UPDATE: The Charlottesville jury is out for the weekend.
Fantastic news.
I will have more to say tonight.

UPDATE: The Charlottesville jury is out for the weekend.
Fantastic news.
I will have more to say tonight.
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Why should Rittenhouse be found guilty of anything? He had as much right to be out on the street as the commie buttholes starting fires and breaking windows. Why weren’t some of the rioters indicted? They had threatened to kill him, that is self defense, if it still exists in American law.
Its was funny their entire case was “why were you there with a gun?” But several of the antifa there had guns, including one of the guys he shot. So their whole case seemed to rely on the assumption that leftist rioters have more of a right to be out on the street than he did.
I have to admit, the longer the deliberations went on the worse I thought It would be. Now that he has been acquitted on all charges and rightfully so, I hope he finds a good civil attorney and sues the balls off the media outlets and every politician that smeared him and tried to intimidate the legal proceedings. I also hope the jew prosecutor gets disbarred on ethics violations and for bringing him to trial in the 1st place.
I agree. I hope there are people to help him with that financially, instead of spending money on going to social rightwing conferences and hotels. It would be nice if people with money would help him out.
Commander Rockwell complained about how tight-fisted wealthy conservatives were back in the 1950s. They will never donate their time or money to help defend some working class kid like Kyle, preferring to host or attend respectable Meet, Eat and Retreat conferences instead.
They go to amber-ren conferences and pay to listen to someone talk about how we need a white ethno-state. Like no one has figured that out decades ago. If they don’t already know that, they are complete idiots. They should spend their money helping someone like Kyle, not making pro-tribe people richer.
The judge should be sanctioned by a higher court or the Wisconsin Bar Association for not dismissing charges immediately with prejudice and not holding the prosecutor in contempt for numerous breeches of Kyle’s right to due process. Fat chance in real life that would ever happen though. No doubt the judge wanted Kyle found guilty of something, anything to try to placate the mob but the charges were so ludicrous even the jury saw through them.
Kyle Rittenhouse got very lucky, now it’s on to the jogger trial in Georgia. If the defendants are also found ‘not guilty’ the mob will go crazy rioting. The mob has nothing to fear from the Government however for rioting. Merrick Garfinkle, Esq.’s DOJ will make sure the rioters will be out of jail for Thanksgiving dinner.
I think the judge was hoping for a not guilty verdict before declaring a mistrial. Best results achieved.
Arbery trial is different. Did the McMichaels have a right to pull a gun on him? If he’d pulled out a gun in response and shot them, wouldn’t that be self-defense? Arbery may have been a petty criminal, but I don’t think the McMichaels have a case here (from what I saw on the video).
The McMichaels were initially not going to be charged. They were pursuing a crazy nigger criminal who tried to grab their rifle. That’s why the crazed animal was shot.
The jogger trial is different, no question about that. The facts, circumstances and pertinent law are different. That being said The Usual Suspects have corrupted the law to such an extent for so long now that no trial with White defendants like the Rittenhouse or the jogger trial is about the facts and the law anymore, it’s always about who/whom as Lenin said.
Whites in general are on trial in both cases – and this is according to the Communists on MSNBC, CNN, NYT, WP, NBC, ABC and the rest of the Lügenpresse, judging by their own reporting. Under these circumstances extra leeway must be given to all White defendants since the odds are stacked extra high against them. As long as the accused White defendants aren’t psychopathic criminals like the White rioters in Portland, Ore. a Not Guilty verdict should be returned, the corrupt law and Merrick Garfinkle, Esq.’s DOJ be damned.
By returning not guilty verdicts in ambiguous cases like the jogger trial and the certainly innocent Kyle Rittenhouse trial the tables are turned against the Government and it’s unjust, anti-White laws going back to the so-called “Civil Rights” laws and Brown vs. Board of Education.Is the U.S. Government now going to invoke Star Chamber to achieve its unjust verdicts? Perhaps that will finally wake up normies as to how vicious their enemies are and how like it or not, they and their children are guilty of crimes too in the eyes of the Government.
