Breaking Points: CNN Called Out For Blaming Virginia Results On “White Supremacy”

It is an interesting question.

Is wokeness sinking the Democrats or is it a combination of things? If it is a combination of things, how important is wokeness as a factor in strengthening the GOP?

Here’s my sense of it:

  • Clearly, there is a national backlash going on against the Democrats, which is why the Democrats lost so much ground in Virginia and New Jersey.
  • Yes, it is due to a combination of factors. The issue of CRT in Virginia public schools was intertwined with resentment over the fact that the public schools were closed for so long in Virginia. This was also bundled with resentment about inflation and gas prices and countless other things.
  • The backlash against wokeness wasn’t just evident in the prominence of the education issue in Virginia governor’s race though. It could also be seen in the Eric Adams victory in New York City, the defeat of the Minneapolis initiative to abolish the police and especially in the outcome of the city attorney race in Seattle.
  • Trump nearly won the 2020 election and the Democrats suffered losses in the House. In both cases, there was a clear backlash going on against the George Floyd riots. Crime and the woke perspective on policing was a salient issue.
  • BLM has tanked in the polls since the George Floyd riots while support for the police has soared. The polls have flipped on the issue.
  • Crucially, the “racial reckoning” of last summer changed the definition of “racism.” The Biden administration has fully embraced the theory of systematic racism and pushing “equity” in all areas of public policy from agriculture to the vaccine distribution.
  • As we have been covering all year, there has been a big shift in the polls on White identity since Trump’s defeat in the 2020 election. White voters now feel much more under siege than was the case two years ago. The fact that secession has suddenly entered the mainstream can’t be attributed to concern over inflation and gas prices or school closures. The same is true of soaring approval of political violence. Just the fact that normies began the year by storming the Capitol is an indicator that ordinary people are becoming much more radicalized.

The election results are consistent with the polls and lots of other indicators that Trump’s base of White rural voters have become steadily more racially conscious and radicalized over the past two years. The fact that terms like “anti-white” are commonly used now and that the Great Replacement has gone mainstream are also a reflection of this change. Even if this is being expressed in voting even harder for Republicans like Glenn Youngkin or Winsome Sears, this is a real undercurrent.

Trump banned CRT in an executive order in late September 2020. He was trying to excite and energize his base, but it was too late. The punch didn’t have the intended effect because no one knew what CRT meant at the time. FOX News and the conservative media have now had a year to get that message out and for it to sink down into the Trump base. As the ball started rolling, it went from introducing CRT as an icebreaker to just flat out saying that Democrats are anti-White and the Great Replacement is real. A year ago, conservatives were just beginning to broach the issue. The taboo around “racism” was so strong that Trump himself barely mentioned White voters during his entire presidency or the 2016 and 2020 campaigns, but now you can turn on FOX News and “Anti-White Mania” is the headline.

This is old hat for us. We’ve always talked about these issues. The sea change has been that conservatives are now much more willing to talk about White people in a positive sense on television and even to explicitly defend White people on television or want to be seen as doing so. This is a big shift for them. It is a big shift for all those normies who are watching them. No one here two years ago thought that conservatives would be flirting with secession and spreading the word about the Great Replacement in 2021. Joe Biden has had that effect on these people while Trump was running on the Platinum Plan.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Outside of the Washington area, Catholics are not that big of a factor in rural White Virginia. Naturally, the Catholics are for the most part outspoken anti-Whites, and the growing Hispanic/Latino/Latinx is adding to the Catholic problem in Virginia.

    Inflation is a problem, along with the price increase of gasoline, and fuel oil prices. Fuel oil and propane are a major cost to rural White people. Even if you don’t farm, your maintenance equipment runs on gasoline.

    I’ve noticed that prices are rising in places like Tractor Supply across the board.

    • @John, that would be a temporary fix. We already went down that path, and it ended up where we are anyway.

      You need to think bigger.

    • Right on!

      In hindsight, Jim Crow’s policies and reforms were highly correct because even he could see what was likely to pan out further down the road if Whites conceded too much ground and consensus under the collective Marxist guilt-tripping propaganda of Civil Rights, Racial tolerance, Multiculturalism, Diversity and so on.

      Separation in the form of race-based secession IS now the only way forward. Whites who have a problem with that must be forced to remain in multi-racial states regardless of how their eventual well-being shapes up as it would be infinitely more beneficial to let such weak-seed perish.

