George W Bush on 9/11: “We have seen growing evidence that the dangers to our country can come not only across borders but from violence that gathers within … they are children of the same foul spirit and it is our continuing duty to confront them.” pic.twitter.com/TGvHoCbjJV
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) September 11, 2021
Much like the general who presides over a global empire calls you the “fascist,” the war criminal who killed hundreds of thousands of people accuses YOU of being the violent one https://t.co/Csk4zaG18J
— Occidental Dissent (@DissentOcc) September 11, 2021
After 9/11, Ashli Babbitt asked her mom to sign a waiver so she could enroll in the military at age 17. After graduation in 2003, she went into the Air Force. She had 8 tours overseas including Afghanistan.
— Julie Kelly ?? (@julie_kelly2) September 11, 2021
Today her former commander in chief compared her to a 9/11 terrorist.
This dude could float a battleship on the blood innocents
— Battle Beagle (@HarmlessYardDog) September 11, 2021
Iraq: PLOS Medicine Survey
460,000 deaths in Iraq as direct or indirect result of the war
About 241,000 people have been killed in the Afghanistan and Pakistan war zone since 2001 https://t.co/qgGVnEJJR0
Liberals swooned emotionally all day yesterday for George W. Bush because they crave his War on Terror, but just want it unleashed domestically at their political opponents.
— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) September 12, 2021
Hearing Bush link 9/11 with 1/6, and compare his War on Terror with their new one, was ecstasy for them. pic.twitter.com/mvxSORVIjS
Having the US Government treat the American Right the same way as it spent the last 20 years treating alleged "Muslim extremists" is — along with more censorship of the internet — one of the top political priorities of US liberalism, whose authoritarianism cannot be overstated. pic.twitter.com/363T0m934z
— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) September 12, 2021
Where did the $5tn spent on Afghanistan and Iraq go? Here’s where | Linda J Bilmes https://t.co/kkZxWMmpQD
— The Guardian (@guardian) September 11, 2021
“Some Saudis based in Afghanistan and maybe secretly backed by Pakistan attacked America so America invaded Iraq” is going to be a confusing paragraph in the textbooks of the future.
— Matthew Yglesias (@mattyglesias) September 12, 2021
The NSA has been given billions of dollars a year to spy on the US & the world. Its primary (ostensible) purpose is to protect the country by detecting planned attacks against the US.
— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) September 12, 2021
The head of that agency in the months leading up to 9/11, and on 9/11 itself, was @GenMhayden.
The US managed to kill perhaps a million plus Muslims, without ever even getting Bin Laden’s number 2 among them. https://t.co/qGHfzBRyYd
— Richard Hanania (@RichardHanania) September 11, 2021
The REAL Axis of Evil. pic.twitter.com/ID8ijlxllJ
— Cowboy Ben (@CowboyBen23) September 11, 2021
— ??? ????? ?? ???? ????? (@grandoldmemes) September 11, 2021
— ????????? (@Honkette_Kauket) September 11, 2021
.@POTUS at #Flight93 Memorial: “What’s the strategy? Every place where al-Qaeda is we’re going to invade and have troops stay there? C’mon.”https://t.co/wPrp3EUWkZ pic.twitter.com/45V4vAxte8
— CSPAN (@cspan) September 11, 2021
At 9/11 memorial event, Biden rants incoherently about boxing Trump, Florida, and Robert E. Lee pic.twitter.com/ukJSuKZzOy
— Jewish Deplorable (@TrumpJew2) September 12, 2021
We responded to this last night on The Political Cesspool.
The worst president of our lifetimes gave a speech on the 20th anniversary of 9/11 to explain the connection between his Global War on Terrorism (GWOT) and how that project should now be turned inward by the national security state to target American citizens as “evil doers” and “terrorists.” As many of you will probably vividly recall, this is what the critics said would happen at the time. Eventually, the national security state would turn its attention from Muslims to White males.
Note: Joe was having another one of those days in which he faded in and out and was lost in senility. Even on his worst days, he is not as bad as George W. Bush though.
WE have the NSA and other govt agencies spying on US citizens thanks to the POS Bush. In a just and lawful society he and his ilk would be tried for war crimes. The Democrats are scum but the GOP is worse in my book because they pretend they care about the average American.