We are all on trial here, not just Kyle Rittenhouse or the McMichaels, remember that.
It was not illegal to make a citizen’s arrest in Georgia at the time that Arbery was shot, and Arbery was clearly going for the gun when he was shot, which makes his shooting defensible. It’s also highly unlikely that Arbery was jogging through the neighborhood where he was shot. If he were jogging, he would have either jogged over the bridge below, or run 20 something miles around the marsh to get there. I’m not even sure that it is legal to run across the bridge, but I have never seen anyone run or walk across it, unless the bridge was closed for a race.
My fear us that the Rittenhouse verdict will ensure that the McMichaels will be convicted no matter what the evidence says.
I forgot about the jogger trial. Yet another worthy case thats been ignored.
Those ‘good ol’ boys’ would be free had they not videotaped the incident. The DA didn’t press charges initially, until the McMaster’s hayseed doofus gave the cops the video.
Hayseed doofus friend ^
It’s obvious that the laws only pertain to whites. Racism now includes trying to enforce the law on blacks.
Not a half bad take honestly. Succinct and not rambling, pretty much covers the pregame show, with the tease that more is to come once the coons torch the place tonight/tomorrow.
I haven’t refreshed the daily stormer tab on my browser in a few months, and I gotta say it sucks they had better coverage of the trial than the half assed coverage it got here.
Credit where its due, I hate that quadroon looking, gook loving Anglin with a fiery passion but polls are fucking gay (which is all we’ve gotten this week or so) and thats coming from me, a guy with several degrees in accounting.
Hopefully now we can get some good coverage of the rioting.
I’ve got bets on it starting tonight. Any takers?
It’s probably in the 20’sF tonight in Kenosha. Not ideal chimp out weather.
You are correct, it did start tonight. They are chanting “Every city, every town, burn the precinct to the ground”.
A self-respecting white male should be relieved and happy for Kyle, as well as his family and friends — and wish him well in the future, because his life is likely to be somewhat complicated (and perhaps unsafe) from now on.
But there is no real reason to celebrate — as a white male, I refuse to have the goalposts moved; I refuse to be reduced to celebrating the fact the evil government tried but failed to imprison another white male for defending himself — because the government is still there, it’s still evil, and they will do it again, and far worse.
@eah – Excellent comment. I think the only thing that saved Mr. Rittenhouse from a judicial lynching was the fact that public normie sentiment and even some Conservative, Inc. media were on his side. Had one of his rightfully dispatched attackers been Black, however, he wouldn’t have had a prayer.
This trial was a total farce. The equally not guilty defendants in the other justified shooting trial will be made to pay instead for justifiably killing a Magic American.
I totally agree, if he killed anyone black it would have been a Chauvin sweep in less than an hour of deliberation. Almost 3 days of deliberation on a clearly politically weighted farce of a trial, where the self defense was crystal clear, is not much cause for celebration but I’m glad that kid’s life was spared.
You know Rittenhouse executed a Jewish pedophile and got away with it, right? That alone is reason for WNs to celebrate and gloat. Stop downplaying this verdict with “acshually thingz are still bad you guys!” Yeah, no shit, we all know that. Doesn’t mean we can’t take the rare W when it presents itself.
Also, stop it with the Aubry case. Sorry, but following a guy around and shooting him – regardless if he belongs in the neighborhood or not, which obviously he didn’t – is not morally the same as being chased and surrounded in the street and then firing in self-defense. If those two race mixing rednecks get convicted, its not an L for us.
Its blindingly obvious that the gaping differences in Class and Values are coming out in the WN reaction to these two cases. Not to mention the Charlottesville case. If your instinct is to downplay Rittenhouse and play What Aboutism with the McMichaels or Kessler and his goons, then you’re protecting the wrong kind of Whites and attacking the ones who are innocent. Figure out which side you’re on.
“Also, stop it with the Aubry case. Sorry, but following a guy around and shooting him – regardless if he belongs in the neighborhood or not, which obviously he didn’t – is not morally the same as being chased and surrounded in the street and then firing in self-defense. If those two race mixing rednecks get convicted, its not an L for us…..”
