Robert Stark talks to Hunter Wallace about the 2020 election results and why Donald Trump lost. Hunter Wallace is an Alabama based blogger at Occidental Dissent and describes himself as a Nationalist, Populist, and Centrist. You can follow Hunter on Twitter.
- Why Hunter was swept up by the Trump phenomenon in 2016 but abstained this election
- The stratums of the electorate including Core Conservatives who set the agenda within the GOP and disaffected Market Skeptic Republicans who were sidelined by Trump
- Why Trump lost ground with White voters including the White Working Class
- 2020 Autopsy: Class Analysis and why Class, Not Race, Explains Trump’s Rust Belt Defeat
- Donald Trump Made Real Gains with Asians and Hispanics (ex. Tejano Vote In Texas)
- Why dissident energy and higher levels of ethnocentrism are from the Center, not the Right
- Why The Jared Kushner Strategy and Trump’s brand of Identity Politics failed
- Donald Trump’s “Platinum Plan” for Black America
- Conservatives Lash Out Against Student Loan Debt Forgiveness
- Tucker Carlson Challenges Voter Fraud Narrative
- The Post-Trump GOP and why the party needs to move to the center on economics to remain viable
Note: The Daily Republican, Nick Fuentes and MIGA have gone full conspiratard.

Politics (definition) what it is that white people can do for black people under the direction of Jews.
If Biden is president – you’ll have a Totalitarian Corporate version of Judeo-Bolshevism with almost none of the benefits.
What you say?
#1. Biden will raise your taxes.
#2. Biden will attempt to punish you, if you do not turn in your arms or wear masks, or dismantle your old house to fit into their distorted ideas of the environment.
#3. Biden and Harris will rapidly transform the culture back to where it was under Obama – anti-White, anti-Christian, anti-male, anti-tradition, anti rural and smalltown, the sum total of which will be the most splendid display we will have ever seen of what is anti-American.
They, and their corporate pals will spend every hour of every day scolding you for being White.
#4. The wars will resume full blast and bombs will start falling on civilians in numerous places on the planet.
#5. Biden will ship what little is left of our manufacturing economy out to China and rescind what good work Trump has done on trade.
#6. And after all this, you still will be gouged when you go to the doctor’s or the pharmacy.
I could go on, but, the notion that Biden will just be another group of the same old Jews will be disproven by these things and many others, as well.
The people behind Biden do not know what this country is, ever was, nor do they care. They simply will stomp it to their heart’s content – just as they did before Trump, something which they did a lot less of under Trump.
Why are you posting this? Trump lost the election. While tweeting about cheating, Trump is cooperating with the hand over to Biden. Same old Trump bullshit.
In 2016 Trump ran as a racist and won. In 2020 he ran as Lady MAGA gay tranny, offered half a trillion to blacks, and promised more immigration than ever before. It was no surprise to anyone who hasn’t drunk the conservative koolaide that he lost.
I saw this on Renegade Tribune about a book called Hitch Hikers Guide To the Galaxy:
I recently completed reading Douglas Adams’ tongue-in-cheek Ultimate Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. I found it to be a very “spacey” tome made up of his three, or is it five, novels. But it is a wry commentary on the world condition told through Science Fiction. There is only one quote from this work that I present here and really brings home what is occurring at the time of this writing, the US elections.
The set-up for this quote is the arrival of an alien spacecraft on Earth that disgorges a large destructive robot that demands “Take me to your lizard.”
“[Ford said] “.. On its world, the people are people. The leaders are lizards. The people hate the lizards and the lizards rule the people.”
“Odd,” said Arthur. “I thought you said it was a democracy.”
“I did,” said Ford. “It is.”
“So,” said Arthur, hoping he wasn’t sounding ridiculously obtuse, “why don’t the people get rid of the lizards?”
“It honestly doesn’t occur to them,” said Ford. “They’ve all got the vote, so they all pretty much assume that the government they voted in more or less approximates to the government they want.”
“You mean they actually vote for the lizards?”
“Oh yes,” said Ford with a shrug, “of course.”
“But,” said Arthur, going in for the big one again, “why?”
“Because if they didn’t vote for a lizard,” said Ford, “the wrong lizard might get in.”
“In 2016 Trump ran as a racist and won. In 2020 he ran as Lady MAGA gay tranny, offered half a trillion to blacks, and promised more immigration than ever before. It was no surprise to anyone who hasn’t drunk the conservative koolaide that he lost.”
