Latest we expect on checks, *as of now*, per aides:
— Jeff Stein (@JStein_WaPo) December 17, 2020
— $600 per adult; $600 per kid
— No family cap
— Adult dependents DO qualify, unlike Cares
— Same phase-out as Cares (diminishes +$75K, ends +$99K)
— Incorporates Rubio mixed status family billhttps://t.co/FN7KtFwmae
What’s in:
— POLITICO (@politico) December 17, 2020
• Stimulus checks in the range of $600 to $700
• Expanded unemployment benefits that include a weekly boost of $300 through March
• $325 billion in small business relief, including $257 billion for PPPhttps://t.co/h9NO8WG628
It looks like Republicans aren’t going to be doing much introspection at all about why they lost the presidency. Which is great news for Paul Ryan types who REALLY don’t want a thorough interrogation of the widely unpopular agenda they pushed through in Trump’s first two years
— Michael Tracey (@mtracey) December 18, 2020
The $600 stimulus check pic.twitter.com/dbCZCZREIX
— Joy Kudia (@kudya_not) December 17, 2020
Everybody when they get the $600 stimulus checks pic.twitter.com/y9grJTaNKL
— Aaron (@chokenspuh) December 18, 2020
$600 more in our tax funds back? That’s $1,800 for the whole year while we were told to stay home and not work.
— Dan Price (@DanPriceSeattle) December 18, 2020
$1,800 won’t cover a single average month of rent in:
San Francisco
San Jose
San Diego
Fucking $600 stimulus checks. Why not just throw $5 in quarters on the ground and make me pick them up while you laugh
— The Honorable b?yan (@murderxbryan) December 17, 2020
Senator Hawley says he’ll force a vote on $1,200 stimulus checkshttps://t.co/s2EIRzLe5x pic.twitter.com/mpNeydjaMO
— KSDK News (@ksdknews) December 18, 2020
McConnel has agreed to a reduced stimulus check to save the GOP Senate. There was never any doubt people want more checks. GOP fully understood this and purposefully did the opposite to stiff us. They don’t care what you want. This issue alone probably cost Trump the election. pic.twitter.com/z4iwvzmrcb
— Bill ??? (@dsa_bill) December 18, 2020
The cost of sending $600 stimulus checks is $150 billion
— Dan Price (@DanPriceSeattle) December 18, 2020
“That’s all we can afford,” they said
In the first stimulus, Congress approved $174 billion in additional tax breaks for millionaires and large companies for things not even related to the pandemichttps://t.co/WCrfTcfRBF
“Trump earlier this month publicly called for large stimulus payments, but he faced opposition from senior Republican lawmakers. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) earlier this month released a plan that would have sent no additional stimulus checks.” https://t.co/6qXHyeYh0T
— Doctor Sarcastic Cupcake (@SarcasticCupcak) December 18, 2020
BREAKING: White House aides intervened Thursday to prevent President Trump from demanding Congress approve checks of $2K/person, sources say
— Jeff Stein (@JStein_WaPo) December 18, 2020
Trump told allies he wants “at least” $1,200 & as much as $2K
Aides told Trump his demands could blow up talkshttps://t.co/EjcMXoS7in
If you are wondering why you haven’t gotten a second stimulus check in six months and why it has been cut in half over the last payment, the answer is the Uncle Scrooge caucus in the Senate pic.twitter.com/fWHphG7AOI
— Hunter Wallace (@MisterBlackPill) December 17, 2020
The government found the money to give $50 billion to airlines, which then laid off 90,000 people.
— Dan Price (@DanPriceSeattle) December 17, 2020
Now all they can do is give us $600 of our own money back at a time of record growth in poverty. The cost is 16% of the $900 billion stimulus package.
$600 is 1 to 2 weeks rent.
Incomes across the US declined by 10% on average after the expiration of the $600/week UI boost. Some states fared worse than others. Incomes here in Louisiana fell by 14%. The worst hit was West Virginia whose residents saw a 30% drop in their income.
— Scott Santens????? (@scottsantens) December 17, 2020
https://t.co/ViU3nGALCi pic.twitter.com/raj2VvSbUX
VP Mike Pence slams Rev. Raphael Warnock: “He’s repeatedly defended the anti-Semitic rhetoric of Jeremiah Wright.” pic.twitter.com/jWTxFwmUEj
— The Hill (@thehill) December 17, 2020
Sen. David Perdue: “We have to hold the line against this radical socialist agenda the Democrats are trying to perpetrate on our beloved America.” pic.twitter.com/EbQrUl3kWd
— The Hill (@thehill) December 17, 2020
I’ve been waiting and waiting and waiting to write something about the stimulus deal, but it seems like one day just blurs into the next and nothing happens. We’re now less than a week away from Christmas and it increasingly looks like checks aren’t going out in time because the “deficit hawks” in the Senate have only moved from their position of “no checks” to “$600 checks” in six months. The only reason that any stimulus checks are back on the table is because Democrats are hammering Perdue and Loeffler on the issue in the Georgia Senate races and it is hurting them in the polls.
BTW, this is what the polling on the issue looks like: 87% of Democrats, 71% of Independents and 70% of Republicans support sending out another $1,200 stimulus check. COVID-19 relief is also one of the public’s top three priorities for the incoming Biden administration.

Trump wanted to send out “at least” $1,200 checks. It was reported last night that Trump was in favor of $2,000 checks, but conservatives in his administration intervened to talk him out of it.
Democrats could easily destroy Republicans if they moderated their culture war agenda, but if they did they would lose their donors.
Republicans could easily destroy democrats if they moderated their big business oriented economic agenda, but if they did they would lose their donors.
It’s a Mexican standoff between each party and the donor class, and it guarantees that only unpopular policies supported by the DILEs and the true con free marketeers get through.
American liberalism – read, “small business capitalism that conservatives say they support” – could be saved if the “Small Businessman” and a good fraction of American domestic productive enterprise – like Koch Industries for instance – would divorce themselves from “entrenched Wall Street interests” meaning the decrepit, obsolete, centuries old financial system that developed in the pre-Industrial era.
This financial system is based on artificial scarcity and simply collects rent on productive enterprise and obviously these interests don’t want their artificial capital demonetized.
Ron Paul gets it completely backward. We don’t need to End the Fed – we need to cut off the Fed’s primary dealers from the public trough. They have leeched off of the economy long enough.
Watching the response by Keir Starmer to Lockdown 3.0. Why isn’t he asking for a UBI right now? He is controlled by Jews. A Labour leader who can’t even demand an emergency dole for the poor in a plague.
When that yoga teacher in Ibiza ambushed him over British indigenous rights he just didn’t even want to know. It’s was quite telling.
TRUMP did have the right instincts.
. . . combined with feet of clay.
The brain-washed won’t get this: In a country where LGBTQ behavior is encouraged and protected is it any wonder that we are having a pandemic, and public health crisis.