Are you saying that the McMichaels don’t deserve protection under the law? Even bad whites deserve that. Since it was legal to make a citizen’s arrest at the time, and Arbury attacked and grabbed the gun before being shot, I’m not sure that they did do anything illegal. If they didn’t do anything illegal, what should they be prosecuted for?
Following Arbury with guns wasn’t the best idea, but Arbury was a violent criminal that the system did not deal with, just like the Antifa idiots.
I think there’s something revealing and sinister when the same people who instinctively apologize for the McMichaels going on the offensive also condemn or downplay Rittenhouse for going on the defensive. As Jack Donovan said the day after Charlottesville, those kind of WNs prove a lot of bad people right.
It looks bad when the McMichaels follow some hood rat and shoot him down. It feeds the enemies narrative, regardless of legality or technicalities. Rittenhouse literally was on the ground surrounded by a mob and shot in self-defense. It says a lot about the priorities of people who attack Rittenhouse while defending two ugly rednecks acting out defacto KKK games. They should have called the cops first. There was no imminent threat.
I liken it more to the George Zimmerman case. Yeah you could make the argument that George was overzealous, but in the end he did nothing criminal.
Then again, if the police actually did their jobs, these types of incidents wouldn’t happen. I fear that there will me more and more of this type of thing in the near future.
“I liken it more to the George Zimmerman case. Yeah you could make the argument that George was overzealous, but in the end he did nothing criminal.
Then again, if the police actually did their jobs, these types of incidents wouldn’t happen. I fear that there will me more and more of this type of thing in the near future.”
If the system worked, Arbery wouldn’t have been walking the streets. He had a criminal record, including illegal firearms possession at a school event, and there were several videos (I saw them, and they were of him in recognizable local settings) shoplifting, and in confrontations with police and security guards.
Arbery supposedly had mental problems, was off his medications, and had illegal drugs in his system when he died. Obviously the police and local criminal justice system did not want to deal with Arbery, so the public was forced to. It turned ugly, and thankfully, Arbery lost.
“It looks bad when the McMichaels follow some hood rat and shoot him down. It feeds the enemies narrative, regardless of legality or technicalities. Rittenhouse literally was on the ground surrounded by a mob and shot in self-defense. It says a lot about the priorities of people who attack Rittenhouse while defending two ugly rednecks acting out defacto KKK games. They should have called the cops first. There was no imminent threat.”
The McMichaels did not shoot anybody down. Arbery was shot when he decided to struggle for the gun. Nobody was in hot pursuit of Arbery, and the law was followed. The police were called, while the suspect (Arbery) was kept in sight. There are no technicalities or legalities involved. The law was followed. You don’t have to like the McMicheals or find them attractive, but they are supposed to have rights to a fair trial.
Now disbar the prosecutors, and charge Grosskreutz.
And bring charges against those who tried to intimidate the jury.
And bring charges against all the rioters who committed vandalism, arson, looting and assault during the original riots – and not just in Kenosha!
But I am glad this kid won’t be going to jail.
The reaction to this verdict determines which friends and family I will maintain a relationship with, and which ones I will cut all ties with.
This should keep the goyim placated for awhile. The War On Whites will continue unabated.
^^THIS you are 100% correct about.
Indeed, and Whites who live in urban areas will be the first to feel its wrath. They’re gonna make you live in pods and eat serf gruel (bugs), then hand your children over to trannies. Or you guys will just voluntarily do all that yourselves. After all, your whole identity is about opposing Conservatives. “Own the Cons” doesn’t have the same ring to it though, does it now?
You know who IS guilty?
Alec Baldwin
This. /\ /\ /\
Probably nothing happens to this prick though. He pays a fine, blames someone else who goes to jail, gives a half-assed, semi-apology then it’s back to normal for him. Not so much for the two people he shot though.
Alec Baldwin is above the law and the two people he shot are White so it’s no harm, no foul in the eyes of the Government. Notice how this case has dropped from public view? It doesn’t fit the anti-White narrative.
