Eric Adams Sues Over Botched New York City Primary Election Vote Count


It looks like Donald Trump isn’t the only candidate who is complaining about election integrity. Do you remember that time the Iowa Caucus forgot how to count votes in order to stall Bernie Sanders’ momentum? Do you remember that time Georgia quit counting votes only to resume counting in the dead of night on election night? Isn’t it interesting how these things keep happening?

New York Daily News:

“The Democratic mayoral campaign of frontrunner Eric Adams Wednesday filed a lawsuit seeking to have a judge oversee the botched vote count in the convoluted race.

“We petitioned the court to preserve our right to a fair election process and to have a judge oversee and review ballots, if necessary,” the Adams campaign said in a statement. …”

Sheeeit man …

That’s some bullshit!

New York Post:

“Mayoral candidate and Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams filed a preemptive lawsuit Wednesday to “ensure a fair and transparent election process” after the Board of Elections botched the June 22 primary outcome by accidentally including test results in the vote count, leading to 135,000 extra ballots.

“Today we petitioned the court to preserve our right to a fair election process and to have a judge oversee and review ballots, if necessary,” Adams said in a statement.

“We are notifying the other campaigns of our lawsuit through personal service, as required by law, because they are interested parties,” Adams said. …”

It looks like the race is closer than we thought.

The establishment candidate is doing much better than expected. Who knew?

About Hunter Wallace 12409 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Somehow I doubt the shitlibs will be shouting down Adams for his “baseless attack on Our Democracy”.

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