I do agree with you that this hurt Trump with Whites.
That said, I can only reiterate what I have said : no president can successfully run against Dominion and Smartmatic.
@JCE I have been using Hitchhikers Guide analogies for the larger part of my life. This quote you mentioned is obviously the genesis of the brilliant “Kodos and Kang” segement from the Simpsons Treehouse of Horror Special. Evil alien lizards take the forms of Bob Dole and Bill Clinton.
Homer discovers this and alerts the people. The aliens laugh and say “it is a two party system you have to vote for one of us” and the end scene is the family and people in chains with Homer declaring “dont blame me I voted for Kodos”
Similar line of humor both brilliant.
@Ivan Turgenev
Biden might last six months as President.
He’s just the Trojan horse for Kamala Harris, who’ll be the female front for the real President, who’ll be the man that replaces Nancy Pelosi. The Oligarchs can’t really have females and coloureds in control. But Oligarchs will readily create the illusion that they are.
I agree with you that Biden is merely a front for those who feel slighted by the 2016 election results.
With Biden you’ve got a leader who couldn’t walk into a Regular bar and expect to find a single patron who voted for him. That’s a first. It’s sick.
@Captain John …
It is gut-wrenching and nauseating the extent to which the entire United States’ system has been overrun with termites.
Though I have long been a secessionist, I continue to be surprised by the sheer volume of termites.
The level of corruption, chicanery, misinformation, fraud, and lawlessness simply staggers the mind.
Only bullets will straighten it out, because the nature of a bullet cannot be corrupted.
I used the very same term…termites…talking with a friend some time before the election. Who wants to contribute or be part of a nation consisting mostly of termites?
Hey, thanks for chiming in. Interesting to hear that you think of it in a similar way.
Yes, termites is what it is, and, to get really graphick : just pictures termites crawling all over each other s they eat up the sill-beams underlying a great old house!
And, no, I do not wish to be part of a nation infested with termites.
That said, I have to wait until enough of my fellow Southerners feel this way, too, though, shockingly, so many of them in my neck of the woods seem suddenly primed for a fight.
What a thing it would be to raise the Confederate flag and fight for our sovereignty. God, how I would love to drive by the post office and see that, along with our state flag above, instead of that godawful flag of termites.
At any rate, be well!
So………… what you’re saying is……………. everything will stay the same as it was “under” Trump (i use “” because what we are under is not Trump, nor Biden, but what can be concisely described as ZOG, literally).|
“Biden and Harris will rapidly transform the culture back to where it was under Obama – anti-White, anti-Christian, anti-male, anti-tradition, anti rural and smalltown, the sum total of which will be the most splendid display we will have ever seen of what is anti-American.
They, and their corporate pals will spend every hour of every day scolding you for being White.”
Ummmmmmmmm, where have you been the last 5 years or so??? This is already the case, and Trump/GOP are part of it. Holy fuck. Are you going to tell me BLM/Antifa violence and murder was because of Harris & Biden too?? Pull your head out of your ass.
So………… what you’re saying is……………. everything will stay the same as it was “under” Trump (i use “” because what we are under is not Trump, nor Biden, but what can be concisely described as ZOG, literally).|
“Biden and Harris will rapidly transform the culture back to where it was under Obama – anti-White, anti-Christian, anti-male, anti-tradition, anti rural and smalltown, the sum total of which will be the most splendid display we will have ever seen of what is anti-American.
They, and their corporate pals will spend every hour of every day scolding you for being White.”
Ummmmmmmmm, where have you been the last 5 years or so??? This is already the case, and Trump/GOP are part of it. Holy fuck. Are you going to tell me BLM/Antifa violence and murder was because of Harris & Biden too?? Pull your head out of the sand.
To your point #3, no action on Biden/Harris’ part is necessary. American culture has already been viciously anti-white for some time now and becomes more so with each passing day. Many don’t realize they are being manipulated and you have an ever growing population of self-despising whites.
Robert Stark is the most autistic person who ever thought he was able to do a podcast.
Its good Nick Fuentes is directing his people away from third party, and into GOP conservatism. Does anyone seriously want to build a third party with these people? One of their guys Gryphon’s Ferocity came on here, and showed how much contempt these yuppies have for poor Whites. He took pleasure in calling them Trash. A party built by rich brat conservative snobs is sure to win the popular vote!
