1,321 Americans died today of COVID-19.
Canada: 1.3%
USA: 2.6%
Mexico: 3.3%
Brazil: 4.1%
Ecuador: 4.3%
Egypt: 6.7%
Iran: 6.19%
Philippines: 4.5%
Indonesia: 9.1%
Sweden: 5.8%
Italy: 12.25%
Spain: 9.3%
France: 10%
Germany: 1.3%
Netherlands: 9.4%
UK: 9.8%
Japan: 2.4%
India: 2.8%
South Korea: 1.7%
The case fatality rate of the common flu is less than 0.1%. Even if there are millions of undiagnosed asymptomatic cases of coronavirus, the common flu is nowhere close to as deadly as coronavirus. 5,711 Americans don’t die in a week from the common flu. Ever.
COVID-19 is now the third leading cause of death in the United States. It has become the deadliest infectious disease in the world. It took only two weeks.
This is the first time in like 15 years that I have laughed at something on The Daily Show. I needed a laugh. It has been a brutal day. We received our shipment of 5,000 rotted masks from the National Strategic Stockpile. We are governed by people who can’t tell the difference between SARS and the flu. It is pitiful to watch but there is where we are at with the mainstream Right.
You’re an idiot Brad. You are not pro white you are just another jew stooge.
The rubber is about to hit the road Brad and you have proven you are worthless trash. Someone should beat you until you shit your pants.;
The jew flu is fake and only 75 IQ morons can’t tell. You should go back to reading what other people write and then giving your take because you have zero critical thinking skills when it comes to producing your own stuff.
Anyone claiming the jew flu is real is an enemy of the white race Brad. Now fuck off and die.
Ok, James.
What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be on Daily Stormer?
I prefer to call that place “Twinks for Trump”.
Mr. Scott’s emotional maturity IQ is well within the range of the average Daily ‘Sperger fan, HW.
I am afraid, Sir, that The Daily Stormer would be a bit too Libertarian and Zio-apologist for the exceedingly reticient Mr. Scott…
The funny thing is Anglin’s articles were all about how everyone was going to die and so on right up until it hit the economy (therefore hitting Trump’s reelection chances), after which he changed narrative to “just a flu/hoax” and shilling for Trump right in line with conservative inc. It is about as strong of evidence you can get that DS is part of the outer Republican party ecosystem (same as vdare and that whole faileocon milieu). They are essentially the edgy 90s mountain dew style branding aimed at young Republicans.
You can’t make a blind man see. Only God can do that.
Dont worry Hunter.He is not serious,he probably took a hit on the stock market and is venting about it.
Occidental Dissent is never mentioned at the Daily Stormer.
He sounds more like an acolyte of Kyle Hunt to me.
If the wuhan flu is fake, go out licking doorknobs and handrails you ignorant fool then try to tell me its fake, its bacteria related hence the worldwide pandemic you short sighted moron
Perhaps you can lead your own movement seeing you are such a stalwart example of conversation and debate. How is brad a jew stooge? he literally critiques these bastards all the time and the heebs want nothing more for things to go back to normal no one is spending shekels while the stores are closed
‘Can’t we all just get along’
Tho I disagree with Hunter as well about corona-chan, I see the nature of this issue as creating sharp disagreement with good people on both sides
We have to be able to disagree with others more calmly, when they are not our enemies, but rather people who will be compatriots in struggle when things really go down, and we no longer have the luxury of arguing on the interwebz, as we still have for maybe only a brief time longer
And I appreciate Hunter letting me and others post here about:
Cohorts of physicians agreeing it’s basically just the flu redux;
CDC guidelines pushing doctors to say it’s covid even if they can just ‘assume it slightly contributed’ to the death by heart attack cancer diabetes etc with not even a test performed;
Families of dead people denying media saying their deceased loved one had anything to do with covid;
and so on
Perhaps better people than me can “just get along”. We will never win the war of righteousness in the company of degenerates. I gave them the benefit of the doubt as a potent online army but they have debased themselves to the point where I completely disavow. I’d rather die than live with dishonor. For our boys however, who are gainfully working in our community cutting grass, cleaning gutters, and various household projects for untaxed cash? God Bless America. This is how it’s done. Never trusted the up & down arrows on screens anyway. What’s in your house is what you own.