Kyle Rittenhouse has more courage than most people, and it is just that he was found NOT GUILTY. Of course, the marxtards are in a tizzy, how dare anyone defend themselves against them. And how dare a court-room produce a verdict they did not like. Have already seen the poison in their comments today.
Those scum are so warped they are whining over the death of a multiple child molester. Rittenhouse should get a medal for eliminating two pieces of garbage, and giving a third one something to think about for the rest of his life.
To all you Black Pilled malcontents in the comments section of Pro-White websites like this one, who love to downplay this shit and instinctively oppose the vindictive fun that comes from owning the libs: Get rekt.
College Educated Whites and Underclass Whites never met a part of the Jewish Communist agenda they didn’t like. You guys hate owning the Libs because you ARE the Libs.
How about another joke Commies: What do John McCain, William F. Buckley, and the Jewish pedophile from Kenosha, Wisconsin all have in common?
1. They liked kids
2. They are all DEAD
*drop mic*
Rittenhouse was a stupid, fatherless little shit who got away with one – so you and the rest of the Trumptards and Boomertards and FoxNewsTards can take your victory lap because, when the sun comes up in the morning nothing has changed – the illegals stream in, the kike steal your money and corrupt your childrens’ minds and the US will be a little more negrified, judaised and less White.
Didn’t IronMarch and Rope Culture get deplatformed before Charlottesville even happened? rofl. Low Whites like you and High Whites like Spencer and Brahmin deserve each other. Pro tip: As Heimbach found out in March 2018, if you call Spencer asking help for medical bills, he’ll hang up the phone on you. Dude is worth like $5 million and can’t even rub together two nickels to pay for his own wannabe Schutzstaffel.
White Nationalism is all about self-defense and protecting ourselves from Jewish predators like Joseph Rosenbaum. Its NOT about “Aryan Globalism” or telling negroes to bite the curb. Your scene doesn’t represent factory workers or the White Working Class. You’re low life street scum, with IQ’s below 90 and worse taste in body art than NBA players. Pasty negroes, for all intents and purposes. The SS itself would eject you into space.
What’s your source for McCain? Asking for a friend.
Heresay. He was besties with Lindsay Graham, and my spidey senses tell me that was more than just being fan bois for the the Neocon agenda. Plus, he kind of went nuts after Vietnam. For all I know, whatever blackmail they had on him, he didn’t know what was happening when he did it. I feel the same way about Joe Biden, and we have pictures of Biden groping kids. Dude might not even know he is being inappropriate.
Never saw the Russian viral Youtube video? That was very damning. They posed as Ukrainians and McCain just talked it up. As far as I am concerned, McCain was a leftist. Also, every election, he claimed he would stop illegals, IF he was re-elected again. As if he couldn’t do anything while he was in office. As soon as the elections were over, he reverted right back to encouraging Mexicans to come here.
also surprised: I expected conviction or mistrial. The jury
showed a lot of courage by finding Kyle innocent on these (state) charges. However,
I won’t be surprised if the Federal jew.gov uses the (((hatecrime)))
scam to, in effect, double-jeapordy Rittenhouse:
because 2 – possibly all 3 – of the communist terrorists he clocked
were/are Jews.
There were people on the jury who wanted to convicted, those jurors however, did not want to come back next week and caved in, Friday. It was not as clear cut as the verdict would have you believe.
I’m not sure if ZOG would be stupid enough to persecute Kyle for federal “hate crimes” or “civil rights violations”. Doing so would not only be a clear violation of the double jeopardy clause of the 5th amendment (not that they are overly concerned about such matters) it would also make the Biden “justice department” look even worse in the eyes of the public than it already does.
It still does not resolve the issue of the ruling class withholding police protection from middle class and working class whites when attacked by left wing criminals. The ruling class also wants to disarm middle class and working class whites.
Yes, in these cases the local and state government officials should be the ones on trial.
@Jim Agree. That’s another thing about the vax mandate. If they take your job from you, you have even less money to ever fight for your freedom.
Where can we donate to his revenge lawsuits?
