Breaking Points: GOP Poised For “Once In a Century” 2022 Win

Maybe snowstorms are disrupting the supply chain in other parts of the country. We have bare shelves though in the Wal-Mart in Auburn, AL and it has been a lot warmer than usual here this winter.

Note: What do the Democrats have that can counter “Let’s Go Brandon”? Sending people free money for a year didn’t work.

About Hunter Wallace 12412 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. >Patriots are poised to take control of Congress

    The GOP is full of chamber of commerce, ‘as long as they come legally’, and ‘our greatest ally’ (if not outright MIGA) types — it’s best to keep expectations low.

    • I was making light of the situation. “Patriots are in control” of Congress after picking up unstoppable momentum since 1/6. I spend a lot time making fun of “journalists” who are reading this website. It was tongue in cheek

      • >It was tongue in cheek

        Hard to be certain sometimes — but now I do recall that you said you had no plans to vote in 2022.

          • Brad- One Lutheran to another… just sayin’.

            “Silence in the face of evil it itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak; not to act, is to act.”

            – D. Bonhoeffer

  2. “bare shelves though in the Wal-Mart in Auburn,”

    For a couple of decades, globalist have been pushing ‘just in time delivery’, never considering the consequences of disruption, a very vulnerable system.

    This is the problem wi academics, they dream up perfect systems for an idealized world, never accounting for a world far from ideal.

    • “This is the problem w/academics, they dream up perfect systems for an idealized world, never accounting for a world far from ideal.”

      When academics were also WHITE Calvinist Christians (e.g., Harvard, Yale, Princeton) THAT was never the problem.

      Just sayin’……

  3. “”…bare shelves..””

    That is bad. Have been in Soviet food lines myself.

    And it goes worse. Local people get also angry and start pressuring the Local Government do do something. Local Government asking Central Government for assistance but Central Government is impotent and ignorant. Food shortage actually was caused by Central Government incompetency.

    So problems go worse and worse, people getting angrier, there come even reports that lower level local government workers are insulted and harassed on the streets. Local Government is desperate , tries to find solutions but there are none. All nearby counties and also statewide, shortages are everywhere and no end in sight.

    Desperate Local Government start taking things in their own hands. They try to barter, exceed its powers, for example put some border like thing up to keep buyers from other areas away buying last supplies, This ruins last normal relations with Central Government and sooner or later , most radical far right members of the Local Government start pressuring that they need to look farther.

    There are areas in the world what are properly supplied and ready to sell food medicine and everything but there is no money. Hyperinflated money slowly becomes worthless. Also Central Government is very angry. No foreign deals without their permission. And no money for that.

    Little bit is possible to get as assistance but everybody understand that this small help may run out at any moment and serious solution is needed. So most radical Nazi offers most radical idea. We need to start issue sovereign bonds. Goods for Confederacy bonds paid in future in Confederacy money.

    Lot of foreigners laughing them out but not everybody. There are always gamblers in the business world So first deals are done. Central Government is mad as hell and want to send army to crush secession. But nobody will come. Local soldiers and police want eat too, they will be loyal., outsiders are more worried about their starving families than mess hundreds or thousands kilometers away.

    Finally Central Government makes last desperate move like ours brought tanks to the streets. And then there is no way back anymore. Local Governments declaring independence , local law enforcement supports them and this will be the end.

    • I am sure that food shortages in the US would result in a worse situation than it did in the USSR. Too much diversity here.

      • “I am sure that food shortages in the US would result in a worse situation”

        In the inner cities, yes.
        In suburbs and countryside, no. Too many well armed folks.

    • “Food shortage actually was caused by Central Government incompetency.”

      That’s the reason our Framers created a republic of sovereign states.

      (Also helps, when citizens are armed.)

      • Oh, Arrr. How utterly naive you are….

        That was then:

        “You can only tell what laws, institutions and governments will effect, when you apply them to the same race or nation under the same circumstances in which they have already been tried.”

        If all men had been created equal, all would have been competitors, rivals and enemies. Subordination, difference of caste and classes, difference of sex, age and slavery beget peace and good will.” -George Fitzhugh, Sociology for the South, or, The Failure of Free Society

        This is now:

        “The Law-Order of humanism leads only to anarchy. Lacking absolutes, a humanistic law-order tolerates everything which denies absolutes while warring against biblical faith.” North, Political Polytheism, p. 691.

        ” The Framers at the Constitutional Convention issued a death warrant against Christianity….the death sentence was officially delivered by the Fourteenth Amendment. It has been carried out with escalating enthusiasm since the 1950’s…To admit the historical truth of 1787-89 would mean that a restoration of so-called “original American Constitutionalism” would change nothing covenantally. The nation would still rest judicially on an APOSTATE COVENANT. [Why?] The text [of the Constitution] categorically prohibits the imposition of the biblical covenant oath in civil law. Let us put it covenantally: what the text of the U.S. Constitution prohibits is covenantal Christianity…. this worldwide legal transformation is the crisis of Western Civilization…” North, Political Polytheism, pp. 691-92,94.

      • Yes, in the sense that worthless means “worth nothing.” High inflation can carry on year after year, but if the decline is terminal, eventually, the currency goes to zero. Not just much closer to zero, but zero.

  4. When the Republicans take over, the Democrats will stop them at every turn. That’s why the two party system suck, it’s always gridlock

    • @John. Yes except the gridlock you mention only stops R-jerseys. Despite being somewhat slowed down (chiefly due to resistance on the part of two D-jerseys walking off the plantation), the D agenda under Pelosi and incontinent monkey Biden has continued to roll forward. The FBI is still targeting parents stupid enough to send their kids to government schul and complain about CRT. Dumpf, despite his endless bluster and blovation on Twitter, kow-towed to every single fart coming from a blackrobed kritarch’s very busy ass. There is a term for this process – the Hegelian Mambo. First you step left, then you step back, then you turn left… und so weiter

  5. Shelves are bare in SC too. The last time we went to Walmart and saw all the bare shelves and trash everywhere I told my wife that this increasingly feels like a Third World country. Perhaps I was wrong though. Most Third World countries have far more traditional societies. What we have might be called a Turd World country. It ia time to flush this crap down the drain.

  6. Since the G.O.P is set for such a big-time show, perhaps they need to get Ghislaine and Prince Andrew to set up a flesh emporium next door. Young Pubbies D.C – almost reads like the title of a Pedowood TeeVee show. Wonder if they can get Jeffrey E. to appear on the downlow from his beach hotel in Israel. If Cocaine Mitch and the Brokeback-Boyz win big, they should all wear blue dresses with stains on them.

  7. After asset stripping our country the poor oligarchs are having trouble receiving deliveries from China. Maybe they need relief money too.

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