  2. I believe that ‘White Supremacy’ is a phrase and idea that the political class, big money people, i.e. the establishment, created to deflect anger and resentment away from themselves, for the crimes that they’ve committed, and the greed and decadent self absorption that they have lived with.

    The point being if they can keep enough of the public upset about statues and renaming things, they won’t think about their job being sent to Vietnam, or how they were talked into taking out a hundred thousand dollar loan to go to college, now they’ll be in debt for the next 20 years. Maybe they won’t think about how many drug addicts have died from over doses, or society’s answer to everything seems to be imprisonment. In other words resent ordinary people, not the rich scumbags that have made out like bandits at almost everyone else’s expense.

      • They haven’t been for decades. It’s “Our Greatest Ally” and their colored auxiliaries. They control the money (really the debt) so they naturally control the politicians and the Lügenpresse.

      • WASPs turned over the helm to jewish finance to fund the American Revolution (((Haym Salomon))), and for good with Wilson signing the Federal Reserve Act.

    • I believe the jews coined the term White Supremacy, because they always accuse us gentiles of what they themselves are guilty of.

    • White supremacy is merely a classic example of Jewish projection. The Synagogue of Satan has been supremacist from the outset, so they project their own supremacism upon whites as they have their step-n-fetchit hwytes carry out their supremacist policies.

  3. Not to be too critical, and I know such posts don’t require much work and so help you put up new content daily, but it’s of little value to highlight this kind of dumb tabloid headline in the political news flow (CNN has long been a demagogic media tabloid) as a meaningful bounce for GOP (and so what? — as an organized political force they are useless) when it’s based on a sample size of a few recent elections and polls — this kind of thing is irrelevant for the long-term future of the country; it’s grist for ‘muh democracy’ retards.

    In the meantime, by 2024 Whites will be down to measurably less than 60% of the population.


    If current trends continue, the demographic profile of the United States will change dramatically by the middle of this century … The nation’s population will rise to 438 million in 2050, from 296 million in 2005, and fully 82% of the growth during this period will be due to immigrants arriving from 2005 to 2050 and their descendants. … By 2050, the nation’s racial and ethnic mix will look quite different than it does now. Non-Hispanic whites, who made up 67% of the population in 2005, will be 47% in 2050.

    The US is currently the 3rd most populous nation in the world, and due to massive, unrelenting non-white immigration is quickly outpacing growth in most of the lower population 3rd world shitholes.

    Whites are being overwhelmed; they are rapidly headed toward being a disliked minority in their own nation.

    • The national decline is not a linear process, predictable on a timeline. There will be sudden breaks when there are big, unanticipated collapses in parts of the country while other parts aren’t affected too badly. Eventually every area will be affected by societal breakdowns. This will come as a shock to people who tend to be optimistic about the future and believe we can somehow magically muddle through the troubles just beginning.

      Examples are sudden disruptions of food to cities like NYC because of fuel shortages or trucker strikes because of impossible working conditions. Without thousands of trucks making daily deliveries of food, fuel and other essentials the city shuts down and the nogs riot except when it’s too cold to riot, then they just freeze indoors. Don’t be in or within a few miles of these shitholes when wheels come off.

      Another problem is the overtaxed electric grid and water supply in California and the rest of the Southwest. Blackouts have been occurring since the 1990’s but have gotten much worse over the last few years. With continued wog population growth, not enough water and destructive government policies dry areas could easily have a long blackout leading to a water shutoff. Utilities have been poorly maintained in the U.S. for years with PG&E, the California electric utility filing for bankruptcy.

      The financial system is in the worst shape, completely dependent upon ever increasing debt that never gets paid off except with new debt. One of the results of this Ponzi scheme is now rapidly increasing inflation. When the financial system crashes again like 1987, 1998, 2000, 2008 it won’t recover, the debt is simply too great now.

      Instead the U.S. Government will probably inflate the dollar’s value away which will also inflate away the unpayable debts. This will also lead to the economy freezing up until there is a new currency. It will also drastically reduce imports the economy thoroughly depends upon, disrupt commerce and impoverish most people.

      At least then the PMCs will get to experience their wonderful diversity up close and personal. I hope the conservatives like their new, angry, colored neighbors who will school them on anti-racism and not from a textbook, either.

