Poll Watch: Joe Biden At Year One

BREAKING: We have a new poll out.

We also know how much our friends in DC follow the polls. Americans weren’t impressed by Dementia Joe’s outburst in Georgia and don’t buy the woke “21st century Jim Crow” messaging.

CBS News:

“Perceived focus matters: he gets much more overall disapproval from people who don’t think he’s focused enough on inflation or the economy. That’s true even if you control for partisanship.

When we ask people what could change their minds from here, the answers center on inflation, not legislation. His detractors say they’d think better of him if he manages to get inflation down — and say so at more than twice the rate than if the Build Back Better bill passes, or if voting rights does, for that matter. In all, the public’s evaluations of him appear framed around their most pressing problems, more so than on the fate of his bills in Congress. …”

This poll screams that inflation is the issue.

Most people don’t care about 1/6 or Build Back Better or voting rights reform. They care about rising prices and getting poorer by the day, not inflated rhetoric about protecting “our democracy.”

Note: Normies don’t even know who Bull Connor is and calling Joe Manchin a white supremacist isn’t going to move him to sign off on Build Back Better.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Americans want Biden to focus on important issues like the economy and inflation. Dummies. Any problem that Socialists like Biden “focus on” is immediately made far worse, anything good that Socialists “focus on” is immediately ruined.

  2. “We also know how much our friends in DC follow the polls. Americans weren’t impressed by Dementia Joe’s outburst in Georgia and don’t buy the woke “21st century Jim Crow” messaging.”

    His messaging is a mix of 19th and mid 20th Century politics, like all of the other Cold War relics in Washington DC. There’s nothing 21st Century about him, at all.

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