About Hunter Wallace 12400 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Great recommendation. Youre killing it on this site. Southern greetings and prayers for your health.

  2. About nine centuries before the Christian era, according to our ancient annalists, Tigearnmas, monarch of Ireland, of the race of Heremon, was the ?rst who introduced Druidism and the worship of idols into Ireland;

    and it is stated, that while worshipping the idol Crom Cruach, the chief deity of the Irish Druids, along with a vast assemblage of his subjects at Magh Sleacht in Breifne, on the feast of Samhuin, (one of their deities, the day dedicated to whose rites was the same as the last day of October), he himself, with three-fourths of his people, were struck dead by lightning, as a punishment from heaven for his introduction of idolatry into the kingdom.

    Magh Sleachta signi?es either the Plain of Adoration, or the Plain of Slaughter, and obtained its name from the Druidical rites performed there, or from the human sacri?ces which the Pagan Irish offered up to the deities of Druidism, as the Canaanites offered up their’s to Moloch.

    In this place stood a famous temple of the Druids, with the great idol Crom Cruach surrounded by twelve minor idols, composed of pillar stones, and decorated with heads of gold.

    This temple and its idols were destroyed by St. Patrick, who erected a church on its site. Of these events accounts are given in the Life of St. Patrick by Jocelyn the monk, in Cambrensis Eversus, O’Flaherty’s Ogygia, and Vallancy’s Collectanea.

    Magh Sleacht was situated in the present barony of Mohill, county of Leitrim, and afterwards received the name of Fiodhnach, which may signify a wild or woody district. Fenagh in after ages had a celebrated monastery and college, and was long famous as a seat of learning and religion. 

    Cromleacs of huge stones and other Druidical remains are to be seen at Fenagh to this day.


    • Read the Vedas and know where are religous tradition comes from. It’s not Christianity and Judaism.

      • There are claims that the Vedas are at least three thousand, and perhaps as much as nearly four thousand years old. For that I say “Bullshit”.

        All of the supposed proof is only conjecture on the part of certain linguists with fanciful imaginations.

        The oldest written records of the Vedas are not even a thousand years old, and no one can confidently attest to the development of either the language or the literature up until that time.

        So we have little knowledge of the true origins of the Vedas, and even less knowledge about the circumstances or motivations behind their creation.

        Therefore, while they certainly may arouse our curiosity, we cannot accept them as any historical or religious authority whatsoever.

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