    • I notice the pro-immigration crowd never tells us exactly how many “new Americans” we must accept so that we can achieve racial equity or whatever. What would they like population of the US to be, 500 million? One billion? Wouldn’t those kind of numbers reduce the overall quality of life for everyone living in the Great Satan?

      • Yes, re population size/numbers (i.e. never mind the racial issue), questions about how many and the resulting effects on quality of life for urban and suburban residents, as well as destruction of open space, are never addressed anymore (they were earlier) — re this, it’s worth searching for and watching Roy Beck’s gumball presentation (if you’ve never seen it).

        Another aspect is whether the native population approves of what’s going on (‘muh democracy’) — when Martin Sellner, an Austrian activist, was, without explanation, suddenly and simultaneously purged from all mainstream social media platforms some time ago, he made a video saying he thought he was banned because he forcefully pushed the idea that 1) Europeans ought to know/be explicitly told that if migration continues they will become minorities in their own countries during their children’s lifetime, and 2) Europeans ought to be able to decide if they want this to happen — the eventual/inevitable replacement of Europeans as the majority population in Europe is never openly discussed in mainstream European media.

        I think Sellner is right: he was banned for straightforwardly addressing this taboo subject — his kind of political activism, centered around European identity, is seen as ‘inciting racial hatred’.


        You know you’re a culture in deep and terminal decline when a statement as innocuous as “it’s ok to be *indigenous ethnic group of your country*” is characterised a hate crime.

      • “Wouldn’t those kind of numbers reduce the overall quality of life for everyone living in the Great Satan?” The freak known as glenn beck most likely doesn’t care. If i recall correctly, beck once said the US needs a population of one billion to prevent China from overtaking the US as a world power, even if it means importing the whole third world.

        • “Beck once said the US needs a population of one billion to prevent China from overtaking the US as a world power”:

          For a plutocratic empire, there is safety in numbers. Greater numbers of workers/consumers that can be exploited, used as cannon fodder, etc. increase imperial power. When people, and laboratory rats, are too overcrowded, they change their natural behavior. At some point of overcrowding, normal social relations break down. And profits increase.

    • Re: “The US is currently the 3rd most populous nation in the world”:

      The weight of overwhelming numbers, greater quantity regardless of quality, will give the empire incontestable strength. The U.S. is in a race now to out-populate India and China. The land is too full already; the land cannot bear it but no one cares about the land anymore.

  4. Instead of trying to reach out to alienated white voters the shitlibs are demonizing ’em even more. Brilliant!

    • @Spahnranch,

      Do you expect rational thoughts from the insane?

      Everything they do is dysgenic, and it will feedback ferociously on White egalitarians.

  5. @ CNN, Should move their operation too port a prince, Haitiland, cordial business inviroment, customer base more too their liking, a win,win situation for everybody, w ho knows they might make donny lemonshine, queen….,

    • Did you know? This is true: “Haiti is undoubtedly a poor country, but has unique features that mitigate the poverty (…) while in most other poor countries poverty means landlessness, many of Haiti’s poor are land owners. This unique feature dates back to the early 1800s when former slave plantations were redistributed among insurgent former slaves. Land is a source of pride and provides subsistence for extended families despite their poverty. It also allows them to participate in the so called ‘informal sector’ economy – that is, the portion of the economy that isn’t taxed, regulated, or measured by the government. The oft-cited ranking of Haiti as the poorest country in the Western hemisphere is based on its Gross Domestic Product, a measurement that excludes the ‘informal sector’ economy. The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development estimates the informal labor market in Haiti accounts for roughly 90 percent of the country’s total labor market – in other words, most of the economic activity in the country isn’t counted in the measurement most commonly cited when calling it the poorest in the hemisphere.” But now, the land that was redistributed two hundred years ago is being taken from the common people and given to the tiny superwealthy elite that runs Haiti and foreign corporations.

    • @ Anonymous, Me or my people, don’t need or want anything from haiti period, we basically just want CNN out of the country, I would not want my post misconstrued, haiti for haitans, CNN is haitian in spirit, demeanor and behavior, I thought CNN, would ,just be moving back home, the southern republic has no designs on haiti period , we prefer not too have their dark shadow cross our path, we just want CNN and their queen lemontine gone, that’s all.

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