
Why have our efforts come to naught?

Why is the Black Lives Matter movement which burned the American flag and the Bible last night in Portland the most popular and celebrated social movement of our times?

The answer is an elite consensus. Black Lives Matter and Antifa are officially backed and sponsored by established progressive elites. Conservative elites, however, do not back and sponsor our movement because of consensus antiracism. The post-World War II era in every Western country was fundamentally built on the repression of “racism,” “nationalism,” “fascism” and “totalitarianism.”

As I have thought more about it, I have become increasingly convinced that this elite consensus was formed in the 1940s during World War II. This consensus was that the postwar world would be built on liberalism, antiracism, cosmopolitanism and modernism. In particular, antiracism or a sense of self loathing, loss of confidence or disenchantment with our civilization became the fundamental driving idea of the epoch that followed and which began in 1945. It was a reaction to the excesses of the previous Romantic age that had culminated in the World Wars of the 20th century. In much the same way, the Enlightenment had been a reaction to the Reformation and the Wars of Religion and the Romantic era had been a reaction to the Enlightenment and the Wars of Revolution.`

The Zeitgeist dominates large chapters of Western history. It plays itself out in every aspect of society which it reshapes in its image: religion, philosophy, politics and ethics, art, literature and music, science and public monuments. Eventually, however, usually somewhere between 80 and 130 years into each age, the elite consensus of every age ossifies and becomes decadent, the strain of old ideas grows and society begins to crack, extremism rises and the order combusts into violence. In our own times, we can see this happening with Antifa and Black Lives Matter, which are cheered on by established elites because they are a crude crystallization of liberalism, antiracism, cosmopolitanism and modernism.

There are always independent minded dissenters in every era who stand outside the elite consensus which gives them a unique perspective on it. They can perceive the slow moving catastrophe as it builds momentum. For this reason, they are disliked and repressed as a menace to society. Catastrophe is never averted and each time it happens it grows out of a decadent elite consensus. Therefore, we can predict that the post-World War II era will combust and end in a similar civilization wide catastrophe between the 2020s and 2050s. The outcome will reset the West through the rest of the 21st century.

Note: If I am wrong, then I will know by the time I am 70 years old.

About Hunter Wallace 12412 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I think it’s coming much quicker than we might otherwise think.

    And I think China will play a role in pushing the dominoes.

    Perhaps Russia will pick up the pieces of European civilization and restore some kind of order.

    • It seems unlikely the elites can keep this dog and pony show alive much longer, they have spent, borrowed and pledged everything in sight and now the cupboard is bare.

      ” . . . Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
      Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
      The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
      The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
      The best lack all conviction, while the worst
      Are full of passionate intensity. . . “

  2. People between the ages of 10 and 20 years old are the most susceptible to propaganda.

    Those who are alive during a major crisis, but too young to be soldiers, will for the rest of their lives be fanatical supporters of the propaganda that defined their childhood. Their moral certainty will dominate other generations raised during normal times, and their power will increase as the get older, richer and advance within society’s hierarchies – but eventually they become decrepit and die, and society loses the anchor which that generation’s moral certainty provided, leading to a new crisis.

    For instance, the generation of George II and the Duke of Newcastle were children during the Glorious Revolution, and the principles of the Glorious Revolution reached their maximum development when that generation was at the peak of its powers in the late 1750s. As that generation died out, the Glorious Revolution consensus dissolved, leading to the American Revolution.

    Andrew Jackson’s generation were children during the American Revolution, grew to be its most fanatical supporters, and defined the direction of America until the late 1840s.

    Those who were children during the next crisis, the Civil War/Reconstruction, would define their political lives through a quest for the re-unification of White Northerners and White Southerners, including a reconciliation of the heart. Teddy Roosevelt is a good example of this generation. The most successful movies of early Hollywood – Birth of a Nation, Gone With the Wind, even Grapes of Wrath, were those which catered to this mindset and portrayed White Southerners positively. Civil rights for Black Americans was an issue which threatened to derail this reconciliation, and as such had no chance of success as long as this generation was alive.

    We are now being ruled by the Soros generation, people who were children during WW2 – younger than the “greatest generation”, but older than the “baby-boomers”. They are willing to create an artificial great depression to preserve the remnant of their own lives from the Corona virus, and they will allow anarchy in every major city to prevent “Nazis” from having any freedom of speech or assembly.

  3. Why have our efforts come to naught?
    Why is the Black Lives Matter movement which burned the American flag and the Bible last night in Portland the most popular and celebrated social movement of our times?
    This consensus was that the postwar world would be built on liberalism, antiracism, cosmopolitanism and modernism. In particular, antiracism or a sense of self loathing, loss of confidence or disenchantment with our civilization became the fundamental driving idea of the epoch that followed and which began in 1945.

    Who is “our”?

    Actually, the Occupy Movement had higher support. It fizzled out faster because it lacked the Soros funding and the protesters didn’t riot in every major city in the world. Too bad, because it was a grassroots movement that spanned racial and party lines and could’ve reversed the globalist course we’ve been on since the ’80s.