I’m shocked by this verdict. I honestly thought Jo Jo Rosenbaum would become the modern day Leo Frank. I expected a guilty verdict with conservatives, a year from now, saying they agreed he was guilty all along. And for there to be a movie, ‘The People vs Joseph Rosenbaum’, to come out in 2026 or thereabouts.
Jews will always desert other Jews, if it’s ‘better for the tribe’ at large. It’s their evil strategy.
@Fr. John+
NOVEMBER 20, 2021 AT 7:57 AM
Jews will always desert other Jews, if it’s ‘better for the tribe’ at large. It’s their evil strategy
Better a thousand, or a million perish, than perish the whole race.
“I also hope the jew prosecutor gets disbarred on ethics violations and for bringing him to trial in the 1st place.”
Jews are unprosecutable. Period. Unless they’ve committed a crime against another Jew, that can’t be hidden from the Goyim.
Only the Wisconsin Attorney General can remove a state prosecutor from their position.
As an aside, I’ve got an odd feeling that AntiFa are gonna be quiet on this one. Biden’s handlers are probably telling the Kommissars and political officers to lay low, and cut their losses this time.
Jew prosecutor? Interesting. 95% of all Judges always favor the prosecution. This Judge was different and I commend him for it.
Judge Schroeder is probably one of the few remaining jurists who still believes in the quaint notion of justice for all. When he retires he will be replaced by some jew, spic, lesbian oriental who hates Whitey.
I’ve noticed that a lot of candidates for elected judgeships are former prosecutors and boast about being endorsed by law enforcement.
Know how morons like Mark Brahmin say “guntards?”
Looks like guns did their job. The threat of the 2nd amendment to the liberal PMC class and their ilk is very real, along with the rest of the Bill of Rights, so long as we do our job.
I cannot express how happy I am that Spencer and “Brahmin,” whatever that loser’s real name is, are utterly alienated, isolated, and shunned by everyone.
I checked yesterday to see Mark Brahmin’s take on Rittenhouse and wasn’t disappointed by the sheer narcissism of it.
He’s trying to be another of these distanced, just philosophical, analysts, who want some kind of illusory thing.
He says he thinks “gun rights” are fanatical.
He’s a Yankee from Boston
Unless you’re a different anon then the one who makes commie posts around here, I’ve got to say, I’m impressed by your discernment. Low Whites (commies and underclass types) make a natural alliance with High Whites like Spencer and Brahmin to crush Middle/Normal Whites, which is the majority of White Americans and the majority of the White Race worldwide.
The High Whites of 2021 – educated, affluent, modernist values – are just as alienated and bitter as the likes of Virginia Wolff and Sincair Lewis 100 years ago. They wish to crush Normal Whites and reduce us to feudal peasant status. I don’t think the answer is to turn to Communism or Socialism to fight them. I think the answer is to radicalize and unite Normal Whites against the High-Low alliance.
Also, a tangent about Brahmin: He managed to make me NOT hate Christianity anymore after I was on the same wavelength as him dating back to about 2015-16, when I had a massive spiritual crisis that caused me to walk away from the Faith. I learned from him that Reddit tier Atheists who literally deny that an afterlife or spiritual forces exist will always be worse than a huckster like John Hagee or Pat Robertson.
Protestant Christianity has a very specific flaw – Sola Scriptura – that reduces the Faith to a bunch of squabbling Pharisees trying to parse out and pick apart the “Meaning of Scripture” in a way that would make a lawyer blush. It is Sola Scriptura that serves as the basis for Brahmin’s critiques of Christianity, and it was Sola Scriptura that caused me to literally interpret and apply the words of the Bible, which, done honestly, leads to the inevitable conclusion that the New Testament and Wokeism are one and the same. Sola Scriptura was invented by Martin Luther in the early 1500s. It has no precedent in Christianity before that. Brahmin ignores this.
An all powerful, all just God who created the universe would never reduce himself to the words in a book that must be interpreted correctly. He wouldn’t allow himself to be interpreted out of existence. Protestant Christianity is straight up wrong insofar as it canonizes Sola Scriptura.
Brahmin is seething at being ignored. Classic narcissist
Never heard of this Brahmin guy before. His writing about the god Apollo must be parody, no one is that fucked up IRL unless he’s off his meds.
