Tiffany Trump Addresses Trump Pride

America is being destroyed by “identity politics.”

Note: The only form of “identity politics” that Republicans actually have a real problem with and repress is White identity politics.

About Hunter Wallace 12412 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Does Trump want to lose? I was literally almost going to vote for him until he started doubling down on the globo-homo-2020 and half-a-trillion-dollars-for-Blacks campaigning.

    Is it the campaign manager? Jared Kushner? Who is telling Trump to ignore the White working class and go for the Black and gay vote?

    I’m not voting for this shit. I’m not going to vote for half-a-trillion-for-Blacks and Trump dancing to fag music.

    I’ll be surprised if he wins with this campaign strategy. This is beyond cringe.

    You were right, Hunter. This is a clown show. I should have listened to you.

    • “Is it the campaign manager? Jared Kushner? Who is telling Trump to ignore the White working class and go for the Black and gay vote? ”

      Blaming (((Kushner))) is a cope by WN who want to hide the fact they were made fools of yet again by the Republicans.

      The Republican Party have been doing this for generations: Run to the right/appeal to White voters to get elected. When in office move to the center and start losing.

      They have been doing it and will keep doing it, because they have contempt for their White base, and think they are stupid.

      • I am surprised that the Trump campaign isn’t really going after Globalism and China? I thought this would be a huge issue back in March when the fruits of that treason not only devastated the job market, but brought pestilence from their lies and carelessness. Nobody likes seeing all this trade with China, that’s why Trump won the rust belt, doesn’t he know that? And with Biden and the media doubling down on Corona you’d think he’d want to remind everyone that the Chinese brought the thing upon us?

    • Yeah was thinking that too. But like all English aristocrats, I ask the eternal question, is she rich? I’d there a large cash dowry?

    • Read the Pope’s godless screed? the only solution to Sodomy is forced public stoning.
      Matthew Shepherd deserved what he got- and from two other drug-dealing sodomites.
      Which of course, you never hear about….

  2. Based and homosex pilled Nice one Blumpf this will totally stop libtards from calling you and your zog family fascists
    MIGA Kiss the Guys! Pander to LBGT, Backstab your base and Kiss the Gays! Lol so based

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