Fair points but it is hard to agree to disagree when one side supports the unlimited tyranny and control of the people by the same evil Satanists they would claim are trying to genocide us. How does that not make them all on the same side?
These “emergency powers” are now well-established without dissent. It has now been proven without a doubt everybody will comply and snitch on those who don’t whenever the government determines everybody needs to be locked down, disallowed to make a living or anything else they decree necessary. Next time they will go door-to-door killing you. Read Revelation you dumbasses.
Let me guess: these same rightwing Marxist retards will say you have no right to be a biological weapon and refuse to take the “vaccine” — a vaccine concocted and profited from by the same evil globo-homo corporations they rail about daily.
I am embarrassed to have ever given any of you an ounce of credibility. True colors.
I’m willing to bet there were people beclowning themselves like James Snott during the Black Death, too.
I’m sure HW most people posting on here would never see the light of day posting on ( The Pagan Sun Worshippers site , (Renegade Tribune) Hope those vitamin D supplements can beat the Chem Trail sun blockers, they rave about causing defective health fighting the virus.
Thanks for an open discussion HW!
Stay safe all, make the best of your off time, and do some spring cleaning!
Hunter is a very good man.
The paganism and anti-Christian sentiment from Kyle and Renegade is the only gripe I have. Other than not, Kyle is right on the money on just about everything.
Kyle Hunt proved himself less than brilliant when he claimed Brenton Tarrant was picking up pre-positioned magazines off the Mosque floor. He also does not allow dissenting viewpoints like Hunter does, which is a sign of weakness.
Enjoying the updates. Thanks a bunch.
China must pay.
Wuhan is a city the size of DFW, as soon as the authoritarians locked it down I knew we were screwed.
Hunter’s not a bad guy. He simply, ( like all other alt right outlets, ) is just one guy and can’t know everything. Too bad we don’t have ONE news site with ONLY the news we need broken down in Cliff Note brevity. I know. Unfortunately we have to comb through 7 to 10 sites to get the relevant nuggets we NEED.
This site – like Mc Spencer Group and others – WILL have egg on their face before the clock strikes May 1st.
Solution : Get Jesus, then you’ll get wisdom. Then you’ll distill all the info you see and hear down to a perfect list ( not influenced by Satan, who you allow into your soul by not being Christian, ) that helps move the white south in the direction you want.
“Get jesus, then you’ll get wisdom.” LOL wrong christard.
Loser. You’ll be in Hell for eternity … your choice though athitard. You have this short little time to make the choice and you’ve chosen. Aaaallll this information around you proving the bible’s 100 % true but nope … that’s not important to you. Well you’re not alone. There are a LOT of dumb asses and trolls on this site. They’ll be there with you too. Enjoy.
The medical industrial complex is infested with and controlled by greedy Jews as much as any other facet or institution of our society. That includes the corrupt CDC, which has been caught red-handed lying about vaccine studies, and is part of a revolving door with big pharma. They are staffed by people whose objective is to make money for the pharmaceutical industry. That is just for starters.
Now please tell me why someone in our movement, who fully understands the nature of our situation and specifically the Jewish Question, would trust the medical industrial complex. Why, when you look around and see malicious Jews controlling every one of our institutions, would you decide the medical industrial complex must somehow be an exception? To do that requires an enormous amount of cognitive dissonance.
The Coronavirus scare is an epidemic of testing.
There is no proof that a virus is being detected by the test, and there is absolutely no concern about whether there are a significant number of false positives.