    Assuming what you say is true, who was responsible for this consensus? If there were huge protests across the country, the 1965 Immigration Act wouldn’t have passed and textbooks wouldn’t have been rewritten to present anti-American and pro-race denial narratives.
    Elites are a small minority, so it was 90 percent white America at the time that let it happen.

  4. Doing right has got no end.

    Sometimes the best you can do is keep the flame alive, to pass it on, so that, one day, one of the ones you gave it to will get it to the mountaintop.

    In the end, nothing in a man’s life works, ‘less he has integrity, and the gold standard in that is to persist, even when it seems futile – no, especially when it seems futile.

  5. Looks like you’re going to know long before you’re 70 at the rate this is hurtling towards the crash.

  6. The anti-racist consensus and Judeo-Christianity came into being at around the same time . Both are birthed from the same stable, having the same Semitic progenitor

  7. What has been passing for the right isn’t conservative. They’re basically elietists, and big government war mongers. I would have liked ‘conservatives’ to defend western civilization and traditional Christianity, they haven’t done this. They seem to be more interested in sucking up to people like Mitt Romney and the Koch brothers. I’m not sure we even have a functioning two party system, there is two competing factions, but neither of them care about ordinary people, government for and by the donor class.

    They pretty much seem to be self loathing assholes.

  8. “Conservative elites, however, do not back and sponsor our movement because of consensus antiracism. The post-World War II era in every Western country was fundamentally built on the repression of “racism,” “nationalism,” “fascism” and “totalitarianism.” As I have thought more about it, I have become increasingly convinced that this elite consensus was formed in the 1940s during World War II. This consensus was that the postwar world would be built on liberalism, antiracism, cosmopolitanism and modernism. ”


  9. america is a one party system now. the disagreements between the jews that comprise the dem and gop donor classes are minor, and based on which strategy is better to destroy white people. no point in voting

  10. The biggest issue and strangest thing here in America is the liberal conservative culture of hyper individualism. It’s the mainstream for white people only in this country. Everywhere else in the world, it’s a marginal ideology embraced only by a few elites.

    I have been a white nationalist for decades. I always believed that if things got this bad, with open anti-white hate and whites being attacked on the street nationwide, white conservatives would become pro-white. That hasn’t happened. They have doubled down on colorblindness and even more absurdly, “Democrats are the real racists” type rhetoric.

    Twenty years ago, mainstream conservatives were neocons who never heard about anti-white violence and didn’t know much about whites becoming a minority. White nationalists did a heroic job of making conservatives aware of these realities, they all know about those things now and discuss them frequently in their own spaces. But amazingly, they still cling to colorblindness and are still allergic to promoting white interests. They have responded to knowledge of anti-whiteness by whining that it’s not fair that we are not just seen as individuals. They seem as far away as ever from believing in the need for whites to racially collectivize. But clearly, they have moved closer to our positions on immigration, foreign policy and economic policy. They are largely red pilled on facts, just resisting the obvious conclusions out of cowardice and stupidity.

    That’s the proximate battle that we have to win. It’s counter productive to get too much into grand theories about larger, uncontrollable forces. People on our side who do that tend to become pessimists and stop being effective activists. These conservatives are close to breaking. We have to keep hitting them over and over until they break. We need to push white identity more and not just talk about anti-whiteness, but emphasize the need to racially collective. We need to go back into boomer spaces and engage these people directly.

    • Hey Atbotl, according to “Ivan” you had a sex change because we’re allegedly the same person. Check it out…

      Ivan Turgenev
      July 19, 2020 at 12:08 pm
      Wiccan Witch is merely a new handle for a young New England Yankee Supremacist who normally goes by the handle, ‘ATBOTL’.
      He came here thinking that this was a generic White Nationalist site that would entirely focus on ‘The Jewish Question’, and, thus, as he came face to face with Southern criticisms of his own Yankee Race, he became embittered.
      He is profoundly anti-Southern, unless we agree to adopt his particular form of New England White Supremacy, and often tries to bait Southerners, here on a Southerner Nationalist blog of all places, to engage with him.

      I think he got peeved at me because I posted this conversation between you two where you embarrassed him, though I doubt this is one of the few times in life he’s been mortified…

      Ivan Turgenev
      MARCH 11, 2020 AT 12:00 PM
      The Establishment gives me 2 choices for 2020 – Vice-President Biden and President Trump.
      The former is a New Englander who actually is honest enough, despite his glaring grafting corruption, to admit that he wants to ‘restore’ the policies of recent decades – as if, somehow, President Trump has really altered them!

      MARCH 11, 2020 AT 1:10 PM
      Biden is not a New Englander.

      Ivan Turgenev
      MARCH 11, 2020 AT 2:12 PM
      Thank you, Dear Atbotl, but, as Joe Biden represents their ideals about what this nation ought be, and they accept him doing such, I will regard him in that New England light, just as I regard Jewry’s foremost advocate in this country as President Trump, even though he has not a drop of their blood.

      Thank you for your thoughts!

      MARCH 14, 2020 AT 3:59 PM
      “I’m factually wrong, but I’m just going to make stuff up to fit my paranoid narrative so I can avoid talking about how Southern people voted en masse for Woodrow Wilson, FDR, Truman and JFK.”

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