I enjoyed this segment.
I’m like the polar opposite of our woke progressive overlords. I suppose that you could say that I am a college-educated knowledge worker too, but unlike those people I prefer to work remotely and carry on the culture war from rural Alabama where my family has lived since the 1830s. You can live anywhere these days with an internet connection and participate in the national political conversation.
I’m a “far right” social conservative. These people are social liberals. I’m a traditionalist. These people are modernists. I’m a populist. These people people are progressives. I’m a nationalist. These people are cosmopolitans. I’m a reactionary. These people are liberals. I prefer to live and work in a remote rural area. These people prefer to live in a wealthy metropolitan suburb. I like familiar things. These people are novelty seekers. I’m a Christian. These people tend to be atheists. I believe racial differences are real and hereditary. These people are antiracists who believe it is all one big conspiracy. I have a more organic worldview. These people think in terms of abstract principles. I have a genial temperament. These people have a fanatical temperament. I’m a friendly and polite “extremist.” These people are unfriendly and rude “mainstream” professionals. I’m a Southerner. These people tend to be either Jewish or deracinated Yankees. I don’t really care what other people think because I am confident in my own opinions and enjoy observing and thinking about different perspectives. These people lack confidence in their own opinions and like to “get” people for the offense of having the wrong thought or saying the wrong word.
My sense of layered identity is grounded in relationships and roles like race, ethnicity, culture, class, religion, marriage, family, place and political ideology which connect me to other people in my area. As far as I can tell, their sense of identity is based on modernism, cosmopolitanism, antiracism, atheism, political correctness or wokeness, progressive liberalism and the consumption of material products and stimuling experiences. They have an expressive and egalitarian set of values and live nomadic lifestyles where they bounce around the country in response to market incentives like a ping pong ball. We do not share the same religion or moral beliefs. These people have lost their religion and have forgotten what morality was or were never taught what it was by their parents and have replaced it with their laundry list of -isms and -phobias. They are absolutely obsessed with controlling thoughts and policing words and opinions and transforming consciousness and hushing people for a variety of reasons. Morality is something that they alone possess although they usually cannot explain it. They just know that people who have different opinions than they do are bigots. Those of us who distinguish between morality and identity and politics and say these are separate things (right and wrong vs. friend and foe) do not possess it.
We have a different set of loyalties and motivations. I’m loyal to other people who I identify with for all the reasons that I described above. I’m motivated by the attacks that I perceive raining down on them which largely come from these big cities and their wealthy suburbs. These people are either ideologues who are loyal to abstractions, people who are just tooting their own horn for class reasons or who come from different backgrounds and who are acting on the basis of some ethnic grievance.
The culture war is going to heat up in the 2020s. The Silent Generation is dying off and the Boomers are retiring. The Gen Xers and Millennials will be taking over in the near future. The woke brats are starting to take over leftwing institutions and wreck them. The GOP and Conservatism, Inc. is scared shitless of people like us although public opinion on the Right is inexorably shifting toward our worldview simply because everyone who was raised on this garbage either became a SJW or rejected it in toto.
Note: It will be interesting to watch hypersensitive Millennials and hyper transgressive Millennials duke it out in the 2020s and 2030s.
The only time rep/dem see eye to eye is when they’re doing Israels bidding and pushing the anti-White narrative.
“The culture war is going to heat up in the 2020s. The Silent Generation is dying off and the Boomers are retiring. The Gen Xers and Millennials will be taking over in the near future. The woke brats are starting to take over leftwing institutions and wreck them. The GOP and Conservatism, Inc. is scared shitless of people like us although public opinion on the Right is inexorably shifting toward our worldview simply because everyone who was raised on this garbage either became a SJW or rejected it in toto.”
This is true, but I don’t believe it will take this long. We’ve got a deep recession, or depression (more likely) right around the corner. The people making 200K a year with rioting, spoiled POS brats running around in the streets (you know, those upper class Biden supporters I am all too familiar with here, living in the Seattle area) are going to be the FIRST to be jettisoned from the workforce.
I know it didn’t really happen in the last couple downturns, but the difference is that those Federal bailouts are no longer having much of an effect. Once the stock market collapses, these assholes making a ton of money at Google or Amazon and living in Issaquah (a local suburb of Seattle full of subcontinental’s and boomer assholes living it up) are going to be up shit creek without a paddle. I can’t wait!
Anglin has a talent for spotting the problems and the plans of the elites, but he doesn’t have any answers. Probably because he hopes for a violent revolution of some sort? Violent revolution has never, in the history of the world, resulted in a freer, lower regulation, lower tax society afterwards. The real solution is functional secession, a return to local politics, like what Hunter supports. The federal government is the source of evil and the support for the evil we suffer. Without its long reach, Jews won’t be able to load up your Montana or Alabama town with subcontinentals and Jaquavian’s, or force you to do other bullshit. When the federal checks start bouncing, politics is going to become really local in a big hurry.
People like this have no issue seeing the problem. Its just when it comes time to discuss how to fix it, they see rural, conservative Whites as being the ones who have to make all the changes.
Rural conservative Whites don’t have that issue. They just want to be left alone.
There inlies the difference.
Shit libs are consolidating power and wealth in their corrupt institutions. Instead of doing their own thing, in their own areas they are wielding that power like a cudgel against us specifically and explicitly.
This isn’t tenable. But it easily could be if they left us alone.
“hyper transgressive Millennials”
Nick is a Zoomer. I don’t think there’s that many of the hyper transgressive types you’re talking about.