Something to do while quarantined: https://www.heraldstandard.com/sports/outdoors/birding-for-the-homebound-in-this-time-of-forced-confinement-take-pleasure-and-inspiration-in/article_49b27230-747e-11ea-b6eb-07f7b4f411ad.html
The Herald Standard is an old newspaper going back to the 1790’s, originally named the “Genius of Liberty”. In the past it was the newspaper of record along the Mason-Dixon Line from Hagerstown, MD to Morgantown (W)VA, and south to Clarksburg (W)VA.
It may be overly optimistic, but I hold hope that this will be the death of True Conservatism.
As a student of history, I have always been fascinated by societies that placed honor and virtue above self-interest and expediency. The phrase “Fall on your sword” has come down to us through the ages because there were once honorable men in such societies who, rather then bring shame upon their families and their nations, decided to commit suicide by “falling upon their swords” when they had been deceitful or grossly incompetent.
How I miss such men.
If we lived in such a society, Trump, Pence, 2/3 of Congress and the Senate, many governors, and other state officials would do the only honorable thing left to do: they would fall upon their swords (or use other means) to end their miserable lives and shameful deceit and incompetence.
Sadly, we do not live in a society that values honor.
So, those who played the lyre as Rome burned in a contagion of a devastating pathogen will, without shame or irony, declare their intentions for re-election to political office and claim that they “saved” us.
Amen Geir. Your post lifted my spirits.
Without mentioning you by name Colonel Anglin took a swipe at you in his latest editorial, HW. He basically said that people like you should know better than to fall for the Corona flu hoax and that you’re needlessly alarming your readers. How do you respond to that charge? Are you going to beat him up?
Unlike Andrew Anglin, I am not a moron.
I don’t think Anglin is a moron so much as he’s an obvious operative/provocateur.
Andrew Anglin is triple a moron, race traitor and obvious operative.
Israel: 7 million Jews 2 million non Jews
How many deaths?
Is that how molecules work? They know who to ravage and who not?
You cant go to church in Alabama but this is the social distance in New York:
“Mass graves” in Brazil!
China open for business:
China sending US ventilators: shouldn’t they be ravaged by this? 100,000s if not millions of deaths? How can they spare ventilators?
PS ventilators are killing people, they aren’t using intermediate steps such as CPAP or AVAPs in NY because it might “spread the virus” – is this new medicine? No more non invasive ventilation for viruses? Or just this magic virus?
It’s all so tiresome.
Ahh Jew! Blame everyone except ourselves for what we fail to do. Pro-Tip… It wasn’t making money. Act like one, become one. #MAGA
Yes lets blame it on the Chinese. The American Empire does no wrong ever ever ever. Hmmmm. I’ll say the history books will tell different because it happened globally. The Empire will put it down as China caused it but the rest of the World will think different. It was a complete failure of government and the medical industry. 100% globally including China. That’s why this problem happened. Deo Vindice !
Yes lets blame it on the Chinese. The American Empire does no wrong ever ever ever. Hmmmm.
Certainly we should have some empathetic understanding of the tragic misfortunes that China has been through in just over the last 100 years, in fairly large measure due to the American – and of course, British Empire (the partners in crime).
For one thing, the wicked opium trade, which was pushed by Britain, and their soul-mates in New England, the ‘Boston Brahmins’, in the 19th century, was catastrophic to the lives of millions of average, non-elite Chinese peasants (the Qing dynasty, China’s leaders before the 1911 revolution of Sun Yat Sen, were not ethnic Han Chinese but Manchurian). This was a major factor in the Chinese nationalist-inspired Boxer Rebellion.
Secondly, and even more tragic, was America’s role in tragically betraying Chiang Kai-shek and the Nationalist forces in the Chinese Civil War to the communists, and helping to install, and solidify the regime of the mass-murderer Mao.
It was the famine-inducing policies of Mao, in particular the “Great Leap Forward” (,Yes lets blame it on the Chinese. The American Empire does no wrong ever ever ever. Hmmmm.
