"The virus … in theory when it gets a little warmer, it miraculously goes away. Hope that's true!" — Trump's comments about the coronavirus are tragicomically uninformed pic.twitter.com/knjE3eUCxx
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) February 11, 2020
Weekly number of deaths in The Netherlands during 25 years. Unprecedented rise in mortality rate despite strong and probably effective contrl measures. Some areas are affected much harder than other. @V2019N pic.twitter.com/rDZ8ktiBc7
— jan kluytmans. (@jankluytmans) April 10, 2020
Here are the latest numbers:
The South: 4/11
MS: 2,642 cases, 93 deaths
AL: 3,262 cases, 93 deaths
SC: 3,207 cases, 80 deaths
GA: 12,261 cases, 432 deaths
TX: 13,205 cases, 267 deaths
FL: 18,986 cases, 446 deaths
LA: 20,014 cases, 806 deaths
AR: 1,228 cases, 25 deaths
KY: 1,840 cases, 94 deaths
OK: 1,868 cases, 94 deaths
WV: 591 cases, 6 deaths
VA: 5,077 cases, 130 deaths
MO: 4,042 cases, 114 deaths
NC: 4,355 cases, 87 deaths
TN: 5,114 cases, 101 deaths
U.S. cases:
3/1: 89
3/8: 564
3/9: 728
3/10: 1,000
3/11: 1,267
3/12: 1,645
3/13: 2,204
3/14: 2,826
3/15: 3,505
3/16: 4,466
3/17: 6,135
3/18: 8,760
3/19: 13,159
3/20: 18,563
3/21: 26,138
3/22: 33,276
3/23: 46,371
3/24: 55,041
3/25: 68,203
3/26: 85,873
3/27: 104,671
3/28: 123,578
3/29: 142,070
3/30: 164,248
3/31: 188,530
4/1: 215,003
4/2: 244,877
4/3: 277,161
4/4: 311,357
4/5: 336,673
4/6: 367,004
4/7: 400,355
4/8: 434,927
4/9: 468,566
4/10: 502,876
4/11: 532,879 <— YOU ARE HERE
U.S. deaths per day:
2/29: 1
3/2: 5
3/3: 3
3/4: 2
3/5: 1
3/6: 3
3/7: 4
3/8: 3
3/9: 4
3/10: 4
3/11: 8
3/12: 3
3/13: 8
3/14: 8
3/15: 11
3/16: 18
3/17: 23
3/18: 41
3/19: 57
3/20: 49
3/21: 46
3/22: 111
3/23: 140
3/24: 225
3/25: 247
3/26: 268
3/27: 411
3/28: 525
3/29: 363
3/30: 573
3/31: 912
4/1: 1,049
4/2: 968
4/3: 1,321
4/4: 1,331
4/5: 1,165
4/6: 1,255
4/7: 1,970
4/8: 1,940
4/9: 1,900
4/10: 2,035
4/11: 1,830 <— YOU ARE HERE
TOTAL: 20,577 dead

Just the flu, bro.
10,000 people a week normally die of the flu in April.

The jewish leader of the US response (((fauci))) in a medical journal:
“This suggests that the overall clinical consequences of Covid-19 may ultimately be more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza (which has a case fatality rate of approximately 0.1%) or a pandemic influenza (similar to those in 1957 and 1968) rather than a disease similar to SARS or MERS, which have had case fatality rates of 9 to 10% and 36%, respectively.”
This is while ‘hunter wallace’ claims it is worse than SARS. This (((fauci))) has been forced to revise the death-toll down, to an estimated 60000, he/it says one thing to the American public while quite another thing in a medical journal.
Also, as I have already said, there are questions about validity. That is, what do these numbers ‘hunter wallace’ keeps posting without comment actually represent, how are they measured? etc. What is the test measuring. And more. Validity.
Maybe ‘hunter’ should take a look in the mirror.
And also give a straight answer to the question ‘was Christ jewish according to the modern use of the term”.
As certain goofballs and trolls watch this, ask yourselves, “what if Hillary were in?” Your next question, ( you dumbasses you, ) is what will happen if we don’t re elect Trump.
LOL. Fauci is an Italian Roman Catholic, and he has all the attributes of an Italian Roman Catholic. Namely he is obviously highly excitable, and prone to exaggeration. Almost a caricature of an Italian. Being an Italian Roman Catholic he believes in all sorts of crazy Catholic stuff. He’s probably where he is to keep Cuomo, Pelosi, Gilibrand, Durbin, Casey and all the other Catholic politicians happy.
Fauci is not necessarily a malevolent force. But, he is what you get in the major cities, where the Jews and the Italians work together to set policy.
Me, I would rather see a cool, level headed WASP in charge, but, political correctness rules that out.
No turning back now!
I think it is obvious to allllll of us that the bottom is giving way!!!
Weimar America, here we come! Virus Hysteria adds $10 trillion to the National Debt – Mike Whitney | The Unz Review
And just (((who))) is that money going to be owed to, with massive compound interest, no less…?!?
I remember reading these charts back when you started doing them for China. I was such a fool to think that this country, which is run by idiots, would be minimally affected by this.
If Melania, Kate, The Queen, and newscasters had appeared in masks in February the toll would have halved. If the president had gone around in one the Magatards would have copied. If Boris had done so he’d have also made it a trend.
Numbering the people.. in a time of pandemic, and the decade of the Census.
What does God say about both of these things?
Here’s a catholic (!) response -just for equal time:
“In Wednesday’s Mass, at the first reading from 2 Samuel 24, we hear the Story of How King David ordered a census to be taken. David’s general Joab strongly cautioned the King against such a measure, but David insisted on it anyway. Upon completion of the census the Prophet Gad informed David of God’s anger and intention to punish David and all Israel for this sin. God offered David the choice of a three year famine, three months of military fight from Israel’s enemies, or 3 day’s pestilence. David chose the three day’s pestilence, figuring it was better to fall by God’s hand than an enemy’s. 70,000 people died.
What’s wrong with a Census? – Rather than simply reinvent the wheel, I would like to point out that Sr. Ann Shields does a good job explaining what was wrong with David’s call for a census… In effect she focuses on David’s lack of trust. For God had called David to trust in God, not in man, not in numbers. Sister rightfully points out that we have a tendency to rely too much on numbers. We tend to think that something is good, or right or successful, based on how many people attended, or how many support a cause or view. Of this tendency we must be very careful. Is our power or rightness rooted in numbers, in popularity, in profit, or in God? David in counting his people is, it would seem, seeking confidence in his numbers, rather than God, and this is a sin…”
– http://blog.adw.org/2012/02/whats-so-sinful-about-a-census-and-why-did-israel-get-punished-for-something-david-did/
And not a word about Pascha/Easter, Brad.
So, that is where your heart is……Just sayin’
Christ is Risen. Glorify Ye Him.
Meanwhile….Vhat are you complaining about, goyim???
Just remember the schmaltzy time vee had in the “great war” ,where the tribe sacrificed tens of millions of your racist white ancestors to create a world for the jew.
I often find myself agreeing with a lot of what Gene Simmons says.