If you were wondering if Star Trek: Picard was going to be any different than Star Trek: Discovery, the answer is no. Prepare yourselves for another sermon about liberalism.
“In a way, the world of ‘Next Generation’ had been too perfect and too protected,” he says. “It was the Enterprise. It was a safe world of respect and communication and care and, sometimes, fun.” In “Picard,” the Federation — a union of planets bonded by shared democratic values — has taken an isolationist turn. The new show, Stewart says, “was me responding to the world of Brexit and Trump and feeling, ‘Why hasn’t the Federation changed? Why hasn’t Starfleet changed?’ Maybe they’re not as reliable and trustworthy as we all thought.”
Real-world parallels are not hard to identify. It is one week before the parliamentary election that will see British prime minister and Brexit hardliner Boris Johnson’s Conservatives win a staggering victory over their Labour rivals. And Stewart is not feeling optimistic about the near future.
“I’m not sure which one of us is in the most trouble,” he says of Britain and the United States. “I think it’s actually the U.K. I think we’re f—ed, completely f—ed.” He points to studies predicting decades-long economic damage inflicted by the country’s looming withdrawal from the European Union. Of the U.S., he says, “There is a time limit to your f—ed state, which is four years away.” He expresses hope that “the United States that has given us the Trump administration” can change, but adds, “He will likely get reelected.” …”
“Stewart says, in a post-President Trump and post-Brexit world, the United States and the United Kingdom, in particular, distanced themselves from what the United Federation of Planets — Star Trek‘s fictional interstellar union of planets that share democratic goals — represented.
“The European Union always made me feel, well, we are heading towards our own Federation of Planets somewhere down the line that will come about. And I am angry, disappointed and embarrassed by our decision to leave the Union,” the English-born actor said in an interview with Weekend Edition Sunday.
Much like Picard, Stewart is uninterested in playing a part — fictional or not — if it doesn’t mesh with his beliefs.
It wasn’t until the producers described the transformed landscape they envisioned for Picard that Stewart got on board. “The Federation” has swung isolationist, and the new Picard is very different. …”
Star Trek: Picard is coming out on January 23rd.
It is going to be Patrick Stewart’s personal response to Brexit and Trump.
These calculations are all based on the eu being a constant
Exactly. Most white people are completely unaware of the demographic and IQ disaster that is forthcoming. I’m not sure how much difference it would make with the mass of idiots, though.
The liberal dream of universal centralized control under a wise and benevolent elite never goes away. It just morphs into different forms: the UN, the EU, etc. Anything going away from universal centralization is evil and backwards to those ahistorical, nonsensical idiots. Forcing different tribes together doesn’t work out, because human nature isn’t malleable. It’s a dangerous fantasy to suppose anything else.
And yet, the Jews continue to preach this lie from Hell. And once again, Anglin has an interesting column put forth to discuss the collaboration of our two greatest racial enemies- blacks and Jews- working for our genocide.
Well, Stewart is correct …
Brad, Remove this bastard idiot. NOW.
Why do these people confuse their own preferences with Universalism?
Let A Thousand Flowers Bloom is much more appealing and likely, especially in space, which is essentially anarchic in a way even the Wild West never was!
Yet another film I’m going to pass on.
I just got ST Original Series, Season 2 for Christmas. My kid payed all of $9.00 for it, new. And it’s waaaaayyyy better than ANYTHING out there, and it will not be ‘updated’ or ‘made revelant,’ as they say. Which means it’s going to be good.
Picard? Stewart? An old man, past his useful expiration date. But what can one expect? A man who will stand up for his sodomite ‘friend’ (the ugly old crone who played Gandalf in the LOTR films) is not worth my homage and respect.
Let the dead bury the dead.
Star Trek Original Series was diversity and sexual promescuity propaganda. You just are too brainwashed to notice. Its morality comes straight out of the Swinging Sixties.
Patrick Stewart looked old in Next Generation. He looked old when he made Dune in 1983. He was born an old geezer.
Recently I tried to re-watch Star Trek Next Gen with Patrick Stewart as Captain and couldn’t get past the first few episodes, as it all seems so hokey now. What I do remember is the woman who played Tasha Yar was sexually harrassed on the set by a Jew, and quit the show because of it.
Next generation is incredibly slow paced and geeky, its hard to get into. Can’t go wrong with the original series tho it was more horror then sci-fi always had a easy to follow plot
I am not brainwashed. I am not as stupid and as ignorant of my own era as you presumably are, of yours. It was SARCASM.
I find the kiss between Uhura and Jew Shatner gross today, just as I did when I was a tweener. I find the ‘nazi’ storyline of the episode with Joan Collins as foolish and propagandistic today, as I did then. But it’s STILL better than the crap on TV, or the ST franchise garbage out there, now.
Liberal pozz as a space-opera…
wont be watching this garbage. they wrecked start wars and star trek.
Growing up, I and many of my friends were “Trekkers.” That being said, the kumbaya sentiment from the original Star Trek to the in your face “woke” abominations of Star Trek that came on its coattails has been unmistakable. Gene Roddenberry the creator of the ST franchise was an early race-mixer. Roddenberry and Nichelle Nichols (Lt. Uhura) were lovers, before he met and married Majel Barrett (Nurse Chapel and Troi’s mother Luxanna).
My friends and I enjoyed the interstellar travel and science fiction technology displayed on the show. The writing, writing, and special effects was almost as campy as those on the 60s tv shows Batman and Lost in Space.
The character Jean-Luc Picard has always been the biggest cuck of all the captains in the franchise’s history. He’d wait for an hostile alien race to fire on his ship, before raising its deflector shields or going to red alert/battle stations. Picard combined the worst aspects of libertarianis, and quasi-pacifism that would make even a Swede cringe and disavow.