After 9/11, the “acts” were the big cap on our freedoms. No one can get around technology now. And I agree about the GOP and their fan club who chant “We are all Americans”.
GOP is definitely worse. Even the new “war on domestic terror” was worse under Trump compared to Biden. Biden’s crew talks a lot about it, but overall they have locked up fewer of our guys than Trump did.
The GOP is constantly pretending that they want to stop all of this.
@Dart – We’re not even a year in — revisit those “stats” at the end of year 4 of Biden. Sounds to me like they’re just getting started.
My guess is it will continue as it has. It’s merely an election strategy for Democrats. They need to keep their base engaged, and they do this by playing up a phony threat of “White supremacy” and insurrections.
The plan was for Flight 93 to be flown into building seven.
Flight 93 was shot down by an F-16 fighter pilot from North Dakota, disrupting the plan.
They are lying to us about everything. And now this filth wants to wage wear on us for calling them out on their lies.
That’s a pretty good guess at what happened. Thanks for posting. Remote piloting seems the only explanation for the tower hits. If there were hijackers I don’t think they knew they were on a suicide mission. I’m no longer convinced there even were hijackers as something like 7 of the named hijackers turned up in their home countries after 9/11. Pentagon attack was probably shaped charges not even a missile but there is the curious issue of the light posts that were knocked down. Maybe both? Who knows? What did they do with the passengers of Flight 77? They just murdered several thousand maybe they just did a Las Vegas on them.
Wilson beats Bush by a warp factor in body counts and loss of freedoms.
Nigger-worshipping White cucks at NCAA spearchucker games(including Tuscaloosa)across the country chanted “Fuck Joe Biden!” yesterday – and faux-patriot douchebags like Jaye Ryan think the US is worth saving. When Muslims get pissed they grab guns and go to war – when Whites get pissed they act like faggots at sporting events.
I am telling you, you can tell who is on team Jew by who attacks innocent Muslims, the queers and the Irish. And neither can answer your questions on Muslim guilt so they gotta block you in the name of free speech. Retodded or what?
@CD If “Jaye” deletes any more of my posts, it’s going to convince me of things I don’t want to think about.
@ I think the freak trannie, has more facial hair, than the three amigo’s.
@ the emperor, hasn’t noticed, his nakedness, just yet,
@ Revelation 18:2 And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devil’s, and the hold of every FOUL SPIRIT, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird.
@ I believe that verse Revelation 18:2 is referring to the empire, these times and the wicked among us, starting with mr.Bush and family and friends.
Re: Cowboy Ben’s the real axis of evil tweet & photo.
It makes me sick that ALL THREE were RE-ELECTED.
Twenty-Four years of Globalist scum.
@ < I address the evangelicals across our land, you heard the words that came out of the man's mouth, you know who he is, you speak the same english I do, you read the same bible that I do, Revelation 18:2, speaks for it's self, those of you, who would continue too associate with, identify with, vote with the republican party, you have erred, you have strayed from the path, you are antichrist, repent and give thanks too the Lord, for revealing , these dark souls, for what they are, we know where we stand people, it could not be more clear, therefore, choose ye this day, who you will serve, thus saith the Lord……………..
I was against jewmurca’s torture of sand niggers at places like Abu Graib, not because I cared about them but because I KNEW that in time the kikes & their whores like that filthy vermin Bush would do the same against Whites who resist their plans.
Secession. Why do we not call for it?
Go right ahead. But look at the attempts made first.
Both parties have been scamming us for years. George W. Bush is the real “evil doer” here along with his whole family. Especially his dad Bush 41 because he is nothing but a war criminal too!
Dubya is a tard,he can’t speak on his own without prepared speech by Kosher Nostra.
Bush Jr. should be hanging from a common streetlamp with the lot of Kikes who likely goaded him into 9/11.
Imam al-Duhbya, the great Islamic theologian, needs a one-way ticket to Kabul so he can teach the goat-men there all about the “Religion of Peace”. When they’ve finished with their response, what’s left of his worthless carcass could be made of use in an amusing game of buzkashi. They could even televise it. Way more fun to watch than niggerball.