If you’re familiar with the religious philosophy of Leo Strauss or the Reddit Atheists, then everything about Brahmin falls into place. Brahmin believes religion is invented as a tool by elites to control people and give them purpose and something to strive towards. He fanatically denies even the theoretical possibility that God, sprits, souls, or the after life literally exist. He considers literal believers to be stupid and unworthy of recruiting into the Pro-White movement.
I’m not linking to his Youtube channel, but in one of his intro to Appolonisn videos, he explicitly describes the kind of Whites he wishes to recruit. We hear him say, “people who want to change the world, people who can make a difference,” as we see footage of young, attractive, professional Whites doing artwork, going to business meetings, philosophizing, and staring out into the world in contemplation. Its a compelling image. Until you realize every single one of those young Whites supports gay anal rim jobs and infinity Brown people. Such are the fruits of being seen as “Smart” and “Cultured.”
I’m certainly happy for Rittenhouse but a guilty verdict would have awakened the centrist-right as to the stake of the modern “justice” system and I suspect that’s why he ended up with such a fair-minded judge. I’m personally happy for Rittenhouse though. Nonetheless, notice how the prosecution was boarder lined to breaking laws, used dirty tricks and even told lies with hopes to get a guilty verdict? – Things such as suggesting to the jury that Rittenhouse is guilty simply for “remaining silent” after being arrested and arresting another suspect for arson in the riots so that he couldn’t testify or be cross-examined by the defense. The prosecution belong in prison.
Of course the Leftist prosecutors pushed the guilty for remaining silent line.
After all, to a Leftist, White Silence is Violence!
Image is everything. It was going to be very tough for the jury to ruin the life of this naive, cherub-faced kid just trying to do the right thing. The two demons he dispatched to the afterlife were you’re typical dysfunctional/mentally ill social rejects(pedophiles, violent criminals etc.) The third creep who had a chunk of his arm blown off, scurried off like a rat. A typical semitic trait.
I suspect in the same situation as Kyle, I would’ve hesitated, ended up in a physical struggle for my rifle and probably ended up dead or in a coma or a wheelchair. I commend this kid for his well tuned instincts, discipline and bravery. Amazing close quarters long gun skills to put John Wick to shame.
Something about Rittenhouse rubs me the wrong way, I never could stand those authority-loving boy scout types. You can bet your bottom dollar that Kyle the cop would’ve just as happily opened fire on resisting White Nationalists.
This is not any kind of victory, in fact it is confirmation that Whites are second class citizens. Had the people Kyle shot been black there was NO way he was going to be found not guilty. The only reason Kyle walks is because they were White presenting.
Kyle flashes a true Roman Salute (left handed) and kills two marauding Antifa Jews and injures a third. I have no complaints Mr. Butt Goy. He seems ok to me.
That’s because you’re a spiritual nigger. You so desperately want to chimp out and get away with it. “Muh police brutality!” Most of the nogs had it coming, as they are incapable of complying with rules, and so do skinheads like you.
Only the boots and the suits, who are the only ones dumb enough and narcissistic enough to show up in a confrontation like that to begin with. You both get what you effing deserve. Punk.
Not the better half.
Seriously though, what the hell bothers you more: The “social insult” of being second class citizens, or the fact that kike pedophiles like Joseph Rosenbaum routinely rape White children and get away with it??
Self-defense clearly means nothing to you. Its all about muh feelz and muh social status. You’re not entitled to a higher lot in life just because you exist. Being a good, moral person is what entitles us to nice things.
Literally cuck-tier “If X was Y” kvetching, the same kind that you condemn in Right Wingers. You’re a basic bitch Leftist of the Low White variety who doesn’t like being demonized for being White. Suck it up Buttercup. Be a good person, do the right thing, and defend what you love!
They were Kikes. Take the W.
Your boy hero just came out in support of BLM.. I knew joining the kosher conservatives in cheerleading for this fat crybaby would end badly.
Don’t care. Killed Jew Pedophile. Plus, his lawyers probably told him to say that so that it makes it more likely he’ll win a Nick Sandman tier settlement. He’s got a lot of JooBux coming his way. Total Chad.
