re still alive and kicking. I had a wonderful day, today! The Hubster and I went to a large family and friends gathering White people of all ages. We had more food than an Army could eat. Every dish was delicious! The Hostess was amazing; she had purchased a supply of those foam dinner trays you get at restaurants, when you are taking home leftovers. This was a very efficient way to distribute the surplus of the feast among the guests. There were at least 40 people there, but folks were coming and going all day. So I don’t have an exact count. There were also several adored doggies, who received loads of turkey and attention.
The house was LOADED with beautiful blue eyed blond kiddies. I enjoyed a few games of pool with an enchantingly snarky Tweenager boy, and his terrific Granny, The repartee during the pool games was so engaging that it pulled people away from the Negro Ball games on Talmudvision.
A bunch of the guys are going to a hunting cabin for the week. Ostensibly for deer hunting – but mainly to be GUYS. They will all get their deer; they are excellent hunters – but mainly they get to be GUYS. The women don’t try to make them into anything else. Anyway – I love venison, so I wish them well.
I’m sorry that the day is such a wash out for you, Otto – but Thanksgiving, like most things in life, is what you make it. Try harder next year. And have a lovely Yule!
All the best Denise.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.
And keep your Pride (the White American men in your family) well fed well ready and true to your forefather’s Promises & Responsibilities.
That’s what real Women do.
Just another ZOG holiday that celebrates/observes nothing.
National Tragedy? F*CK OFF. Liberal whining and faux moral outrage no longer impress. Just die, and leave this land to the Whites who created it.
“…when the White man arrived, he found an open wilderness owned, according to the rarely encountered Indian denizens, by no one; because the Red man had not even the concept of property. Like Bedouins or gypsy rovers, the Indians merely camped in a valley until they exhausted its resources, and then moved on to the next. The Indian’s presence in the land was transitory and rootless, without parcel or boundary. They were vagabond savages absent deed, territorial claim, or legal theory of property. Following Christian law, Europeans merely claimed the vacant, ownerless territory bestowed to them by Providence.”
Meanwhile, I’m eating my Thanksgiving meal with the moral certitude and veracity that I AM supremacist over some godless pagan savages, whom God predestined to die, so that MY RACE could live, and multiply and ‘have dominion’ over y’all.
The Pilgrims did NOTHING wrong, iow.
The only thing the Pilgrims did wrong was landing in Massholechusetts instead of Virginia, which is where they were supposed to arrive.
Thanks for the link !
Enjoy a happy Thanksgiving.
Happy Thanksgiving to one and all!
same to you, Denise, HW…and everyone else who stops by here. I am enjoying a delicious home hamburger with cheese and mushrooms smothered in sliced turkey!
and a genuine cherry cola to wash it down.
Haxo – thanks! I love hamburgers. I like turkey with cranberry sauce, though. Cranberry sauce…cranberry sauce…cranberry sauce,…it’s my version of crack cocaine. I don’t like gravies of any kind. I use the cranberry sauce AS a sauce on turkey or chicken.
The cherry cola sounds great! You must be in Dixie. I don’t really like sodas…but a cherry cola is one I do like. I found these sort of arsty fartsy French sodas…they contain lots of herbal thingies. They are more like botanicals. They make a KILLER Ginger drink. You have to cut it with water, or the Uber Ginger would melt your eyeballs out – but it’s delicious. There were plenty of drinks at the Thanksgiving feast I attended – soft drinks, wine, booze, water, fruit juices….I did have a “commercial” ginger ale. It….wasn’t the same. Once you get used to the hard stuff – eye popping Ginger – you can’t go back…..
I do love hamburgers. I love MEAT. Dr. Edward Dutton teaches us that MEAT IS GOOD – especially roast beef. The cheese and mushrooms? Yum! PERFECT.
I hopw you had a wonderful day! Happy Day of Thanks!
I am here in a hotel at a truckstop in Virginia this Thanksgiving. Everyone says Happy Thanksgiving here. It is a popular Holiday, not yet completely jewed, unlike Christmas. BTW, Happy Thanksgiving, and thank you Jesus, for empowering our ancestors to conquer this continent.
Happy Thanksgiving from Central Alabama!
Happy thanksgiving (or Indian genocide Memorial Day, for the lib lurkers)! Hope you all enjoy your food and family today.
Happy Thanksgiving from the sovereign state of North Carolina!!!!!
To the most important people, Americans, in the History of Our common European culture that Time and circumstance have positioned them at this historical crossroads.
The proverbial ‘ball’ is in your court.
So, for the sake & future of us all from European lineage. – You fall we End !
Count your lucky stars, adopt the spirit of your forefathers that chiselled and shaped your land, your past and have truly spiritual Thanksgiving.
May God bless you !
Happy White American Thanksgiving!
I send my very best to our OD family and also to everyone working on or enjoying The Political Cesspool. You folks are the best and yeah, we’re a growing family.
Stay strong and try to stay somewhat sane in this insane world.