Certainly we should have some empathetic understanding of the tragic misfortunes that China has been through in just over the last 100 years, in fairly large measure due to the American – and of course, British Empire (the partners in crime).
For one thing, the wicked opium trade, which was pushed by Britain, and their soul-mates in New England, the ‘Boston Brahmins’, in the 19th century, was catastrophic to the lives of millions of average, non-elite Chinese peasants (the Qing dynasty, China’s leaders before the 1911 revolution of Sun Yat Sen, were not ethnic Han Chinese but Manchurian). This was a major factor in the Chinese nationalist-inspired Boxer Rebellion.
Secondly, and even more significantly tragic, was America’s role in betraying Chiang Kai-shek and the Nationalist forces during the Chinese Civil War to the communists, and helping to install, and solidify the power and the regime of the mass-murderer Mao:
China Betrayed Into Communism – The New American
It was the famine-inducing policies of Mao, in particular the “Great Leap Forward” (estimated 18-45 million deaths), which reduced so many Chinese to eating anything they could find, in attempting not to starve to death, perhaps understanding a little better the reason and history of some of their unfortunate culinary habits.
Coming out of this, middle class Americans’ savings will have been plundered and all Americans’ standards of living will be less. The whole thing was a bubble and about to burst, but now it will be blamed on the virus, not on our greedy elite. And Americas will accept that.
It’s the end of the world as we know it. But this site was created and is so popular, because there is an overall consensus that the world as we know it is run by the greedy, corrupt, and incompetent.
Brad, while I sympathize and – to a point – even empathize with your bitter disappointment with Trump, I suspect it’s gotten to the point where its bordering on Trump Derangement Syndrome.
After all, Trump only tried to get away with what Obama got away with during the SARS outbreak. Ignore the whole thing and let herd immunity deal with it, which it did eventually.
Trump’s true failure in judgment was not recognizing that he did not have the latitude of a lapdog press in his hip pocket willing to ignore any mishandling or oversights in every effort to prop him as the best president imaginable.
I do think COVID-19 is serious but the lapse in judgment was shared by what passes as the West’s political leadership on both the Democrats R the Real Racists retards of True Conservatism Inc and the Cultural Marxists of the Left.
Part of that lapse was buying into the favorable stereotype of High IQ Asians even pushed by the Human Biodiversity cult of White Nationalism. Even presented with the gruesome facts of how the Chinese eat and their stomach-churning wet markets, even White Nationalists thought the Chinese would have been smart enough to see causality between the latest disease and their unhygienic food preparation practices.
Obviously high IQ intelligent people lacking any imagination whatsoever never learn from their mistakes, because no sooner did the immediate crisis abate than the wet markets are back to business as usual.
Anyone familiar with this peculiar culture – which neither wing of the Treason Lobby composed of RNC Cheap Labor nor DNC Easy Voters were – would have figured out PDQ that this COVID-19 virus was created in a lab (either for nefarious or eugenic purposes) and that some greedy, enterprising lab technicians probably took the lab animals infected with the virus and sold them to their own wet markets. No doubt they ended up being consumed by Wuhan residents and a world wide pandemic was set off.
Where I take issue with both Tony Martel and Hunter Wallace is that you seem to be shouting RNC versus DNC Talking Points at each other rather than taking a Cafeteria Approach and crafting White Nationalist Talking Points to effect policy.
Hunter, while I do not doubt COVID-19 is serious, the Usual Suspects are over-hyping it. A COPD sufferer I know recently died but she was suffering from two forms of viral pneumonia and bronchitis and her baseline was maybe a step or two above death as it was. Under current reporting, her death would be solely chalked up to COVID. They are doing that with ALL patients who test positive for COVID regardless of if or whether they had any comorbidities.
The fact that the health experts are not doing more than merely emphasizing social distance and hand-washing I find suspicious. The one thing that should be stressed besides personal hygiene is keeping your immune system strong with healthy diet, and supplements that fortify your body’s immune response. DIabetics are vulnerable to COVID for example. Vitamin D from sunshine and fresh air helps fight this, along with walking or some other activity which exercises the lungs. Yet people are being guilt-tripped (when they are not being strong-armed) into locking themselves indoors with no sunlight and very little ventilation.
