Daunte Wright Insurrection (Night 2)

You know the drill by now:

The media takes a random police shooting out of context to demonize the police and push an oversimplified racialized narrative for political reasons.

Black Lives Matter and Antifa have a righteous riot against the police.

The FBI and DOJ show no interest in prosecuting these “insurrectionists”

The corporate media *checks notes* does not refer to them as “domestic extremists” or “insurrectionists” because of their politically correct politics.

Democratic politicians like Barack Obama step forward to say “we need to reimagine policing.”

Nothing ultimately matters except pushing the narrative and agenda. [Insert Black Face] who was killed by [Insert Police Officer] to say that actually we need progressive policing like Portland.

The overriding goal is to create so much suspicion of the police that becoming a police officer will be seen as a shitty high risk job. The police will also stop doing their jobs because of the media which will fuel the growing crime wave in the big cities where the homicide rate is soaring.

About Hunter Wallace 12412 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “The overriding goal is to create so much suspicion of the WHITE police that becoming a. WHITE police officer will be seen as a shitty high risk job.”

    • The greater goal is to make power enforcers, police and military, as non-WHITE as possible. One more step in the destruction of WHITE society and ultimately of all WHITES.

    • Somewhat, but their real goal is simply to use “police” as a proxy for “White”. We have seen it for years now, the Police being positioned as an organization formed to catch runaway slaves… Or whatever other nonsense they are teaching these days

  2. “Portland: #Antifa rioters threw explosive mortars”

    Portland deserves it………and the rest of Western Oregon…..include seattle and frisco.

  3. Any government or corporation that forces or supports forced integration is evil and must be disregarded. Anyone stuffing these apes into society should be jailed.

  4. The cops told the truth and did not withhold damaging evidence from the public. That never happens.

  5. “once White Vigilante Law kicks in”

    That won’t be allowed. They’ll have federal troops in tanks and APCs to prevent that

  6. The crime wave needs to go stratospheric in order for our Jewish dictatorship (red terror state) to take away the guns.

  7. You’re a racist if you see this other than peaceful protesting. Only Whites can cause insurrections and cause chaos.

  8. This one wasn’t really pulled out of context. It was just an incompetent female officer who pulled her gun instead of her taser (a taser wasn’t needed either).

    • This black idiot slipped out of handcuffs in the middle of an arrest and tried to speed away in a car surrounded by cops. What could have gone wrong there? Heck a couple decades ago the cops could pull out a gun and blow you away for running like that no questions asked. Amazing how the media sides with these troublemakers.

  9. hopefully the east coast monied / leisure class will stop coming to Portland and maybe the cost of living will come down. it’s good that the cops and rioters are making noise, it’s the real communities only defense against yuppies.

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