Patrick Stewart himself is a boomer from cuck island who has long been associating with cuck island homosexuals that he shared the stage with such as Ian Mckellen amongst a plethora of other queers. Captain Picard as portrayed by Stewart was either asexual or on a diet high in salt peter.
Because of lobbying pressure from lgbtq organizations, the character of Lt. Sulu was given a backstory of being a married fag in the Star Trek movie reboots because the original actor to play Sulu is a fag IRL.
Perhaps, in Star Trek: Picard, Stewart’s character can undergo gender reassignment surgery, which in all honesty is 100x more pozzed than when Picard was transformed into a Borg.
“A diet high in salt peter,” and Picard undergoing transsexual surgery? LOL!! The only good thing I got out of the original ST was reading somewhere that Roddenberry saw Kirk’s character as “a Hornblower of the stars.” I liked that Kirk was a savvy warrior and a cocksmith (like Horatio, as I later found out), but the UN-in-the-galaxy turned me off, so after awhile I picked up C.S. Forester’s Horatio Hornblower novels, which were much more satisfying for me than watching the adventures of a multicultural utopian starship.
Kirk has already been a woman – in “Turnabout Intruder” the final episode of the sixties series. He swapped bodies with a crazed ex-girlfriend.
Very interesting information. I had never seen that black woman in Star Trek in any other American movie or TV show. I have watched the original Star Trek with the great over acting Shatner. It is generally funny and not to be taken seriously. The stages look like a junior/high school play. Pretty entertaining however.
When I was younger I really liked the one with the Tribbles.
The other Star Treks that followed? Not interested.
Your an old soul, if I didn’t know better, I’d suspect reincarnation. Do you suffer deja vu occasionally? Haha.
About the famous and popular “Trouble with Tribbles” episode. At the end, Chief engineer Montgomery Scott transported the Tribbles onto the Klingon ship. If you notice, Klingons in the 60s didn’t exhibit the brow ridges they have in later series. It is a running joke and speculation that the Tribbles who dislike Klingons were responsible for causing their skulls to morph, as an adaptation to the severe headaches the sound Tribbles made.
One of the funniest spoofs of the original Star Trek series was on an episode of “The Wonder Years.” In a fantasy sequence, the middle age protagonist plays Captain Kirk exactly as ‘hammy’ as Shatner did. If you can find it, I think you’d enjoy it too. The subject matter was the battle of the sexes.
Here’s a short clip of that “Wonder Years ” episode. I think you’ll understand the narrative and joke.
That was a funny spoof. The first Star Trek does lend itself to comedy even though they were serious while filming it.
Before the spoof when that boy was breaking up with the blonde girl and he said we could still be friends I had to laugh. Even before she hit him it was obvious you do not tell a girl that nonsense. How and why can school students be just friends? A guy cannot just ditch us and pretend everything is okay.
The boy and girl seem young to be dating. Ignoring that I would have sabotaged his locker or got some guys to lean on him some.
Star Trek is known in Mexico as Viaje a las estrellas if I remember correctly. I only saw a few of them when I was younger. You have to remember American movies and TV shows are shipped out to many countries in the world. Old American movies and TV shows are more popular than you might imagine.
I in general do not watch current movies. I will go with friends or while escorting younger brothers and sisters to see some of the super hero movies and the cartoon movies but I find them boring. They are predictable and too much fantasy.
This is one of the reasons why other countries know more about you than you know about us. The perception we get is not accurate perhaps.
I have never heard of the Wonder Years.
I meant to write acting where I wrote writing twice in a row. Oppsie daisy.
I like Patrick Stewart’s work as the voice of Avery Bullock on American Dad. But I no longer pay attention to any celebrity’s opinions on anything, because they inevitably annoy the hell out of me.
Gene Roddenberry was a globalist. I always rooted for the Klingons anyway. They had honor and better looking ships. What is the United Federation of Planets but a interstellar United Nations. It extols the liberal idea of diversity- a few non-whites but in a majority white setting. We know now that is not the reality of diversity. You know by the 23rd entirety whites will be lucky to even exist much less travel the stars-unless of course someone builds an Ethno-State. I always thought it strange that the Enterprise was USS because it was not an American ship but should have been UFS-United Federation Ship. I am told Roddenberry has an affair with the person playing Uhura.
it’s just all propaganda to push political global “messianic” Shivaism-Yahwism despotic monarchy (rev 12:5) contra true kin-nation sovereignty :: see for yourself::
In reality, space is an extremely dangerous and hostile environment where political correctness and multiculturalism would get everyone killed. Only the most intelligent and logical men would be able to survive beyond low-Earth orbit. Hollywood scream-queens like SILVERFAG would be jettisoned out of the airlock.
Was hoping Frakes was gonna direct this one cause I enjoyed star trek generations and first contact, he has pretty good knowledge of the star trek universe old and new. Looks like two heebs are mostly behind this one Akiva Goldsman and Alex Kurtzman so prepare for more pc nonsense
J.J. Abrams was the director for the Star Trek movie reboots. Enough said.
I actually didn’t mind his reboot film, I had just saw it two weeks ago. It wasn’t bad, definitely no masterpiece but my only critique of it is young spock having black uhura be his girlfriend that isn’t exactly part of old trek canon i dont believe and them adding the beastie boys song sabotage to a chase scene in the film was so out of place, we don’t need rock or rap music in the star trek universe this isn’t marvel… Haven’t seen Into darkness yet
A tv critic described Patrick Stewart on his 1987 debut playing Picard as a ‘grim, bald crank’. Now he’s back, grimmer, balder and crankier!