BTW, the WigNat opposition to BLM is fake. Here’s what you people do:
When Right Wing WNs condemn BLM: “Hurr durr, you’re just playing into the conservative grift! BLM is a red herring for the real issues, like Aryan Globalism and Neoliberalism.”
When some mainstream conservative like Rittenhouse supports BLM: “See! We told youz conservetives are against your values!”
Your real agenda is obvious: WigNats dont hate conservatives for insufficiently opposing liberalism, they hate conservatives because they themselves are liberals who happen to hate Jews and Muds. High Whites are Liberals for Elitist reasons, Low Whites are liberals because muh gibz.
Nobody wants your Racist Liberalism or Racist Modernism. Even your aesthetics suck. Picasso was a shit artist. Baruch’s “The Scream” looks like it was scribbled together on Microsoft paint by an /r9k autist. Oh and btw, Ricky Vaughn himself did more to normalize White Nationalism among the Normies even if he was a GOP operative.
Conservatism, Populism, and White Nationalism will be fused together into an ideology and a movement that will win over Normal Whites. They’ll figure this out without ever crediting it to us, which is fine, because we are shit salesmen anyway. Racist Leftist will never win.
Very good. But remember the jury found the LA Cops not guilty in the beating of Black criminal Rodney King. Then President George HW Bush’s Justice Department retried the White LA police officer on Federal Civil Rights violation charges and they were convicted.
This is classic double jeopardy, but it didn’t matter. Those trespassers on Jan 6 2021 are still being held in jail for pure political reasons.
The verdict has the usual suspects gnashing their teeth and howling at the moon. They’ll do their damnedest to hound and harass this poor kid for the rest of his life.
I am wondering why the adult men Rittenhouse joined to protect these businesses in Kenosha abandoned this kid to navigate this hostile crowd alone? How did that happen? This whole thing was as dangerous as Iraq or Afghanistan. Would the army ever leave it’s soldiers to walk back alone through the streets of Bagdad after a mission? These rioting demons are as evil as the rape gang in The Road Warrior, the men who showed up appeared to be quite naive as to how dangerous America had become, this is no longer the country of the civics class they took in 1982.
I am wondering why the adult men Rittenhouse joined to protect these businesses in Kenosha abandoned this kid to navigate this hostile crowd alone? How did that happen?
I think there is perhaps some naivete about this — I would suggest looking into any criminal (and civil) liability you may face in your state, especially if you injure (or worse kill) someone, when effectively acting in the stead of law enforcement, e.g. when ostensibly protecting life and/or property, or making a citizen’s arrest — you may be unpleasantly surprised by what you discover.
A little Rittenhouse/election humor from the Babylon Bee (link) — Prosecutors Find Mail-In Jury Votes At 3AM, Rittenhouse Now Guilty
I am wondering why the adult men Rittenhouse joined to protect these businesses in Kenosha abandoned this kid to navigate this hostile crowd alone? How did that happen?
You’re not the first to ask this. There is a working theory that Rittenhouse was being set-up by the regime’s Stasi (FBI, Antifa) to serve as an “example” to whites of the futility of resistance. The other factors which argue in favor of this are the refusal to charge Grosskreutz (Antifa who was aiming a pistol at Rittenhouse) with weapons violations. Antifa are basically FBI stasi in training. For those who are still living in delusion-land, the FBI are armed and murderous criminals who operate under the color of law. Under the doctrine of “sovereign immunity” they have what amounts to a blanket license to kill whomever they target. The desperate prosecution was a response to Rittenhouse’s unexpected skill at fighting back. They likely thought he would be an easy kill, like the Patriot Prayer guy in Portland. Garfinkel might charge him with civil rights violations or a hate crime, but there’s some chance that they regime senses this could backfire with the normies.
Yes. Several Antifa organisers are Bad Jacketing. The Girls Who Would be Thursday.
” . . . Would the army ever leave it’s soldiers to walk back alone through the streets of Bagdad after a mission?”
To ask is to answer.