DEMOCRACY IN PERIL: Civil War 2 Edition

Josh Barro observed the other day that “the conversation that gets erroneously called a “national conversation” — conducted among select journalists, operatives, activists and academics — is essentially a conversation by and for people who supported Elizabeth Warren.”

I’ve been watching this play out inside the Acela Corridor Bubble. Barbara Walter, the Civil War 2 lady, was on CNN again last night on the latest episode of the new series “Democracy in Peril” with Jim Acosta. In fact, it seems like she has been given a platform on every major outlet in the Bubble.

Here she is with a dire warning in The Washington Post that we are on the verge becoming something called an “anocracy.”

Washington Post:

“I will never forget interviewing Berina Kovac, who had lived in multiethnic Sarajevo in the early 1990s, when Bosnia and Herzegovina was moving toward independence from Yugoslavia. Though militias had begun to organize in the hills and former colleagues increasingly targeted her with ethnic slurs, Kovac continued to go to work, attend weddings and take weekend holidays, trusting that everything would work out. One evening in March 1992, she was at home with her infant son when the power went out. “And then, suddenly,” Kovac told me, “you started to hear machine guns.”

The civil war that followed, however, was not surprising to those who had been following the data. A year and a half earlier, the CIA had issued a report predicting that Yugoslavia would fall apart within two years and that civil war was a distinct possibility. One reason, the agency noted, was that citizens were organizing themselves into rival ethnic factions — which tends to occur in societies that political scientists call “anocracies.”

Anocracies are neither fully democratic nor fully autocratic; their citizens enjoy some elements of democratic rule (e.g., elections), while other rights (e.g., due process or freedom of the press) suffer. In the last weeks of Donald Trump’s presidency, the respected Center for Systemic Peace (CSP) calculated that, for the first time in more than two centuries, the United States no longer qualified as a democracy. It had, over the preceding five years, become an anocracy.

That rating improved to “democracy” just this month, but to put it in perspective, the current U.S. score is the same as Brazil’s 2018 rating (the most recent available for that country), which was two points below Switzerland’s. …”

Here she is fearmongering in Time arguing that Dump could cause Civil War 2 even if he doesn’t even run for president in the 2024 election:


“Ask most people why countries break apart and many will say that different groups sharing a single country naturally dislike and distrust one another. Yugoslavia fragmented because the Serbs and Croats and then the Bosnian Muslims started to fight each other soon after the Soviet Union collapsed. The citizens of Northern Ireland fought because Catholics resented Protestant dominance and discrimination. Ethiopia recently descended back into civil war because its various ethnic groups—the Tigrayans, Amharans, and those from the Sidama region—each wanted control of government. So fundamental ethnic, religious, or racial differences must be the cause of all these conflicts, right?

Americans have a lot at stake in the answer to this question. Our country has become increasingly divided, with race now playing a central role in debates over policing, immigration, healthcare, even the teaching of history. Could the country fracture as a result of this polarization?

It turns out that differences themselves do not lead to violence. This is the finding of political scientists who have studied hundreds of ethnic conflicts around the world. Almost all countries around the world are multi-ethnic and religious and yet few experience civil war. In fact, most ethnic groups co-exist quite peacefully. Until 1992, Bosnia was a diverse nation where Croats, Serbs, and Bosniaks lived together peacefully for decades. Education levels were high, and intermarriage was common and yet 100,000 people died during its civil war.

For a society to fracture along identity lines, you need mouthpieces—influential people who are willing to make discriminatory appeals and pursue discriminatory policies in the name of a particular group. They provoke and harness feelings of fear as a way to lock in an ethnic constituency that will support their scramble for power. These mouthpieces are often politicians seeking to gain or maintain power, but they can also include business elites (seeking brand loyalty), religious leaders (seeking to expand their followers), and media figures (seeking to grow their audience and revenue). Separate and hostile ethnic and racial identities don’t exist in a vacuum; they need to be crafted—and these individuals rise up to do just that. They’re often at high risk of losing power or have recently lost it. Seeing no other routes to securing their futures, they cynically exploit divisions to try to reassert control. We’ve seen such figures here in the United States, from cable news hosts to congresspeople, and they’re more dangerous than we’ve been led to believe. …”

I think there is an important disconnect here.

This analysis of our present situation doesn’t reflect either the sort of content or the tone that you will on a daily basis here at Poll Watch. We’re upbeat and optimistic that PMCs are crashing and burning.

Have you seen the latest Pew poll?

Postgrads still think Joe Biden is doing a great job.

Look at that college graduate number though. There isn’t much of a difference now with high school graduates. There is less racial polarization than usual in these numbers.Numb3rs.

The numbers actually suggest that more people across the board are just tuning out these hysterical people:

Note: The other guy from Canada who is predicting Civil War 2 is coming was also recently on The Last Word with Lawrence O’Donnell.

About Hunter Wallace 12390 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “Here she is fearmongering”

    “seems like she has been given a platform on every major outlet ”

    It would almost lead you to believe that major media is controlled by one group, working from a single script. Now, who would do that ?

    • Yeah, almost as if… I guess the average moron watching this nonsense has never seen the 3-am feed they all repeat. The ones with the graduate degrees are willfully stupid. I seem to recall someone stating that there are some ideas which are so insanely stupid that only someone with a Ph.D. would believe in them. Edumacation…

      Uncle Yusif had it right:
      Education is a weapon whose results depend upon who is aiming it and at whom it is aimed.

      By all means, goyim, borrow many thousands of fake-dollars to send your kids, especially your daughters, to college. You might as well sacrifice them to Moloch directly and save on the payments.