Why do White Nationalists compose the only group out there who is prone to “let a good crisis go to waste?”
Hunter, how is blaming Trumpistas and only them for this debacle not disingenuous when Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer were telling people not to be racist xenophobes and telling them to go to Chinatown and have a good meal? How about the silly leftist Italian government guilt-tripping their citizenry into virtue-signaling by hugging a masked Asian?
Tony, why has an elite, which has historically been pretty cavalier about allowing MS-13 gang members run their drugs into the country and are perfectly happy to turn a blind eye to all kinds of potential “Typhoid Mary’s” bringing back bed bugs, typhus, tuberculosis and even leprosy freaking out over CoVid? Because many of them are getting it, that’s why. Its followed our most “essential” government personnel down into their underground bunkers.
Now, you may suspect what I do. This CV-19 is being used as ass-cover in an overheated economy with a huge bubble which was about to crash anyway. That, under cover of this huge bailout, trillions will end up in private accounts on the Cayman Island. They don’t dare do another bank bailout like they did in 2008-2009, especially of this magnitude, because they are afraid the citizenry would burn Washington down in their outrage. We are probably both right.
There are remedies for that. One of them is a debt reset and what was used to be called in the Old Testament as a jubilee. Every debtor nation (and that covers about all of them) can tell the creditors to go pound sand. They can refuse to recognize the old currency and print new currency. Like Lincoln did with the Greenbacks. I think it would be funny if, in the end, the thieves ended up with nothing but a bunch of worthless paper on their hands.
But in the meantime, the one talking point that needs to be stressed at every town hall is that at the turn of the last century, it was SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) for immigrants to be quarantined and vetted at Ellis Island before they were permitted to enter this country.
My own grandmother went through three quarantines, one before leaving her country of national origin, the second when she got ill near the end of the voyage; she was not allowed to leave the ship, and then the third and last time a quarantine on Ellis Island before she was allowed to live in the country.
We need to build a fence on both our northern and southern borders and have special points of entry for new immigrants with their own versions of Ellis Island to quarantine and process them. If so-called people of color find that new policy too racist and onerous, they can feel free to remain home.
Refugees do not have to come to the United States to be helped more quickly and efficiently. We can pay countries with similar cultures and demographics to take them in. We could have paid Armenia to take in Christian Arabs, for example.
We can eliminate birthright citizenship and chain migration.
We can institute e-verify for housing as well as employment.
We can resurrect a Public Charge Prohibition which would make accessing social services for ten years a deportable offense.
IOW, we need to go back to what worked before. What was in place when the vast majority of immigrants came from Whites in Europe.
This is an election year. The more we can marry this COVID disaster to political correctness and a lax immigration system that does not vet nor quarantine nw arrivals, the quicker we can move the Overton Window to our POV.
Tony and Hunter, you both seem to be smart young men, don’t buy the whole DNC versus RNC “Happy Meal,” be more flexible and take a cafeteria approach, if you will. If you can come to a consensus based on “Is it good for the Whites,” you can come up with a plan and get the leadership you need to implement that plan.
“We need to build a fence on both our northern and southern borders and have special points of entry for new immigrants with their own versions of Ellis Island to quarantine and process them.”
How about no immigration at all civ nat?
This is the most sensible, realistic, and comprehensive comment on corvid-19 specifically and a mature viewpoint for dissident rightists who want to be effective in 2020 America I have ever seen, here or elsewhere. Bravo, sir. Hunter, take what this commenter says to heart. I know I will.
Everyone is going to die this week. Millions upon millions. All dead. Corona Chan is bigger than the black death, bigger than Noah’s Flood, bigger than the Tower of Babel, Bigger Than The Holy Of Holies Hoax. We are all dead men. Hunter told us!!!