Rising: Ben Burgis’ New Book Cancelling Comedians

Should we critique destructive tendencies on our own side?

There’s a lot that could be said about, say, Apolloism. Creating your own made up religion and scolding people who do not believe in it might not be the wisest political strategy.

About Hunter Wallace 12411 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Now that comedians are getting ready to perform in front of live audiences again I’m hopeful that cancel culture mania will start fizzling out.

    • I hope the opposite. I hope every single comedian gets cancelled and constantly heckled by progressives until they can no longer perform in public or on social media platforms.

      This sort of “accelerationism” is good because it is using “salami tactics” on them. Divide the left side between liberals and woke progressives. They are already doing this they just need some encouragement.

      • Interesting take. A lot of comedians are probably a-holes anyway. But not Kevin Nealon! I saw him and David Spade at the Laugh Factory in Hollywood, just before this scamdemic erupted.

  2. Creating your own religion is a White nationalist tradition. The first thing any political group does is found a church. Cosmotheism, Apollo, Aryan Christian identity, or whatever.

    • @Dart
      Making up a bullshit religion worked for Mormons, Scientologists, Christians, Muslims, Jews, Hindus, Buddists, etc. Perhaps we’ve been going about it all wrong? Forget about the politics of the day. Carefully design a religious cult to create a desired effect, then collect tax free donations from adults who still believe in Santa Claus, and let your politics flow through that. If you create a lot of cults most will fail, but perhaps one will break through, and become a 2000 year hit. 😉

      @Hunter Wallace
      “There’s a lot that could be said about, say, Apolloism. Creating your own made up religion and scolding people who do not believe in it might not be the wisest political strategy.”

      They nailed Christianity with that quote that supposedly disproves Christianity wasn’t designed to make its followers submissive. Jesus says “I bring a sword.” The rest of the quote which is never mentioned, is how he is going to use that sword to bust up your family. Ouch! Also the fact that Jesus is not recorded outside of the Bible. Shouldn’t a Jew who can walk on water, multiply food, and rise from the dead have made the news in Rome? It would certainly make world news today!

      Joking aside, I don’t think any of this is going anywhere any more than I did in 2015, so I don’t care about arguments between Apolloism or Populism. The rising tide of White racial consciousness will be diverted by rich conmen like Trump, as long as people are dumb enough to be taken in by him. If Trump or another Republican is voted back in, in 2024, nothing that really matters will change at all.

      • I agree, certain “conservative” conmen are busy setting up Trump as our false alternative for 2024. Hopefully by then White racial consciousness will be too strong to fall for it. The White hating “woke” crowd are really our unintended best friends now.

        • @More…

          “The White hating “woke” crowd are really our unintended best friends now.”

          Indeed, the Woke-Cancelistas have been our very best friends for a very long time now, if only because they will not allow anyone to live in what used to be the centre of the political spectrum.

  3. I see the merits of Apolloism, wokeness has religious like fervor and devotion it is going to take religious like fervor to counteract it. All religions are made up to an extent with lessons for living depending the perspective so why not create one that benefits us? A forward looking religion based around the white race, Apollo, and the sun actually makes sense and has a much higher ceiling than anything currently around whether it be the NJP or voting Republican.

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