If Nick Fuentes also takes the RamZPaul show and Alt-Light with him that would be good too. The nationalist scene will improve when these grifters return to their loser conservative roots.
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Recommend everyone listen to this.
I agree that Tucker Carlson, as Stark suggested is very well positioned to run in 2024. If he positions himself roughly where the Hard Pressed Market Skeptics are he’s certain to be a deciding factor in the battles within the GOP. If he articulates that agenda correctly he’s very likely president in 2024. Built in advantage is that he not a politician with a record that compromise him, but he’s also a serious sounding politician. All they can get him with are the dumb bow ties he wore in the late 1990s and early 2000s.
Hunter Wallace’s practical effect on the world is no different than Jake Tapper or anyone else on CNN, MSNBC, or anywhere else. Except, even the most gullible pathetic white trash knows that CNN is an enemy.
If you let this fat schizophrenic fed, known doxxer, and anti-social retard actually trick you into voting for Biden, you should be ashamed of yourself.
No one gives a shit about this narcissistic eulogy of the “5%”. No one is talking about how Trump lost neo-Nazi retards and how we have to now appeal to neo-Nazi retards wearing screen printed Codreanu t-shirts.
Seriously, what the actual fuck is wrong with you people. We’ve got mass anti-democratic protests, and instead of making hay like the groypers you hate so much, you’re trying to get pats on the head from liberals. You became exactly what you used to make fun of.
The alt right is a pathetic, irrelevant dumpster fire, because of people like you. The ideas didn’t go away, the movement just left the toxic autism behind. Do some soul searching.
Except for you crying in the comments about losing the election.
The Groypers are a bunch of baby conservatives led by a mixed-race, Latino Zoomer homosexual from an upper middle class suburb of Chicago. They NEVER appealed to the same people as the alt-right. Their appeal was always to the College Republican crowd. Virtually no one who was ever involved with the alt-right came from the milieu and repulsed by it.
And your practical effect on the world is no different than Sheldon Adelson, Benjamin Netanyahu and Ben Shapiro. Even the most pathetic Nazi trash knows that Zionists, neocons and Jewish billionaires are the enemy.
What is most pathetic about you MAGA scum is that you pretend you understand the deleterious effects of Jewish power on our civilization and then go right ahead and support the most pro-Jewish president in American history. Right up to the bitter end.
You’re either a complete idiot or your job is to infiltrate pro-White spaces and get White Nationalists to vote for Jewish power.
The Stark Truth is Jake Tapper hauling that Palestinian congress critter over the coals for pointing out that Biden appointed a Zionist Jew to State. 2020 was a Jewish flex. The flexing by The tribe is only just starting.
Shurk points out the Biden Anus Mirabilis of 2020
The thing that most intrigues me is that a radically normal insider politician like Biden attracted so many hitherto alienated people who’ve never voted before, never voted for him ever before and never will ever again, did so in 2020.
Most right wingers will continue to look upon 2020 as suspect.
If challenging cheating isn’t politically viable because of the media, the courts and politically correct “culture,” what is going to stop them from doing it? The idea that they haven’t done it is too cute.
You were saying in the podcast the conservatives would rather lose elections than change their unpopular policy. I have seen lefties say similar about the Democrats.
Could it be that the conservatives don’t see it as losing? When they lose, they slap the hand of the Democrats, and let them take their turn at screwing America, like they are tag team wrestlers. After all, both parties answer to the same boss. The donor class.
My recipe for power is to forget about trying to convince the Republicans and do what the jews did. Focus all your attention on getting rich as fuck, and then use your money to control both parties. If you want to win you have to do what ever it takes, including using blackmail and worse. Its how things have always gotten done in American politics. It won’t change.
Not quite. Get rich and you will soon have a Jew making an offer you can’t refuse.
Shortly after making that generous offer, he was swimmingwiththefishes. Oy vey!
You are not quite rich enough yet, then you will have to make an initial public offering so they can take your business, marry their daughter off you or force your kids to marry theirs. You will be assimilated once you get on their radar.
That worked on oblivious white boomers in the past, but it won’t work on modern jew wise entrepreneurs. All of the jews monopolies have been getting napstered by tech, and now that includes finance. Defi, and crypto currency means the start ups no longer need big investors, they are able to fully fund themselves.
Absolutely stunning! Thank you on a detailed impressive guide!