  2. Overtime yes…actually it will be worse than Civil War 2….Secession will not prevent this? Does India get to claim parts of California?…China?…lots of Iranians in California you know…The head of the California Secessionist Movement is a multibillionaire Iranian-from Iran…..The Roll Tide morons will live to regret this..

  3. The Sham of Democracy

    Speech by Adolf Hitler

    But now it is interesting to observe the life of these rich. In the English-French world, there exists a so-called democracy. You know, after all, this democracy distinguishes by the following: It means that it is supposedly the rule of the folk. Well, the folk, after all, must possess some kind of possibility to give expression to its thoughts or its wishes. If one looks at this problem more closely, then one can ascertain that the folk in itself primarily has no conviction at all there, rather naturally has the conviction presented to it, like everywhere, by the way. And the decision is now: Who determines this conviction of a folk? Who enlightens a folk? Who forms a folk? In these lands, capital actually rules, this means, it is a band of a few hundred people, in the final analysis, who are in possession of vast fortunes and as a result of the unique construction of state life there are more or less totally independent and free. For it is said, “we have freedom here”, and they mean by that, above all, “free economy”. And by free economy, they again mean the freedom to not just acquire capital, to be free in the acquisition of capital from any governmental, this means folkish, supervision, but also to be free in the use of capital from any governmental or folkish supervision. That is, in reality, the concept of their freedom.

    And this capital then, it initially creates for itself a press. They talk about the freedom of the press. In reality, each of these newspapers has a master. And this master is in each case the money-giver, thus the owner. And this master now directs the inner picture of this newspaper, not the editor. If he wants today to write something different than fits the master, then he is kicked out the next day. This press then, which is the absolutely servile, unscrupulous lackey of its owner, this press then models public opinion. And the public opinion mobilized by the press is again divided into parties. These parties differentiate themselves from each other as they previously differentiated themselves from each other among us. You know them, after all, the old parties. It was always one and the same thing. Usually, even in these lands, it is so that the families are divided up; one is conservative, the other is liberal, and a third, in England, he is with the Labor Party. In reality, all three family members get together annually and direct very precisely their further bearing, set it down. Additionally, the chosen folk, after all, is a community everywhere and now actually moves and directs all these organizations. Hence nothing comes out of it, even given an opposition. The opposition is actually always the same, and in all basic things, where an opposition would have to make itself noticeable, they are always one and the same, there they have a conviction. These parties with this press, they form public opinion.

  4. These rootless-cosmopolitan, smooth-talking city slicker wordsmiths, like this lecturer on “civil wars” Barbara F. Walter, are extremely “good” at what they do! They make people believe anything they say. They can fool most people most of the time, and some people ALL the time.

    Another Talmudistic master wordsmith having great success now is Antony Blinken. See here: If people read’hear only Blinken’s side of the story, which is repeated endlessly in mainstream media, and they have no source of accurate information, they will tend to believe what he says, because he has such a high official position and because he says everything so well. Most people in this so-called “culture” have been taught to admire skillful salesmanship and the “success” that comes with it.

  5. The (((Bosnian War))) was a territory grab by Albanian muslims against Serbian Christians. Of course we bombed the Serbians into submission and arrested or executed their leaders. Now Serbia has a dyke PM/President! Progress!!!

  6. “It turns out that (ethnic) differences themselves do not lead to violence.

    Who ya gonna believe, goyim? Me or your lying eyes?

  7. Why would anyone want to live under a System that is defended by the likes of Lawrence O’Donnell?

    All this talk of another civil war has finally compelled me to read Thomas Chittum’s 1995 book Civil War II. Although it was written over 25 years ago it is still generally applicable to the current situation.

    By the bye, does anyone here have anything to say about the Groypers’ latest attack on the Wignats of Gab, an attack that is apparently being carried out with Torbo’s approval?

    • Torba hitched his wagon to the little perverts at AF who claim they’re “Christians” but support homosexuality and other degenerate vices.

  8. I don’t think a civil war will happen again between North and South again but some type of revolution will. Whether a race war or left vs right but not the civil war of 1861-65. When that happens is anyone’s guess. I don’t see it happening in he near future though. Too many Whites are still brainwashed and defenders of minority rights.

    • Only fools think in terms of North and South now. Everyone is all mixed up. The deepest divide is urban versus rural.

      • I disagree. The South is the only region that have had white males brave enough to stand up to fight against this godless Yankee Empire despite the tremendous death toll (5%) they sustained. The bravery and masculinity of all other regions are suspect and have never been tested. They will probably chicken out and run.

          • @ t.olam , we lost militarily and their were brave men in the union army, we concede that, no problem, it’s what.happened after the war, is why there is still resentment, we will not forget our ancestors, we honor them, as they should be, I among many others, believe as long as our heart’s beat, the confederacy still breathes……… Have yourself a nice day, mr.olam…….

  9. ‘They’re often at high risk of losing power or have recently lost it. Seeing no other routes to securing their futures, they cynically exploit divisions to try to reassert control.’

    What this ubiquitous bitch is really saying is that anyone who attempts to champion the interests of White people who are being dispossessed are the sinister demagogues – not the kikes & Cultural Marxist race traitors like her responsible for that dispossession.

    “We’ve seen such figures here in the United States, from cable news hosts to congresspeople, and they’re more dangerous than we’ve been led to believe. ”

    “We’ve gotta SHUT THEM UP!”

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  1. Washington Post: Rents Are Up 40% In Some Cities, Forcing Millions To Move – Occidental Dissent
  2. Brion McClanahan: What is a Yankee? – Occidental Dissent

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